The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 2 Who is about to die just after traveling through time?

Dr. Haynes, who was shot in the chest, fell to the ground. The short officer looked at the remaining soldiers in the laboratory and ordered loudly: "You guys follow the abort plan and go downstairs to turn on the self-destruct device and grab the incendiary equipment. Burn this place clean for me."

After that, he changed the magazine of the Ruger P08 pistol in his hand and strode out the door: "Come out and find me after you are done. If I die, continue to resist! We must ensure that the Americans get nothing!" "

"Hail Hydra!!!"

The soldiers followed the order, but no one noticed that Almendo's fingers in the experimental cabin twitched.


On the line of fire outside the laboratory, Captain America Steve was furious as he looked at the stubborn enemy. Intelligence shows that the German army has transported a large number of prisoners to this place in the past few months. The analysis team believes that this must be Hydra's human experiment base.

The purpose of leading the Howling Commandos on this trip was to destroy the base and rescue a considerable number of prisoners who were rarely gathered together with the support of subsequent Allied forces.

It was a pity that after breaking into the base, they walked along and saw one after another large pits filled with the remains of dead prisoners that would not be destroyed in the future. The scene was so miserable that even a man with a strong mind like him could not bear to witness it.

He realized that these poor prisoners might have all been poisoned, and not even one out of ten could survive. How could this not make him angry?

In desperation, Steve could only order his soldiers to install explosives to prepare to destroy the base, achieve the remaining operational goals, and seize the time to attack the laboratory at the end of the base to look for any possible survivors.

But God did not favor him this time. Steve, who rushed through the corner of the last passage, saw the laboratory blazing with flames. Several Hydra soldiers carrying flamethrowers rushed out of the door. When they saw Steve, they roared and breathed out flames.

Steve raised the vibranium shield in his hand, blocked his face and ran forward, knocking over the nearest enemy with a shield strike. Then Steve ran towards the wall on the left, quickly climbed up the wall in three steps, did a backflip, twisted in mid-air and threw out his shield.

Only a few "dang-dang-dang" sounds were heard, and the vibranium shield bounced several times at a perfect angle, knocking down all the standing Hydra soldiers on the field, and finally flew back to Steve's hands.

This bullshit shield is not scientific at all!

The short officer squatting behind the bunker thought bitterly. He raised his body and was about to shoot, but was hit by a flying shield from Captain America who rolled forward with a tactical roll and was knocked to the ground. .

The Howling Commandos behind Steve grabbed the short officer by the neck and asked loudly: "Tell me where the remaining prisoners are!"

"You're not going to get anything! Damn Americans!"

The short officer spat out bloody spit and answered in German. The bomb underground has just been activated by my people. Of course I won't tell you. Let's die together! He thought to himself and smiled proudly.

Seeing that the only living man looked like he was in need of help, Steve didn't waste any more time on him. After ordering his soldiers to take the short officer out for interrogation, he looked at the burning laboratory.

After all, the fire setting work of several Hydra soldiers was a bit hasty, and the fire at this time had not completely covered the entire laboratory.

The super soldier's body is obviously more tolerant to high temperatures, lack of oxygen, and smoke-filled environments. Steve, who had withstood several artillery bombardments on the battlefield, pondered for a moment before resolutely rushing into the fire!

What greeted him was a crazy roar.

The man who made the roar was Dr. Haynes, who was supposed to have been shot and died, so maybe he shouldn't be called a "man" anymore. Because Dr. Haynes's body had expanded several times at this time, and the exposed skin after bursting through his clothes was full of thick and beating blood vessels, which looked particularly hideous under the light of the flames.

If any time traveling party sees this scene at this time, they will definitely shout "Biochemical Hulk!" Dr. Haynes looked at Steve, his cloudy eyes revealed a glimmer of light, as if he was admiring a beautiful work of art.

"It's wonderful that I finally get to see this masterpiece of yours! Come let me take a good look at you!"

Dr. Haynes laughed and rushed towards Steve. His huge body was so impactful that the floor began to shake slightly.

"What kind of monster are you!"

Steve dodged the big hand grabbed by Dr. Haynes with a swoop, and took a step forward to hit with a flying shield.

When the little boy Armendo in the experimental cabin, Watson who traveled through time, opened his eyes, what he saw was the scene of the two fighting.

The battle ultimately ended with Captain America's victory, but just when Steve was about to break open the experimental cabin to rescue people, the self-destruction device activated by the Hydra soldiers finally ended the countdown.

The violent explosion lifted Captain America out of the laboratory, and the ensuing collapse ended Watson's hope of escape.

Where are you? Captain, where are you?

I think I can still save it, please come back!

Watson's hoarse voice obviously couldn't shout the above words. Looking at the 1V1 men's battle that had just ended, smelling the smell of burning industrial materials in the laboratory, and feeling the real pain all over his body, he finally Accepted the fact that he had traveled through time.

It's just that he doesn't understand. Others who have traveled through time have a system to help them become winners in life. How come he has to be tied up in the experimental cabin and wait to die? God sent me through time just to let me die again? Are you fucking kidding me?

