
The tire ran over the pothole and splashed a large amount of mud and water.

Miss Watson applied the brakes and shut down the Jeep's engine. There is a swamp ahead, which is no longer suitable for vehicles. She had just spent nearly an hour driving around the edge of the swamp, searching, and finally found a small dock ahead. Miss Watson jumped out of the car, took out a gun bag from the trunk and set off on foot. As for the jeep, she would leave it to someone who was destined to do so. There were also a few guns in it that she didn't like. In a place like this, weapons are more useful than anything else.

It was quiet.

Just like in the Congolese jungle, nights in the swamp were filled with the chirping of insects and birds, but Miss Watson never found these little guys noisy. Her focus was mainly on the pier a few hundred meters away. If she wanted to cross the swamp, she would definitely have to find a way to get a boat.


Umbrella man.

The red and white umbrella-shaped armband was very conspicuous. Miss Watson put down her binoculars and began to approach at a trot. When the distance was reduced to less than 100 meters, she put down the gun bag in her hand, removed the two long guns on her body, and finally pulled out the Gurkha scimitar. Now that we have touched the control area of ​​​​the protective umbrella, there is no need to deliberately shoot to alert the surrounding area. It's all in the dark, and the tentacles can come out and move around.

What follows is nothing more than fighting and killing.

There was really nothing to say about the battle. Before these poor guys had time to react, they were rolled up by the tentacles emerging from the water. After kicking the body that was cut in half by the blade, Miss Watson put her hands on her hips and sorted out the memories she had just absorbed. When she thought that she had saved the author from a good opportunity with a low word count, she suddenly felt that she was such a great person!

"Where's the engine switch...oh, here."

Boom! ! !

The fan boat parked on the water started.

This kind of boat looks a bit like a powered paraglider equipped with a large fan, and uses a huge propeller at the tail to provide aerodynamic force. The paddles are positioned completely above the water to avoid hitting bumps on the bottom. Because of this, it is very suitable for shallow water areas with complex terrain such as swamps, and can even be used on snowy fields and ice.

The swamp has 2 main areas right next to each other.

First it was the village where the Ndipaya people lived, and then it was the crude oil refinery opened by Umbrella. From the theory of the shortest straight line between two points, passing through these areas can lead directly to the cave where the ancient Kingdom of Endipaya was located.

But this is not 2009 after all, and Umbrella has not given up its facilities in Africa. There must be many armed personnel stationed in these areas. Moreover, near the Sun Garden where the Sun Stairway grows, the Umbrella Company has also established a biochemical laboratory as its African base. There are also a large number of kidnapped human experiments in it, not to mention the defensive force. Africa is not like Western Europe or North America, where national armed forces will forcibly intervene. The Umbrella Africa base is now a local warlord to a certain extent.

The kind with aircraft and artillery support.

Miss Watson didn't want to go through each level one after another. As long as there were no obstacles that had to be removed, she would just go around all the obstacles that could be avoided.

It took almost another hour.

The fan boat's engine was shut down and it slowly floated on the water by inertia. Miss Watson held up the telescope and observed the situation at the refinery dock from a distance. The place was quite large, with some containers and small ships. In addition, several thick oil pipelines slightly above the water also extended far into the night.

There is no way to continue sailing ahead.

On the way to the destination from the refinery terminal, there is a section of waterway that is very narrow. According to my memory when playing the game, there are three gates on this narrow waterway for checking passing ships. Just sailing over like this will definitely alert the enemy. It is better to go ashore here, rush to the last gate, grab a speedboat and continue on the road.

Pushing hard with both feet, the whole person jumped up the cliff seven or eight meters high.

At this time, we can no longer maintain the black form. The lighter the body, the better, not to mention dozens of kilograms of weapons and equipment. Miss Watson landed firmly and began to trot forward. Sure enough, ten minutes later, the first water gate appeared in sight. High searchlights faced the river mouth, and several diesel generators were running at full capacity. The unique noise could be heard from more than a hundred meters away.

Still remaining silent, Miss Watson trotted away.

In about an hour, the sky will be bright. However, the slopes of soil and gravel beneath our feet are undulating, and there are always some strange structures that can cause stumbling blocks. After running wildly, she finally reached the last gate. It was already close to 1 o'clock in the morning, and if you still wanted to take advantage of the natural cover of the night, you had to make a quick decision. Taking out an SVD marksman rifle from the gun bag, Ms. Watson climbed to the commanding heights and turned on the thermal imaging field to scan the buildings below.

