The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 188 Why does Lady Luck like to wear skirts?

As the largest settlement of the remnants of the Illyrian Alliance, there are of course "female prisoners" in the camp.

When the alliance collapsed, they, along with wealth, arms and other supplies, were fought over and divided by various parties. Gangsters may not have any other advantages, but they must know how to analyze the value of items, so that they can usually grab the best ones possible. Therefore, a woman like Jimola, who has no advantage in body and appearance, will obviously have a very low priority in being robbed. But on the other hand, due to more frequent contact, many members in the camp were more impressed with this woman.


Following the memory fragments, Miss Watson found the key and unlocked the door, looking at the dozen trembling girls in front of her with one hand on her hip. Most of them have pretty faces and are not fully clothed. Judging from their faces, some of them are from foreign countries.

"...What the heck, I've killed all the people, I've repaired a few cars, and filled up the gas. You can see where you go. I personally recommend bringing weapons and food, and Camping items and the like. Those unlucky guys left a lot of money in the bunker. You can divide it yourself, but don’t expose it to others when walking on the street. Look behind you if you have nothing to do. Well, that’s probably it.” Wo. Miss Mori translated it again in English and Russian, and finally left the sentence "Be careful of booby traps on the ground" before turning and walking down the slope.

A newly repaired pickup truck was parked on the side of the road. In addition to the Deshka heavy machine gun welded in the center of the truck, she also placed RPG launchers, AKM automatic rifles and other weapons on it, as well as several boxes of corresponding ammunition. A rope net is secured. In addition, she also took F-1 grenades, and even the passenger seat had more than a dozen magazines piled up. When we go to the city of Vlora later, if there are still gangsters coming to look for trouble, I will make sure they walk around without food.

"Ha! How can a foreigner understand 'walking around~'?"

Miss Watson closed the car door and started the engine, slammed the steering wheel, and looked sideways at herself in the reversing mirror: "Are you right?"

Ah, yes, yes! Stupid!

Miss Watson in the mirror made a speech gesture, then blinked and grinned, still as charming as ever.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The pickup truck hit the accelerator and drove forward suddenly.

The warm salty sea breeze blows in from the side. At the right speed, the wind pressure can bring a unique soft touch. Miss Watson took off her left glove and stretched her palm out of the car window. She had always liked doing this, but it was a pity that she had no chance to drive alone at that time. Now Miss Watson was completely immersed in comfort. With half-squinted eyes, the pickup truck twisted left and right on the road. It was obvious that there was a cliff next to it.

I should have infected a black light minion to be the driver.

Last time in the northern part of Vlore City, the method of using a dozen black light servants to divert the attention of the Lannister soldiers was very successful, but deep down in her heart, Miss Watson was actually quite worried about this.

Although the dead black light servant will dissolve and destroy itself just like the tentacles leaving her mother body, this process is completely uncontrollable - "obeying the self-destruction command of the mother's subconscious mind" is just speculation after all, and there is no actual evidence at all. It made her feel uneasy. Miss Watson has realized from a long time ago that her "black light pathogen" may be just a semi-finished product accidentally created by the mad scientist Dr. Heinz, which is far from as complete as the game "Prototype". If one day in the future, these black light viruses suddenly evolve to the point where they no longer actively self-destruct, but spread through the air like normal influenza viruses, it will undoubtedly cause extremely terrifying biochemical infections.

Isn't that what the plot of "The Prototype of Murder" looks like at the beginning?

A tube of black light virus was smashed in the subway, and the entire island of Manhattan was completely reduced to hell on earth in more than half a month.

This is why Mr. Watson spent a lot of time confirming the situation at the scene before escaping last time. At that time, the firepower of Lannister International's Hind helicopter was too strong and destroyed all the black light servants. But things are not always so simple. The black light servants transformed by ordinary humans are already very weak, but what if they are non-humans or even super villains? If a "tail" is left in the future, it will become inevitable that the black light virus will be extracted and studied by hostile organizations.

And Miss Watson may well be unable to stop this process.

This is why she just wiped out the camp, because subconsciously she had no intention of leaving anyone alive.

But if you think about it carefully, if that really happens, there will be no difference between the injury to the black light mother body and the injury to the black light servant. They will still produce a source of infection. Miss Watson can only place her hope in the future. She has been fighting for such a long time, her black light body has been upgraded many times, and her various abilities have become more and more abundant. Maybe she can really find a solution to this problem in the future... ....

For example, the next target is Romania.

After thinking for a while while enjoying the wind, she put aside her worries for the time being. Right now, we still have to prioritize actual needs. At worst, we will create fewer black light servants in the future, pay more attention to the unlucky corpses that may appear, and do the aftermath in a timely manner.


The city of Vlora soon arrived.

Looking from this hillside road position, the west side of the city is full of tranquility and beauty. The coast and beaches shine with golden warm light in the morning sun. The ancient houses and stone brick paths are staggered, forming a large formation of ruins in the northeast. Strong contrast. But after magnifying through the telescope, the dirty garbage, damaged vehicles, temporary fortifications, sandbags, empty bullet casings, wall graffiti and various bullet hole stains on the streets revealed the chaotic nature of the city.

As the distance got closer, sporadic gunshots began to become clearly audible again.

There was obviously a firefight ahead.

Using her tentacles to control the steering wheel, Miss Watson picked up the AKM and stuck the gun out of the driver's window. The front windshield was also lowered in advance for rapid shooting. This time, more tentacles took on the work. They held two more AKMs and placed them on the front and right passenger windows respectively, making it easier for Ms. Watson to quickly twist her body to change weapons. She was extremely grateful for her decision to practice tentacles diligently before, otherwise she would now have to carry an AKM automatic rifle nearly 2 meter long and repeatedly turn the muzzle of the gun in a narrow cabin - there is no doubt that it would be easily jammed.

