In a large factory shed with a lot of building materials piled up, two girls were leaning against a wall with their backs tightly together, surrounded by a large circle of fierce gangsters. Watson, who went from the roof to the horizontal frame, saw Michela squatting down, holding a Ruger P2 pistol in his right hand against the head of a tattooed man, and holding the man's neck with his left hand. His back was pressed against his knees.

But the tattooed man had no time to feel the fragrance of the girl in close contact now, because both his arms were shot by the beautiful girl, and at this moment, only pain remained in his mind.

"Don't come any closer, or I'll shoot your boss again." Michela shouted to these big men with a calm look on his face.

"If you dare to attack our boss again, I will kill you!" A bald man in the center of the crowd stepped forward and spoke angrily.


Michela fired a bullet into the left thigh of the tattooed man in front of her without hesitation. The man screamed, and no one in the circle of gangsters dared to say anything anymore.

This girl is still a cruel person. Watson hanging on the ceiling twitched his eyes. At this moment, two finger-thick blood-black tentacles stretched out from his collar, wrapping around the bars to help him hang his body.

Since the "connection" of those tentacles began last week, these tentacles that can both grow outside the body and retract into the body are the "new abilities" discovered by Watson, but Watson is not very adaptable to these extra tentacles. With several "arms", he can only operate a maximum of 2 tentacles to perform simple movements. Any more will cause him to lose control.

Maybe try using the tentacles when cooking in the future? Watson's brain circuit slowly went to other places.

"It's over! We're all going to be doomed now!" Next to Michela, the girl named Elf's face turned pale.

Elf was also one of the countless reporters who were photographed by the local news media in Heidelberg wandering into alleys. She was eager to find traces of the "woman in military uniform", but she was very unlucky to break into the "First Heidelberg Extermination Conference" today. At the meeting site of the "Gangster Federation Conference of Women in Military Uniforms", she was discovered and her friend Michela, who came to save her, was also dragged into the water.

"I'm sorry's all my fault..." Elf leaned against the wall with her back, trying her best not to cry out, holding her hands up Wang squeezed the camera hanging on his chest tightly.

"It's indeed your fault." Michela's hand holding the gun was as steady as an old dog's and she said expressionlessly. But fortunately, I know that you girl gets into trouble every day, so I have already called the police in advance. The police should be here soon, right? she thought to herself. But she immediately continued to look at the other gang leaders who were gathering behind the crowd to whisper, and she felt something bad in her heart.

As Michela watched, several gang leaders ended their conversations, and one of them, a man in sunglasses wearing a leopard-print coat, clapped his hands, attracting the attention of everyone in the room.

"Attention everyone! I am Guillermo Beatty from the Walker Gang. After discussions with the leaders of Haisen Street, Gerald Gang and Westie Tavern, we all agreed that Kyle, the leader of the Lartu Gang, gentlemen--"

At this point, the man in sunglasses spoke in a long tone, pointed at the leader of the Lartu Gang who was shot three times by Michela and held hostage in front of him, and continued: "We are no longer suitable for the position of leader, so our family We have decided to jointly take over the territory of the Lartu Gang. I advise the gentlemen of the Lartu Gang..."

"Fart! I think you just want to take advantage of the situation!" The second-in-command of the Laertu Gang, who followed the boss to participate in the negotiation, yelled, and then waved his hand: "Protect the boss!"


The circle of gangsters that originally surrounded Michela and the two people instantly turned to face the outside. The thugs picked up the sticks in their hands one by one. The formation almost made Watson think he saw the ring-shaped long ring of the ancient Spartans. Contradictory array.

"Boys, do it!"

"Did you hear what I said? Come on!"

"Do it! Do it, everyone!"

Several gang leaders on the side of the man in sunglasses didn't talk nonsense. They shouted for their younger brothers to rush forward. The few dozen or so people in the Lartu Gang were definitely not enough for the four of them to unite to fight. They were already waiting for carving up. The territory was negotiated before.

"Fight them!" The second-in-command of the Lartu Gang secretly regretted that he had not sent a few people to stay outside before, but now they are all surrounded and there is no way to report a message and ask for help.

More than 80 people at the scene surrounded more than 20 people and started fighting. The scene was quite spectacular.


Watson was about to let go of his tentacles and jump down to join the battle. After observing from a high position for a long time, he didn't see anyone holding a thermal weapon. This was good news. Watson planned to use guns to deal with these people directly. He did not want to expose the big secret of the "tentacles". After all, the level of attention caused by death by bullets and unknown causes of death was completely different.

Moreover, Watson is still very unfamiliar with the operation of tentacles. It would take him a long time to roll up a stick from the ground, let alone use it for fighting. What's more, if he goes down alone, there is no guarantee that no one will be left alive. If there are so many people on the scene, if only a few escape, he will definitely be exposed.

The defensive circle composed of more than twenty Lartu Gang thugs was quickly broken through. Michela threw away the Lartu Gang leader who was holding him in his hand, and raised the Ruger P08 pistol with both hands. Elf beside her was almost pissed with fear and was praying incoherently.


