"sit down."

In the same room overflowing with sandalwood, Master Gu Yi sat cross-legged in front of the tea table and began to pour tea with graceful movements. Miss Watson was a little wary as she hesitated, and she wanted to run away immediately.

"What's wrong with your hand?"

"Oh, there's something."

Miss Watson said as she began to unzip the zipper. The sealed combat uniform was fine, except that it was extremely troublesome to put on and take off. Anyone who has worn tights knows that it is really uncomfortable to put them on and take off. Latex ones are better. Patent leathers of average quality can easily tear off the threads if you are not careful. Fortunately, my skin doesn't sweat, so I can easily pull my arm out.

Looking at the cat paw prints spread out in front of him, Master Gu Yi took a sip of tea silently and replied: "Okay, get dressed. I need some time to think."

What are you thinking about?

Not starting the Riddler again, right?

Miss Watson's face showed no expression, she held the tea cup with her slender fingers and silently stared at the tiny broken leaves sinking to the bottom.

"I've wanted to foresee your future more than once."

After half a minute, the old lady put down the teacup gently: "But like I said at the beginning, they are not clear. 'Outsiders' have appeared in this dimension many times, and you are very special. In 1990 , I suddenly felt that you were dissipating, so I came over and activated the Eye of Agamotto, and then..."


"I saw death." The ancient mage's eyes wandered on the tea table for a while, and finally met Miss Watson's face: "That was the first time that the Eye of Agamotto took effect on you. You should understand what I mean. 'Death' became a vague part of your future. It seems now that her interest in you has not faded."

1990...the day I was injected with the super soldier serum?

Miss Watson looked away from the old lady's face and back to the teacup. In the corner of the table, a wisp of smoke drifted from the top of the incense stick, changing into unpredictable shapes.

It's exactly what I thought.

That black cat should be the incarnation of death, but what does the other party want from him? With Thanos' purple sweet potato being a licker for thousands of years, he might even have a crazy lover named Deadpool. How many men could she not find? Don’t you want to get another licking dog? It's not a good thing to be targeted by a god, especially a god who takes pleasure in corrupting people's minds.

What is she interested in me about?

Can I change it immediately?

The crooked thought only appeared for half a second, and was immediately extinguished by Miss Watson. Lady Death must have other plans, but she couldn't even figure out the thoughts of the ancient mage in front of her, let alone analyze the God of Creation. But returning to the original origin, no matter what Lady Death wants, it cannot be separated from its essential attributes————


Marvel's five creator gods, eternity, infinity, death and annihilation... Oh, and the most shameful one, Galactus, the planet devourer who is always sacrificed to heaven by villains in comics. Except for Uncle Galactus, who thinks about eating all day long, the remaining creation gods formed two factions. They oppose each other and check and balance each other to maintain the normal operation of the entire multiverse.

Therefore, the two faction leaders, Eternity and Death, are almost completely opposite in terms of functions.

The former represents birth and growth;

The latter represents decay and destruction.

In the plot of the movie, the Ancient One Master allowed his body to die, and his soul followed the Creator God "Eternity" to travel to another world; and the earth was completely left to the new Supreme Master Stephen Strange. In just a few minutes, half of the first chapter of A Brief History of the Marvel Universe drifted through Ms. Watson's mind.

"So...I actually died once?"

"I think so."

The ancient mage slowly leaned forward: "But you were immediately summoned by death, and then you were able to resurrect. No one has ever been able to do this. You are the only one I know, so I hope You can describe the scene. Or I should ask, what did you see when you closed your eyes?"

What did I see? I saw myself like a salted fish in a fish tank. Lady Death picked me up, looked at me for a few times, and then threw me back.

"Probably Starlight."

Miss Watson pressed her entire upper body against the low tea table like a gymnast stretching. Her slender legs naturally curled up to the left, giving half of her body a seductive curve: "It's like looking at the galaxy in the universe. There is a huge skull inside, which should be death. But... ...laugh!"

