Thick smoke came into view.

Fierce firefights followed.

There was no violent whistling sound in my ears, and the fog and dust in front of me had no obvious flow. It seemed that the explosion just now was not aimed at the outer shell of the cabin, but was used inside. The two Winter Soldiers likely wanted to attack vertically upwards, thus activating the wall-breaking device. And with the aircraft's current tilt angle of nearly 45°, it can even climb up diagonally after it explodes.

as predicted.

After briefly switching back to normal vision for a few seconds, Watson immediately felt the bright light coming from the side and above as soon as he stepped into the smoke. Then a bright red object fell to the ground. It was a cabin guard who was killed. Shouts mixed with gunshots continued to be heard from the thick fog.

The dead Winter Soldier Joseph didn't know where the VIP room was.

Above the TE3 cabin is the resting area for the security team. After walking back through a short passage and then through the conference room, you can reach Mrs. Carter's location. But since the explosion occurred near the TE3 cabin in the middle section, Winter Soldier Bucky should have tortured the information from some unlucky guy. The bad thing was that the aircraft guards had been damaged too much before, and now they had to detach a group to search for bombs. Even if you included the people stationed around the VIP room, the number was not enough to completely stop the Winter Soldier.

Therefore, Watson must seize the time and go directly to block people.

Drawing out two Desert Eagles, he made a small jump forward and crossed the gap. Before his body even hit the ground, he felt an impact in his ribs, and then he was shot in his lower abdomen. However, under the multiple obstructions of body armor, combat uniforms and blackened bodies, they were unable to cause any harm.

A scuffle was going on in the room, with bullets flying everywhere.

Except for Joseph and Bucky, no one in the Winter Soldier team at the scene was wearing prosthetic limbs anymore, which meant that only Bucky would appear "disabled" in the thermal imaging. Covered by thick smoke, Watson simply jumped up to the ceiling in two steps, fixed his body with a few fingers on his left hand, and then ripped off the gas mask that restricted his field of vision.

This wasn't the first time he'd tried to find someone in the smoke.

Conventional individual soldier smoke grenades do not generate much heat, and the body temperature difference between them and the human body is obvious, so many thermal imaging cameras can distinguish them. Watson's eyes are not inferior in this regard, and compared with those monocular and binocular thermal imaging cameras with larger field of view limitations, the pure naked eye field of view has a crushing advantage.

But the situation at the scene was really chaotic.

The two Winter Soldiers had made a mess in the room, especially since the entire aircraft was now maneuvering at a 45° tilt. Basically, all the living and dead were crowded into the lower areas, just like the crowd of refugees gathered in the thick smoke of a fire scene.


Suddenly, the fire of a grenade explosion lit up.

Watson's face was instantly covered in flesh and blood.

Fortunately, no eyes were hurt.

Of course he was not afraid of fragments and steel balls. The main thing was that the high-temperature air mass exploded by the grenade made the entire thermal imaging field of view appear golden. But even so, Watson still caught a glimpse of a figure at the edge, who was stepping on a pile of corpses and running towards the passage. The dark blue arm was accurately captured into the pupil.


Watson only had time to fire once, the bullet grazing the edge of the door frame and missing the remainder of the Winter Soldier's calf.

Released his fingers and kicked out with both legs, Watson hit the hatch like a rhinoceros. He only had the target in his eyes now and didn't care about the survivors at his feet who were asking for help. The Winter Soldier was very fast. Before he even started, the opponent had already rushed through the short passage.

Then there was another explosion.

In Watson's sight, the metal left arm was holding a grenade launcher, and several consecutive shots blew up the guard. Fortunately, taking into account the balance of the fuselage, the conference room is set in the center of the cross-section, with a channel partition on both sides. Otherwise, this tossing is likely to cause significant damage to the casing. But the internal walls are also riddled with holes, and several large holes are extremely conspicuous.

The Winter Soldier did not hesitate in his action, and a strange-shaped object was thrown, exploding the door to the VIP room.

