I am Fu Xuan, but I am the messenger of the Destiny Star God.

Chapter 94 Multiverse and Parallel Multiverse Clusters


These four words made 90% of the people present look at each other in confusion, because even in the interstellar era, the concept of multiverse was a term used by very high-end academics. As for the remaining 10% of the people, they also looked at each other in confusion. , because even for the wise men at the level of the Genius Club, the meanings represented by these four words are also complicated to the point that they are not much different from the previous 90%.

The true meaning and essence of what it represents is so complex that it has surpassed the most complex propositions known to everyone since its related concepts appeared in the ancient pre-interstellar era.

For a while.

Heita and others instantly turned their heads and looked behind them. The large and small purple eyes located in the deepest part of the conference room had once again entered a state of isolation from the world.

As far as the current research on this concept by intelligent creatures is concerned, I am afraid that the most relevant information is concentrated on the void star god XI, the most mysterious among the currently known twelve star gods - because it is the only one based on the overview of the width of its own destiny. May be suspected of being a star god related to the multiverse.


However, the information fed back by Big Eyes is nothing but messy and endlessly unclear.

Uh, multiverse?

Heita and others turned around again and stared at Fu Xuan seriously for at least ten seconds. During this period, just by looking at their eyes, it could be seen that this group of people were thinking, brewing, and speculating...

In the end, it was Heita who came to the conclusion about Fu Xuan on behalf of everyone: "If nothing else, it's okay to at least chat with you."

"Yeah, that's a good answer."

After hearing this, Fu Xuan nodded thoughtfully, and also showed an attitude of preparing to listen carefully to the lecture: "——It seems that when we answer the previous question, we will first help you understand the basic world view of the universe. And the concept of magnitude system, let’s establish it in a somewhat simple and easy-to-understand manner.”

After saying that, she raised her hand and flicked it in the air.

Quietly, a holographic projection model appeared in front of her. There was no doubt that it was created directly from the void using her destiny authority.

"If you want to understand the multiverse, you first have to know what the multiverse is."

Fu Xuan raised his hand and moved his fingers back and forth in the holographic projection in front of him, swaying, and his mouth was not idle: "Now we will not talk about those complicated and profound scientific principles, which will not be helpful to our current purpose anyway. You only need to know a general concept, just like knowing that fire can burn, and that water molecules found everywhere on any natural planet are composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom."

"The multiverse, also known as the true multiverse, has the word "true" not because there are fake ones, but simply because when the concept of it was born, there was also a hierarchical structure that had the same actual manifestation as it, in order to distinguish the two. The noun difference adds the real word in front of the multiverse, and the multiverse hierarchy that gives it this name is the parallel multiverse cluster - yes, it is the parallel world concept theory born based on quantum theory. The concept of parallel multiverses.”

"But although both have a multiverse, and the specific manifestations are almost the same, at the level of magnitude, they are completely two worlds - parallel universes can give birth to countless ones based on the main universe as the original canon. Probably, universes with exactly the same content come out, just like there are exactly the same characters in different universes, but the same characters will have different lives and choices, and the birth of these universes is because in the original main universe, the original target faced the choice All the possibilities that existed at that moment were automatically divided into parallel universes."

"In other words, the basis of the multi-parallel universe is that every choice you make will split into a large number of other universes that include all possibilities without your knowledge due to possible factors. The collection of all these universes together is the parallel multiverse. The collection of countless parallel multiverses is the true parallel multiverse, which is also the parallel multiverse cluster - I generally talk about parallel multiverses. Refers to the latter."

"And the universe itself is infinitely huge..."

Having said this, Fu Xuan's Daily Unpredictability Seer immediately jumped in before Screw Gum could speak, raised his hand to stop the other party from speaking, and at the same time chose to answer: "That's right, Mr. Screw Gum, your future research on the universe can be finalized. I can tell you the final answer right now - the universe itself is infinite. The universe we are in is a truly infinite sum of space and matter. The reason why the energy level of the Big Bang is limited is that the universe itself is not a uniform structure. It is an infinite collection of countless finite cavities, but these finite cavities are interconnected in physical space. That is to say, when the universe was born, there were literally countless Big Bangs exploding at the same time. , countless finite cavities were exploded, and the infinite finite cavities gathered together to form an infinitely huge total space, which is the material universe as we know it.”

“The universe is infinite, with infinite space, infinite dimensions, and infinite matter. However, our vision is limited—under an infinite scale, we are limited in what we can see.”

"The infinitely huge main universe has infinite possibilities. The infinite possibilities naturally give birth to infinite parallel universes, and each parallel universe is a new main universe. This main universe continues to give birth to infinite parallel universes, and this is only a three-dimensional space. In fact, exactly the same thing will happen in every dimension. There will be infinite infinite parallel multiverses in every current dimension. The number of dimensions itself is also infinite, from positive infinite dimensions to negative infinite dimensions, with zero dimension as The dividing line, such an infinite dimension is a dimensional layer. The so-called "transcendent dimension" actually just refers to the number of dimensions beyond your current number, but there are dimensional layers on the number of dimensions, and the dimensional layers are also infinite... and it is infinite and infinite. If the loops are nested, such a spontaneously infinite super-infinite collection is the true meaning of the parallel multiverse."

"This is also the reality of the universe we live in. Quantum theory's description of it is indeed very one-sided, but it is quite qualified in terms of enlightenment content."

When Fu Xuan said this, he showed a thank you expression to Screw Gumu and waved his hand.

"What about the multiverse?"

Faced with technical problems, Black Tower rarely allowed this puppet to express complex expressions.


Fu Xuan replied calmly: "After understanding the concept of parallel multiverses, the multiverse will naturally become clear. The real multiverse is just like there are absolutely no identical snowflakes in the world. Every "universe" that exists in the multiverse "They are all unique, just like every parallel multiverse cluster. There are no two identical parallel multiverse clusters within the scope of the multiverse. They have completely different world views, different contents, different ways of birth of the universe, etc. …”

"To use the simplest and not rigorous example, in our understanding the universe was born from the Big Bang, and you can find countless infinite single material universes born in the same way in the parallel multiverse. come out, but in the real multiverse you will never find a second universe born due to the Big Bang, because every universe is unique, and their birth method is also unique - for example, some universes are Created by a Creator God, some universes are deterministic, some universes are finite, some universes are quantum theory, and some universes are directly created out of thin air without any process...endless, possessing The synthesis of the unique world is the meaning of the true multiverse."

"But this example is not rigorous. After all, the universe is also a universe. If it must be unique, the manifestation of the universe should also be unique, and the number of dimensions should also be unique. It can only be said that the uniqueness of this multiverse is not so absolute. Yes, a lot of the underlying content is universal, but it’s 99.99% unique.”

"Otherwise, there is no need to exist above it, a higher-level super potential set concept called the super multiverse."

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