As if she was playing out of boredom, she blew lightly to drive away a few strands of hair that fell on her lips: "I don't understand why she is interested in me, and you said I am special, what is so special about me? "

Master Gu Yi did not answer immediately.

His eyes looked straight forward calmly, as if admiring the beauty of this beautiful woman lying on her side, but what he said made people stunned for a moment——

"What if I said, you're similar to Thanos in some way?"

"...Wait a minute, how do I resemble Thanos, that purple sweet potato guy?"

Miss Watson wanted to conjure up a string of question marks above her head. She never expected that the Supreme Mage would say this. Let's rule out the possibility of nonsense for the moment, what did this woman see with the time stone that day? Do you use the black light virus to kill everyone? Will the endless swarm of insects devour the planet? Or will he go completely crazy and 'eat' all the superheroes?

Faced with this inexplicable conclusion, she could only attribute the reason to the time stone.

"You always control yourself very well."

Staring into those eyes, the Supreme Mage's gaze reflected sharpness: "You enjoy daily life very much and like to show a peaceful and harmless side to others. But when you have to fight, you will never show mercy to the enemy. . I think Lady Death may have seen some strong desire for destruction, or possibilities. This not only refers to the psychology, but also your body."

Seeing Miss Watson who fell into silence, the old lady added lightly: "You know the nature of these things on your body very well, am I right?"



The heavy blade cut through the air, and with a dazzling cold light, the wooden pile was divided into two sections. The Zhanma Dao made a half-circle along his waist and returned to his hand again. It was approaching dawn. Since Hamill sent the weapons, Miss Watson went to the martial arts field again and practiced in a remote corner all night.

The style of this sword is very simple. There are no patterns or totems such as dragon heads carved on it. The entire blade is very smooth, and the handle is tied with a layer of tough leather. If it weren't for the wide, straight blade, it would even look like an oversized samurai sword. However, from a structural point of view, nearly half of the length of this weapon is occupied by the handle. This is also to facilitate the use of both hands at the same time.

Miss Watson thanked the clockworker in her heart.

Lieutenant Colonel Cronan was extremely talented in cold weapons. Clockwork Man had access to all kinds of spears and daggers that were once popular in the Western world. Although he prefers short-range combat, the basic stance for long-handled weapons is relatively clear. The last time he fought in Silent Hill, Watson experienced it once with that axe.

Raise the blade above your head.

After spinning it for more than a dozen times like a windmill, the jerky feeling slowly began to subside. Just like those two T-shaped swords, you can master them after practicing them for ten and a half months. As long as it has the memory of its original use, the learning ability of the black light virus is really terrifying. Miss Watson knows very well that the black light virus in her body is far from reaching the level in the game "Prototype". If one day she really does it in the future, if she wants to learn to fly a plane in minutes, she will just absorb a pilot directly. matter.

But Master Gu Yi's words still troubled her.

‘The Nature of Blacklight Viruses’.

As a product of artificial improvement and synthesis, the black light virus, like most of its kind, only has the most instinctive thought of survival. Devouring and absorbing without emotion, evolving upwards without limit. The protagonist Alex in the first generation game actually died after being infected with the black light virus. The virus inherited part of his memory and therefore thought he was a human.

No matter which camp ‘Alex’ thinks he belongs to when the game is cleared; objectively speaking, it has been completely separated from the human species from the beginning.

Me, too.

For a long time in the past, Miss Watson had chosen not to think about this matter. But now, she had to admit that there were too many things about this body that she didn't understand. The owner of this body, from the little boy named Armendo to the current being who calls himself ‘Watson’, am I still me?

I have always lived like a human being.

This makes me feel comfortable.

Miss Watson thought of the day she returned to Heidelberg in 1990. After visiting Grandma Leah's old home, little Armendo's consciousness left his body and turned into a drop of red liquid and fell into the Neckar River. It was at that time that I perhaps became a complete individual, a complete...

Black light virus consciousness?

Forget it, I don't want to.