At this time, a big face covered with blood was pasted outside the glass of the experimental cabin. Dr. Haynes stared at Watson like he was crazy and laughed. A sudden smile interrupted Watson's chaotic thoughts. He looked at the "Biological Hulk" outside the cabin with a confused look on his face: Sorry, who are you?

"My son!!! Hahaha!!!"

Watson:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

So you are my father? No, are you the father of this body of mine? It's still not right, why are you looking like this? Isn't the racial difference between us two too big? ? Although he began to think wildly when he was about to die, Watson still felt that his brain was going to shut down.

He didn't even realize he could understand German.

Dr. Haynes ignored Watson's reaction and shouted to himself: "I succeeded! I succeeded, hahahaha, I knew I could succeed! God is favoring me!"

He struggled to climb to the side in front of the data display connected to the experimental cabin. Even though the flames around him had begun to devour his body, he was unaware: "It's not malfunctioning yet? It turns out that I am the best in the world in German manufacturing! Let me See how your little baby is doing now?"

No, since you are my father, let me out first! Let's find a way to escape! Watson's chaotic mind finally thought of the key point, and he began to desperately try to move again, hoping to attract the attention of Dr. Haynes.

It's a pity that the other party's eyes are completely glued to the data display: "The strength and self-healing ability have been significantly enhanced, which is good! Hahahaha, my little baby, you can live longer than others just by eating and drinking. Two hundred years! What a genius I am! Abraham Erskine, you lose this time!"

Dr. Haynes excitedly waved his hands that were lit by fire, as if he couldn't see that the outer layer of his arms had been scorched black.

But his expression immediately changed: "How could this happen? Is this a virus? How could your telomere cells collapse? As a result, your body is still very unstable! Wait, it shouldn't be like this... ...Damn it! I knew there was something wrong with this formula!"

Dr. Haynes turned his head with difficulty: "Where is the blood drawing needle? #@¥#¥% (German vulgar language), I need a test to..."

But he could no longer speak.

The body, which had been genetically collapsed due to the injection of immature strengthening agents and was beaten up by Captain America, finally reached its limit and began to dissolve in large areas from the inside out. Dr. Haynes' whole body was burning with fire and he lay quietly. Next to the experimental cabin, there was no sound anymore.

Watson in the experimental cabin witnessed all this, but he realized that in the current situation where he could not control his body, unless his self-healing ability could compete with the legendary Wolverine, he would be dead anyway.

A more violent explosion caused the experimental cabin to shake, and the entire underground base began to collapse. Watson looked at the huge rocks that continued to fall, and the last thought flashed through his mind.

Sure enough, I am not the fate of the protagonist...

With a "bang", a huge piece of rubble flattened the entire experimental cabin. The flesh and blood of the crushed body could still be faintly seen in the gap at the bottom.

Just a few dozen seconds later, the secret Hydra test base located outside Heidelberg, Germany, completely collapsed with a loud noise and turned into ruins.


"Captain America wins again!"

"Victory in a series of battles! Captain America leads the team to defeat Hydra!"


A few days later, in the Allied military camp, Captain America Steve Rogers looked at the headlines in various newspapers and remained silent. Agent Carter on the side observed his face and asked with concern: "What's wrong? You look like you've lost the battle."

Steve shook his head, leaned his back on the chair, and was silent for a long time before answering: "Those damn Hydra scientists did inhumane experiments on these people. I still remember the prisoners. The wreckage is so shocking."

Carter looked at the handsome man in front of him, his eyes filled with emotion. The ambiguity between the two was so intense that there was only a piece of paper between them, but neither party took the initiative to break it.

She thought for a moment and comforted: "I think you can think of it this way. At least you destroyed that base and eliminated those soldiers and scientists. They will no longer have the opportunity to harm more people."

"You know? I saw a child in the last laboratory. He was only twelve or thirteen years old. His eyes were beautiful... He shouldn't have to endure all this, but I couldn't save him. He came out, I should have rescued him..."

Steve sighed heavily and continued: "We went too late. If we could have arrived earlier, we could definitely save more people."

At this point, Steve realized that what he said was inappropriate, and quickly added: "Sorry, Paige, I'm not saying there is a problem with the army's intelligence work. I'm sorry, I just..."

Agent Carter turned back to look at the busy soldiers not far away and fiddled with the hair beside his ears: "It's okay Steve, I understand what you mean. I believe each of us did our best in this matter." s hard work."

"It's just that you can't save everyone. No one can save everyone."

She looked into Steve's eyes: "Even God can't do it, do you understand?" Steve looked into the eyes of the beautiful girl next to him and nodded: "Thank you, Paige."

He stood up and said, "I have to go. The soldiers are still waiting for me. Tomorrow, these great guys and I will continue to join the battle. We will take Heidelberg. If this war ends one day earlier, we can save more human life.”

