"Silver Wolf, are you sure Elio didn't tell you anything other than the new script?"

"Of course I'm sure."

Silver Wolf nodded with certainty. She said how could she ignore such an important matter. Since Elio didn't say anything, it meant that he had no idea that such an incomprehensible thing would happen when faced with a key script.

"Everything she does has a reason, I can be sure of that."

"If she makes a lock that requires eight keys but requires us to open it with only seven keys, then surely we can now find a way to open the lock with seven keys and know that the choice must be The right choice.”

Zhen Fuxuan held his arms in his arms. In a sense, she was probably the most familiar person in the entire universe to his cheap sister, and she seemed to have said similar words here last time.

It was almost the exact same situation, and she expressed the exact same opinion to General Jing Yuan.

"Is that so?"

Silver Wolf said that she didn't know how many earth-shattering things this "Fu Taibu's sister" you call "Sister Fu Taibu" has done in your Luofu Immortal Boat in the past few days. She just doesn't like the Riddler's character very much.

Although she also knew that the Riddler was not what she wanted to be like, but had to do so for unspeakable reasons.


Jing Yuan did not speak, he just looked at Kafka, who also showed a pensive attitude, thinking rapidly in his mind to try to figure out the feasibility of various plans.

There is no doubt that Kafka can feel that the problems everyone is facing this time are directed at him.

It was an unreasonable feeling. She felt that she had to be the one to make the real choice among this problem, the one that could lead everyone to a glimmer of hope for the future.


"...I have been a star core hunter for a long time and have done countless things of various sizes. Only this time, I was deeply impressed."

After thinking for a few seconds, Kafka took a long breath under the gaze of everyone, and showed a rather helpless and sad attitude to everyone.

She then set her sights on Yin Lang, and made her request while signaling with her eyes: "Yin Lang, use the technical means you used to crack this storage, let's see what she left for us. What needs to be done.”


Silver Wolf also said the word ah without hesitation, and looked at Kafka with astonishment as if he were looking at some ancient beast, and even subconsciously took half a step back.


Knowing that she had heard correctly, her eyes moved back and forth between the crystal data storage device in Jing Yuan's hand and Kafka himself. She raised her hand and pointed at the thing: "...are you really sure, are you really I figured it out, do you have to let me do this?"

Three words with certain categories at once undoubtedly proved Silver Wolf's inner thoughts.


"Well, I won't be responsible for what will happen then."

After receiving an extremely firm answer, Silver Wolf nodded and walked towards Jingyuan as he spoke. The latter also handed the storage device in his hand to Kafka without saying a word - the Silver Wolf here is a She can't take things from the real world through etheric projection.

Under everyone's gaze, Kafka placed the memory on a small table nearby, and took out a small device and placed it next to it. Silver Wolf came to the table and kept making gestures with his fingers in the air.

It is clear.

Her body is currently controlling various high-tech equipment in front of her, and with the help of the signal transfer scanner Kafka placed here, she begins to try to connect to the receiving terminal in this memory.

"Well, the standard Xianzhou protocol interface has a strong hardware and software dual system lock inside... It's not a big problem, but I have to scan its hardware code first. Although it looks like an ordinary wafer memory, But I have never seen this kind of software model memory..."

"...Wait a moment, there is something..."

"Hell, why is there no hardware coding for this thing? Also, what is this?"


To an outsider, it seemed that Silver Wolf, who was dancing in front of the storage device, seemed to have seen something extremely scary again. His busy hands in the air suddenly stopped, and his expression changed dramatically again.

As soon as she finished speaking, before she could say the next sentence, the storage device in front of everyone also experienced an astonishing change:

It seems to have gained life at this moment!

As if it had come alive, the unknown material on the surface turned into a liquid like ice that melted rapidly under the scorching sun, and began to squirm rapidly, expanding and growing out of thin air.

Under this macroscopic manifestation that "violates the law of conservation of mass and energy" in the eyes of outsiders, in the microscopic world, trillions of nanorobots are constantly emerging from the void. With this memory as the center, an outline begins to be quickly built. Obvious geometric structures.

"Silver Wolf, what's going on!"

Facing this scene, Kafka and the others quickly took a few steps back. They glanced at Jing Yuan and the others from the corner of their eyes. Judging from their reactions, they seemed not to know that this was going to happen.

"I don't know. I didn't do anything. I simply scanned the hardware code inside it before cracking it as usual... It seems to have turned into something like a signal repeater, projecting a jump signal towards the unknown timeout space. , defeating nanorobots on a large scale!"

Silver Wolf's current performance is not much better.

She looked at the rapidly changing thing in front of her, and she suddenly felt as if she was no longer the all-powerful ether hacker she once was.

After a few seconds, the changing "storage" in front of everyone finally stopped changing.

What appeared before everyone's eyes was a boxy, projector-like thing. The only difference was that it was surrounded by seven palm-shaped scanners, like stars holding the moon.


Kafka and Jingyuan both looked at this thing at the same time, and looked at each other at the same time.

"Silver Wolf?"

"The signal stopped. It was supposed to be summoning nanorobots to make this thing just now. The data I scanned here shows that it is an ether projector, but to unlock the encryption program it requires the biometric signals of seven people... It shouldn't be Eight people?”

Silver Wolf's expression was very strange now. She felt that she had suffered more shocks in just a few minutes than she had in the previous half of her life.


Jing Yuan came to this thing, looked at the biometric scanning terminal marked with the word "Jing Yuan" below, and said meaningfully: "...Actually, eight people are not needed at all."

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