Watson fell down in front of Michela and the two, kicked a gangster who broke through the encirclement and rushed in in the chest, and kicked him backwards; then raised his left hand to catch the iron pipe that the other man swung at him. , punched him hard in the stomach with his right hand, and a pool of blood spurted out from the man's mouth, and then he knelt on the ground and couldn't moan.

Ever since the ancient mage learned about his body's ability to resist fighting, Watson has been used as a sparring partner for the mages in their daily battles (beatings) during the half-year stay at Kama Taj. Every day, he eats the most food and gets the most vicious beatings. His melee combat ability rises sharply, and the weapons manifested by the mages are all kinds of strange. There are all kinds of nine-section whips, three-section sticks, and horizontal tail hooks. The dozens of iron rods in front of him are everywhere. It's not surprising at all.


"It's that woman in military uniform!" After Watson knocked down a few more fools who were rushing over, a sharp-eyed guy finally recognized him. Under the shouts of several gang bosses, he was still shouting at the crowd before. The gangsters who were fighting stopped one after another.

Everyone finally remembered why we came together for the meeting today.

"I didn't expect you to deliver it to your door yourself!" Applause rang out, and it was still the man in sunglasses whose name didn't even match his words. He spread his hands to both sides in an exaggerated manner: "This really saves us a lot. You know, you have caused us a lot of trouble in the past few weeks."

"It's my honor." Perhaps because he had held it back for too long during the half-year stay at Kamal Taj, Watson spoke with a little more enthusiasm, and opened his mouth with a Versailles taunt, but he did not forget to use his girlish voice.

"Hmph! I hope you can still be so tough when we beat your iron head to pieces later. I know you are good at hitting, but there are more than 80 of us here, how many can you hit?" The man in sunglasses said After saying that, he immediately looked at the other gang leaders: "What should I say? Gentlemen?"

At this time, Watson's keen ears had already captured the sound of sirens in the distance.

But it was still a little far away. As the leaders gave the order, the gangsters armed with sticks shouted and rushed forward.

Don’t use bullets if you can kill enemies with explosions;

If a problem can be solved with bullets, don't use fists.

Now that the fight had officially begun, Watson stopped talking nonsense. He crossed his left and right hands and pulled them from his side. Two Stark special M1911 pistols hidden inside the hem of his windbreaker were pulled out.

Although Watson did not make any special requirements during production, Howard Stark still used the highest-grade gun body materials and equipped it with 6 extended rear-half double-row 14-round extended magazines. After Watson brought these two pistols, they were not used in the hunt for the Red Skull in 1944. Now these gangsters have become their first prey.

"He has a gun!"

Bang bang bang bang! ! !

Watson's dual-gun fire was fast and steady, and his once again enhanced reflexes allowed him to quickly identify the most threatening targets. And it was difficult to miss at such a close distance. A person could be seen falling down with almost every gunshot. Although Watson did not intentionally shoot in the head, an 11.43mm caliber bullet hitting the body at close range is still very likely to cause death.


A gunshot was heard from behind, and Michela fired.

Then she fired the second shot with no expression on her face.

It’s okay to carry a gun, but why are you so skilled? Watson turned his head and glanced at Michela who quickly changed the magazine of the pistol after firing several shots and hitting someone. However, he did not stop his movements. Two empty magazines fell from the gun. Watson quickly inserted the pistol into the two magazines fixed in the direction on his thigh, and completed the reloading in less than 2 second. .

Thanks Howard, this reloading design is really convenient. However, Watson can only change it like this 3 times. Any more will have to manually remove the magazine, because there is not enough space for the magazine to be strapped to the leg.

"Damn it! Get out of here!"

"My legs! My legs! Someone help me!"

With Michela's assist, more than 30 gangsters fell to the ground at this time.

The gangsters who were hit by more than 30 rounds of bullets in just a few seconds finally reacted. The surviving people scattered to find cover. No one dared to charge forward again. For a moment, the only ones in front of Watson were the unlucky ones who had been shot but could still move a little. They were lying on the ground, groaning and begging for mercy.

"What are you afraid of? We also have guns! Keep going! Keep going!" The man in leopard print sunglasses took out what might be the only pistol in the gang from his coat, and tried to encourage the gang bosses around him to continue sending people to attack. Just now, his people were basically at the end, and it was several other gangs that suffered heavy losses.

Several gang bosses are not stupid. If they really want to fight until I am the only commander left, then I might become the second Lartu Gang boss, so they all fell silent tacitly. The man in leopard print sunglasses glared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and neither of them said a word. No one issued any more orders to attack, and the whole scene quickly became quiet.

Watson stood on the spot with two guns, shooting from time to time a few guys who looked around looking for death. The siren was getting closer and closer, and he only needed to control the scene a little more to achieve his goal of saving people. After all, if they rush up and shoot, these people will definitely be driven into chaos. Michela's Ruger P08 pistol only has 8 bullets in a magazine. It would be bad if someone who wants to take hostages goes towards them.


