As I walked slowly into the hall, I saw chaos.

It's really a mess.

Seven or eight black gangsters were sitting on the sofa, and the air was filled with a strong smell of tobacco and body odor. Especially since everyone is puffing away, the gas formed is comparable to a smoke bomb. In the center of the hall, an old chandelier swayed, emitting a murky light. There were also a few slender figures walking among the crowd, and Miss Watson recognized them as voluptuous girls.


A man first saw Miss Watson, letting out a loud howl. He jumped up from the sofa, and his big yellow teeth were extremely eye-catching: "Look at this! Guys...this is called a woman! Am I dizzy or has Christmas come early? Oh my god Ah, look at this, this..."

He couldn't even speak coherently.

Of course Miss Watson did not show her face, but those two slender, well-proportioned and yet voluptuous thighs caught everyone's attention as they moved. Immediately, several people threw their cigarettes aside and ran towards her.

"and many more......"

Before the skinny man nestled at the door could warn him, the first unlucky guy was kicked back to the sofa. The next few people didn't fare much better. They suffered heavy blows to their ribs and abdomen, and fell to the ground with their bodies hunched over. Miss Watson drew her gun with her backhand and pointed two Glock 19s at the hall. These guys were covered in smelly sweat, snot and saliva, and she really didn't want to continue touching them with her hands and feet.


"She has a gun!!!"

Several men screamed and quickly rolled over to the back of the sofa. Those who had no time to get up simply held up the screaming prostitute and blocked it in front of them. Two white guards leaned out from behind the inner hall door with guns in hand, aiming at the woman in front of them. Miss Watson remained unperturbed and watched the farce silently.

"I'm not interested in your late-night activities, gentlemen." After more than ten seconds, she spoke: "I just want to ask, who is the 'Eagle' here?"


A voice came from behind the sofa: "No one calls this bird a name! But each of us has something more powerful than 'eagle', little beauty."

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Laughter spread everywhere, and several black gangsters raised their bodies from behind the sofa - this time they had more guns in their hands: "It's 5 to 1 now, how about it, honey? You'd better put down those two small water guns of yours, otherwise they'll be waiting for you It won’t look good soon.”

so dark.

I don't even know who is speaking...

Miss Watson looked carefully for a while and finally found a pair of teeth that opened up and down. But that's about it. With her visual memory of this group, she couldn't tell any difference in appearance between these people. They have similar body shapes, similar hairstyles, the same thick lips and big noses. To put it bluntly, it looks like the Clone Legion.

That's what he said, but it also had a lot to do with how little he saw. Just like many Europeans and Americans have never been to Asia in their lives and rarely see them in daily life, so in their eyes, Asians all look the same.

"Hey! This is our guest!"

At this moment, perhaps after confirming the words "Eagle" in Miss Watson's mouth, the two white guards at the entrance of the corridor spoke out: "Calm down, you losers, you are preventing our boss from making money, everyone." Be unlucky."

"Screw you!"

A gangster yelled: "I don't care who she is, this bitch injured our brother, she must give us an explanation today! God can't stop it! I said so!"

Blame me?

Seeing the guy starting to count down, Miss Watson secretly flipped the trigger safety and turned to look at the two white guards: "I thought you were in the same group."

"No, no, no, I'm sorry, miss, we didn't expect you to come so quickly."

One of the bald guards put down his gun and apologized repeatedly: "I'm going to go down and inform the boss. Don't irritate them yet. My partner will help you..."

"Thank you, you are so kind."

Miss Watson turned around and called toward the hall: "Okay, which one of you comes first?"

She slowly raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at the ceiling. Although he didn't lay down his weapons, it looked like he was surrendering.

"Stop playing tricks! Put down your..."

Before the gangster could finish his words, a gunshot rang out and the room suddenly fell into darkness. Miss Watson, who had blown up the chandelier, immediately changed her position, quickly aimed at the targets in the hall, and opened fire with two Glocks in her hands!

