I am Fu Xuan, but I am the messenger of the Destiny Star God.

Chapter 91 Zhen Fu Xuan: You are really a bad guy

The most critical questions were over, and the content of the subsequent meeting became relatively calm. Time passed by in a hurry, and soon the soldiers of the Yunqi Army stationed at the gate of Shence Mansion looked at those who had hurriedly arrived here with puzzled faces. Some members of various forces had complicated expressions on their faces, while others left in a hurry.

They didn't even think of saying hello to each other. They all seemed to be driven by something terrible in Shence Mansion.

The meeting is over.

Excluding the top forces in the universe, the remaining large, medium and small forces do not need to stay here anymore. The end that awaits them is to wait for follow-up notifications in their own territory.

Just like in the previous life on earth, when faced with such an apocalyptic event, only the five permanent members of the Security Council can truly have the word.

There are no permanent members in the Star Iron Universe, but there are top forces with similar status.

but no matter.

This period of Fu Xuan is specially designed to give everyone a short digestion time. It is the first and only time for everyone to take a rare breather.

It's a very, very short respite.


An hour later, Taibu Si:

In the same place, with the same characters, Fu Xuan, who had finished all the plans and arrangements in the hidden stage, once again stood on the huge base of the Qongguan Formation, but the "sisters" facing each other at this time were no longer The past.


Zhen Fuxuan and Fu Xuan were just tens of meters apart from each other - Zhen Fuxuan held his arms in his arms, and Fu Xuan stood calmly. The two of them just looked at each other in silence, as if they had never seen each other since the day they met again. The silence between the two sides has not ended yet.

But this atmosphere?

It undoubtedly made the many uninformed diviners in the Taifu Department dare not make the slightest move, as well as Qing Qing, who also had no idea what was going on outside, and was preparing to continue the game of cards between gods and humans. Que, for a moment, didn't know whether he wanted to do this.

In Qingque's eyes, Fu Taibu's sister, who had been missing for several days, suddenly came back. This was a good thing no matter how you looked at it.

The issue is.

Now she felt that something was wrong with the current atmosphere.

"Why didn't you admit it at the meeting?"

Finally, Zhen Fuxuan, who was holding her arms in her arms, took the initiative to speak and broke the oppressive silence. This was the first time she had spoken since the person in front of her disappeared and they met again.

"Admit what?"

Fu Xuan put on a puzzled expression, but if he wasn't really puzzled, it would be a matter of benevolence and wisdom.

Zhen Fuxuan did not answer the question first. Instead, he glanced at the other diviners not far behind him who were looking at them from time to time, and walked slowly in front of them. At this distance, this place was undoubtedly a private space. .


She came to the other party's side, and the two of them stood beside each other: "Admit what? Is your memory so bad? When you disappeared in front of me for the first time, didn't you tell me that you cherished me and you? The sisterly love these past few days?"

"But why did you suddenly change your story during the meeting?"

Zhen Fuxuan seemed to be describing a fact, or a story that had been written down: "Do you still need me to remind you, to tell you, since you did those things, you are in the eyes of the public. Is your identity still my sister? General Jingyuan did ask me if I needed to terminate this false identity information and cut my identity with you. I refused at that time - and why refused? You need me to come Can I help you explain?"


After hearing this, Fu Xuan, who was silent again, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, closed his eyes and chuckled: "... Master Fu Xuan, how can you be serious about this kind of sisterly love that only lasts for a few days? You don't know the true nature of the other party at all. Under the circumstances, would you really give your true feelings to strangers casually?"

"You and I are not real sisters, Master Fu Xuan, don't fool yourself into it so casually."

Such a rhythm.

As a matter of fact, don't you think this is a bit too fast?

"Whatever you think, but you can deceive others, but you can't deceive me - I don't care what kind of Star God's envoy you are or what kind of network you can use."

Zhen Fuxuan looked up at the sky, at the dome of the cave sky, and sighed softly: "Even if you can see the future, don't underestimate me - the words you said to me at that time are not the same as you are now. What can such a calm and rational person say? For a short-lived species, I am over a hundred years old. Do you think I have only known divination and work for more than a hundred years?"

"So, can I understand that, Master Taibu, are you showing mercy to me?"

Fu Xuan was still thinking with her eyes closed. After a few seconds, she suddenly asked: "I'm sorry, I'm not..."


There was a muffled sound.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Fu Xuan suddenly felt a strong gust of wind behind him, and then a force caused him to turn around and was pressed hard to the ground by a pair of hands, pressing the poor man to the ground. On the basis of observing the formation - after knowing the preparation time for the war in six months, she never took the initiative to open the Mingtu Network to observe the short-term future. She really did not expect this scene to happen.

"Are you joking?!"

Zhen Fuxuan gritted his teeth, with a little anger and a little something else.

She grabbed the opponent's collar with both hands and pushed him to the ground. The ferocious face was almost in front of the opponent. She asked like this: "Do you think it's like in those movies? Like the third-rate villain who appeared, you took advantage of my feelings and then wanted to throw them away so casually? Since you are so calm and rational, why did you say those words to me when you left? Showing that expression to me? Do you think I am pitying you now? Who was trying to get who to pity whom at that time?!"

"——How come I have never felt that there is someone as bad as you in this world? After you showed me that kind of emotion, you now tell me this like a normal person? Have you ever felt anything about me? Feelings? Since you think so, why did you show that you were eager for this reality in front of me? Don’t you really feel that this is disgusting?!"

"Even if you did something like that, even if such a choice would make me face a very unfavorable reality once exposed in the future, your words and eyes at that time made me choose to believe you. I want to be with you again. After meeting, talk to each other thoroughly.”

"And what's the result?"

Speaking of it.

Zhen Fuxuan even became angry and happy. He once again used his hands to pull the opponent's collar and pulled him in front of him. He said very "ferociously": "Because of those two words you said when you left, The expression you showed me for those few seconds - I have been waiting for you for so long, I have believed in you for so long, I have been expecting you for so long, and now you stand in front of me and say this to me Words?! Is this the only level between you and me?! In the conference room, the envoy of the Star God, who threatened to save the universe, talked about a lot of surreal content about omniscience and omnipotence, but ended up in his own personal affairs. Go on, is this all she can do?! Is this the only possibility that she can be such a waste?!"


After almost throwing all the words that were squeezed in his heart at the opponent's face in one breath, Zhen Fuxuan took a long breath, looked down at Fuxuan in front of him, and snorted: "... Just like every storybook I've read that describes a savior who bears great responsibilities, you are so great that you don't even want to have any emotional intelligence."

"Fu Xuan, you are really a bad guy."

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