His right shoulder swayed forward, and a large cloud of blood exploded.

This is an attack from Watson.

The second bullet followed closely, but hit his steel left arm that was leaning behind him. Watson's body quickly swept out of the passage, almost getting within 5 meters of the target. He could guarantee that at this distance, once he launched his sprint, he could directly knock the Winter Soldier over. But at this moment, the floor beneath him suddenly exploded, knocking Watson off balance.

The experienced killer laid a booby trap for the pursuers in advance.

In this critical second of delay, the Winter Soldier had already rushed into the VIP room. New guards are running up the right passage ahead. They are the remaining manpower deployed around the VIP room, but there is no way they can make it in time. Watson is now in a flying state. His angle of view was originally 45°, but now it is completely inverted. He didn't think much and made the only choice he could.

boom! boom! boom!

The two Desert Eagles began firing alternately.

As soon as the Winter Soldier raised his pistol, his upper body exploded with large pieces of flesh and blood, and he lost all strength and fell down. Watson just kept flying and fell to the ground. The attack still did not stop, and several .50AE bullets hit the target one after another. But just when the remaining warheads were about to hit the body, a light blue light lit up from the direction of Mrs. Carter. The Winter Soldier was like hitting a high-speed locomotive. With a loud noise, his body broke through the bulletproof wall on the right side and hit hard. Slap on the cabin shell.

The guards on the way were stunned by the sound of the wall exploding. When they saw the enemy, they immediately raised their guns.

and many more! !

Before the words 'Wait!' came out of Watson's throat, the fire was already on.

The nervous guard completely followed his instinctive reaction. Three 5.56mm NATO shells rolled and fell from the ejection window, and the scene fell into dead silence. Watson grabbed both guns and slowly got up from the ground, his eyes still focused on the Winter Soldier who rolled to the ground. The silver-white metal palm was turned outwards, spread out quietly, motionless.

"Target eliminated! VIP safe!"

The guard who fired seemed to finally react and yelled at his teammates behind him. Then he looked up at Watson and was startled by the blood on his face. After taking a closer look, the guard recognized the outfit: "Agent Zero, are you okay?"

"...I'm fine."

"What? Are you okay?"

After being blasted in the face, the guard's ears could not hear the volume at all.

"I'm fine!!"

Squeezing three words out of his mouth, Watson walked around the guard and walked quickly to the Winter Soldier's body. Seeing that the soldier was still looking at him, he had to try to find an excuse to get rid of him: "A grenade just exploded in the guard lounge. There should be an enemy there. If you are not busy, you can go to the passage to keep a lookout."

After a pause, he added: "Just leave this guy to me, you don't have to worry about it."

"Okay, of course."

The guard put his index finger into the gap in his helmet to pick out his ears, nodded his head blankly, picked up his M4 carbine and ran towards the passage.

"Watson? Are you okay?"

Old Mrs. Carter saw Watson through the hole and saw that he was covered in dust and blood, so she took two steps forward and asked. But Watson's attention was entirely on the Winter Soldier at this time. He reached out and took off the tactical mask, revealing the familiar square face with stubble. All the facial features were oozing blood, there were fragments of vomited internal organs at the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were slightly open, looking extremely sleepy.

Bucky's posture when he broke through the wall and fell was very clever. His butt was facing the guard, so he was not shot in the head.

But breathing, pulse and heartbeat had completely stopped.

Just then, the aircraft decreased its bank angle. Affected by gravity, the head beneath him shook slightly, giving the illusion that he was still alive. Watson reached out and pinched several parts of the opponent's neck, and the entire bone was completely shattered.

The impact generator made by Old Howard is amazingly powerful. It can make the target break through the thick bulletproof wall. Coupled with several rounds of .50AE large-caliber pistol bullets in his body, Bucky may have already entered the countdown to his life when he broke through the bulletproof wall. . The neck bones were shattered, the arteries were bleeding, and the internal organs were severely damaged. The few shots the guards had given him might have just accelerated his death.

