The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 125 The Riddler’s Happiness

Miss Watson conducted a simple test.

Under normal conditions, she can carry 2-3 cars; if she transforms into a blackened body, she can carry about 5 cars. It's not impossible to continue going up, but the arms will immediately break away from their original shape and become thicker, which may damage the clothes. The parking lot of the motel was in a mess, with several cars piled on top of each other and extensively damaged.

She clapped her hands with peace of mind, turned and left.

A piercing air raid siren suddenly sounded.

Miss Watson remained unmoved and continued straight down the street. The walls of the building nearby peeled off quickly like ashes, revealing the rust-red metal structure; the pale white sky was completely obscured, and a blood-red scene soon took shape.

Silent Hill seems to still be operating according to the rules Alessa left behind.

But this time the person is probably not me.

Sure enough, after the air defense siren ended, gunshots were heard in the distance.

The tentacles wrapped around the corner of the eaves, and the body seemed to be pulled by a slingshot, speeding up and flying into the sky. Each tentacle can move on its own, and Miss Watson can flexibly control its pulling force and quickly release the original tentacles after the pendulum moves more than half of the way. At the same time, with the help of the buffering ability of the black light virus, the body is pushed further by inertia.

Soon, the destination was reached.

This is the Aalto Theater located southeast of the town center. It looks full of age. There is a huge neon sign above the wooden door, which feels like an old federal movie in the 80s. At this time, the steps in front of the door were covered with blood, and corpses were lying everywhere. Miss Watson took a few glances, and they were all monsters characteristic of Silent Hill.

These monsters have different shapes, but it can be seen from the sharp weapons on their limbs that they are basically melee soldiers, and they are not much stronger than zombies. However, the Winter Soldier is an elite killer, and these monsters can't cause much trouble until their physical strength is exhausted.


The sound of breaking glass came from behind the door.

Miss Watson touched the weapon on her body and thought for a while but still didn't take it out. Alessa can control monsters in Silent Hill and even summon the Triangle Head. Now I have become a similar character. Although I am not as good as a little girl for the time being, I should not be actively attacked anymore, right?

Pushing open the wooden door, corpses and bloodstains stretched from the feet to the entrance.

Several monsters were wandering in front of the door. The flesh and veins on their bodies reminded Miss Watson of the time when she watched "Into the Wild" when Bear Grylls cut off the skin of a cow and then wrapped it in The picture on the body.

"Um, hello?"

I reached out and patted it, but the monster showed no reaction. Miss Watson felt relieved, pushed away some guys blocking the way, opened the curtain and strode into the auditorium. The lights on the stage more than ten meters away made the entire auditorium appear pitch black. But this did not interfere with her vision. The Winter Soldier was standing on the stage, fighting fiercely with two giant dogs as tall as one person.

Near the steep steps under the stage, there are many monsters trying to climb up. A figure passed by, and Miss Watson recognized it immediately as a faceless nurse. The strange thing is that the other party's outfit has completely changed. It is no longer a classic one-piece narrow skirt, but has been replaced by a nurse's outfit from an Allied field hospital during World War II.

Of course, the skirt was obviously too long.


Two of the Faceless Nurse's companions had already successfully stepped onto the stage, but unfortunately they failed to cause any damage to the Winter Soldier. Instead, they were struck by a slash from the opponent, and one of them ruptured his abdominal cavity on the spot. The iron pipe in his hand hit the ground with a loud collision. The Winter Soldier rolled to the right and escaped the attack of the giant dog. Then he picked up the short-barreled shotgun on the ground, and a shot blasted open the head of the remaining faceless nurse.

The lack of a hand did not affect his fighting ability.

"I'm reluctant to kill you, how can you do it?"

Looking at the tragic scene in front of her, Miss Watson couldn't help but shake her head. Before the last faceless nurse in front of her could go far, she quickly took her into her arms and said, "That man is so heartless, baby, he wants to If not, why don't you just sit down with me and take a look?"


