The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 195 Miss Watson wants a system

Miss Watson still chose to take a detour.

There was a small river between the Benevento mansion and the Heisenberg factory, and then there was a large dense forest. She chose the most peripheral route. When those tall factory chimneys finally appeared in view, the time was approaching. evening.

For Miss Watson, if she could directly face Carl Heisenberg at close range, she would be confident that she would devour him before he could react.

The biggest problem is finding people.

This guy has a secret army.

The Heisenberg family factory was built in the late industrial era. Although there are only a few buildings on the surface, Miss Watson, who has read the plot, knows that a large amount of space was dug out under the land to store the biochemical products that Carl secretly created. Armor soldiers. The structure of the underground building has at least 4 floors, not counting the huge fully automatic production line. To make matters worse, there are no ordinary humans in the factory to provide any memory fragment intelligence. If Heisenberg wasn't in his room, it wouldn't be easy to find him. He could be in any laboratory deep inside the factory.

Oh, there's even a small mine underground, hey...

Miss Watson could picture herself triggering the alarm and being surrounded by hundreds of biochemical armor soldiers. And this kind of environment with a lot of metal is too favorable for "Magneto". After going over the map of the village in her mind, she finally chose to ambush on a hilltop.

The telescope was aimed at the main entrance of the factory a few hundred meters away.

If you don't plan to fight on Heisenberg's home turf, there is only one choice:

Wait until he comes out to dig the grave.

In recent decades, this place has never been called a prosperous place. The entire village is only that big. Miranda's experiments and the Dimitrescu family's human blood wine-making industry all required the abduction of living people. , Heisenberg naturally cannot compete with them. After all, what do you want people to do in a factory that has been abandoned for many years? In addition, the fact that he was stationing troops could not be exposed, so his biochemical armor soldiers had to use corpses as the main material.

Because of this, the intelligence of biochemical armor soldiers is approximately zero. It is okay to dig ore, but letting them rob tombs will most likely damage the corpse. This meant that Heisenberg had to do it himself, especially the fresh corpses that had just been buried, which would definitely not escape his clutches. Miss Watson plans to observe the area near the cemetery for a few days. If she is really unlucky, she may have no choice but to sneak into the factory.

Going out of the main entrance is the fastest route to the cemetery.

The strongholds of the four major lords surround the central altar. The view from the top of the hill is very good. You can see the villages further to the left. If Heisenberg moves in this direction, he will definitely not escape Miss Watson's eyes.

Next is waiting.

Using her tentacles to pull a large pile of fine snow and leaves to cover herself, Miss Watson, who only exposed half of her head, set up a telescope and watched boredly as the sun gradually disappeared from the distant ridge. The temperature dropped sharply at night, and every household in the village lit up oil lamps. Occasionally, someone went out with a gun, but was frightened by the howling of wolves and walked faster.

It's so quiet...

Touching the SVD marksman rifle in front of her, to be honest, after being buried in the snow for several hours, Miss Watson was worried about whether this thing could still function normally. Albanian gangsters don't have much maintenance oil or antifreeze. They always treat weapons very roughly. They use them if they can be used and replace them when they are no longer needed. Although Russian guns are strong and durable, they can still cause problems if they are not carefully maintained, let alone American firearms such as the M4.

When she returned to the village from Silent Hill Church, Miss Watson replaced her MSG90. She was afraid that all the metals on her body might be scrapped when Magneto's power exploded, so she simply bought a cheap Soviet weapon. On the right side of Miss Watson's body, there is a PKM general-purpose machine gun and three RPG launchers. If there is a real fight and it turns out that Heisenberg is not strong enough to stop a large number of bullets with his bare hands, then he should be prepared to face the bombardment.

So can this person come out tonight?

After looking at the scope for a while, Miss Watson had to admit that things were indeed as protracted as she expected. Fortunately, Miranda usually hides underground and conducts experiments. Unless there is something big or there is a trial for heretics, she usually doesn't hold any meetings. It should be okay to postpone it for a few days.


After waiting for more than an hour, Miss Watson simply got up, picked up nearby branches, and used rag strips to disguise the two long guns.

The long night was spent in the intermittent howling of wolves. When the morning light spread from the horizon, the factory buildings and dilapidated stone bridges in the distance were almost reflected in Miss Watson's eyes.

Humidity…wind speed…level…

She was so bored that she started reviewing her sniper knowledge.

There was still no movement in the direction of the factory.

Miss Watson's mind began to wander to other places, and a new question emerged from her mind: Fungal roots have existed for hundreds of years, and there are thousands of stored knowledge, genes and memories at least. I can absorb so much Is it much?

Or... cut it into several portions for absorption?

Damn it, why don't you give me a system? How easy is it to have a system? This kind of thing will definitely be solved for me in minutes.

Thinking of this, she raised her middle finger to the sky, lowered her head with a gloomy look, rested her chin with both hands, and repeatedly blew up the locks of hair from her bangs. Ms. Watson is currently wearing the hairstyle of the game version of Lara Croft, with three-quarter-length bangs and a ponytail. If you don’t look at her face, her performance is extremely realistic - after all, her bust and hips are off the charts. .