The architectural structure of the water gate is not complicated. It is a gate that is deep underwater and can block the passage of ships, as well as some supporting passages and small platforms around it. Except for the concrete and steel beam structures at the bottom, most of the buildings are simple wooden structures, full of strong African warlord style.


After a closer look, Miss Watson fired.

The sound of gunfire pierced the night sky, startling a large flock of birds nearby. A black soldier leaning next to the Deshka heavy machine gun was shaken, and blood burst from his chest and he fell down. The picture in the scope changed quickly and locked onto the body of another soldier. After knocking down the target again, Miss Watson continued to move the gun without hesitation. It had only been two or three seconds since she launched the attack, and the soldiers here had just realized what had happened.

However, they couldn't find the attacker for a while.

With a strong jump during the run-up, Miss Watson reached the second sniping point with the help of her buffering ability. Several tentacles protruded from her back and held her body tightly, allowing her to continue shooting normally with both hands. For weapons with long enough barrels, such as the SVD, the gunpowder in the bullet will be fully burned in the barrel. After exiting the barrel, there will basically be no fire and only smoke will be visible. Of course, this also has something to do with the quality of the firearm itself and the ammunition.

boom! boom! boom!

Miss Watson fired several more shots.

The searchlights on the high platform went out one after another. The soldiers seemed to have found the general direction of the sniper, picked up their weapons and started shooting. However, Miss Watson has jumped back in advance. In the thermal imaging field of view, every heat source representing the human body is clearly visible. She smoothly changed the magazine and continued shooting the next target.

Several bullets hit the body. I don't know what caliber they were. The bullets were not able to penetrate deeply into the blackened body. They only broke the surface before deforming and bouncing away. Miss Watson didn't move as another bullet struck its target.

On the Watergate side, the surviving soldiers hid in bunkers, but a considerable number of them panicked and hid behind some wooden walls and wooden boxes. These things could not effectively withstand 7.62x54mm bullets. After killing the last soldier who tried to operate the heavy machine gun, Miss Watson dropped the SVD without bullets, picked up an AK74 and took off, lightly stepping on the wooden platform with her feet.

After landing, she began to rush forward. She remembered the locations of the few fish that had slipped through the net.


"Then the matter is settled, ma'am."

"of course."

In the mercenary camp of Garamba National Park, Kalena stood up and shook hands with the fat woman with a cigarette in her mouth. The bodyguard next to the other party took two steps forward and handed over the suitcase full of money. The payment for this order was so fast, far beyond her expectations. A few days passed, and the fat woman no longer cried like she did when they first met. In order to express gratitude, the amount of cash in this box is much larger than previously agreed.

After processing the transfer, the woman returned to the room and fell into deep thought while looking at the text message sent by Watson.

Lannister International.

When we first saw Shanhuan Company's sophisticated equipment, everyone was already mentally prepared. Now it's just a formal confirmation. The Lannister is a behemoth, a level that can call itself a "military contractor." This armed group's sphere of influence originates from Eastern Europe and radiates to the Balkans and Africa; in addition, when certain countries plan to do dirty work here, Lannister has always been the preferred thug.

The woman knew very well that without Watson this time, the wolf team would not have been able to complete the mission goal so easily. The more money the fat woman gives, the higher the importance of the matter. That Alanna Crowley must be involved in a larger interest, so big that Lannister International is willing to use this anonymous method to send out an entire team of soldiers and chariots. Moreover, information about the battle situation at the time also showed that the opponent even deployed reinforcements around it.

Most mercenaries are in it for the money.

Reward and risk are always directly proportional.

At its core, the motivations of the Wolf Pack and the Lannister International are very similar. Kalena did not regret making this order, and the mission was completed very well. The only problem was Lannister International. There is no doubt that the Wolf Pack team ruined the other party's good deeds. How "good" the good deed is, the subsequent revenge will be more ruthless.

Regarding this, Watson had a proposal in the text message.

Now that the superhuman "Deathstroke" has been exposed to the enemy's sight, he plans to use himself as bait to attract most of the attention of the Lannister International so that the other members of the Wolves can hide. In the eyes of the French wife, this beautiful boy's statement seemed very serious. Especially the sentence added at the end of the text message: I am very busy now, no need to call me, I can handle it.