The siren sounded leisurely, as if they had received the signal to retreat. The remaining gangsters in the factory shed turned around and fled through the door. No one even reached out to help their companions on the ground.


Watson picked up a few empty pistol expansion magazines on the ground and stuffed them back into his body, turned around and said to the two girls. Michela nodded, but Elf beside her was still stiff and unable to move.

Watson didn't intend to waste time comforting her. He came directly to her, lifted Elf's whole body diagonally on his body like a door-breaking barrel, and then ran towards the door in large strides.

Michela looked at Elf who was being carried by Watson, twitching the corner of her mouth and followed silently. "Heidelberg's first joint gang conference on the elimination of 'women in military uniforms'" has been successfully concluded.


More than an hour later, after settling Elf, Michela returned to Mori Manor and saw Watson in the lobby of her home who had never taken off her helmet. Watson was standing in front of the large oil painting in the center of the hall. The title on the frame of the oil painting was "Miss Watson with Captain America and the Howling Commandos in Heidelberg, 1944."

It was the photo of a group of them sitting on a Tiger heavy tank after the war. It was also the only photo in Watson's memory of a woman showing her face in clothes. Unexpectedly, decades later, someone would still paint her as He had a large oil painting, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Especially when he discovered that the skirt of 'Miss Watson' in the painting was specially drawn a lot shorter by the artist.

"So, you are Miss Watson, right?" Michelle asked, standing behind Watson with her hands folded in front of her and her legs together, looking like a lady.

"Most of the time, you can call me Mr. Watson, and I'm actually a man." Watson turned around and started speaking in his original voice: "I'm a little curious about why a little girl like you would do this to a pistol. How skilled is it?"

"Women in the Heinzwafen family must learn to protect themselves. Men are sometimes unreliable. This is a concept passed down from my grandmother's generation." Michela walked slowly to Watson: "My mother and I We've been trained to fight since before we were adults and practiced regularly every month, so yes, we always have those things with us."

"But myself..." A butterfly knife suddenly appeared in Michela's hand, spinning and throwing out a bunch of beautiful knife flowers, and then quickly disappeared into her cuffs.

"...I still prefer to use a knife." Michela turned sideways to face Watson. Her golden hair was tied behind her head, and her thin nose showed a very beautiful curve. The most expressive thing about her was that she Her pair of azure phoenix eyes with a hint of indifference made her look like a proud princess at this moment, provided that she forgot how she was playing with a butterfly knife just now.

After listening to Michela's words, Watson recalled the kind look on the old lady Euphemia's face, and couldn't help but shake his head: "You said it started with your grandmother? I really can't imagine your grandmother holding a gun. .”

"My grandma was not like this when she was young, because that era was very unfriendly to women. My mother said that at that time, my grandma and grandpa would always bring weapons when they went to do business, and occasionally they would actually fight if the talks broke down... ..." She sighed softly: "But it is normal for grandma to change now that she is older. From a medical point of view, when people get older..."

Before Michela finished speaking, she was interrupted by the old lady Euphemia who walked into the hall.

"Mr. Watson! I'm sorry to keep you waiting! Please allow me to introduce you. This is my daughter, Marina Heinzwafen. You hugged her when she was a child." The old lady Smiling and holding a cane, he walked towards Watson accompanied by a tall and plump lady.

The noble lady wore a light red slim-fitting dress, and the makeup on her face, which was 70% similar to Michela's, was just right. Her skin is well maintained, and her two long legs wearing high heels alternately move forward, exuding mature charm in her movements.

Before the noble lady could speak, she choked on the old lady's last words. After coughing a few times awkwardly, she began to introduce herself to Watson: "Please don't mind my mother's joke. I am Marina. I have heard that you want to attend the Stark Industry Expo in New York." Please rest assured that I will make proper arrangements for you."

"Then..." Mrs. Marina paused: "Thank you for saving my daughter."

Looking at Mrs. Marina's outstretched hand, Watson felt that it was a bit inappropriate if he was still wearing a helmet. After all, he was not a Kamen Rider. So he took off his helmet first, and then reached out to hold the other person's finger: "I am Watson Taxner, thank you for your help."

The scene was quiet for a few seconds.

"Mr. are the best I have ever seen in my life...I'm sorry, please forgive my gaffe, I really don't know what words to use to describe... "Ms. Marina finally came to her senses and apologized profusely. As for Michelle next to her, she was still staring at Watson's face without blinking.

"Is my precious granddaughter too shy to speak?" Mrs. Euphemia looked at Michela with a smile.

"I just want to confirm, grandma, it seems that Mr. Watson's appearance is exactly the same as the photo I saw before." Michela retracted her gaze, her face still expressionless: "I will do it for you in two days. Eye massage, Professor Craig taught me new ocular neuroanatomy techniques the other day.”

Mrs. Marina had no reaction to this. She kept a polite smile as if she hadn't seen anything.

Watson was just thinking about one question at this time, that is, is there any direct connection between anatomical techniques and massage?

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