
The heavy armor pieces fell to the floor, and Watson stood in the middle of the Mi-8 cabin. Luper, Beltway, and Ghost stood around to help dismantle the Deathstroke armor, which was almost completely deformed. A lot of bullet-proof panels have been piled up on the cabin floor, and each one has marks of bullet impact, and nearly half of them were even completely penetrated.

"I think your body needs to be thrown into the scrapyard."

The wolf mother held a dagger and cut off the tangled nylon straps: "These things have no repair value, even your helmet. It's best to let Pierre make a new one."


Another heavy back plate hit.

Watson held up the French military salute without saying a word, thinking about his next plan. Now that people have come to Africa, there is one place they must go to, and that is the Kingdom of Ndipaya in West Africa. He is going to find the ‘Progenitor Virus’, the origin of the Resident Evil series, which is the Stairway to the Sun.

Politically speaking, the Ndipaya Kingdom is long gone. Most of its territory was incorporated into the territory of a small West African country called the Kijuju Autonomous Region, and the remaining Ndipaya people also continue to live as "remote ravine dwellers" in the Kijuju Autonomous Region and protect the secret of the Staircase of the Sun.

But they clearly didn't get what they wanted.

Beginning in the late 20s, the Umbrella Company spent a lot of money and assembled a large number of mercenaries to drive away the Ndipaya people, and soon took control of their holy land, the 'Sun Garden', extracting from the flower plant called the Sun Staircase. The ancestor virus. However, this virus is very 'hypocritical' and can only be produced in the extremely delicate environment of the Sun Garden. Therefore, umbrella companies that have tried to cultivate fruitlessly on a large scale have to set up bases here and continue to invest money in the next few decades to ensure the stability of the source of the virus.

All this information is recorded on Mrs. Viper's hard drive.

On the Wolves side, the original plan was also forced to adjust. Although the artery was not damaged, Victor still needed surgery, otherwise the function of his leg would definitely be affected. According to Michela's initial assessment, Scout's postoperative recovery period may last more than three months. Ghost helped confirm that the gun that shot Victor and Bertha used .3 Winchester (Win) rifle bullets.

In terms of volume and specifications, this rifle bullet is the same as the 7.62x51mm NATO standard (NATO) full-power rifle bullet. However, .308Win belongs to the civilian hunting field. The bullet chamber pressure is higher than the latter military bullet, and the shell thickness is also different. . Therefore, if most civilian .308Win rifles are empty of ammunition, they can choose to load and fire 7.62NATO bullets; but military 7.62NATO rifles cannot do the opposite, otherwise there may be a risk of exploding the chamber...

Of course, an explosion can happen at any time. And by the 90s, many new 7.62NATO weapons were able to safely fire .308Win. It is worth mentioning that judging from the serial number of the gun body and the memory absorbed by Watson, Daniel's Winchester M70 was produced before 1964.

It can only be said that both of them are very lucky.

The warhead did not hit the fatal part, and it penetrated directly without staying in the body. Considering that nearly half of the team members were injured to varying degrees, Luper decided to suspend taking orders until everyone regained their fighting strength. This is good news for Watson, and he doesn't have to go to the battlefield, and he doesn't have to worry about his teammates suddenly being shot by bullets.

After taking off their armor, everyone else began to rest.

There was only the roar of the engine in the cabin, and contact person Vigo stayed in the cab, repeatedly confirming the waypoint position with the driver using maps and instruments. ‘Package’ Alana Crowley changed into a camouflage uniform and was still unconscious. When she got on the plane, the girl kept retching, so Michela had to use some sedatives.

Watson opened the equipment box in front of the seat and took out the FAL automatic rifle. The weapon had been hidden in the pickup truck and had not been used during the entire operation. It will be the next main weapon. The RPK light machine gun can also be carried on, but other items will have to be brought back by teammates. After inspecting the FAL, he placed the PKM machine gun on his knees, skillfully opened the receiver and began to remove gunpowder residue.

One head was pushed to the side of the leg.

I smelled it and it was Michela.

The girl's body was lying flat on her back, her blond hair completely spread out. Looking at it from Watson's perspective, the other person's eyes were covered by bangs, and only the bridge of her nose was exposed... Oh, and there was also the unbound chest. This woman must have done it on purpose. She opened it so wide because she wanted to fuck her. Well? Watson couldn't help but glance over, and then immediately looked away, feeling that the ring line of the mountains was still lingering on his retinas.

"Does it look good?"

The light female voice reached my ears, very lazy.

Watson deadpanned: "Awesome."

Michelle stretched out her hands to support the bench, trying to rest her head on Watson's thigh. This action touched the wound, and she couldn't help but scream in pain. Watson held the other person's back and moved her body over. The girl's eyes were finally revealed, her brows full of fatigue, but she was still looking straight at Watson's face.

After looking down for a few times, Watson continued to work on the weapon.

At this moment, the cabin seemed extremely quiet.

"If the bullet had been inserted deeper today, I might have died." Michela slowly lowered her eyelids and said in German: "If I really die, will you be sad?"