The faceless nurse kept whimpering in her throat. She grabbed the scalpel and tried to act, but was immediately disarmed by Miss Watson. She gently held the nurse's waist and led her to the seat in the corner. Not far away in the center of the stage, the Winter Soldiers continued to fight. One of the giant dogs had a gap in its neck, and it looked like it was already walking in a daze.

"These monsters are formed based on everyone's inner memories. I think Bucky must have been hunted down by German soldiers with dogs during World War II." Miss Watson patted the nurse on the shoulder: "But it makes sense. , the military camp is full of smelly big-headed soldiers, and the young man has no place to vent. No wonder he has an impression of the nurses in the field hospital, and it is still the kind of impression full of hormonal impulses, otherwise your skirt will not With such a short body, your figure can even compare with that of a cover girl, don’t you think?”


"Right? So I said, before Bucky was brainwashed, I actually quite liked his character. At least compared to Steve, he was very realistic... Hey, hey, you Why are you getting up? Sit down!"


The faceless nurse had just grabbed the back of the front chair and stood up. Before her feet could stand firmly, she was pulled off again by Miss Watson: "Do you have a problem with my legs or my chest? Lie down and sit down." Are you uncomfortable? I’m not happy if others want to sit on the seat! Why are you so anxious to go up and die?"

After saying that, she touched the nurse's face hypocritically: "But I also understand that you are just a temporary creation, you have no self-awareness, and you can't even use a gun. If I can reach Alessa's level in the future, I will give each of you a submachine gun. Times have changed a long time ago, you know? Wait... I remember that in the Silent Hill game, there were some nurses with guns, which one are they from?"

Miss Watson pulled out the Desert Eagle from her lap and stuffed it into the hands of the faceless nurse.

In her hopeful eyes...

The nurse raised her hand and held the handle of the gun!

"I knew it!"

Holding the other person tightly in her arms, Miss Watson's face behind the mask now revealed an innocent smile. Just like when she was 6 years old, she went to the little sister's house next door, and then removed the little fairy magic wand in the hand of the Barbie doll and replaced it with a majestic dragon sword. It simply opened up a new world. .

The little sister cried a lot that day, and she didn’t know why.

"There is no problem that cannot be solved with one round of .50AE. If there is, then shoot another round..." Miss Watson held the nurse's wrist and slowly pointed the gun at the Winter Soldier: "You just need to In this way, keep your body stable, and the power of this big guy will definitely make him unable to eat and walk around. Then stare at this person carefully with your eyes, oh, you don’t have eyes? It’s not important! Get ready..."

boom! "

Mimicking the sound of a gunshot, Miss Watson let go and tapped the faceless nurse's face with her finger: "How about one shot and solve all the problems? Isn't it great?"

The faceless nurse remained unmoved and continued to press the trigger with her finger.

"Okay, don't hold on to the baby, I haven't opened the insurance yet."

Miss Watson took the gun back and looked up to see that the battle on the stage was almost over. One of the giant dogs had its big head drooped on the floor, with GG already punched in it; the other had an unknown canned object smashed into its mouth, and the next second the explosion and flames lit up, and most of its upper jaw was missing.


The Winter Soldier loaded the shotgun with one hand and killed the last monster.

His eyes turned to the auditorium and captured the figures in the audience. The man inserted the shotgun into the belt buckle with one hand and began to replenish bullets. He kept a cold gaze on Miss Watson and never moved the gun from beginning to end. Miss Watson didn't panic at all. She walked onto the stage step by step with long legs, and she still had the leisure time to take a few glances at the monster's corpse.

"Who are you?"

Yeah, a cold male voice with Siberian cold wind.

"who am I?"

Seeing that the other party had no intention of drawing out the gun immediately, Miss Watson spread her hands and said, "I think you need to introduce yourself first. Can you still remember who you are?"


