"So is Stokely's injury confirmed?"

"Yes, the metacarpal bone connecting the thumb is broken."

The policewoman fell silent and glanced towards the office outside the blinds.

Last week, a group of men in suits whom I had never seen before came to visit. Director Porter personally came out to welcome them into the office, and then stayed there for several hours without anyone being disturbed. Many police officers in the office area saw this scene, but it was a pity that Felicia was out on patrol at the time. When she came back, she learned that the suspects in the downtown shooting case had been taken away.

Not even a case was left behind.

After all, it was the result of risking his life. The policewoman suppressed her displeasure and ran to the office to find Captain Qiu En. As a result, the man responded with a helpless expression and said: "The procedures they followed were in compliance with the regulations, and there are no problems with their ID documents, so this case has nothing to do with us, so don't ask."

Well don't ask.

Felicia could guess what it was, nothing more than some higher-level secret department. Such people often have the secret support of high-level officials, otherwise they would not be able to intervene in a case so quickly and legally in just a few days. The female police officer even had some doubts that there might be some other factors why her application to join the special service team was approved. You must know that the special service team basically belongs to the combat department. Some passionate police officers apply for several years in a row before getting the opportunity. How come they succeed so quickly when it is their turn?

After all, there are more male police officers with more combat experience and stronger physiques.

Is this compensation in disguise?


Captain Qiu En raised his voice and finally called the distracted policewoman back: "I'm sorry, I'm not very focused right now."

"That's what I said, rest when it's time to rest." The man put down his coffee cup, lay back on the leather chair and moved his neck, just in time to see the document bag in Felicia's hand: "The report is ready. Right? Just put it on the table and go back to rest. Your police career is still long, don’t imitate us middle-aged and elderly people. When you go to the special service team next month, there will be many things to keep you busy, and... .”

Qiu En raised a palm, trying to get the policewoman to focus: "Since you will soon be separated from the existing work flow, I suggest that you welcome the new life of the special team with peace of mind and stop worrying about the current case. Is that right?"

There was silence in the office for a few seconds, and a polite smile appeared on Felicia's face.

"Of course, thank you, Jon."


After leaving the office, the policewoman did not go to the parking lot, but returned to her office in the lobby.

The mug used the day before yesterday was still on the table, with a small amount of coffee left that was completely undrinkable. Felicia cleared away the clutter on the table, then got a box and started packing her personal belongings. Although the paper transfer order had not officially arrived, she did not want to wait until then to move the table. As a person who has been "accused of violence" by suspects many times, he is already well-known in the police station.

"Look who this is? Isn't this our heroic policewoman?"


Someone snapped his fingers next to him.

Felicia looked up and saw a familiar face. Unlike Captain Qiu En, who pays attention to his image, the man in front of him has a messy beard and a somewhat gloomy look, but his eyes are still very energetic.

"Max, I told you not to call me that."

The policewoman looked at her former partner: "You look very tired. Did you encounter difficulties with the case?"

"is not that right?"

Max put one elbow on the partition of the desk and flicked the magazine in his right hand: "There is no body, the chain of evidence cannot be put together, and there is a half-crazy witness. You know, all the most annoying situation. For God’s sake, Christmas is next week, and I have two worried children at home. I really want to clear my mind and go to sleep.”

"Your two children are indeed naughty, but boys are like this when they get older." Felicia comforted her old partner, and then her attention was attracted by the title on the magazine page: "What is this? You Are you going to start watching horror stories now?”

Hearing this, Max raised his eyebrows and unfolded the magazine: "This is not what you think. Do you remember the Umbrella biochemical weapons news that was very popular a while ago? A reporter wrote an article these days , saying that Raccoon City, Colorado was attacked by biological and chemical weapons, look at this..."

Following the man's fingers, Felicia saw an illustration of an article. In the picture, there was a tall figure dragging a broken car. Judging from the proportions of the two, this is obviously not a body shape that ordinary humans can have. The policewoman recognized the monster's identity and almost all the news channels were reporting on the Umbrella Group a few weeks ago. The footage of the incident in Paris, France, had been shown countless times on television, and she was naturally deeply impressed by it.

"I know this, what happened in Raccoon City."

The policewoman took the magazine and browsed it carefully: "Is this written by another survivor?"

"You'll have to ask Penny about that."

