The beautiful daily life of Black Light Salted Fish

Chapter 101 Return to the Big Apple

Watson transformed his left hand into several tentacles.

Through the conscious control of the body, a certain substance is moving from the body to that tentacle. This feeling is a bit strange, like saliva being forced into your mouth when you are not hungry at all. Either it's impossible to do, it's just a bit time-consuming.

The tentacles quickly changed.

The originally dark red monotonous exterior cracked, revealing an interior that was surging like magma. As several smaller tentacles slowly grew out, the entire left hand turned into a fiery red 'branch', which looked really beautiful. However, just like those colorful venomous snakes in the forest, their gorgeous skin contains deadly venom.

The tentacle pierced the faceless nurse's neck.

She immediately trembled all over, and for a few seconds, Watson even had the illusion that she had an extra large body part. He was convinced that the black light virus had appeared in the faceless nurse's body. Unlike the previous creatures that were destroyed upon contact, this time the faceless nurse showed no signs of body collapse and dissolution.

Feeling that it was almost done, Watson retracted his tentacles.

The purple blood vessels on the nurse's neck had changed color, and a faint red light shone through the blood vessel walls and skin. Not long after, she approached Watson with slightly staggering steps.

Watson looked at her and tilted his head.

The nurse also tilted her head.

The scene was a little awkward for a while.

He casually picked up a wooden pole used to support the window sill and handed it over, and the other party actually responded. The faceless nurse's movements were like turning pages of a PPT slide, and her stiff fingers finally grasped the wooden pole tightly. Then she stopped in place while holding the wooden pole, like a plastic mannequin that could not move.


He reached out and patted the other person's shoulder, but there was no response.

"Turn around?"

Watson tentatively gave instructions in several languages, but the nurse was now completely wooden. After some attempts, he found that the other party would basically follow him all the time. No matter where Watson went in the room, the nurse would be stunned for a while and then follow him on her high heels.

After thinking for a moment, Watson stabbed the opponent in the back of the head with a tentacle.

The nurse still didn't respond. Watson recited the previous instructions silently a dozen times in his mind, but he didn't expect that it suddenly had an effect. The nurse shook her body and turned around, walked all the way to the chair and sat down. She didn't stand up again until the tentacles on the back of her head were retracted.

Okay, maybe this is the extent of what can be done at this stage.

Wired control is better than losing control, Watson thought to himself. It seems that only basic movement commands can be accepted by these black light virus infected bodies. He felt that if he gave an order to ‘play a song on the guitar’, it would obviously be impossible to do it.

Boom boom boom!

The door rang at this time, and Master Wang's voice came in from outside the door: "Are you there Watson? I brought your guitar over!"

Watson opened the door with a click.

I couldn't wait to take the guitar case from Master Wang, threw it on the table and opened it. The 1967 Martin OM28 guitar was lying quietly inside. Watson inhaled the smell of wood mixed with incense. He didn't put the guitar down from his nose until Master Wang walked into the room.

"I didn't expect it? It can move now?"

The room was not big, so Master Wang immediately noticed the faceless nurse.

"Leave her alone, she is half a vegetable now."

Sitting on another chair, Watson held the guitar in his arms: "You have always played it, right? Three times a week? Have you applied oil after playing? It will be very harmful to the guitar if you don't play it for too long. I know you have things to do, but since you learn to play the piano, you also know that it is best to practice every day..."


A few hours later, the Commonwealth, New York Temple.

Watson stood on the street with his cello case on his back, behind him was the New York temple he had just walked out of. The stupid faceless nurse did not follow, but was left in Kama Taj by Watson. Anyway, no one will visit my room, so this 'black light virus infected body' that does not need to eat can just be a vegetative state there.

Watson gave her a name: Lisa.

This name with the same pronunciation actually commemorates the female nurse Lisa Garland. After the little girl Alessa was severely burned, the female nurse Lisa had been taking care of her. She even planned to secretly send Alessa away. In the game, this nurse wearing a red coat is also one of the few kind-hearted people. Unfortunately, under the oppression of the cult, her ending was very miserable.

Therefore, whether in movies or games, there will always be the phantom of the red nurse in the little girl Alessa's ward.

Before leaving the New York Temple, Watson made a special trip to see the little baby girl he had rescued from Raccoon City. He was in a hurry to chase down Clockwork Man, so he left the baby girl to Uncle Hamill and ignored him. Unexpectedly, he was living a very good life now.

The daily life of mages is actually very monotonous. Because of their respective backgrounds, they rarely have any close friends and family in the outside world. Therefore, the little baby girl is very popular among the mages of the grandparents generation here. For the first time, Master Gu Yi did not ask to send the baby girl away. As a result, the old mages of Kama Taj discussed it and gave her to New York. A room was arranged in the temple.

It's just that the baby girl was still sleeping soundly when Watson came to the door, so he could only look at her quietly.

Taking out the personal phone, Watson dialed Mrs. Carter's number.

About half an hour later, a very heavy-looking extended six-seater SUV parked on the side of the road. Two men in black suits carried the cello case into the trunk of the car, and then invited Watson into the back seat.

On the seat was Peggy Carter.

"Oh! Watson, it's been such a long time!"

Before his butt could sit firmly, the old lady gave Watson a hug, and for a moment he had the illusion of seeing Granny Leah. The few in black suits outside turned a blind eye to this, and just quickly helped close the car door.

"You're looking more and more like an old man now."

"I am almost 70 years old and have just retired. Now I have nothing to do and drink tea at home all day. Shouldn't I be like an old man?" Mrs. Carter chuckled and reached out to knead Watson's delicate face. Fair and handsome face: "It's you, every time I see your face I feel like a child."