The Winter Soldier raised his shotgun and pointed it at the woman. Miss Watson was not slow in her movements, and the Desert Eagle appeared in her hand almost instantly. The huge theater fell into dead silence. After unremitting efforts, the faceless nurse behind finally picked up the scalpel and began to approach with small steps. But the source of the sound suddenly disappeared, and it froze in place.

Glancing over, the Winter Soldier turned his attention to the woman in front of him. In this damn place, he has never met anyone who can speak normally. Now that I finally have one, I have to ask for some information.

"Well, it seems you don't remember."

Miss Watson raised her gun and started pacing: "It doesn't matter who I am, but I can tell you that this is Silent Hill. I believe you have seen this word on many signs. This place only has people chosen by fate. talents come in. Apparently you are one of them, Mr. James Buchanan Barnes, or should I call you...Bucky?”

After observing the Winter Soldier, he still had no expression on his face.

"I need to stress something to you."

The faceless nurse who heard the voice finally appeared on the stage, and Miss Watson stretched out her hand to pull it over again: "Your combat power is enough to deal with most of the threats here, but killing will not help you at all, and you can't kill all these monsters. There are many. People who come here have abandoned the past. They can’t remember what they have done, or even who they are. You are different from them. You don’t forget it voluntarily. But only when you completely recall it all , you will realize the truth.”

"What truth?"

"Good question, how do I know?"

Miss Watson stopped and patted the faceless nurse on the face: "This is a large-scale mental torture institute for intelligent creatures. It runs automatically like a machine. You must remember what you have done. I I'm sure you will remember it sooner or later, Mr. Bucky. The truth faced by everyone is different...?"

Before he could finish his sentence, the Winter Soldier's legs weakened and he fell to the floor. Miss Watson was stunned, thinking that one of her words had triggered the brainwashing command keyword buried by Hydra. She let go of the nurse and walked over quietly to confirm that the man was only temporarily fainted.

what is this?

After thinking for a moment, Miss Watson recalled the fainting setting from the Silent Hill series.

Often after a level ends, certain NPCs will act as the Riddler and speak a few words, and then the protagonist will get dizzy and fall to the ground at the right time; after waking up, he usually changes the map and is ready to start the next level. This setting has appeared in both the Silent Hill game and the movie. It can only be said to be a bit off-putting, but it makes people speechless after seeing it too much. It seems that Silent Hill has prepared everything for Bucky the Winter Soldier.

This man has to survive countless scenes and monsters generated from broken memories.

This is very important.

It’s about whether Bucky can have a complete personality.

This 'complete' refers to a state of having complete memory, normal thinking ability, and fully understanding and thinking about what one has done in the past, rather than the previous ruthless killer mode. The more intense the confusion, pain, regret and other emotions Bucky had during this period, the more 'nutrients' Silent Hill could draw from them.

After realizing this, Miss Watson gave up the idea of ​​continuing to 'spoiler' the other party.

In the current state of the Winter Soldier, he can't even recognize Steve's face, and he probably can't listen to what others say. Especially 'you originally had a good friend who was a World War II soldier, but then you fell off a cliff during a mission and were transformed by Hydra into a super killer with no emotions. Then your recent operation failed and you were killed.' This kind of story spans decades. Memoirs can only let him think of it slowly, which is safer.

No attempt was made to wake the other person up.

Dragging the stiff faceless nurse, she headed directly towards the exit.

Silent Hill is indeed a healing place, although it is dangerous and scary, and patients have a high probability of going completely crazy. You just need to take the time to take a look, and if Bucky really can't stand it anymore, he can step in to guide him. It just so happens that Miss Watson also needs some time to practice her new abilities, and stealth tracking is a very good way.

Of course, she doesn't plan to be a bodyguard.

I still have things to do.

For example, for the black cat paw print on your hand, you have to ask Master Gu Yi to take a look. The last time I went back to Kama Taj, the old lady was not there, and no one knew where she had gone. Even if she finds someone, Miss Watson is still afraid that the other party will directly say, "Don't say it, don't say it." That's really disturbing.

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