The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 12 The unexpected disruptor

Steve bumped into the Red Skull with his shield, and a straight punch knocked him backwards. The energy rifle in his hand also fell to the ground and slid aside. At this time, several Hydra soldiers on the side wanted to turn their guns and attack Steve, but they were shot down by Watson and others.

Seeing that he could no longer stop the assault team, the Red Skull kicked Steve away before turning around and running towards the central laboratory.

"Come on!"

Steve got up from the ground, took the lead and rushed out with his shield. Watson, who was following closely, picked up the energy rifle on the ground and ran to keep up. The speed of the Red Skull is slightly faster than that of a normal sprinter, and at least two people can still keep up.

call out!

The energy rifle in Watson's hand fired a beam and struck the Red Skull. The Red Skull staggered forward, but did not fall and continued to run forward. Watson and Steve chased after him. When they passed the place where the Red Skull had just been shot, Watson smelled the smell of burning meat.

Just when Watson wanted to shoot the Red Skull again, the passage came to the corner, and the escaping Red Skull turned around and disappeared around the right corner. The two Watsons followed suit and turned around, seeing that Red Skull was already holding on to the railing at the next left corner with his left hand. Because of the speed, his body tilted and almost lost his balance.

call out!

At the critical moment, Watson's shooting skills were extraordinary, and another energy beam hit the Red Skull. The high temperature burned even a ruthless person like the Red Skull couldn't help but scream in pain. He stooped and hit the corner wall, then staggered and continued running forward.

When the two Watsons finally chased them out of the passage, the Red Skull had already strode onto a huge, boomerang-shaped aircraft and was looking at it bitterly, covering his shoulders. Watson raised the energy rifle and wanted to shoot again, but a burst of sparks erupted from the gun in his hand, and the crystal coil that was previously glowing with blue light completely dimmed.

Dropping the chain at this time?

Seeing that the Hydra bomber had begun to taxi, the two Watsons had no choice but to continue chasing forward, but unfortunately the acceleration performance of the aircraft was really excellent, and the distance between the two sides began to widen in just a few seconds.

At this time, an open car rushed to the side, with Colonel Phillips and Agent Carter sitting on it. The colonel was holding the steering wheel with one hand and holding his helmet with the other.

"Get in the car! Guys!"

Without time to say anything, Watson and Steve held the door with one hand and got into the car. The colonel pressed the accelerator to the bottom, and the car accelerated forward amidst the roar of the engine.

The distance between the two sides began to close again. At this time, the tail hatch of the Hydra bomber began to slowly close. Several Hydra soldiers held energy rifles and attacked the cars speeding on the runway.

Cha-cha-cha-cha! ! !

Steve held up his shield to block the front of Colonel Phillips, while Watson picked up the Thompson submachine gun that the colonel had thrown on his seat, and fought back with Agent Carter.

In the end, Watson's shooting skills were better (mainly referring to Agent Carter), and the car successfully approached the Hydra bomber. Seeing that the hatch was more than half closed, Watson shouted: "Steve! Jump! "

"I'm waiting for you to come back!"

Agent Carter then stepped forward and gave Steve the kiss of the century. It was a pity that Watson did not have a camera on him, otherwise this photo would make Marvel fans cry.

Steve jumped out with his shield on his back and accurately landed on the edge of the hatch. He pulled up with both arms and rolled through the narrow hatch opening.


Watson jumped over next, but it was too late. The hatch that was about to close was about to clamp Watson's left hand. He had no other choice but to stretch out the bone blades from his right and left hands and pierce the hatch cover one after another to fix himself.

The Hydra bomber slowly stretched upwards, rushed out of the last runway on the edge of the cliff, and flew towards the clear sky. Watson, who was hanging by a bone blade outside the cabin, watched the car stop safely on the edge of the runway, and then climbed toward the belly of the plane with the help of the two mountaineering pick-like bone blades in his hands.

What did Howard say? Oh, open the fixtures first.