Maybe the serum from the Winter Soldier can still work?

To be honest, Watson was not sure about this possibility. The only thing he was sure of was that according to normal medical standards, Winter Soldier Bucky was now completely dead.

"This...this is...Bucky?"

A cry of surprise sounded from behind.

Watson's eyebrows furrowed as he thought about what attitude he should adopt. Although this sentence is very cruel to say, no one currently knows that they have the information that Bucky is the Winter Soldier, so in front of anyone, Watson should pretend that he has no knowledge of it.

Standing up slowly, he looked at Old Mrs. Carter who looked horrified.

His eyes stayed on Bucky's face for about ten seconds, and then turned to Watson blankly. More than half a minute passed before Old Mrs. Carter staggered back a few steps, and a blue light device fell from her palm to the ground. The wrinkles at the corners of his mouth trembled, but no sound came out.

Watson looked in the direction of the guard lounge. His eardrums that had been shattered by the explosion had not yet fully recovered, but the harsh gunshots could no longer be heard there, and the guards at the entrance of the passage were no longer on alert. I think the battle should be over. .

Let's find a way to comfort the old lady.

With this thought in his mind, Watson saw Paige walking out of the VIP room holding on to the wall and coming to Bucky's body. A dazzling lightning flashed outside the window of the plane, making Bucky's blood-stained face even paler.

"God...what have I done...I..."

"I'm so sorry, Paige."

After thinking for a few seconds, Watson put the weapon in his left hand back into the holster, put his arm around the old lady's shoulders, and tried to push her back to the VIP room: "Let's go back first. Don't look here. There may be other things in the plane now." dangerous."


The two reddish-brown pupils in Paige's eyes shrank violently. Watson held her with one hand and could feel the old lady's whole body trembling now. Although there was still some ringing in the ears, he still noticed the frequent rise and fall of the other person's chest. The old man was very excited now, which might lead to a heart attack.

As soon as his arm exerted force, Watson simply dragged Carter to the VIP room by force.

boom! ! ! !

With an explosion coming from outside the cabin, the fuselage began to tilt again under its feet. With quick eyesight and quick hands, Watson hugged Carter's body, preventing the old man from falling. Fortunately, the friction of the semi-fixed carpet was very strong. He used his right palm to fiddle with it and finally touched the edge armrest of the sofa.

The old lady hugged her so tightly that Watson could only sit down together.

By the time Carter's head moved away from his shoulder, two lines of tears on his face had already dyed his eyes red. She usually looked kind and indifferent, but Watson hadn't seen her cry for a long time, and now he felt even more pitiful for the old lady.

A feeling of guilt arose in my heart.

If I hadn't kept the news about the Winter Soldier from Carter, would things still have turned out like this?

There's no use regretting, Watson, don't regret it.

Say it or don't say it, choose one of the two options, it's that simple. You chose not to say anything, and now Bucky is dead, and this is the consequence. Carter did this without knowing anything about it, and the guilt in her heart is countless times stronger than yours. And all this is because of your concealment, so you should indeed be responsible for this...

Watson shook his head, forcing himself to stop thinking about it.

He understood that he was now affected by Carter's emotions.

"Paige, look at me."

Now that his mentality is not calm enough, Watson can only talk about the situation. He reached out to hold the face and looked seriously into Carter's eyes: "It's not your fault. You just acted in normal self-defense. No one would have thought that that person was Bucky."

Paige said nothing.

She just lowered her eyes, her silver-grey hair sinking into wrinkles along with her tears. A few seconds passed quietly, and the fuselage shook again, and lightning pierced the eyes through the window.

"I still need to deal with the battle scene."

Watson stood up: "You calm down first, okay? Just sit here, pay attention to safety, and don't go out again."

Under his gaze, Paige sniffed, covered her face with her hands, and nodded silently. Watson put the lady's pistol that had slipped to his feet on Carter's lap, turned around and walked out of the room quickly.

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