What is role-playing?

This was one of the few pleasures she had at this time.

Then the face of the goddess Miranda popped up in her mind. How should this old mother solve it? Rush forward and use the black light virus to fight her to the death?

No, this is a last resort.

Lazy, so annoying.

...Perhaps we should start with the fungal root. Miss Watson continued to search for the game settings in her memory. Fungal roots will choose their hosts. It was by chance that Miranda entered the cave and touched the fungal roots and gained such powerful power. So the question becomes: Is Miranda the most suitable host?

Obviously not.

Old mother Miranda was just lucky and became the only person who touched the roots of the fungus at that time. She may have some ideas about this in her own mind. No matter who she uses to conduct experiments, Miranda uses products derived from fungal roots. As for the fungal roots themselves, she almost does not allow anyone to come into contact with them.

Later game plots also fully reflected this point. Faced with Rose Winters, a more suitable host, the fungus did not hesitate to transfer most of the power originally given to Miranda to the little baby, directly causing Miranda to His strength dropped sharply, and he was eventually beaten to death by the protagonist Ethan using several conventional firearms and explosives. Then... without Miranda's protection, the fungus root was directly detonated by the protagonist Ethan and died together.

Of course, its poor IQ cannot understand this level at all.

Like the consciousness of Silent Hill, acting on instinct.

For Miss Watson, the phagocytic characteristics of the black light virus cannot be changed, and it is completely an "intruder" to the fungal roots. Therefore, the simplest way is to use the black light virus to invade Miranda and the fungal root at the same time after removing other hostile forces, so as to ensure your own safety in the process.


A crow's cry came from a distance.

Miss Watson turned the telescope and saw several werewolves dragging a cow carcass at the end of the village. Poor Grandpa Niu's abdomen was cut open, and his internal organs flowed all over the floor, paving a bloody track. This is the first time Miss Watson has seen werewolves with her own eyes. They have thick hair, protruding snouts and half-human, half-wolf appearance. This is just the most basic werewolf breed. Some powerful individuals have mutated even more completely, and their bodies are as thick and strong as the tyrant.

Werewolves also need food.

In the telescope screen, these werewolves tied the cow carcass to two horses with ropes, and then drove them toward the fortress in the southwest. After the monsters completely disappeared, the hiding villagers began to slowly come out. Miss Watson saw a family running to a pool of blood. The tall man in the lead moved violently and kept waving the shotgun in his hand.

It's probably their family's cow.

Without paying attention to the follow-up, Miss Watson focused her attention on the factory again. But it was obviously impossible for Heisenberg to come out and dig a grave this early in the morning. It's only been one night now, so we can only continue to wait. Many people think snipers are cool. They can kill the target with a few bullets from thousands of meters away, and then simply slap their butts and walk away. But in this situation, I have to lie in wait in one place for several days and can do nothing else. I just stare at the telescope and sight until my eyes are bloodshot. If I can't stand it anymore, I narrow my eyes and ask my partner to change shifts. This is the most common job that snipers do.

Fortunately, I have no physical needs.

The snow has not stopped falling since yesterday afternoon, and now a thick layer has accumulated on Miss Watson's back. She began to worry about her weapons again. In the current harsh maintenance environment, if she wanted to defrost the gun, she could only use the old-fashioned method of Soviet soldiers many years ago: peeing.

But how can I pee as a black light pathogen?

I don’t even have the most basic bodily fluids of a woman... If you don’t believe me, ask Lisa!


Miss Watson easily grabbed the PKM machine gun. It was in good condition and it was not stuck even after freezing all night. Then she began to check the SVD shooter rifle, and pulled the bolt repeatedly. Several complete bullets flew out one after another and were caught by the tentacles; but when the bolt was reset again, the next bullet that should have been fired normally did not appear. In the chamber of the gun.

NMD, the magazine is jammed.

I should have taken the bullet out last night.

With a deep sigh, Miss Watson took out all the SVD magazines in her arms and began to eject the bullets one by one.


It was late at night on the fourth day of the ambush.

Miss Watson stared at the factory door in the scope.

The night before yesterday, the werewolves attacked the livestock in the village again, but this time the situation was different - someone in the village actually chose to shoot and resist, and the leader was the tall man he saw before. The werewolves did suffer damage at first, but then their ferocity was revealed and they rushed into the village with bullets in their hands. Miss Watson watched the battle from beginning to end, and it ended tragically. Three werewolves killed at least eight people before they died. If the villagers had not set up a lot of bear traps, the situation would have been worse.

And the leading man's head was gone.

Strangely, the werewolves did not appear again in the next two days.

Maybe they were warned by Miranda.

The funeral was held yesterday afternoon. Miss Watson watched the villagers bury people in the cemetery, and then realized that the opportunity she had been waiting for might be about to come. Although there was still no movement in the factory last night, she was not impatient. While staring at the stone bridge in front of the gate, she rechecked her weapons several times according to the schedule.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

A red dot appeared in the dark night. Miss Watson took a deep breath and adjusted the scope.

It was a lit cigar.

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