No matter how well you hide it, a fixed target is still a fixed target.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

After five shots, there were only cries of pain and screams in the hall.

"Ahhhh!!! My hand!"

"Damn it, I've been shot! Get me!"

"Wait! Please..."


Miss Watson lowered the muzzle of her gun and inserted a bullet into the arms of the fallen people at her feet. Then she slowly raised the gun and aimed it at the door. The skinny man was stuck there, not daring to move. The muzzle flash of fire still stayed in the retina, and his eyesight, which was already unhealthy, could no longer see anything clearly.

His ears were filled with pleas for mercy and screams of pain, and he realized the result.

"Don't! Don't kill me!"

He raised his hands in the air and his voice couldn't stop trembling: "I'm just a loser who opens the door. Look, I'm not even a part of them gathering people to have fun. You don't need to waste bullets, really! I'll get out of here, don't you?" See you again!"

Miss Watson said nothing, put away a gun, walked into the hall, and broke the weapons one by one. "Gathering people together for fun" also has an additional benefit, that is, everyone is basically wearing only socks, making it difficult to hide other weapons. Two people tried to sneak up on them, but she shot them with the butt of a broken shotgun. Seeing the frightened and angry look in the eyes of one of the gangsters, Miss Watson raised the Glock 19 again and aimed at the opponent's thigh: "The small water gun also has the benefits of the small water gun, don't you think so?"

"Screw you!"


The little gangster trembled and fainted from the pain. The skinny girls didn't dare to scream when they saw this, they just held their heads and shivered. After confirming that these gangsters had lost their fighting power, Miss Watson looked up at the camera in the corner of the ceiling for a few times, then slowly walked towards the guard: "I've got it, lead the way."

The two guards looked at each other for a few moments, then turned and walked inside: "This way, please."


I thought I was going upstairs, but ended up in a basement.

The metal stairs under your feet soon turned into concrete, giving off a strong smell of rough-hewn houses. Stepping on them would stir up a small amount of dust. However, after entering the door in front of me, a fairly spacious office appeared in my field of vision. It was like suddenly entering another building. The wooden floors, ventilation ducts and barrels made it look like a speakeasy.


The man sitting on the boss's chair stood up and stretched out his right hand towards Miss Watson: "I am the 'Eagle'. What should I call my lady?"

"...Tarantula (Tarantula)."

Miss Watson picked up a name casually. The codename 'Tarantula' is actually very common. It has been used by many good and bad characters in the works of Marvel and DC. Moreover, in the mercenary circle, it is definitely a very common practice for big bosses to use the names of various animals as code names.

"It's a very vivid title, full of temptation, and very deadly, just like you." Eagle is a middle-aged white man with a slicked back. His suit and accessories are very exquisite, making him look more like a businessman. Source: "That was just a small episode. I hope it didn't affect your interest. Please sit down!"

"I think you enjoyed watching it through the camera."

Glancing at the armed guard behind him, Miss Watson straightened the hem of her windbreaker, pulled up a leather chair and sat down.

"You have to be a little wary in this business, right? I'm sure you can understand. But I still have to apologize, after all... Chimpanzees have always been simple-minded, and most of them don't They know what style is. You can’t blame them, these guys grew up in that kind of environment.”

"So why did you put them up there?"

"Stupidity has its advantages, Ms. Tarantula."

Eagle poured whiskey into the glass and shook the ice ball in the glass a few times. The enthusiastic smile on his face remained unchanged: "These idiots are a cover for me. They only have sex, fists and women in their minds all day long. They are the most likely to cause conflicts in the entire Bronx. So even the police will not be willing to approach these people if there is no big deal. Do you want a drink?"

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

A stack of banknotes was placed on the table by Miss Watson.

ten minutes later.