The airflow around the climbing aircraft was very unstable. Watson shook his body and slowly took out the bomb made by Howard with one hand and attached it to the belly of the aircraft. That is to say, his physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people, otherwise he would not be able to complete this action in the turbulence of flight.


The bomb was fixed on the belly of the aircraft and entered the activation state, and Watson took out the remote-controlled detonator from his arms.

"I hope you don't blame me for blowing you up with a bomb! Steve! I'm sure you'll survive! And you'll thank me later! In every sense of the word!"

Watson shouted into the cabin with all his strength, regardless of whether Steve inside could hear him. But as soon as he finished shouting, he felt an inexplicable force pulling him away from the plane!

Not yet beyond the remote control range! Watson pressed the detonator button in his hand with all his strength.

But nothing happened, the bomb did not explode, and the plane did not lose control. Watson, who stayed quietly in mid-air, just watched the plane fly away from him and disappear at the end of the vast sea of ​​white clouds.

He turned around blankly and saw a bald woman.

Master Gu Yi clasped his hands behind his back and looked at him quietly.


"Damn it..." Watson took out the M1911 pistol on his leg as fast as he could and pointed it at the bald woman. The muzzle of the gun shook slightly due to the excessive force of the hand holding the gun. The woman clasped her hands behind her back and continued to look at him silently. After a long time, Watson did not fire. He lowered his right hand slumpedly and squeezed out a hoarse, trembling Mandarin from his throat.

"Master Ancient you want to tell me the timeline?"

"Yes." Master Gu Yi finally spoke, speaking in smooth Mandarin: "Steve Rogers is very important to this world, and you cannot change his established destiny without authorization."

"Then why didn't you stop me from the beginning?"

Watson struggled to take off his helmet, with a slightly frustrated expression on his beautiful face. He slowly sat on the ground in the mirror space.

"What you did before was just to save your life, but what you just did will directly change important time nodes." Master Gu Yi said with an indifferent expression: "So I stopped you. It is also my duty to protect the stability of the timeline. So I can’t let you leave, I will take you to a place, and when we get there we will talk about what you know.”

Master Gu Yi stopped talking, turned sideways and began to use the hanging ring to create a portal.

"How are you sure this is still your original timeline?"

Watson stood up and looked at her expressionlessly.

"The 'Clockwork Man' I fought against, that Lieutenant Colonel Cronan, whose full name is Karl Laprecht Cronan, did not have this person in your original timeline, right?"

Master Gu Yi's movements stopped.

"This is definitely no longer your original timeline, or even your original world. In addition to Clockwork Man, besides me, there must be more unexpected people. Maybe there is a paradise on the other side of Greece now The island is full of women; and in the metropolis of the United States, there is a guy wearing underwear outside, wearing a red cape and flying around all day long..."

Seeing the ancient mage's frown, Watson put the pistol back into its holster.

"What are you going to do? Continue to maintain this timeline of yours? Then I'm afraid you have to arrest them all, just like you arrested me, and then who knows how many 'they' there are? Maybe in the future, Others will continue to appear in ten or hundreds of years."

"I know you don't want to continue living, but in this situation, you can continue to guard, guard for 500 years, guard for 1000 years, and maybe there will be nothing to do with the Avengers in the future. I am willing to call you the best Dutiful…”


Before Watson could finish speaking, Master Gu Yi knocked him out with a palm. A moment later, Master Ancient One carried the unconscious Watson into the portal. The mirror space in the sky was lifted, leaving only the helmet that Watson had not had time to put back on and fell towards the vast sea of ​​clouds.


When Watson opened his eyes, he was already in Kama Taj's room in the Himalayas. The Ancient One Master had a tea seat not far away. When Watson sat up, she turned her head and made a "please" gesture.

"So, what are you going to do with me?"

Watson sat down cross-legged and unceremoniously reached out to pick up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp. The bald woman opposite still looked as calm as water, and poured another cup of tea leisurely: "To be honest, I haven't thought about it yet, but what you said before is right, I did see a lot of 'external' things. By'."