The man scratched the stubble on his face: "That's the girl from the Internet team. Don't tell me you don't remember. You two graduated from the same police academy and joined the NYPD together. Penny told me two days ago , an anonymous user posted more than a dozen videos on the forum, you must take a good look. The picture is just like the one we had before, that... you know."

Reaper attack.

Although her old partner did not continue, Felicia understood what the man meant: "Okay, okay, I will go to your place to find you later. Now let me finish this."

"I knew you'd like it."

Max made a shooting gesture towards the policewoman, left the magazine and left. After watching the man disappear, Felicia turned her eyes back to the title of the article.

"Hell Escape Diary: The Raccoon City Tragedy Covered Up"

Author: Alyssa Ashcroft



Under the night sky, a loud noise came from the shooting range.

Seeing a black hole punched through a metal plate 800 meters away, Watson put down his telescope and touched the hot barrel of the XM500 anti-material sniper rifle. Several bright yellow bullet casings lay on the camouflage cloth, still emitting light white smoke. He raised his head and glanced at the large piece of white snow in front of him, then lowered his head again and began to press bullets into the magazine.

At noon, Luper sent the message.

The next mission is in Africa.

The prototype of the T virus - the birthplace of the 'Stairway to the Sun' ancestor virus, is not quite in line with Watson's personal expectations. The wolf mother didn't go into details in the text message, but just mentioned that it was related to escorting something. Watson originally thought that if the mission location was closer, he could deal with the Plaka parasite in "Resident Evil 4"; or the mold in "Resident Evil 8".

Although according to the official setting, the Plaka parasite may have originated in West Africa and still exists in a certain site; while the mold is not only hidden in a cave in Eastern Europe, it is also distributed in North America, but that This could be the story of the next Resident Evil game. But is the plaka parasite really present in Africa? Even if there is, there is a high probability that it will become a fossil...

We can only go there and think of ways to see it.

At this moment, a burst of heat came from the palm of his left hand.

The familiar feeling began to spread. To be honest, Watson himself almost forgot that there was a cat paw mark on his palm. He turned his head and saw the black cat he had not seen for a long time, squatting next to him, looking over with a pair of crystal green pupils, with some inexplicable meaning.

"good evening."

Watson stared at the black cat for a few seconds, threw out a greeting, and then put his eyes back behind the scope again, ignoring the messenger of death. Soon, the XM500 made an ear-splitting roar, and a large amount of dust in front of the muzzle was lifted up, and then slowly floated to the side in the breeze.


Another .50BMG bullet hit the target.

The silence after the gunshot was quickly broken. It was a burst of aircraft coming from the clouds, from small to large, from near to far. Watson replaced the XM500 and took out the AWM from the gun bag. The black cat remained motionless, watching him put the bipod in place, spent a few minutes adjusting the scope, and finally took out a .338 Lapu Magnum from the box and stuffed it into the chamber of the gun. Watson then stretched out a finger towards the black cat. The other party did not avoid it, but just let his fingertips rub his head a few times.

"Are you planning to just look at me like this all night?"

Watson shook his head to himself and lowered his face again. He could feel the burning in his palms, and the black cat was clearly not as calm as it seemed. Watson stopped his aiming action and turned his attention to the cat face again: "Look, I am very grateful to you for helping me with the Clockwork Man, but I think the reward you have received is enough. "

Seeing that the black cat did not respond, he continued: "So if we want to continue this kind of 'cooperation', I think we need to have a good communication. The current situation cannot be called communication. Besides, for a being like you, There’s no need to get anything through me, am I right... Lady Death?”

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly darkened.

The moonlight in the night sky seemed to be suddenly blocked, and the entire land became much darker. There was no one around, and Watson couldn't be sure whether this change was only in his eyes. He looked towards where the black cat was, and there was already a large group of dark blue light. Watson had no intention of waiting. He changed his eyes and tried to see the picture clearly through observation.

Fortunately, Ms. Death didn't keep people waiting.

The first thing that appeared in front of her was a pair of long legs wearing black open-toe high socks. They overlap each other gracefully, with skin as pale as a corpse and as perfect as a sculpture, reminding Watson of the body of Lisa, the faceless nurse. This scene was quickly completely obscured by a black cloak. The woman sitting on the ammunition box made no other movements, but slowly turned half of her face——

In the hood is a skull.

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