I am Fu Xuan, but I am the messenger of the Destiny Star God.

Chapter 85 2 options, temporary peace or current war


An hour later, Shence Mansion.

Jing Yuan:......

Zhen Fu Xuan:......

The same place, the same atmosphere, different characters, but it seems to be a familiar scene. History is like an infinite loop. You can always find that moment at this moment and every moment. .

Fu Xuan stood alone on one side of the hall of Shence Mansion, with his back to everyone, seeming to be concentrating with his eyes closed, and also seemed to be thinking.

Jing Yuan and others stood on the opposite side of her, also saying nothing, just looking at each other in different postures, or waiting for something - the only thing worth caring about might be Zhen Fu Xuan.

She was independent from General Jing Yuan and others, standing alone and staring at each other. When she saw the familiar figure in front of her again, her expression and eyes were particularly complicated now.


These two groups of people were not the only ones in the huge hall of Shence Mansion.

He had rushed over from Jinren Lane more than half an hour ago and planned to look for General Jing Yuan again to ask about the series of shocking changes just now, including the sudden collapse of the tall buildings in the sky, the magnificent creation that suddenly appeared outside the curtain of the Immortal Boat Cave, and the What the unspeakable red spears and the like meant to the three train crew members had just stepped into the gate of the Shence Mansion and before they had time to say hello, they clearly saw the scene in front of them.

Good news, the general is here.

The bad news, what shouldn’t be there and what should be there, is here now.

The worse news is that he seems to be the only one who doesn't know what happened in the Luofu Immortal Boat.

"Yang...Uncle Yang, are we here at the wrong time?"

March 7 asked in a cautious and low voice beside Walter Yang. She could feel that the atmosphere in the Shence Mansion was extremely terrifying now.

As she spoke, her eyes occasionally glanced at Danheng Yinyue, who was in General Jingyuan's group. She also wanted to go up and ask what happened now. Aren't you supposed to be on the train?

Unfortunately, now she can't.

The trio just seemed to be suppressed by the explosive atmosphere. They didn't want to leave or ask in front of them. They waited for more than half an hour - but in the end, the two parties were still keeping each other company. This terrible silence!

It feels like they are competing to see who can endure it more!

"No, what should I explain?"

Finally, General Jing Yuan, who sighed slightly, opened his mouth to break the increasingly terrifying silence. For a moment, the others didn't know it was the train crew and they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Walter Yang might be fine, but the two children March Qi and Xing couldn't stand this kind of thing.

"What kind of explanation do you want to hear? General."

Fu Xuan, who still had his back to everyone, answered Jing Yuan's question very simply, or it was a rhetorical question.

"What kind of explanation do I want to hear?"

Jing Yuan heard that since the atmosphere had been broken, he no longer had the need to maintain the terrifying silence. He raised his left hand and waved it in the air next to him, and asked meaningfully: "I don't know, but I know what I want to hear." The explanations are better than the ones you gave me last time."

Now, the implication of his words is very obvious.

Now it is no longer him, the little General Luofu, or anyone else who is paying attention here. The situation here is that after everything happened, the Luofu Immortal Boat Rebellion was completely over. In the end, after she came back - she was no longer just a general. Able to control it with one hand, the other six generals of the Immortal Boat Alliance and the Marshal are watching everything here in the depths outside the Shence Mansion.

Is it a peace that can be regarded as a massacre of more than three million people that "happened without incident" on the political level and there is mutual demand for peace? Or is it a time when we have to deal with the ideological issues, political issues, national issues, ethnic issues, and stance of this matter? Because of the problem, he was forced to stand on the opposite side of the other party...

General Jing Yuan didn't really want to make a choice at this time, and the only way to prevent this choice from happening again was to look at the other party's current explanation.


Fu Xuan's answer was still very concise, straightforward and calm: "First of all, I admit that I did use a great and upright reason to convince me that I could massacre three million innocent immortal boat people. No matter what reason I cited, The legitimacy, rationality, and brightness of this behavior-but it cannot deny the injustice of this matter. I will not try to use this behavior because the strength I have now is stronger than that of the Immortal Boat Alliance. A frenzied act of mass murder was legitimized, brought to light, and justified."