This slightly tragic and relaxed tone seems familiar.

The woman took out her dog tag from her pocket, smoked the cigarette silently, then sent a warning message to the team members, and then dialed a number. After more than a minute of long beeping, the call was finally connected.

"Karena? I didn't expect you to call me."

"I need some 'smuggling procedures'."

"No problem, why else are you looking for me?" The man on the other end of the phone smiled: "Tell me, how many people are there?"


The sound of the rushing water echoed in my ears.

Like a gap in a curtain, light began to shine through the horizon.

The river in front becomes extremely wide, and the wind is full of cold moisture, giving people the illusion of being in the sea. After the battle, Miss Watson fumbled around the Watergate and soon successfully launched a speedboat. But one thing to say, the waves on the river are indeed a bit rough now. She grabbed the steering wheel, her mind gradually wandering.

Recalling that my only experience at sea in my previous life was to go fishing with a fishing boat. It was a self-driving trip with several families. Everyone was sitting on the boat and was mostly knocked unconscious by the waves. Then one of the guys had an idea and said let's sing a song, and Watson sang along. He remembered it was Linkin Park's "New Divide." This attempt worked, and Watson did not vomit until the fishing boat docked. Then everyone opened beers, ate fish and shrimp caught fresh from the sea, and enjoyed a pleasant afternoon.

But the problem is that there was a young lady on the boat at that time...

After the trip, Watson's father said at a family dinner that my son was like a young bull in heat, singing loudly to girls. The whole table believed it, except Watson who looked confused. My father's brain circuit is really strange, no matter how many times he explains it, he won't listen.

I get angry every time I think about this.

Obviously I’m not the only one singing!

How did I become a young bull in heat? !


Miss Watson smashed half of the steering wheel with her fist, grabbed the AK74 at her feet, and fired the last magazine into the water. She threw the gun into the water and felt better. Don't think about these embarrassing things, think of something else...


Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and just as Miss Watson regained her focus, the heavy rain poured down, drenching her and the boat.

Is it raining heavily so early in the morning?

The rain increased rapidly in just over a minute. There was no pumping tool on this open boat, and water would begin to accumulate after a while. Miss Watson used her tentacles to control the steering wheel, while she turned around and lifted up the tarp on the ground, pulling it open to cover the narrow cabin. Some tentacles came out from the chest and pressed on the left and right sides of the ship. After struggling nervously for a while, she finally fixed it with ropes.

I hope I can reach my destination smoothly, sinking on the river or something...

Not to not to not to.

I can't be more unlucky than Lara Croft in Tomb Raider.

After confirming the direction for the last time, Ms. Watson directly increased the accelerator to the end. The dense raindrops hit the body like arrows, and the two windshields in front shook wildly, as if they would completely shatter in the next second. The boat rides on the small waves and slightly rises out of the water. The roar of the motor almost catches up with the turbine engine. People can't help but worry about how long this thing can keep going. Miss Watson was a little worried and stretched out her tentacles again, pressing the corners of the tarpaulin on both sides of the ship that was making a sound.

Fortunately, this is a river. It would have been cooler if we were on the sea.

After rushing nervously for more than half an hour, although the rain still continued unabated, the outline of the cave finally appeared in our eyes. Miss Watson held the steering wheel tightly, and the boat adjusted its direction in the waves, twisting left and right as it approached the destination. After a little calculation of the distance, she tried to reduce the throttle, but at this moment the motor no longer obeyed, and the boat broke through the tide like a sharp sword and hit a rock in the cave.

The movement wasn't that loud.

The heavy rain and thunder and lightning outside provided cover. Miss Watson, who jumped ashore early, gasped and watched the small boat with a rotten front end sinking to the bottom of the water. On the way back, I had to find another vehicle, but fortunately I had packed my luggage in advance, so my weapons and equipment were not lost.

Passing through the small wooden house in front, at the end of the passage is an artificial cave with a simple wooden ladder set up on a steep slope, which is exactly the same as what Miss Watson once saw in the game. She estimated that after climbing up the ladder and walking a few dozen meters further, she would reach the underground city of the Kingdom of Endipaya.

But before that, some cleanup needs to be done.


Miss Watson snapped her fingers, and the cave suddenly echoed with this movement. The ground in front suddenly cracked and arched, and several spider-like monsters larger than the basin emerged from their bodies and rushed toward Miss Watson.

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