"...Yes, I can."

"How sad?"

"Well...I might crack, in a physical sense."

Hearing Watson's answer, the girl burst into laughter. Those beautiful blue eyes were half-open and half-closed, as if talking in sleep: "Where are you going to go next? Go back to New York?"

"No, I'm going to West Africa."

"What are you doing there?"

Watson was silent for a moment, then closed the cleaned PKM receiver again: "I need to find something. Just like your injuries need special medicine to heal, mine is the same."

At this moment, he felt a gaze. Watson raised his head and saw a pair of bulging eyes staring over at the camp bed opposite. Her lips were slightly pursed, and combined with the large whites of her eyes, her expression looked a bit...stupid. Michela also felt something strange about Watson, turned around and saw Miss Yamada, and immediately gave her a middle finger.

Siyan Gulu turned over and stopped moving.

Being interrupted like this, the original atmosphere completely disappeared. The girl slowly turned around, took a look, and closed her eyes. Seeing her unhappy look, Watson suddenly felt a little funny, but he forced himself to hold it back and just reached out his hand to gently rub the other person's hair. Michelle's ears twitched, and then she turned her head a little toward Watson's belly.

After the battle, the relationship between the two seemed to be different again.

This is how Watson feels at the moment. Obviously when she first arrived in Africa, the girl looked very upright. But less than a week later, my attitude completely changed. The side of her face was pressed against her thighs, and the corners of her eyes wrinkled from time to time, showing an unprecedented weakness. Slowly stroking the scar at the corner of the other person's mouth, the wolf mother's words came to mind again:

‘In our industry, having love is a luxury. ’

Michela almost died today.

Watson recalled the panic-like feeling in his heart after knowing that the other person had been shot, and his actions of running out for more than ten meters in vain. From the current point of view, it is a completely meaningless behavior, even the basic logic of "I actually don't know where Group A is" is ignored. After remaining silent for a while, he returned his gaze to the girl's face.

The scene in front of me seemed to have stopped.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the corners of Michela’s mouth twitched a few times, and then Watson looked away belatedly. An inexplicable feeling of suffocation came from his lungs, and he couldn't help but take a few deep breaths. After grabbing the Winchester M70 and turning the scope knob twice symbolically, Watson's thoughts went to other places.

How about finishing the ancestor virus this time...

Buy a plane ticket and go to Spain directly?


At noon, the Mi-8 helicopter landed near Garamba National Park.

The mercenary industry has set up a base here, mainly because of its proximity to the border with the Republic of Sudan to the north. In the 90s, most African countries were not wealthy, or it could be said that they were mired in war. Therefore, there will always be violent frictions in the border areas, and tribal entanglements and hatreds that have existed for thousands of years continue due to the coveting and promotion of some external forces.

The nose of the plane was raised high and it began to descend slowly.

Watson observed the woods outside the plane window. Although they were still very dense, they had more wide grasslands than the Okapi Reserve. Looking from a high altitude, giraffes, antelope herds and wild elephant herds are clearly visible, and even a few lions can be seen. I have killed enough people in the past few days, and I have also experienced terrible things like fighting with the Boy Scouts. I must relax and relax next time.

As the tail hatch opens, a chaotic scene appears in view.

This is a crude airport.

The only runway is made of pressed soil, and there are currently two rollers working on it. Although the tower area is a concrete structure, it can be seen that their original purpose is definitely not this. Because of the entry of the mercenary industry, there are many more white faces here. Of course, almost all of them carry guns.

As soon as his feet landed, a fat woman trotted over accompanied by bodyguards.

"Oh! God! My baby!"

The fat woman ignored the members of the wolf team at the scene, rushed forward while crying, and hugged Alana Crowley forcefully: "Thank God, what have they done to you? Don't be afraid, woo woo woo Woo...Mom is here..."

"Then the matter is settled, sir."

Contact person Vigo looked at the nervous bodyguards and took the initiative to find the man in a suit standing next to the mother and daughter: "We have rescued you, and we have also obtained the Tolan head you requested. Put it in the cabin.”

"Of course, of course, you did a good job." The man in the suit instructed a bodyguard to enter the cabin, then took two steps closer and took the initiative to lead Vigo out: "As stipulated in the contract, commissions and rewards will not be discounted. I promise. Come on, let’s go farther away and don’t disturb the mother-daughter reunion.”

Vigo turned around and snapped his fingers.

Luper understood and followed closely. Watson helped others transport the equipment off the plane, and then set up a gathering point next to it. He and the wounded stayed to guard it, while the remaining people ran to the restaurant to buy food. Soon, everyone was eating dry food and chatting in boredom. Perhaps because parting was imminent, Michela's interest in talking was obviously much less.

The Wolves' good fortune continues to pay off.

A Douglas DC-3 propeller plane will take off tonight, so the trio of Michela, Four Eyes and Ghost will leave here first in order to contact the injured for surgery as soon as possible. Luper himself wanted to stay with Vigo to ensure that the client's funds arrived safely. Originally, the French wife wanted Four Eyes to stay with her, but unfortunately Ms. Yamada was more concerned about the biochemical experiment and wanted to fly to the basement of Le Havre immediately.