"Even if the hunting star Shenlan acquiesces to me that I can use the innocent lives of three million immortal boat people in exchange for a glimmer of hope in the future, I personally do not agree that this exchange is worthy of recognition. If you cannot recognize life, it will be Priceless, no matter what kind of slaughter is not allowed to be justified, then there is only one wisdom left in the relationship between humans and animals."

"You can choose to kill some people in order to achieve some goals, but you cannot be allowed to think that killing some people is a matter of course just because of these goals."

As she said that, she slowly turned around, looking at General Jing Yuan and the others calmly, but also seemed to be looking at Zhen Fu Xuan, who was still silent to her.

"So, I understand and agree with the general that you, as a General Luofu, have hatred and anger towards me from the position of the Immortal Boat Alliance. I will not make any excuses for what I have done, nor will I make any excuses for what I have done. I will pay a reciprocal price in the future and I will not distort or evade it in any way, and I will not deny the blood stained on my hands - this is my overall attitude towards this behavior now."

"General Jingyuan, are you satisfied with this official explanation?"

As she said that, her eyes were completely focused on Jing Yuan.


Everyone in the venue listened carefully to what had just been said. Some of the contents shocked the train crew who had no idea what was going on.

"Yang, Uncle Yang, did I hear you correctly? She...she just said that she killed more than three million immortal boat people?"

March 7's eyes moved back and forth between the other party and Walter Yang. If she remembered correctly, weren't these more than three million people caused by the star core explosion?


Unexpectedly, Walter Yang acted even more profoundly than Jing Yuan at this time, looking at the other person's eyes and frowning tightly.

How could you allow this news to be heard by yourself and others?

"This is just your attitude, so what is the explanation that drives you to do this behavior?"

When General Jingyuan heard these words, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Some things and thoughts no longer become so pure once he is in a high position. Now that Emperor Gong and Siming have already stood up, whether this matter is revenge or not In fact, it is no longer important, but the thinking of the top management and the thinking of the people are always two different things - if the top management of the Xianzhou Alliance chooses to completely conceal this matter, it means that they need to pay extremely shocking risks.

Choosing to conceal it completely and cover up the truth with lies means there is a risk of leakage.

Now the league's senior leaders need someone who can convince themselves to take this huge risk and realize its huge value.

It can convince the people, it can convince itself, it can convince hatred, and it can also convince humanity to override morality, so that the top leaders of the alliance can feel at ease and "temporarily understand" the results of the sacrifice of three million of our countrymen through the thinking of politicians - —We’ll talk about the future later.

At least, we are still friends now.


Ignore all reasons and start liquidation now based on the way of thinking of public opinion. There is a high probability of defeat in the next battle, so it is logical to change a new government to continue to lead the new Xianzhou Alliance under the other party's thoughts.

In this way, regardless of the future results, at least the matter itself is completely over.

Just like some minor international issues between countries in previous lives, as long as one side does not fall, the so-called "letting go of the past" is bullshit.

No one is qualified to tell the murderer to let go of the past for the dead.

December 1937, September 12, June 1939, February 9, February 1941... These histories have proven many facts that they are unwilling to admit, but have already acknowledged in their hearts - -The only way to let go of "pain and hurt" is to have another war in the 6st century. Of course, it does not have to be a bloody war. War can take many forms. It is not a war if you rush into the other party's house with machine guns and cannons.

Both paths can be chosen, the next thing you need to look at is which one to choose.

"The end of the universe."

As soon as Jing Yuan finished speaking, Fu Xuan's answer proved that she would not disappoint.

"According to the original history, you now have less than three days left before you are destroyed, but I have now successfully postponed it for more than six months and eliminated the opponent's biggest threat, the force we cannot fight against— —We now have more than six months to prepare for war and strive for victory."

"Temporary peace, or current war? This choice is not an easy one to make, especially since we have to fight a bigger war."

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