The slightest trace of embarrassment was snuffed out before it even surfaced. Miss Watson calmly squatted down, scooped up pool water and poured it on her shoulders. She twisted her waist and hips slightly, flicked her hair, and the crazy water ghost instantly transformed into a lake fairy.

"Oh, the great Karma Taj Supreme Mage, why do you always like to open the portal when I am taking a shower? Do you have this special hobby?" She wiped away the tears at the corner of her mouth, turned half of her face, and looked in her eyes. The waves ripple like water. The vast smoke is floating everywhere, making the whole body flicker and appear, reflecting a hazy temptation.

It’s those few cows that spoil the atmosphere.

Their attention was completely attracted by the portal, and their expressions were dull and silly.

"Then how many days will it take for me to come back?"

"Hey, don't, don't, don't!"

Miss Watson immediately returned to her careless look. She jumped up, grabbed a small sealed package placed on the stone, and strode into the portal behind Master Gu Yi, with her head held high and her chest high: " We are all women, so you can watch if you want!"

"You were a man who was going crazy before."

Master Gu Yi had no expression on his face: "I feel as if I'm addicted to drugs. I'm begging you to knock you out."

"That's Mr. Watson's trouble, what does it have to do with me? I'm not the one who suffers from battlefield PTSD...well, it may not be battlefield post-traumatic stress disorder. But I'm normal, and I drive every day Happy, when have you ever seen me feel uncomfortable?"

As soon as the cold air from Kama Taj surged up, Miss Watson looked at the water droplets that began to condense on the surface of her skin, and had to quickly wipe it with a towel. It's a pity that it's too late, the hair that has been soaked with the most water has already been shaped like hair wax. Miss Watson simply gave up her resistance and roughly pulled her hair back. Then she took out underwear, camouflage uniforms and combat boots from the drawer, and finally put a beret on her head: "I didn't have a chance before. In fact, I had already I want to try a beret, what do you think?"

What a heroic female soldier.

This description is a bit narrow. From her voluptuous long legs and buttocks up, her half-open chest due to its large size adds an allure that cannot be ignored. But at this moment, she slightly closed her eyes and half-wiped the corners of her mouth. He hooked lightly and put his hands on his hips, exuding a sharp temperament tempered by the battlefield. The two contradictory feelings mixed together to form a strange harmony.

Although the Supreme Mage was already very accustomed to Miss Watson's style, in just a few minutes, seeing the other party's style changing again and again, even she had to admit that she had been in the same style for the past few hundred years. Some experience is still shallow.

"Is there a possibility that you actually have a problem too?"

"Me? What problem can I have?"

Miss Watson opened the sealed package, took out two phones, and skillfully put the SIM cards in from the back cover: "My biggest problem is that I don't have enough money. I want to buy a big ranch and raise a group of cute little ones. It is my lifelong dream to live a leisurely retirement life, with no worries about food, clothing, and drinking until I die. By the way, I also want to find a three-meter-tall woman with an explosive figure, and sleep in her arms every day... ..."

After a pause, Miss Watson rolled her eyes and took out a pack of M9 pistols that had been dismantled into parts from the drawer: "Okay, just pretend that I didn't say the next sentence."


Just five words from Ancient One Mage made Miss Watson stop her movements.

Slender fingers rubbed the gun body: "Where did you hear this word?"

"I'm not a primitive."


The slide with the recoil spring was installed on the gun mount. Miss Watson assembled the pistol silently without turning her head. She didn't open her mouth until she picked up the magazine: "...Maybe I really Yes, but so what? I don’t think it’s a problem. Well, I’m going to see Master Wang to see that little pet, bye!”

She put the weapon into the holster and took off her hat to Master Ancient One: "Thank you for the hot spring!"

The bald woman watched silently as Miss Watson walked out of the room and disappeared around the corner of the corridor.


All the way to the gate, Miss Watson saw Master Wang leading two people from a distance.

She retreated to the wall and watched for a while, then took out a black face towel from her pocket. Miss Watson recognized the two figures behind Wang. The black man on the left was Karl Amadeus Mordo, the mentor who led Stephen Strange in "Doctor Strange"; and the other guy with a sinister face was Even more impressive:


The villain who killed the Ancient One in the Marvel movie Doctor Strange.

In fact, this was the first time Miss Watson saw the rebellious magician combination at Kama Taj. For the mages, lack of manpower has always been a big problem, so there is no "enrollment season" for Kama Taj. If someone comes to apply, they will definitely accept it. However, due to the consideration of hiding from the world, they cannot advertise like ordinary schools, so they have to send some mages to travel around the world all year round, looking for some new apprentices who are willing to believe in and come into contact with magic by chance.

In addition to all kinds of children, mages also favor those who have been in car accidents, those who are seriously ill, and all kinds of desperate people... anyway, it is best to lose hope in the real world. It is easier to become pious after being exposed to magic.

This practice has been carried out for hundreds of thousands of years.

Even many mages who go out to "recruit students" themselves come in this way. So if you think about it, how could these "new apprentices" be ordinary people?