After doing some shopping, Miss Watson reappeared on the roof and slowly returned to Manhattan Island. She was very lucky to have brought two extra bundles of money with her when she went out. There were also many high-precision sniper bombs for sale at the Eagle's Place. NATO standard ammunition such as 7.62x51mm has actually been divided into many types during its long development process, such as:

M61/M948/M993: armor-piercing projectile;

M62/M276 type: tracer bullet;

M64 type: blank ammunition specially designed for launching rifle grenades;

M118/M118LR/M852 type: competition ammunition or sniper ammunition, etc.

The specifications of the various bullet types mentioned above are actually the same, but they have different advantages in terms of lethality against unarmored targets, penetration of armored targets, ballistic stability, and shooting accuracy. Therefore, in actual use, these bullets will be painted with different colors on the tip of the warhead to facilitate soldiers to quickly distinguish.

Naturally, conventional bullets usually cost the least.

Now, in addition to the 130 rounds of .338 Lapu Magnum sniper bullets, Miss Watson's backpack also contains about 200 rounds of 7.62x51mm high-precision sniper bullets. It was a waste to use this thing on an automatic rifle. She planned to feed it all to her M14 unless she could get more sniper rifles of the same caliber in the future.

Originally, he didn't have enough money, but Mr. Eagle showed his sincerity and put together a round amount.

Miss Watson was not sure what this man was thinking. However, in line with the habit of assuming the worst in everything, she felt that Mr. Eagle might not have any good intentions. The guy said 'make friends', but kept his eyes on his chest...

Oh man.

It's ironic to say that when I finished the transaction and went back upstairs, a few voluptuous girls were still in the lobby. Miss Watson originally thought that they had some connection with the gang of thugs, but when she took a closer look, she found that these women took advantage of the darkness and the gangsters were shot and fell to the ground to rummage through the clothes and take away all the money and jewelry inside.

It's also enough.

Her thoughts turned back to weapons. It was only a matter of time before she learned the clockwork self-aiming technique. Miss Watson felt that she could change her mind and consider some traditional bolt-action sniper rifles. After all, I already have an AWM in my hand, so it’s natural to have more of the same kind. But having said that, I am originally a German, but so far I have never used German guns. The only one I have touched seems to be the MP5 from the German HK company.

This is not good. I have to find a chance to buy a few more. The ghost seems to have a G3A3 automatic rifle...


"I am back!"

After patting Lisa on the shoulder, Miss Watson threw away the green short trench coat, and then began to pack her weapons. She was ready to return to Silent Hill immediately to see what was going on over there with the Winter Soldier. Then use the teleportation array to go to the London Temple, and finally buy a plane ticket to Le Havre.

Of course Lisa had to stay in the safe house.

Hold out a finger and use your tentacles to give the command: kill any other creature that enters the safe house. However, after waiting for a while, the faceless nurse showed no reaction. Miss Watson couldn't help but start to wonder whether the dress-up doll understood what she meant.

So she ran out again.

Miss Watson returns once again after catching an unlucky rat from an alley. As soon as she walked into the living room, Lisa made a move. The faceless nurse's hands transformed into short claws, and her face without facial features swayed with the position of the mouse.

Miss Watson let go.

The unlucky mouse who had regained his freedom had just landed on the ground and squeaked and crawled under the sofa. If this were placed in ordinary people's homes, I'm afraid it would cause a commotion. However, neither of the two women in the room were good people. Miss Watson only saw Lisa twisting her waist and pounced on her.

The sharp claws pierced the mouse's hind legs.

Miss Watson breathed a sigh of relief. She was only a second away. If the mouse really got under the sofa, she would definitely have to deal with it a lot. At this time, Lisa was lying on the ground like a wild animal, holding the unlucky mouse in front of her with her right hand, and tore it in half with all her strength.

"...Okay, this floor needs to be mopped."

I hate doing housework!

With a stinky expression on her face, Miss Watson stretched out a few tentacles and quickly cleaned up the crime scene. She decided to find a way to upgrade Lisa as soon as possible so that she would have an extra sweeping robot in the future. If any intruders are killed, the dress-up doll can automatically clean them up.

Let me think about where there are new viruses coming...

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