As for Michela…

Although there was no need for surgery, Howard Sr.'s second batch of medicinal materials had arrived, and she had to go back to receive it. Moreover, taking the opportunity of taking medicine and lying in the culture chamber for two days can also speed up the recovery of injuries.

By the time Watson finished washing up in the temporarily rented room, the sun was already setting in the sky. It's more troublesome to clean up Victor's injured leg, and the ghost trio haven't come out yet. On the contrary, there was Four Eyes, a person sitting alone on the concrete pillar in front. As soon as she saw Watson, she jumped up with a 'crash'.


Watson felt that this woman was inexplicable today.

"You said on the plane, what's wrong with your body?"

Ms. Yamada’s head was approaching so fast that she almost had ‘tell me quickly’ written on her face. Watson would not coddle her and simply shrugged: "Sorry, I think I have the right to keep it secret."

"What do you have to do to tell me?"

There you are again.

After all, he couldn't hold it back anymore. Watson rolled his eyes directly and stood staring at this woman. When Michelle opened the door and came out, she saw this strange scene in front of her. The girl tilted her head slightly and walked quickly to Watson: "I'm sorry? It seems that I came at the wrong time?"

"No, you came just in time."

A decent smile appeared on Watson's face, he stretched out one hand toward the other party, pointed at Ms. Yamada with the other finger, and then quickly became expressionless: "Can you please stop pestering me with your four eyes?"

"no problem."


The girl pulled out her Damascus hunting knife and spun it around twice quickly.

Unable to stare at him with four eyes, he could only back away from the original path as if he were reversing his movements, and sit down on the concrete pillar again. She continued to stare at Watson for a few seconds, then folded her arms and turned her head away without making any more movement.


Night finally fell.

The old-fashioned propeller began to rotate slowly, and the heavy sound of breaking wind gradually resounded throughout the airport. A few searchlights at both ends of the runway were sparse, barely illuminating the entrance and exit. Most of the passengers had already boarded the plane. Michela stood in the shadows outside the gangway and looked at Watson for a long time, without anyone speaking.

"......have a good rest."

Watson knew that time was running out, so he could only force himself to speak. He could see that the girl was in a very low mood, completely different from the pretentiousness she had during the last vacation. His blue eyes were lowered, and there was unconcealable sadness between his brows. Parting is a kind of severe pain. No matter how pleasant the process is, it will inevitably be stained with sadness at this moment.

The inexplicable and uncomfortable feeling of suffocation spread from his chest again. Watson frowned slightly and opened his lips a little, trying to make himself look as normal as possible.

The propeller turned faster and faster, like a rapid countdown.

"Can you kiss me?"

The girl raised her head and said this.

Her eyes pierced her heart like phantom pain, and the thoughts Watson had just begun to gather were shattered in an instant. There is a stubborn voice in the subconscious, shouting with all its strength, trying to reveal the meaning behind this question. But it soon faded away, like the roar of a propeller engine in my ears.

Watson realized that this time he was pushed to the end of the cliff.

There is no escaping the choice between the two.

There was a surge of heat in his eyes - he thought it was guilt. Whether it is angina pectoris or difficulty breathing, they are all anger, self-blame and sadness for being unable to accept love honestly. Looking into the girl's eyes, Watson understood this very deeply. He just felt like his perfect skin was peeling off, revealing the despicable soul inside.

"I...I think." Watson took a deep breath without leaving any trace: "I don't..."

"You really never take the initiative, do you? Miss Watson." Before he could finish speaking, the corners of Michelle's lips raised slightly, like a smile, but also like helplessness: "I won't ask again. For the third time, I beg you, Mr. Watson, can you kiss me?"

Watson hugged the body in front of him and kissed the lips.

Cold, moist, with a warm breath.

He didn't dare to use force for fear of squeezing the wound on the girl's abdomen. The arms gently grasped the shoulders, as if hugging a fragile porcelain doll, which would shatter all over the floor if not careful. Watson touched Michela's heartbeat, and she was trembling just like him. However, in that soft moan, there was love, pain... and fear.

"I'm very sorry."

Leaving the girl's lips, Watson put the other person's head on his shoulder. Then he immediately reached out to wipe his tears, opened his mouth to breathe, and tried his best to control his voice to be steady: "I know what I told you before... you will definitely think that I am a bastard. I also know how to say Sorry is useless, but... I have no other option, and I’m sorry.”

"Did you do it with Nyssa?"

Michela suddenly asked confusedly.


Before Watson could react, the girl put her face in front of him: "I asked you if you have ever done this."


"If one day in the future we are separated, whether it is due to death or something else, and we only have a few memories of kisses left between us, will you regret it?" Michela looked at the pair of light purple eyes in front of her. Eyes, wanting to capture every emotion inside. But Watson opened and closed his lips, but was immediately pressed against by the girl with a finger.

Michela pecked Watson on the side of his face, then walked directly towards the gangway, leaving only two words:

"I can."

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