"So you haven't figured out what to do? You're quite honest."

"Honesty is a rare good quality, I like it very much." Master Gu Yi said lightly, began to wash the teapot, and refilled the tea leaves. The set of tea-making movements was so elegant that Watson almost thought he was watching a period movie. .

"Really? Then why didn't you tell your apprentices Mordo and Casillas that you had absorbed the dark power of Dormammu?" Watson raised his eyebrows.

"Honesty has its own merits." Master Gu Yi put down the teapot and finally looked directly into Watson's eyes: "You know a lot." Watson shrugged: "We are all adults, so use the words "adults" I'm sorry for pointing a gun at you before, but... I really want to reach a solution with you as soon as possible, so being honest is a must."

"I don't believe you. My duties and habits over the years tell me that I can't let you go." Master Gu Yi took a sip of tea and said, "I can't see a clear future for you 'outsiders', and along with your original destiny, The trajectory of our destiny has also undergone large and unpredictable changes."

"Just admit it, unless you want to catch us all one by one and continue to protect the earth for thousands of years, you can only accept the current reality, although it was not my intention to come to this world." Watson's There was sincerity in his eyes: "You shouldn't lock me here, it won't help you at all."

"So how can you help me?"

Master Gu Yi stood up and walked to the window with his hands behind his back amid a cloud of sandalwood.

"The purple potato spirit in your original timeline, uh, I mean 'Thanos' Thanos, I think he may not be the biggest threat anymore. The biggest threat is probably an 'outsider', not everyone Everyone like me is willing to come down and have tea and chat with you. Even if they are not your opponent, they will still choose to resist and cause a lot of trouble, such as penetrating the gate of hell."

Watson paused and continued to open his mouth: "If, I mean just in case, an accident similar to Dormammu occurs, the trouble will be even greater. Therefore, my understanding of these 'outsiders' is Richer than you are, I can help you identify them and find their weaknesses.”

"You didn't tell the truth completely." Master Ancient One turned around and looked at Watson.

Watson was silent for a moment and sighed: "Okay, I admit that I have personal feelings in it, but I think it doesn't matter. To put it another way, if I can help the world by changing some key points in time, As the superheroes grow better, they can also take over your responsibilities and better deal with various threats in the future."

"I think this is the best way. After all, I know you are tired of it..."

"Okay." Master Ancient One raised his hand to interrupt Watson's words. She turned and walked out: "You stay here until I think carefully about whether to accept your proposal."

Less than half a minute after Master Gu Yi left, a man in monk's robes opened the door and walked in: "Hello! Mr. Watson, my name is Wang. I will help arrange your accommodation at Kama Taj. .”

What? Master Wang was born in 1944? Watson was almost dumbfounded. He took a closer look and saw, oh, it was not the fat Master Wang in "Doctor Strange". The person in front of him was a thin man.


"how's it going?"

Colonel Phillips walked into the room, looked at Howard Stark who came up to him, and Peggy Carter, who was sitting on the chair and covering her mouth and shaking, and sighed: "The Air Force just sent news that their reconnaissance planes did not have any Discover......"

"Oh... Steve..." Paige's eyes were red, and any trace of hope in her eyes was instantly shattered. She raised her hands to cover her face again, sobbing silently.

"I will lead a team to salvage in the Arctic Ocean. We can't let Steve and Watson sink in the sea like this." Howard nodded, turned and walked out the door. When he saw the huge Hydra bomber in the photo, he understood the purpose of Watson asking him to make a bomb that day, but according to what Steve said through the intercom before his death, no bomb exploded.

Why didn't that bomb explode?

No one in the entire Allied Forces knew Watson's abilities better than Howard and others. He believed that Watson must have activated the bomb, but why didn't it explode?

Was it really that I was wrong, that my calculations were wrong, that there was something wrong with the bomb?

Howard clenched his fists. His arrogant character made him unwilling to think about the possibility of his mistakes. However, deep down in his heart, the guilt towards Steve and Watson and the anger towards himself were becoming more and more unbearable. He could only bury his head in it. All the energy is devoted to the search.