"Ning@Meng Nian*Nong Ni Rong%#¥@ (You older people think everyone is younger)..."

His cheeks were pinched repeatedly by several fingers, and Watson seemed to be talking with a mouthful of food in his mouth. His timbre and words sounded very funny. But he wasn't angry, and just watched Carter smiling to himself. The wrinkles on the old man's face naturally stretched out as his muscles moved, showing a calmness that looked down on the world.

But Watson suddenly felt that the other person was more like a child than himself at this time.

The convoy drove all the way to Stark Manor.

After more than a month, Watson finally met the old Howard again. However, his situation was much worse than that of Mrs. Carter. Even though he was wearing a fine suit and his hair was taken care of, he could not hide the haggard look on his face. Seeing Watson appear in front of him, the old man forced a smile.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Watson no longer had the relaxed attitude he had at first.

After solemnly thanking Watson for going to Raccoon City to save people, Old Howard took them to the manor. This time the old butler Jarvis did not appear, and even the servant in charge of cleaning was nowhere to be seen. The entire manor was empty, but the areas around the perimeter where armed guards gathered were more popular.

Soon Watson knew the reason why old Howard looked like this:

His wife never woke up.

Looking at the quiet Maria Stark in the training warehouse, Watson somewhat hoped that his body would have detoxification skills instead of pure anti-virus capabilities. This is not entirely because of Mrs. Maria in front of him. To be honest, Watson is not very familiar with the other party. Most of the time, she is just a foil for old Howard.

And it doesn’t happen every time.

So for Watson, Mrs. Maria is considered a ‘family member of a good friend’. What he is really worried about is that if the people around him, such as the members of the Wolf Pack, are poisoned by some kind of poison, the most likely thing that will happen is that they will be attacked by poison gas on the battlefield. So if you have the ability to detoxify, you can obviously save your life at critical moments.

Why wasn’t Mrs. Viper’s ‘venom’ inherited by her body?

You must know that this poison was given by her!

Watson is rarely dissatisfied with his 'skill tree'.

The poison transport ability that can be retracted and released at will is not only suitable for assassinations, but can also be used to save lives if mastered. Of course, this is just Watson's conjecture. After all, the description of Mrs. Viper's 'poison' skill in the comics is a bit vague. Some people even suspect that her poison is not just from physical mutation, but also related to magic.

"Mary will get through this."

Seeing Howard Sr. sitting blankly on the chair, Mrs. Carter walked over and stretched out her hand to help him on his shoulders. Compared to Watson, her relationship with Lady Maria is obviously quite familiar, and they are even called by their nicknames.

Old Howard didn't speak. He hung his head in silence for a long time, and then slowly spoke: "I used to... be passionate about my career. The first few months after we got married were the time when we spent most time together, but after Having Tony made me busy again. I always knew I wasn't a good father, or even a good husband... Watson."

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Watson: "You were actually right at the beginning. The office, laboratory and work were just my excuses. I knew it was wrong, but I never took any action to make up for it. Until I saw Maria She fell in front of me covered in ulcers, and I realized that I scared, so scared...I really almost lost her..."

Watson noticed that the corners of his mouth and the wings of his nose were constantly twitching, and it was clear that his inner emotions were not calm.

"I just stayed here every day, and it took me a long time to finally find a solution... You know, for a few weeks, I was afraid every day that I would accidentally sleep a few more hours and wake up. Then I found that Mary's heartbeat had stopped...God, she shouldn't have to endure all this..."

With a long sigh, the old man frowned tightly and covered his face with his hands. It can be seen that he was really under a lot of pressure during this period, and there was no one around him to talk to, and it was even more impossible to count on his rebellious son Tony Stark. Although Watson didn't know whether Young Master Huahua knew what happened to his parents, in the current atmosphere, he couldn't ask more questions.

The visit to Maria ended quickly. The tired old Howard arranged for the two of them to rest in the living room while he went upstairs to catch up on his sleep. As a close comrade who often visits the Starks, Mrs. Carter is very familiar with this manor. She is so familiar with it that she can go and have a simple meal without anyone feeling inappropriate.

It wasn't until nightfall that Howard Sr. walked into the living room wearing a nightgown.

By this time Watson had finished a large plate of bacon.

"You said before that you wanted to ask me for help if you had something?"

The old man was obviously in better spirits and sat down opposite Watson.


At the same time, far away in England on the other side of the Atlantic, there was already an uproar.

People quickly found the location of the beam of light that soared into the sky. However, the empty lawn that was still green and green the day before had now turned into a cairn. Now that the surrounding area of ​​the park has been cordoned off by the military, a large group of experts from various universities and institutions have arrived one after another. The archaeologists on site examined the stones and finally came to the conclusion:

These stones have been here for hundreds of years.

But that's not the biggest concern for scientists.

That's the sword.

Although the golden energy shrouded in the outer layer has disappeared, the first batch of police officers who arrived at the scene successfully witnessed it. Experts conducted several investigations through Roentgen ray scanners and other means, and found that nearly two-thirds of the sword body was indeed within the stone base. All these scenes can't help but remind people of the ancient legend of "The Sword in the Stone". After all, this story is so famous in England.

People quickly tried to pull out the sword, first carefully wearing gloves to pull it out, then tying a rope to pull it, and then simply calling several construction trucks, but the result was exactly the same: no person or equipment could pull it out. Take out this sword.

Now the British newspapers and TV stations are going crazy.

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