The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 172 Miss Watson wants your life

"hurry up!"

Under the villa in the northwest of the manor, a group of people were marching in the passage. The estate is connected to a set of simple underground passages built during the Cold War that provide access to several nearby bunkers. At this time, the leader Robert was walking at the front of the queue, but he had no intention of taking those old paths. In fact, this set of underground passages has two separate exits, located in the north and south directions.

"You! Pry it open!"

Arriving at the outside corner of the passage, Robert pointed to the wooden planks on the wall and called one of his men over. The entrances to these two passages have been covered up since they were discovered, and even within the manor, few people know about them. However, in order to enhance the camouflage effect, the board was nailed a little firmly. Robert couldn't help it and helped to remove it himself.

At this moment, there was a fierce exchange of fire at the entrance.


The wooden board that had not yet had its nails removed was forcibly broken into two pieces. Seeing that they were almost the same size, the man was so anxious that he stretched his legs inward, but his trousers were caught by the sharp break on the edge of the wooden board. There was a sudden commotion in the passage. Too many people couldn't squeeze into the narrow horizontal space. After struggling for more than ten seconds, Robert's trousers were finally freed by a short knife.

The gunshots were getting closer.

"The people behind will block it first, let's go!"

Before he could curse, he grabbed the gun and ran into the passage.

Poof! ! !

The sound of the gunfire reflected in the passage, and the sound was so loud that it seemed to be ringing in my ears. The man sped up his pace, and his swinging arms hit the rock wall hard. He could only suppress a cry of pain, but he did not dare to slow down. The footsteps of the followers behind him seemed to be getting more and more orderly, but Robert knew in his heart that this was entirely due to the decrease in numbers.

He didn't look back.

pound! ! ! !

This time the gunshot was so close that it hurt my eardrums. Robert continued running for less than half a minute, and the echo completely subsided, and the only sound left in the passage was his own footsteps.

Suffocating panic surged from the bottom of my heart.

His field of vision shook violently due to his stride. He tripped on something unknown and his elbow hit a convex rock wall. A tingling sensation spread throughout his entire arm like an electric current. The flashlight that couldn't be held fell to the ground with a crisp sound. There were no other lamps in the simple tunnel. This was the only thing that could illuminate the front. The man subconsciously stopped and turned around to reach out and pick up the flashlight.

But there was no one in sight.

Along with the silent gasp, two dark red lights pierced out of the darkness. Robert almost stared out of his eyes, cursed with a ferocious face, raised his gun and shot.


A few minutes later.

Watson took the unconscious man with his broken legs out of the house. In order to facilitate carrying, he directly tied the man's entire upper body with a rope, and then wrapped the rope around his waist. In this way, unless he encountered a corner or threshold, Most of the time there is no need to reach out and pull things like this.

He used the last few dozen rounds of bullets to knock down the enemies who came to the rescue. He dropped the empty PKM, took out the RPK light machine gun from his back, and then continued to drag people out according to the route in the memory fragment. Watson planned to hand the person over to Marcel directly, and then take advantage of the fact that the situation in the manor was not yet completely stable to find an opportunity to kill his unlucky roommate. He had been eavesdropping on the conversation last night and learned the names of the two guys.

Hunting time.jpg

But at that time, I had two unlucky roommates, but now I only see Issa...

Forget it, let’s talk about the other Derek when he has a chance.

The RPK is the most common machine gun in Albania. Once the Watson weapon is changed, the enemies outside can't tell whether friendly forces are firing. When chasing people before, Watson had already broken through. The gang was now completely in chaos. In addition, seeing their leader captured, the Illyria gang members quickly successfully defeated these remaining forces. .

"Whoa-! Look who this is?"

After beating up a few guys who were overly excited and almost accidentally hit friendly forces, Watson finally led his men to Marcel. The one-eyed dragon raised two thick eyebrows, and the eyepatch on his face was a little unstable: "I think this is the first time we have met, dear Mr. Robert, but I promise, this should be the last time we meet... ....Um?"

Seeing the man's twisted legs, Marcel raised his head: "Did you do this?"

"Figueroa said he wanted to capture him alive, but he didn't say he wanted his limbs intact."

"Hahahahaha!!! That's right! That's right!" Hearing Watson's words, he couldn't help laughing: "I really started to like you a little bit, you know? I will praise you in front of the leader later. Kudos to you! Salazar really brought me a great guy this time."

"It doesn't matter."

Watson untied the fixed rope around his waist, put the gun on his shoulder, turned and walked away: "My PKM machine gun ran out of bullets and was temporarily lost. Now I have to get it back."

"Okay! See you tonight!"