I was so distracted that I didn't pay attention, and the last slash split the stone steps together. Miss Watson retracted her arm and saw the tentacles squirming under the clothes on her arm, and then she realized that she had used too much force. Shaking her head, she put down her sword, took two trot steps, jumped up high, and climbed to the rocks on the nearby ridge.

Not long after, the sky lit up.

The Himalayas were extremely silent at this moment. Miss Watson took off her helmet and let the cold wind blow across her face. On that distant horizon, the golden light becomes brighter and brighter. The clouds and white snow on the mountain tops are covered with brilliance, and there is a beauty that calms the soul. Unknowingly, the morning sun has gradually spread down the ridge. This is not the first time for Miss Watson to see it, but she is still amazed by its incredible speed that is difficult to detect.

Watching the sunrise, you seem to lose track of time.

One second the sun was still in the sky, and the next moment it seemed to be shining on you. If you didn't deliberately count the stopwatch, you wouldn't be able to notice how much time had passed. Soon, Kamal Taj's apprentices began to appear one after another, smoke from the kitchen overflowed from the kitchen window lattice, and people came and went on the wooden bridge and path, revealing a quiet and noisy atmosphere.

When breakfast time passed, Miss Watson put on her helmet and returned to the martial arts arena, shouldered her saber and walked towards the kitchen. Many apprentices saluted her, and they all still remembered the battle yesterday. The sword on the shoulder was full of visual impact, and no one came close to it along the way. Miss Watson didn't care at all about the scrutinizing glances around her. She was a little hungry now.

I asked Master Hamil yesterday and found out that Master Wang went down the mountain to buy vegetables. So today I should be able to cook something fresh, not the kind of cured meat that tastes like it's been frozen for 10,000 years.


"So, you came to me just because you want to eat chicken?"

At the empty dining table, Master Wang glanced at Miss Watson's chest again. He wanted to try to be polite, but the two sizes were really impossible to ignore. God knows there was a voice at the door just now, ‘Old Wang! Serve! ’, then I walked out and saw a sexy female Biao carrying a machete, and I felt like there were so many stupid horses passing by.

"Yeah, what if it's not?"

Miss Watson bit down on the white-cut chicken leg, licking the muscle belly with her tongue, and skillfully used her teeth to tear off a whole piece of meat. Seeing the untouched soy sauce plate lying nearby, Master Wang was finally convinced that the guy in front of him was Watson. Only that beautiful lunatic would not order soy sauce when eating plain-cut chicken.


A chicken leg was quickly chewed clean.

It's coming, it's coming!

Master Wang shouted in his heart, and then he saw Miss Watson's red lips opened wide, breaking a whole chicken leg in half, putting it all into her mouth and chewing it clean. Seeing this scene, he suddenly felt at ease. Yes, absolutely, this is how Watson eats chicken, not even leaving a bone. It is so cruel and inhumane.

"Why on earth didn't you order soy sauce?"

“Should I order it?”

"Shouldn't you order it? This is plain chicken. It has no flavor. How can you eat it without some soy sauce?"

"You don't understand." Miss Watson raised a finger, and the grease clung to her gloves, making them very slippery: "This is the authentic way of eating in Dongguo. People in Dongguo never order soy sauce when eating plain-cut chicken."

Did you do this on purpose? Isn’t this thing from Dongguo? If you don’t order sauce, why would you need a soy sauce plate? Crazy? With a mouthful of old blood in his throat, Master Wang took a few deep breaths and gave up the idea of ​​arguing with Watson. This guy kept telling lies. Last time he stayed at Kama Taj, he actually wanted to encourage himself to go out hunting snowmen together because he was tired of the food.

If you have some free time, wouldn't it be better to study magic?

Within a few minutes, the whole plain-cut chicken on the plate was eaten clean, leaving only two chicken feet, a chicken butt, and the dead chicken head. This chicken didn't have to die today, but as if destined, Lady Death set her sights on Miss Watson, and Miss Watson set her sights on the old hen.

"I've eaten. Thanks for the treat."

Miss Watson plucked off the rice in a few licks, then bowed her head slightly and pretended to salute.

"Say it like you're going to give me money."

"Definitely next time."


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