"Are you sure it's just turbulence?"

"That's what it looks like right now on the instrument, Agent Zero."

Listening to the voice in the headphones, Watson couldn't help but shake his head.

In fact, the battle has gone on so far, which has already explained a lot of problems. Even with special equipment, Hydra soldiers cannot have long-range flight capabilities. Since they can achieve precise airdrops, there must be enemy flying vehicles nearby. And the mysterious man who can control the weather is either on a flying vehicle, or he can fly himself and can keep up with the speed of this air command plane.

Even more awesome, he can control the weather by just moving his fingers while sitting at home. However, being able to achieve this level can be regarded as a planet-level god. Watson does not think that Hydra can have such subordinates.

"Although I have no hope for your equipment..."

After unloading the magazine of the weapon, Watson pulled some loose bullets from the strip on the combat carrier and began to fill them: "There may be new enemies coming in through the breach now. If we can find the enemy flying vehicle, , maybe we can resolve this battle in advance."

After pausing for a few seconds, he added: "I mean, maybe the escort fleet can do the job, if they can arrive on time."

The voice just fell.

A dazzling flash of light covered the window, the fuselage underfoot trembled, and the lights above began to flicker again.

"What happened? Was it struck by lightning?"

No one answered this time. There was a brief chirping sound from the earphones, and then silence fell again. Watson ran to the window in two steps. The night sky seemed to be shrouded in thick black fog, and there was nothing but flashes of lightning. At the same time, gunshots rang out again in the cabin, just below our feet!

As soon as he inserted the magazine, Watson ran towards the nearest stairs.


In the command center, several members of the meteorological observation team were sweating profusely. The electronic instrument reading in front of them showed a horrifying scene: in just over half a minute, a large thunderstorm cloud suddenly formed in the airspace ahead, and the overall scale Still increasing.

This is by no means a natural phenomenon.

The commander frowned and silently squeezed the armrests of his chair. The driver was already trying to make an emergency evasion, but the thunderstorm cloud was too close and it was impossible to completely avoid it. A bolt of lightning had just struck the fuselage, and the situation was developing for the worst.

Any experienced pilot would not fly the plane into a thunderstorm.

Although as a military aircraft, this aircraft has relatively excellent lightning protection performance, this does not mean that it is 100% immune to lightning damage. The discharge load of the fuselage in a short period of time is not unlimited. It is okay to be struck three or four times. If this thunderstorm cloud can really follow people, dozens of lightning strikes will cause problems no matter what.

Communication failure is not a big deal...

I'm afraid that the engine and transmission control system will be damaged.

"We're locked in."

With the sudden sound of the electronic alarm, the operator on the right seat, who had been staring at the radar screen for most of the day, stretched out his fingers to operate on the instrument panel. Then he twisted his neck, put his arms on the table and looked over: "The enemy's position has been determined, above us."

"Well done, soldier, continue your mission, the pilot knows what to do."

The commander was still very calm: "Can the video line on the top of the fuselage be repaired?"

"We have a backup line, let me try..."

The operator clicked a bunch of buttons, then raised his eyebrows: "Thank God, it still works. Sir, look at the big screen."

Several people's eyes were all directed towards the large central screen, and the slightly crowded command center immediately fell into silence. A half-moon-shaped behemoth that looked like a B-2 bomber appeared from the clouds. The pure black fuselage was surrounded by thick fog, and several lightning bolts continued to explode around it, like a shocking debut roar.

"Well, it seems that the enemy is finally willing to show up."

The commander took two steps back and sat back on the chair: "Turn your attention back to the cabin, soldiers, we still have some poisonous snakes that have sneaked in that we haven't dealt with yet."

"But sir, what to do with that thing?"

The female communications soldier pointed at the big screen, her eyes not moving away from the giant black bird.

"Don't panic, Leni."

The middle-aged man with gray temples took out a cigar from his arms and read the other person's name: "This is not a fighter jet under our feet. All you can do is coordinate manpower to clear the enemy inside the cabin, and quickly think about how to restore the interior. Communicate. There is no use in rushing. These are the rules of the battlefield, soldier. Difficulties beyond our capabilities are best left to a professional team to solve."

Beep beep beep beep! ! ! !

The fuselage suddenly began to tilt sharply, and the female communications soldier Leni became unsteady and fell back into her seat. Gravity caused her whole body to fall to the side, and she could only hold on to the armrest with all her strength, while the solemn announcement of the aircraft pilot echoed in her ears:

"The missile is coming, take evasive maneuvers, prepare to launch thermal bombs...count down 20 seconds, 19, 18, 17..."

Invisible hands grasped his heart.

This sealed compartment does not have any outer windows, and all visible decks are covered with electronic screens and circuit boards. Leni had no way of knowing what was going on outside the plane. The countdown filled her ears with the meaning of death, and her breathing was compressed step by step.



"1. Release thermal bombs."

After the driver closed his mouth, no one in the compartment made any sound.

The roar of the engine faintly penetrated through the sound insulation board, it was steady and powerful, but it made the whole scene even more dead. There was no movement from the launch of the thermal bomb, and it was not known whether it was successful or not. These few seconds seemed extremely long. It was not until the broadcast rang again that the soldiers in the command center woke up from a dream.

"Missiles ruled out."

"Cough cough cough!!!"