Karl Mordo is very rigid, an extremely conservative and dogmatic type. When he discovered that the Supreme Mage was stealing power from the dark dimension to maintain his life, he began to question the existence of Karma Taj. In the movie finale, Doctor Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to turn back time on a large scale in order to save the world. This made the dark brother even more stimulated and ran away angrily. After that, he even began to hunt his former colleagues. In order to achieve what he considers to be "maintaining the balance between magic and reality."

To put it bluntly, there is something wrong with my brain.

To say "idealism" is to praise him.

After a few years of hard work in society, who would still believe that the world is black and white? Especially after betraying Kama Taj, Modu's thinking became more and more paranoid and he was almost unable to communicate effectively.

Compared with this black uncle, Casillas, who lost his wife and children, is easier to understand.

The biggest motivation for people to study at Kamal Taj was to resurrect their relatives, but in the end they found it difficult to do so, so they were "coaxed" by Gu Yi and worked diligently for Kamal Taj for more than ten years. After discovering the secret of the Supreme Mage's "life extension", he felt deceived and directly turned to the arms of Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension. He did not hesitate to sacrifice the entire earth, just wanting to reunite with his dead wife and children.

Although...this guy seems to have a bigger problem.

So is it better for me to kill him with one shot now?

This idea only lingered in her mind for a few seconds, and was immediately discarded by Miss Watson.

ask? When asked, Master Gu Yi disagreed. It’s not like Ms. Watson hasn’t argued with the other party before, but when it comes to her own destiny, Ms. Yao is more willing to let nature take its course. Miss Watson still remembers what the bald woman said at that time: If you really want to change, it will be fate.

It's true, but in fact, the arrangement in the movie plot, where after your body dies and your soul travels the universe with the eternal boss, is basically a happy ending! Miss Watson could see clearly that Ms. Yao was probably still counting on Doctor Strange in the future to take over the burden for her, so she did not want to disrupt the timeline and left Casillas to him.

After waiting for about half an hour, Modu finally pushed Casillas out the door.

Miss Watson poked her head from the ceiling into the inner hall.


Master Wang was holding a book when he was startled by the sudden appearance of a woman. Seeing this figure clearly, he frowned: "Why are you covering your face in broad daylight?"

"I'm happy!" Miss Watson wiped her palms: "Quick, quick! Where is my Bambi?"

The fat man said nothing and waved his hand to open the portal. There was a small lawn at the other end, and the little gazelle was happily gnawing on the turf. When he looked up and saw this scene, he immediately jumped several meters away.

"Little Stinky!"

Miss Watson stepped through the door and looked at the jumping gazelle calf with her hands open. However, the other party turned his head and looked this way for a while, twitched his little ears, and took two steps back.

"Why is it ignoring me?"

Miss Watson turned back, expressionless.

"Isn't this what it should be?" Master Wang crossed his arms and said, "You are a wild animal, and you have been running away for so long. How can I still recognize you?"

"Well..." Miss Watson pondered for a while, then suddenly ejected from the spot and rushed towards the small gazelle in the distance. Master Wang only saw a trail of smoke and dust in front of his eyes, and the figure in front of him disappeared in a flash. Looking up again, the other party had already walked back step by step holding the struggling "prey".

What a guy, faster than a cheetah!


The gazelle cub twisted and screamed in panic. But he smelled a familiar smell in his nose, and he quickly calmed down, his body no longer trembling, and his little nose sniffed around Miss Watson's chest.

"Aha! I just said you still remember me!" Miss Watson was very happy. She hugged the little smelly and pressed it on her chest, causing it to have difficulty breathing and it started to struggle again. Next to him, Master Wang forced himself to focus on the other party's head. He was a little confused. Miss Watson made such a big move just now. Why didn't the beret fly out from her head?

"By the way, what is this place?"

"It's just a broken grass field. I found it a long time ago." Master Wang glanced over and said, "You can't ask me to raise this little cub in Kama Taj. There is no place for it to jump, and the weather is cold, and it will suffocate to death. of."

"Yes, yes, Master Wang is really a considerate person."


Miss Watson buried her nose into the delicate and soft fur on the little Stinky's belly, sucked in a big mouthful, and then started kissing her forehead. She didn't know if it felt comfortable to be scratched, and the gazelle cub narrowed its eyes. In his eyes, the panicked look just now had disappeared without a trace.

The only man present looked away awkwardly.

"By the way, Master Wang, can you keep the little Stinky here for a while? I'm going to buy a small pasture, and then I'll take it over and raise it." Miss Watson clasped her hands together, with a bright smile on her face. The two tiger teeth under his lips are shining brightly, and the sight of them can make people's hearts skip a beat: "I'm really sorry, look, I've troubled you for so long, and I haven't given you any compensation. By the way, is there anything you want to buy? Something? I’ll go back to New York and get it for you later?”

The gazelle calf was placed on the grass, but instead of running away as before, it clung to one of Miss Watson's legs.


Master Wang raised an eyebrow, what kind of character is Watson? Being polite to him is a waste of opportunity.

"It must be true."

Miss Watson clasped her hands behind her back and took a few steps closer with malicious intent: "Would you like me to get you something that men would like to see?"

"No, need, need." Master Wang gritted his teeth and spoke every word.

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