Marcel's farewell tone was cheerful and urgent, and the guy was indeed in a good mood now. And judging from the meaning of his words, he would probably take the captive Robert to see the old lion Figueroa soon. This means that a considerable part of the command hierarchy has to leave, and those who remain in the manor are mostly ordinary members, which is good news for Watson.

Where are you, my unlucky roommate~?

Ah, here you are, my unlucky roommate!

With no intention of looking for a machine gun, Watson went straight back to where he first invaded the manor, and sure enough he saw Isa leading someone to rummage through the boxes nearby. After thinking for a moment, he deliberately walked to the side, lightly kicked the iron door in front of him, and then looked inside with his weapon in hand.

"Hey! Guys, there are no enemies here, go to other places!"

one person yelled.

"Don't bother with him." Issa motioned to his companion to shut up: "This man doesn't understand what we are saying, so ignore him. There is nothing left to get here. Let's go to the villa in the northeast corner, hoping that the battle hasn't ended there yet. "


Watson made a lip sync, wandered out from the opposite direction, and then began to speed up and run around to the northeast corner villa. Those memory fragments from the manor guards were recalled again, and a sufficiently hidden route was planned in his mind. It was a low sewage channel that surrounded half of the manor. There were few places to stay, and most of the gang members were unwilling to waste time in such a worthless place. But this was not difficult for Watson. With a few quick leaps, he soon reached the northeast corner of the villa.

Pulling open the door lock, he bent down and got in.

This is a musty cellar.

After the door was locked again, the body surface inside Deathstroke's armor differentiated into multiple tentacles, twisting continuously from the inside out, and a gap was opened on the back of the thick armor. Watson's soft body emerged from inside, the tentacles quickly retracted from the body, and a plump and tall female body appeared in place.

It stinks...

Miss Watson wrinkled her nose, tugged at the tight clothing on her chest, simply took off her camouflage jacket, and walked out of the cellar with her vest on. She planned to pretend to be a frightened woman trapped in a room, then deliberately let Isa find out, and finally bring him in alone to kill him. When I was picking out blood packs before, I specifically looked for people who looked like team captains. These guys knew the number and purpose of rooms much more specifically than ordinary guards.

For example, the west wing guest room on the third floor.

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

There were still some sporadic enemies in the house fighting the gang members, but they were all looking outside, which gave Miss Watson some room to maneuver. She saw the right moment, jumped directly to the outer wall of the third floor, and quietly moved to the ceiling like a spider. Then she turned her head 3 degrees and began to compare the corridor and corners in front of her with the memory pictures. Soon, the door to the room on the west side of the corridor was gently pushed open by Miss Watson, and a slightly lustful scent of perfume filled the air.

The gunfire downstairs still hasn't completely stopped.

I still have some time.

Miss Watson opened the closet, intending to find something to wear that suited her status. After all, she couldn't wear a camouflage uniform and pretend to be a weak woman. Just like in the memory fragment, the clothes inside are indeed very rich, colorful and in many styles. But they basically all have a similar point - the inability to cover.

Looking at her vest, Miss Watson frowned and rummaged in the closet for another two minutes, finally finding a gold studded vest and hot pants suit. This outfit is obviously stage performance style, but from the fabric texture to the stitching, it has a cheap feel inside and out.


There was a sudden sound of glass breaking in the next room, probably due to a lucky stray bullet. After listening for a while, the intensity of firepower outside has obviously increased to a higher level. It is obvious that the gang members have received reinforcements, and they are probably the group of the unlucky roommate Isa.

A pair of combat boots crooked onto the carpet first, followed closely by camouflage trousers and a gray vest. Miss Watson simply wrapped the clothes and hid them at the bottom of the cabinet, then picked up the hot pants and lifted them up her legs. But then she discovered that she had misjudged the size. The pants were completely stuck when she reached the top of her thighs. With a little force, the slightest sound of the threads breaking came to her ears.

The tender meat of the leg heel was dented in a circle, white and rosy, very attractive.

Miss Watson was once again troubled by her figure.


"Die! Die hahahahaha!!!!"

The gunfire became more intense, and accompanied by multiple shouts, the gang members outside began to charge.


Taking out her aunt-style sports underwear again, Miss Watson used the knife to cut it and the vest into denim pieces simply and roughly. The movement downstairs has become noisy, and Issa's voice can even be heard. She quickly packed up the rags, then moved two locks of black hair in front of her face and fixed it with tentacles to make sure there was nothing exposed, and then she quietly opened the door and went out.

boom! boom! boom!

Three gunshots were fired downstairs.

Peering down through the spiral central staircase, the three prisoners were lying on their backs, with red blood holes between their eyebrows. Isa stood nearby and was talking to his men. Miss Watson watched quietly as the other person walked up the stairs, and then let out a soft exclamation.

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