The time came to 1945. With Hydra gone, Germany, which was severely weakened, announced its unconditional surrender in May 1945, just like in the original history. People around the world took to the streets to celebrate the end of the war, and "Captain America" ​​Steve Rogers was also named a hero and commemorated.

History seems to be slowly getting back on track, but Watson's butterfly wings still had a considerable impact. As "Miss Watson" who accompanied Captain America in pursuit of Hydra at the last moment, she also became another hero with the official recognition of the Allied Forces. The bullet-riddled helmet she dropped was picked up and brought to a forest in Norway, which further highlighted her tragic sacrifice.

Although the top leaders of the Allied Forces disclosed the information they knew about "Miss Watson", it was not as detailed as Captain America. Therefore, many versions of her story slowly spread among the soldiers in the military camp. Some people say that Miss Watson and Captain America met on the battlefield and fell in love at first sight, starting a vigorous love triangle with another heroine, Peggy Carter.

Some of the widely read versions of the story come from the Howling Commandos who once fought side by side with these two heroes, and they actually had differences with each other. Pierson Brisson, who served as the squad leader, said that "Miss Watson" was actually a man. Some soldiers believed that the story of the "love triangle" was true. The evidence was that the two hugged each other closely during the last operation. Skydive, leaving another heroine, Peggy Carter, aside.

Some people even think that "Miss Watson" is actually related to Howard Stark...

Because at the end of "Operation Heidelberg", a soldier who loved taking pictures used his camera to take a picture of Captain America Steve Rogers, Miss Watson and the Howling Commandos sitting on a captured German Tiger heavy A group photo was taken on the tank so people could get a glimpse of "Ms. Watson".

In the photo, she is wearing a smart short black trench coat, two slender legs wearing ripped black stockings, and wearing low-heeled leather boots astride the front hatch of the tank. Her long, light blond hair was flying in the wind in the smoke, and her stunning face was full of seductive charm. This became the most well-known image of "Miss Watson" and was even covered in post-war newspapers. Captain America's limelight.

Instead, her appearance in the "Military Princess" suit was quickly forgotten by people...

Since then, few people believe that "Miss Watson" is actually a man. As for the protagonists Peggy Carter and Howard Stark related to the story, the two actually made no comments as if they had made an appointment.


The world outside is changing, but it has nothing to do with Watson, who is under house arrest in Kamal Taj. Watson has spent every day for the past six months learning meditation and spells from the mages, practicing fighting with the mages, and learning cooking from the king. After all, in Karma Taj, where there is no Internet, Watson, who was an otaku in his previous life, has no other pastime except learning to cook.

Until one afternoon, Wang found him.

"The Sorcerer Supreme wants to see you."

Entering the room where he woke up for the first time, Master Gu Yi still looked like he was sitting in front of the tea seat with a fairy spirit. Watson was not restrained at all and sat down directly opposite her.

"What? Have you finally thought about it?"

"In the past six months, the split of the timeline has become more serious, and I have sensed that more 'outsiders' have begun to appear." Master Ancient One said lightly, and then she revealed the answer simply and directly: "You To be honest, the proposal is still very risky, but it is still quite feasible, so I agreed.”

"What do you killed them?" Watson raised his eyebrows and took a sip of tea.

"It's just part of it. There was a guy with green hair, a purple suit, and two scars on the corners of his mouth who almost destroyed the New York Temple. My masking spell didn't work for some reason, but I still got rid of him. .”

"...You mean you solved him?" Watson's eyes widened in surprise. This description could only remind him of one person.


"An unknown force prevented me from killing him, but this force had traces, so I followed the clues and dealt with the devil behind him, and threw him back to the world from which he came. And my intuition told me, He will never come back." Master Gu Yi took a sip of tea as if he said a very ordinary thing.

"You're right, I'm really tired of it, and I don't want to continue with all this. So, I agree to your proposal."

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