The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 158 If I give you 3 minutes of light


The makeshift tubular switch was twisted, and a moment later, a violent explosion and shock wave crashed through the door frame, completely shattering everything in the entire passage. The ground shook, and the ceiling at the top began to crack and fall. It took more than a minute before the collapse gradually subsided.

Sun Garden is finished.

Miss Watson took off her earplugs, turned and walked back. After several hours of absorption, the Black Light Virus body successfully acquired the ability of the dominant Plaka parasite. It can now send specific frequency waves through its vocal cords to influence those infected individuals. She had already planned her first experiment, the Licker.

Affected by the collapse, half of the glass walls of the Licker Passage room were shattered, like a pot of frogs waiting to be fried, with blood-red flesh crawling all over the floor and walls. In terms of pure appearance, Li Ye is actually the ugliest one, and his exposed brain tissue makes him look even more ugly. If she had no choice, Miss Watson would not want to attack them.

He slowly approached a licker and stretched out his tentacles.

The monster was defenseless against this silent attack and was tightly tied up. It opened its mouth and wanted to scream, but another tentacle oozing with golden fluorescent liquid immediately penetrated its mouth and went straight into its throat. Soon, the licker's body began to tremble, and its surface was completely torn by the spurting tentacles, turning it into a large mass of human flesh.

The whole process was silent.

Miss Watson gently opened a bottle of Coke, feeling the inexplicable connection she had established with this meatball. Just like the last time I absorbed the NE-a parasite, something suddenly appeared in my mind. But...she felt like that was just part of it. Referring to the long-awaited crack form and spider sense, the black light body may even have related skill upgrade trees set up, but I haven't been able to unlock them all yet.

In the end.

The powerful individuals swallowed are still not enough.

Maybe we should really think of ways to deal with the Doomsday...

A few minutes later, the licker in front of him had completed the infection transformation. The muscle tissue all over the body has become thicker by a small amount, and spikes appear on the joints of the limbs; in addition to the claws that have been lengthened by several inches, a gray-white exoskeleton is also highlighted on the back, and more importantly, it has grown eyes again! !

What does a Licker with eyes look like?

It was as if two eyeballs were squeezed into the ravine where the brain was exposed. It was simply a new level of ugliness. Miss Watson looked at her second black light servant, the black light infected body, and suddenly felt uncomfortable all over. Lickers were not a rare species, so she decided to destroy them immediately after seeing the battle performance. Miss Watson moved her voice and emitted an ultra-high frequency sound wave. It didn't matter. All the lickers in the corridor turned their heads.

It seems that the hearing range of these guys is indeed wider than that of humans...

She took two steps back and let the black light servant out. The high-frequency sound wave just now meant "forward". At this moment, the black light licker moved its hands and feet and crawled towards its former kind. As expected, the native lickers became restless, but for the time being no one planned to attack. Miss Watson recalled that last year, when she took the train to Raccoon City, she encountered a zombie dog on the railway track. They were also confused about the 'smell' on their bodies, and they sniffed it for a while before deciding to speak.

Less than half a minute passed, and the scene changed.

Finally, one of the lickers couldn't hold back and bit the black light servant's arm. The next second, the unlucky guy's body was torn apart by sharp claws, and more than a dozen lickers finally felt the hostility and rushed forward like crazy. This scene is a bit like a pack of hyenas besieging a lion. One side is chasing and biting desperately; the other side is constantly circling and avoiding, looking for opportunities to sneak attacks.


The long tongue spur shoots out from the mouth of the black light infected body and pierces the licker a few meters away, pulling the other person's body back like a frog catching its prey. The distance quickly closed, and the black light servant directly used his claws to tear most of the opponent's abdominal cavity apart. The surrounding lickers also took the opportunity to attack, but faced with the exoskeleton armor, their claws were unable to even cause damage.

It seems that I don’t need to give orders anymore.


Miss Watson took a sip of her drink, sat on the table next to her, and continued to watch the bloody scene in front of her. The battle lasted for about three minutes, and all the Lickers were eliminated by the black light servants. She noticed that the corpses were beginning to dissolve one after another at this moment, just like the enemies before. This made Miss Watson feel relieved. At least for now, she didn’t have to worry about additional infected people——

Blacklight viruses are also viruses.

It's supposed to be contagious.

In the game "Prototypes of Murder", the black light virus is not as contagious as usual. It swept the entire Manhattan Peninsula of New York in just half a month, and the resulting "zombie" was countless. Going back to the beginning, when Watson confirmed that the black light virus existed in his body, he was actually worried about accidentally infecting the people around him. This also leads to Watson always adopting a restrained and avoidant attitude when in close contact.