The pickup eased off the accelerator, drove onto a gravel path, and then immediately began to accelerate forward.

The memory fragments from scavengers and gang members played an important role in allowing Miss Watson to familiarize herself with the city and plan an appropriate route through the battlefield to avoid entering places such as the Grand Square where there was a lack of cover. After a short straight path of more than 100 meters, the car turned at a narrow corner and entered a low residential corridor. At the end is a small garden that must be passed quickly.

"...Machine gunner! Come on, machine gunner!"

"Forward!! Hurry!!!!"

There was a chaotic fight in front of them. Several men were huddled on the steps and preparing to attack. The sharp-eyed rear members were the first to spot the pickup truck: "Wait a minute, there is..."

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! Bang bang! !

Switch the AKM to fully automatic mode and start short bursts of fire. This distance of less than 10 meters is not difficult even for mobile shooting. With only half of the magazine used, the group of ladder special forces were shot and fell to the ground. The pickup truck continued along the curved garden path, its tires running over several bushes of flowers, and met another group of people who were shooting in this direction. As soon as the target appeared in the field of vision, Miss Watson saw the opportunity and raised her gun to shoot. What a coincidence, the wheel hit a piece of rubble at this time, and the bullet deflected most of the way in the bumps.


The magazine is completely empty.

The enemies who finally reacted shouted and pointed their weapons at the pickup truck.

In the narrow car, Miss Watson's brain was already working at full speed, and she was moving towards the designated position accurately with orders one after another. More than a dozen tentacles were working in an orderly manner. The steering wheel was still controlled steadily, and the gun-wielding tentacles on the front and right windows did not fall into chaos; in the main fighting direction, the new magazine was picked up by the tentacle, and its two accomplices pressed the magazine to release the jammed gun. , one pulled the gun bolt in advance. Just like the fast tire changing team on the F2 racing track, in just over one second, this AKM regained its combat effectiveness.

Both sides opened fire almost simultaneously.

The pickup truck stopped suddenly at a flower bed and partially hid the tire behind a stone pier. The interference of the bumps on the road was eliminated, and Miss Watson's shooting accuracy immediately hit the charts again. The final result was undoubtedly one-sided. The 6-man team was completely wiped out before they could even use the RPG. The pickup truck, with more than a dozen bullet holes in its body, roared and rushed towards the garden exit. The tentacles in the car also have a new job, which is to throw out the bullet casings below so as not to interfere with the driver's seat pedal.

Just after leaving the garden, there is a long downhill road.

As soon as the car body tilted downward, the view above was immediately affected. Ms. Watson had to switch to the AKM directly in front, put one foot into the passenger seat, and then leaned forward. Not long after, a temporary roadblock made of sandbags appeared far ahead. At the same time, the Spider Sense suddenly alarmed wildly. Without any hesitation, the tentacle below immediately stepped on the brake pedal. The pickup truck's tires locked up and made a sharp noise when they rubbed against the stone tile floor. On the third floor of a private house on the left, more than 50 meters away, an RPG was shot from the gap in the curtains and flew straight towards the front of the car.

The shooter obviously misjudged Ms. Watson's reaction speed. The RPG hit the ground in front of the pickup truck at a low angle, then rebounded, grazed the front of the truck and flew into the sky.

Crunch! !

The tires were spinning at full speed, and the pickup truck started drifting sideways against the fire from the rifle in front. It turned to the backyard of the small building on the right, knocked down the fence and rushed in.

Now I really need a driver.

Miss Watson jumped out of the car with an AKM automatic rifle, rolled up three RPG launchers with her tentacles, kicked off the wall and rushed to the roof. At the other end of the temporary sandbag roadblock, a car had already started and was approaching.

call out!

An RPG was launched. Miss Watson kept moving, immediately replaced the second launcher, and shot at the enemy vehicle again. Two flames flashed one after another, and the impact point was immediately filled with black smoke. Then after firing the last shot, she jumped to the roof in front. Most of the buildings in Vlora are very close to each other, and many places have a complete "handshake building" layout, which even ordinary people can easily jump over. Now the sky has completely lit up, thick smoke is billowing in the chaotic city, and occasionally there are explosions.

The distance quickly closed, and Miss Watson jumped up again, smashing into the window like a cannonball.

Another unlucky man was hit.

Judging from the dent in his forehead, he was definitely going to die.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

A machete struck with a cry, and Miss Watson raised her hand to grab her wrist and punched the attacker's sternum hard. This seemed to be a gathering place, and people appeared at several entrances to the room. She threw away the bodies and used AKM to knock down three enemies who entered the room. But Lady Luck seemed to be wearing safety pants today. After half the magazine of this AKM automatic rifle was filled, there was a sudden explosion, and the front side of the dust cover on the top of the gun body was broken by the fire, and then there was no movement again.

NMD, explode? !

Miss Watson quickly let go and pulled out the two pistols from her lap.

The nerves that were stretched to the extreme caused the whole scene to slow down. This was not the first time she had entered this state, but she felt particularly clear at this moment - this was a direct description in a literal sense. Her eyes changed at this moment, just like the compound eyes of a bee, taking in millions of views from all angles. The images are clearly fed back to the visual neural network. In this level of visual state, there is no such thing as "eyes aiming at the focus", and there is nothing left that she can see with her eyes.


Fire erupted from the muzzle of the pistol, and the two .50AE bullets flew towards their target almost at the same time, completely shattering the fragile skull.

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