Steve walked past several groups of soldiers. Captain America's name had already spread throughout the army. His successive victories had made Steve a believer. Everyone stopped to pay tribute to him. Steve saw many young faces among these soldiers, and he couldn't help but think of the helpless face in the experimental cabin.

He said to himself again, I'm really sorry, kid.


Watson is indeed dead.

The collapsing boulder crushed the experimental cabin, as well as his body and head, and the raging fire that followed burned away most of his body tissues.

From a normal scientific perspective, Watson is obviously dead and cannot die anymore.

An ordinary social otaku experienced whole-body cell mutation without anesthesia, heavy pressure, crushing, and high-temperature burning, and was tortured. At the last moment of his life, this poor soul who had just traveled through time had completely fallen into madness due to the unbearable pain.

It was not until his brain lost its vitality that he found relief.

Watson couldn't feel his body or the feedback from his five senses, as if he was in a dream.

He had no way of telling whether he had entered the legendary world after death, but he was finally freed from the endless suffering. He could not ask for more, but was numbly intoxicated in the endless peace and tranquility.

But things didn't end there. After all, in this world where gods and monsters are rampant, you can always be arbitrarily unscientific.

A few weeks later, signs of life began to appear in the ruins of the test base.

Those were several German squirrels. The vitality of rats is always very tenacious. Even on the surface that has experienced nuclear bombs, rats are always one of the first guests to check in, not to mention that this is just an ordinary game. What about the explosion?

These German gray rats sniffed and burrowed through the cracks in the rocks.

They suddenly smelled a "fragrance", which may not be distinguishable in the human nose, but to the noses of animals, this is tantamount to a signal of a big meal. So several gray rats rushed to run towards the "source of fragrance".

What appeared in front of the gray rats was a small piece of unknown substance, exuding a strange fragrance. The squirrels don't think about too many complicated problems in their little heads. After observing for a long time and thinking that this thing would not attack them, the squirrels pounced on it and started feasting.

The way he bends over and gnaws something carefully is as cute as the squirrels nibbling nuts in the park.

But the gray rats did not notice that the parts that were not eaten into their mouths squirmed slightly and penetrated into the gray rats' bodies. Slowly, the entire unknown substance disappeared, and several gray rats grew in size. They made a satisfied "squeaking" sound and ran towards their nests.

But they didn't expect it at all...

What was supposed to be a wonderful night of eating, drinking, and sleeping, turned out to be a horrific night that cost the lives of their entire family.

After several larger gray rats returned to the rat nest, they smelled the scent that made them want to stop. This scent was even more attractive to rats this time. What's even more terrifying is that this scent came from themselves. The hundreds of gray rats in the mouse nest were immediately attracted by the scent emanating from the body.

In a rat nest in the Heidelberg sewers, a fierce battle broke out to devour each other, and a steady stream of "new troops" from nearby rat nests joined in.

In the end, there was no winner in this battle. All the gray rats were swallowed up by the spreading unknown substance, and finally merged into a human form. The humanoid figure is still squirming slightly, exuding foul-smelling mucus from the outside of the body, as if it is expelling useless and harmful components.

When Watson opened his eyes again, he found himself lying naked on the ground, surrounded by a thick, foul-smelling "crust".

Watson quickly got up and walked away. His first reaction was to smell his shoulders and arms, but he couldn't smell any obvious odor, and the skin all over his body was fair and delicate, not like the skin of a macho man at all.

Watson suddenly remembered the last scene before he lost consciousness. I should have been tied up in the experimental cabin. How could I be here? Why are my clothes missing? Did someone save me and move me here? Watson thought to himself, but he decided to find some clothes to wear first and then leave here.

After leaving the place where he woke up, Watson found himself in a sewer. He slowly walked along the waterway and began to organize his thoughts.

Watson felt the memory of the original owner of this body, his happy childhood, his appearance that was often praised, then his parents who were shot while he cried and watched, then to the trembling in the corner of the prisoner camp room, and finally It is the fear and anger of being teased by Dr. Haynes, and the pain, despair and unwillingness of the cells in the body after being injected with medicine in the experimental cabin.

Recalling the life of Almendo Taxner, a teenage boy, Watson walked forward silently.

After taking a while to shake off the emotion, Watson began to walk and try to adapt to the body through simple tests, including punching, running, turning back and jumping.

Watson was surprised by the results of the experiment.

The functions of this body are really outstanding compared to ordinary people. Am I now equivalent to a weakened version of Captain America? Watson, who knew nothing about his rebirth with the help of the flesh and blood of hundreds of rats, thought a little happily, and then slammed his fist against the wall next to him again.

With a "clang" sound, Watson's fist sank into the solid wall, and he didn't even feel much pain.

He pulled his fist back and observed carefully. There was no abnormality in the skin on the surface of the fist except for a red mark on the part that directly contacted the wall. The expected fractures did not appear at all.

Watson couldn't be more satisfied with this body, but at this moment, a feeling of hunger rushed into Watson's brain.

(I’m so hungry that I’ll be hungry until the next chapter)

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