The pungent smell of smoke finally made her respiratory system start to protest. Leni looked up while coughing, and saw the commander still sitting firmly on the chair and puffing away smoke, as if he was not affected at all.

"Look at that flashing light. Is the mage team already here?"

The commander tilted his head and reminded him expressionlessly. Leni was stunned for a moment, then reacted. She flicked her fingers on the panel a few times, and a man's voice rang in everyone's ears: "This is Konok, the captain of the mage team. Are we not late?"

"I'm still wondering when the professional team will arrive."

Standing up slowly, white smoke dispersed on the commander's face: "I'll leave the big bat on top to you. Remember to leave more videos and photos for me if you can."

"of course."

In the cockpit of the F-15C fighter jet, captain Konok completed the last inspection and ordered to the team members: "Everyone remove the auxiliary fuel tanks of the fighter jet and prepare to start fighting. The model of the enemy aircraft this time is unknown. Everyone, please be careful. Especially you, Trigger, don’t be too pushy, you hear me?”

Among the series of 'received' responses, there was only one without the last person's reply. He glanced at the F-15C at the edge of the team. Inside, Trigger's entire face was wrapped in electronic eyepieces and a breathing mask, and no expression could be seen at all.

Problem children.

Konok took a deep breath and tightened his grip on the joystick.


The perspective shifted to Watson's side, and he returned to the middle of the cabin again.

The tilt of the fuselage just now delayed it for some time. When I stepped down the last step, I could see the corpses of guards on the ground. The fighting continued, and Watson held the Beowulf rifle in his hand and rushed forward quickly.

A figure flew toward him with his back on his back.

Watson immediately ducked away.

Through the gap between passing by, he saw the face clearly. It was the black guard who had met once in the middle passage. There was still some fear left in the wide-open whites of his eyes, but his entire face was dull and his pupils had completely lost their vitality.

The next moment, fire suddenly appeared.

There was a bomb on the body.

This was the first thought that flashed through Watson's mind. He only had time to turn his head and bend down when a burning sensation came from behind. His back felt like it had been cut dozens of times, and accompanied by the sensation of a foreign object entering his body, burning pain invaded his brain. Without enough time to check his body, Watson immediately aimed his gun forward, and the bullet hit the Hydra soldier who leaned out half of his body.

One hit.

Suppressing the interference of pain, Watson continued to get up. Judging from the body's feedback, it should have been a fragmentation grenade. The explosion occurred among the corpses, and the blood mist sprayed over most of the body. Fortunately, I turned around in time and the eyepiece was not damaged by the fragments.


Looking at the head of another Hydra soldier, Watson decisively pulled the trigger, and the Beowulf rifle exploded again. This narrow passage was only seven or eight meters away. The helmet of the enemy in the field of vision exploded in half with an amplitude visible to the naked eye, and a large stream of red and white liquid splashed on the bulkhead behind him.

A fragmentation grenade was thrown from the corner, bounced off the wall of the passage, and headed straight in the direction of Watson.

Watson bent down and grabbed a guard corpse from the ground with one hand. He planned to use the human wall to carry it. In addition to fragmentation damage, if the distance is close enough, the shock wave of a grenade explosion can cause a lot of damage to human organs. This is also the reason why many soldiers were killed by grenades on the battlefield. Even if the arteries are not severed by fragments, internal bleeding can kill you.

Of course, with Watson's physique, there is definitely no need to worry about this problem. It is nothing more than that the ears will be temporarily deafened by the sound, but it will not take long to fully recover. This time he was prepared, and his body under the combat uniform quickly began to turn black.

boom! ! !

The loud noise penetrated the eardrums.

In the last second, the voice of the female signal soldier came from the earphones again. But once the grenade exploded, Watson was temporarily unable to hear anything. A black figure suddenly appeared at the corner in front, with one leg on the bulkhead, and a sharp cold light pierced his eyes.

That's a military dagger.

But Watson saw more details, such as the wrist holding the military dagger tightly, which was completely mottled with metallic luster. Although the man's face was obscured by a standard helmet and mask, it could not hide the ferocious killing aura.

Got you.

Pushing the body towards the opponent's face, Watson took a step back to raise the gun. The Winter Soldier's reaction was not slow. The moment he saw Watson was about to shoot, he threw the body back with his backhand. Then he took two steps up the wall and walked around the muzzle of the gun, and kicked the opponent's head hard with his whip leg.

The poor guard's body will still be tortured after death.

Watson threw the Beowulf rifle directly. The enhanced human body was very powerful, and he didn't want this customized weapon to be kicked. Watson had previously thought that if he really couldn't catch up, he would tell Carter about the Winter Soldier through the earphones. However, there was a problem with the communication system as soon as the battle started, and he had no time to do this. Fortunately, Bucky has appeared now, and Watson will not let him go to meet Mrs. Carter.

But it's best for him to resolve the battle quickly, who knows what Hydra has in store.

"Too bad I don't speak Russian."

Taking a step back to avoid the attack again, Watson clenched his fists, intending to interfere with the opponent: "Otherwise I can just read the cheat code directly. How do you say the first word? It seems to be... Жeлahne ( desire)......"

Before he could finish speaking, the Winter Soldier on the other side stepped forward again and stabbed Watson in the eye with his dagger.

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