
Just like the nuclear deterrence displayed by the superpowers on the conference table, it can always calm down anyone who is not calm.

All that is needed is for the Star Gods to stand here.

After the farce of more than half an hour, the leaders of large, medium and small forces who represented most of the living beings in this universe, who had calmed down again and were willing to listen to Fu Xuan's words, came from the Shence Mansion under the arrangement of General Jingyuan. The hall arrived at a huge conference room, and people took their seats in order of strength.

Like the Interstellar Peace Company, the largest force in the universe, their position must be at the front, that is, at the main sequence table.

And small forces can only be at the end.

But no matter what kind of force they are, there is no difference in the situation they are dealing with now. Many of them are still looking at the gods who only exist in legends, as if they want to firmly remember these gods. in the mind.

"When you left, you said we would meet again. Did you mean this time?"

While Heita was sitting down with Esta, when her puppet passed by Fu Xuan, she who controlled the puppet remotely suddenly asked this question.


Regarding this issue, Fu Xuan did not pretend to be mysterious this time, and accepted it generously, and continued: "But before that, Ms. Heita, please sit down as soon as possible. The things we want to discuss later are far more than these trivial matters. It’s going to be complicated.”

"Huh, a little thing?"

Heita snorted with no meaning, and responded casually: "You can make the real gods of the Ten Stars come to the real world to stand up for you and force everyone to listen to you, even if you are just advertising some product next. , the top leaders of all the major forces in the universe will remember you firmly in the next few thousand years."

After saying this, she didn't wait for Fu Xuan to answer anything, and just let Esta take her seat.

That represents the location of the Black Tower Space Station and the Blue Star.

"If this is really possible, I really hope that I will be advertising something next, such as advertising your limited edition doll, Ms. Black Tower... That is a market worth hundreds of billions of credit points."

Fu Xuan also laughed at Heita's casual teasing.

But her speech and attitude made others feel that she was simply forcing herself to laugh and relax now.

Soon, everyone finally took their seats.

In the huge conference hall, no one made any noise or spoke.

Everyone is now like a good baby, looking at the little figure on the platform in silence who has done all this - just that she can make the eleven three gods appear on the platform for her, just this act, even if it is The most unscrupulous and aggressive executor of the Interstellar Peace Company, he would not dare to cross the line even under such circumstances, let alone offend the other party.

"First, let me introduce myself."

Fu Xuan strode to the front of the podium, raised his hand to control the holographic panel in front of him, and spoke formally: "My name is Fu Xuan, I am the envoy of the Destiny Star God, and I follow the omniscient and omnipotent Destiny Star God. The compiled Mingtu General Network walks in this mortal world - the relevant basic information about what the Mingtu Star God is has now been sent to the terminals in front of you. Of course, the representatives of the top forces in the front row do not need to read it. I believe you have already obtained the contents from Ms. Black Tower."

As she spoke, she looked at the representatives of several forces including Interstellar Peace Company, and then at Heita, who was expressionless at the content of these words.

"And my position in the Xianzhou Alliance, the current Taibu Division of the Taibu Division, is also..."

When Fu Xuan said this, she looked at the real Fu Xuan who was still staring at her under the stage. Although the two did not exchange a word from beginning to end, Fu Xuan paused for a second and then put on his posture. With an indifferent look, he continued: "...No, that's it. Due to some reasons and the identity of the envoy, I look exactly the same as Fu Taibu who was once in the Taibu Division - the content related to this is black Ms. Ta, you should know very well.”


But when these words were spoken, everyone else's eyes were all looking at Heita, but only Zhen Fuxuan lowered his head and looked at the table in front of him in silence.

"Now, let me tell you why you are gathered here and for what purpose."

After this little interlude, Fu Xuan turned sideways and raised her hand and snapped her fingers in the air, and a holographic projection appeared behind her. If Elio was present, the content displayed in it would be familiar to him.

Fu Xuan said the most terrifying fact in the calmest tone: "According to the original history, you have less than 72 system hours to survive. After 72 hours, the universe will be destroyed by a war. Perish, and according to current history, you still have six months to survive. Six months later, this universe will also perish due to a war - no one can escape, whether it is humans, star gods, or anything else. .”

Speaking of it.

She directly put on an extremely indifferent attitude, raised her hands to everyone, and concluded again: "In short, there are still six months left, and we will die - if we don't do anything now , without choosing unity and cooperation.”


As expected, General Jingyuan and others inserted earplugs into their ears in advance, blocking out the loud noise that broke out with a calm expression.

Even if the Star God is present, he cannot stop these voices from erupting.

"Ms. Fu Xuan, please wait a moment. You said that the entire universe will be destroyed by a war in six months? What kind of war is it? Who launched the war against us?"

The person who spoke was from the Interstellar Peace Company. Compared with the panic of the agents of large, medium and small forces, the people from these top forces undoubtedly appeared to be more professional. Compared with those useless questions, every question they asked The questions go to the core.

This is a valuable question.

"A war that obeys the laws of nature and natural selection."

As he spoke, Fu Xuan waved his finger at the holographic curtain behind him again. The picture projected by the holographic curtain continued to ask: "But when talking about war, I want to ask you a question first. How much do you know about the locust plague in the world? ?”

"Locust plague in the world?"

Regarding this question, this time, let alone those who were unaware of the situation, even the people in the Immortal Boat Alliance raised their brows.

On the other side of the Eleven Star Gods, the Destruction Star God Nanook glanced directly at the Guardian Star God Kripper who was standing across the hall, while the Hunting Star God Lan glanced at the former Breeding Star God who was looking around there. The remaining insect swarm is led by the mother insect.

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