Naruto: Everything can be copied

Chapter 70 Back to camp

"Haha, if you stay on the battlefield for a long time, you will naturally understand many things."

Umino Ikkaku spoke with a sigh on his face.

"Speaking of the last great ninja war, when I was a new jounin and led students for the first time, I brought my team to the battlefield to collect corpses. One kid was so scared that he almost peed his pants."

"Ha, what happened next?" Kazuoki asked cooperatively.

Umino Ikkaku's thoughts seemed to drift far away: "That was also the war between Konoha and Sunagakure in the Kawa Country."

"That kid met a sand ninja kid like him, who also came to collect the corpse. The sand ninja kid also gave him a bag of camel jerky."

"That's right. What happened next?" Kazuoki asked, his mind unknowingly being brought into this past event.

The other people nearby also pricked up their ears and listened.

It is also very romantic to meet a friend from a foreign country on a cruel battlefield.

Umino Ikkaku suddenly paused, as if he thought of something bad, and shook his head.

He continued, but his tone became a little heavier.

"The next day, that kid died in the hands of that sand ninja child."

"There is also a pack of salted fish fillets in my arms to give as a return gift."

The audience was suddenly stunned and fell into collective silence.

No one asked anymore what happened to the sand ninja kid.

Umino Ikkaku shook his head and smiled, sighing:

"This is war!"

Kadomu also sighed silently in his heart.

"This is a ninja!"

The group of people silently stepped onto the edge of the battlefield.

The sand ninja who was closest immediately gave them the gift of attention.

A young Suna ninja muttered as he approached his companion.

"Captain, these Konoha ninjas came from the area we occupied!"

Under the moonlight, Captain Sand Ninja glanced at Umino Ikkaku and the group for a few times, then avoided looking.

"It doesn't matter. Each of them is injured. They should be the remnants of the Konoha Sentinels who were not cleaned up before."

"They must have been hiding for a day before they came back with this opportunity. They couldn't make any waves."

"But..." It was probably the first time for the young sand ninja to go to the battlefield, so it was still a bit hard to accept.

The harmonious scene in front of him somewhat shattered this sand ninja's outlook.

"It's nothing." Captain Suna Ninja, who was obviously someone who had been here before, said nonchalantly: "The first thing we need to do now is to bring back the bodies of our companions."

"As long as it doesn't hinder our mission."

With that said, Captain Suna Ninja waved a friendly greeting to Umino Ikkaku.

Umino Ikkaku waved back with a smile on his face.

"Okay..." The young Suna ninja curled his lips helplessly.

In this way, the road was smooth, and Umino Ikkaku and his party successfully reached Konoha.

Seeing Umino Ikkaku and his group approaching, the ninjas from Konoha came over to check their identities.

Umino Ikkaku stepped forward and exchanged the code with a Konoha jounin who was responsible for restraining the corpse. After confirming that it was correct, the two fist bumped hard.

"I thought you wouldn't come back, Ikkaku!"

"You're not dead yet, I can't bear to leave you."

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

The two were teasing each other, and the jounin casually called a chuunin, explained some things, and then took Umino Ikkaku back to the camp.

Umino Ikkaku waved his hand, gesturing for everyone to follow.

"Who is this person?" Kazuoki asked doubtfully.

Xiongshou and Hanfang looked at each other and shook their heads.

Inuzuka Claw did know a little bit: "Jounin Miyoshi Kazuhiko works in the camp logistics department."

“I often find excuses to delay or even withhold the distribution of supplies, and I’m not very popular.”

Inuzukazuma deliberately lowered his voice for the last sentence to ensure that only a few people in front of him could hear it.

Kakugi suddenly understood, no wonder their team's supplies were always distributed on time and in full.

At this moment, Kakumu has a new understanding of his father's ability to deal with things.

He swore that he had never seen his father interact with this Miyoshi Kazuhiko before.

Led by Miyoshi Kazuhiko, the group entered the camp very smoothly, turned around and walked towards the medical station.

Before entering the camp, Kakumu released the transformation technique.

Miyoshi Kazuhiko was not surprised. He had also heard that Umino Ikkaku's son was registered with Sunagakure.

He just looked at Kakugi with curiosity in his eyes. After all, on the battlefield during the day, the voice Jiraiya roared was too sensational.

Kakugi once had the record of killing two jonins of Sunagakure, but defeating the shadow-level powerhouse Hagura was still unbelievable.

The medical station arrived soon.

This is the second time Kadomu has entered the medical station. The last time I came here, I brought in Morino Ihiki.

At that time, there were not many wounded in the medical station. After all, there was no large-scale fighting.

As soon as I entered the medical station this time, I smelled various pungent smells.

The tent smelled of blood and herbs, mixed with the stench of pus and sweat from the wounded.

It's no longer accurate to call this a medical station, it's more of a wounded soldiers camp. Although it was not overcrowded, there were wounded everywhere.

Umino Ikkaku is just an ordinary jounin and is not qualified to enjoy a separate ward like Hagura.

Miyoshi Kazuhiko asked people to clear an open space, and moved in several folding hospital beds to accommodate several wounded people.

After whispering a few words to Umino Ikkaku, he walked towards several medical ninjas who were busy.

Several medical ninjas were busy performing operations, and the assistant on the side spoke a few words to Miyoshi Kazuhiko.

At the same time, the wounded in the camp who were still able to move invariably turned their eyes to Tsunoki, as if they were looking at something strange.

Since the last time Kakugi killed two jounin as a genin, he has become a celebrity in the camp, and there are many people who know him.

For those who don’t know him, they also want to see what Umino Kazuoki looks like after defeating Hayakura.

Fortunately, they were all injured, and everyone was adults, so they were relatively restrained, and there was no situation of strong onlookers.

At this time, Umino Ikkaku took out a secret letter from his arms and handed it to Hanfang. Inuzuka Claw also took out a secret letter and stuffed it into Kuromaru's mouth.

The only uninjured member of the team walked up to the two men and listened carefully to their instructions.

After a while, one person and one dog left the camp and went to the command post to submit the mission.

There are relevant provisions in the Konoha Ninja Code. Injured ninjas after the mission can be given priority for medical treatment. The description and submission of the mission situation can be handed over to teammates or others to relay it.

Since intelligence was the top priority of a ninja's work, there was no such thing as delay.

While they were resting, Umino Ikkaku and Inuzuka Takashi wrote detailed secret letters about their experiences on this mission. Kamata and Kuromaru only had to hand in the letters and deal with some inquiries.

This kind of secret letter written by a jounin has a special encryption method. Forcibly opening it without knowing the decryption method will cause the letter to self-destruct.

Kadomu lay on the hospital bed, patiently waiting for the medical ninja to arrive.

The injuries of the four of them have already undergone Kampo treatment and first aid, and now they only need a medical ninja with more superb medical skills to treat them.

All he needs is a medical ninja who can use the chakra scalpel.

After a while, Miyoshi Kazuhiko walked back quickly. Just seeing that he looked unhappy, it didn't go well.

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