Although...there are other reasons here.

But no matter what, fortunately the black light virus in the body is not complete yet.

In other words, it obeys this part of its own subjective will and allows all parts scattered outside the body to self-destruct - this gives Watson a huge advantage. Whether fighting, sneaking or destroying corpses, he can do it very cleanly and won't leave any traces like ordinary people. If Nine-Headed SHIELD comes to investigate the incident, not to mention extracting the black light virus, not even hair or body fluids can be found.

Moreover, he already has spider sense, bioelectricity and gun sense one after another, and will master more skills in the future. But no matter how powerful you become in the future, you should try your best to keep your opponent/enemy ignorant of you. This is the safe approach. Therefore, Ms. Watson would definitely not do something like hit someone with a car in front of everyone. If she had to do it, it would be best not to leave any witnesses.

Well, thinking about it this way, I actually have quite a serious case of persecution paranoia.


A 5.56mm rifle bullet hit the bone armor on the black light licker's chest, leaving only a dent. Miss Watson changed positions and fired another shot into the unprotected arm. The bullet successfully broke through the flesh, but failed to penetrate too deeply. The flesh and blood at the wound squirmed, and the deformed bullet was quickly squeezed out.



This time Miss Watson aimed at the head. The black light licker's brain exploded with blood, his body trembled, he shook his head and screamed. However, Miss Watson did not intend to stop. She switched to a larger caliber M240 machine gun and shot half of the bullet belt into the man's brain. The black light servant could no longer hold on, and his headless body fell to the ground, leaving only the twitching movement.

After dissolving the ugly thing, Miss Watson turned and walked towards the arsenal. After destroying the Sun Garden, there were still a lot of explosives left in the arsenal. The security director also has the location of the building's load-bearing structural points in his memory. As long as they are successfully destroyed, there is a high probability that the African base will collapse.


In the cell block, a deep Swahili voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Hehehe... My dear friends, have you stayed up all day, right? Don't be afraid, you will be free soon! This base will explode soon. If you don't want to stay with me, Game, then run away for your life! Hahahahahaha!!!!"

Miss Watson put down the phone and pulled the switch at hand. In the surveillance footage, the doors of two rows of cells were opened at the same time. Ten seconds later, the first person ran out of the room, and then the prisoners began to flee. The prison passage was suddenly crowded. Seeing these guys running around like headless flies, Miss Watson began to feel lucky that she had locked some of the entrances in advance.

Without looking any further, she ran directly to the Nangang apron.

The escape route has actually been planned.

The few open exits lead to the periphery of the experimental area, from where you can go to the garbage station and finally leave successfully. All threats on this route have been eliminated, and the direction is completely different from mine, so there is no need to worry about bumping into each other. If there is still someone who can't get out, I can only wish him good luck.

"...That means you can't fly directly, right?"


The heavy munitions box was thrown into the cabin. While carrying the supplies, Miss Watson switched to a male voice and talked on the phone with Vigo, the previous action guide: "I know what you mean, so I followed the instructions provided by your supplier friend. Let’s take the route, right?”

"Yes, but even so, I can't guarantee that you won't be intercepted."

When he was woken up in the middle of the night, Vigo's voice was a little tired: "I don't have that many supplier friends, man. They and I can only be regarded as business partners. So be careful. This is what this industry is like. Don't give your trust to me easily." To strangers, including me.”

"Of course, thank you for reminding me, I will send you the money."

After hanging up the phone, Miss Watson got into the helicopter cockpit. Thanks to the USS team leader, he took some time out of his busy schedule to send someone to Nangang. When Miss Watson arrived, the plane was almost ready to take off. At that time, she was in a hurry to hunt down the surviving soldiers, so she could only eat the driver hastily. Now, it was time to test her new skills.

call out......

The paddles on the top of the machine began to rotate.

While the aircraft was warming up, Ms. Watson took out the route map and confirmed the direction after takeoff. The range of this Bell-412 is close to 1000 kilometers. Although it is less than half that of the Black Hawk helicopter, it is enough to reach the destination airport.

Let me think about which lever to pull to take off...

Oh, the one on the left.

The speed lever gradually increased, and with a light body, the aircraft slowly left the ground.


At this moment, there was movement from the direction of the research base. Large clouds of smoke and dust erupted from the cracks in the mountain. Then the rock formations at the top began to collapse, and large chunks fell down. It's a pity that the explosives were not enough, and a considerable part of the mountain was still intact. Miss Watson stepped on the pedal, and the helicopter turned slightly in the air and flew towards the night sky.

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