I am Fu Xuan, but I am the messenger of the Destiny Star God.

Chapter 50 This world suddenly faded away from its tenderness

Four hours later.

Shen Ce Mansion.

Jing Yuan: "..."

Yanqing: "..."

True Fu Xuan: "..."

Yukong: "..."

The silence in Shence Mansion today is terrifying. In an environment where you can hear the drop of a needle, there is a sense of depression that makes any ordinary person at the scene feel a little breathless, and there is also the kind of anger that is firmly suppressed in the heart. with sadness.

It seems that as long as there is a spark, there will be an earth-shattering explosion here.


Suddenly, Yanqing snorted angrily, and immediately picked up his beloved sword from the table next to him, striding out with murderous intent and hatred in his body, and wanted to rush outside.


Unexpectedly, a soft shout came from behind, which made Yanqing stop his murderous explosive pace.


Yanqing turned around sadly and indignantly. His current expression could be said to be that he had never seen him lose his composure in such a long time. There was even a slight trembling in his words.


Jing Yuan's face was also cold and gloomy at this time. After stopping Yan Qing's impulse, he looked at Yu Kong and the holographic projection screen displayed in the center of the lobby of Shence Mansion.

After watching for a few seconds, he spoke: "Now, have the specific casualties and damage range been calculated? Have the support troops from the Engineering and Manufacturing Department, the Danding Division and the rescue troops from the Yunqi Army passed by?"

"It has passed."

Yu Kong now behaves like a man who suddenly aged hundreds of years overnight.

Where does she still have the strategizing skills of the former helmsman of the Tianbo Division? Now there is only one person here who is unbelievable and unacceptable for the horrific disaster that happened on the Luofu Immortal Boat two days ago.


Jing Yuan hummed slightly, indicating that he understood.

But he also knew very well that if the engineering team from the Engineering and Construction Department cooperated with the Yunqi Army to deal with the disaster with all their strength, it would not take four hours at the scene. For Xianzhou's technology, this is really too long.

What the Danding Division’s medical skills and the Engineering Division’s troops really couldn’t save was the mountains of corpses…

"More than three million people... just like that, in an instant..."

Yukong looked at the scene of the disaster that was still being broadcast live on the holographic projection, looked at the collapsed building, looked at the huge crater blasted out by some force, and looked at the shocking corpse.

For a second, there was nothing.

"It's three million nine hundred and one hundred and twenty-three."

Zhen Fuxuan suddenly spoke abruptly, interrupting Yu Kong's sigh that could not hide his sadness, and then turned to look at General Jing Yuan, who was looking over. She shook her head helplessly: "I'm sorry, General, I couldn't stop it at that time. She, I..."

"No need to apologize, Fu Qing."

Before he finished speaking, Jing Yuan, who looked equally helpless, shook his head slightly: "You have no need to apologize. If she really wants to do this, no one in the entire Luofu Immortal Boat or even the entire universe can stop her from doing this. "

"If we really want to hold people accountable, I am the one who needs to bear the greatest responsibility."

After saying this, he looked at the projection in front of him again, looking at the people of the Immortal Boat who should be protected by him but were torn apart and died by various external forces.

"Are you ready to face all this next? Are you ready to distinguish between real friends and foes? Next, are you still able to maintain your rationality in judgment..."

"...I really didn't expect this."

Muttering to himself about the last conversation between the two at the door of the Jinren Old Alley hotpot restaurant last night, Jingyuan finally understood how terrifying the words she said to him at that time contained.

Suddenly, he changed the subject, glanced at Yu Kong again and asked: "So, how is the recovery operation going for the star core whose location has been marked?"

"Because of the accurate location, the recovery was completed an hour ago and has been properly placed."

Yukong's answer was very concise.

This star core that appeared out of nowhere and didn't know how to get in was indeed hidden, but it was easy for Luofu Xianzhou to find and control it after knowing its location in advance.

However, according to the reports of the on-site troops, there are many traces of manual repairs where the star core is located, and there are also some very secret means of transportation. It is obvious that the people who brought the star core and placed it here should continue to move or transport it in the future. use it.

But no matter what the purpose of the people who brought this star core in was, it no longer has the ability to threaten the Luofu Immortal Boat. A star core disaster that may break out in the future has been so terrible. Simply eliminate it at the source.

"very good."

Jing Yuan felt a little relaxed about the news, but soon he had to face a more serious problem again: "Then let's talk about the data storage that Fu Qing brought over four hours ago. She gave us Leave the words alone - if they are true."

"What do you think now?"

As he said that, he first looked at Yu Kong.

"I...can't answer it at the moment. I need more time to think about this kind of question, General."

Yukong didn't dare to look at Jingyuan. She looked to her side, and her face had already told others about her current inner activities.

Next, he looked at Yan Qing.


The latter did not take the initiative to answer. He was gritting his teeth and closing his eyes, trying his best to suppress his emotions. Veins were already popping up on the surface of the palm holding the scabbard.

His answer now is very clear.

Finally, he looked at Zhen Fu Xuan.

"...I, I don't know."

Zhen Fuxuan looked at the way Jing Yuan looked at her, but she felt that she had seen everything that happened in those days when she was in front of her.

The already chaotic thoughts were no longer enough to support her to make the most rational judgment as usual. Now she could only succumb to her instinct and say something extremely rare for a diviner.

she does not know.

She felt that she really didn't know anything now.

"is it?"

After Jingyuan read the three people and knew their answers, he let out a long breath, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


He was sitting on the general chair and opened his eyes. The expression on his face that was just about the development of the situation in front of him disappeared. It was replaced by the awe of being a Luofu Xianzhou general, and his concern for the next decision. This courage and determination: "...Based on consideration, thinking, and judgment, the decision made by this general is to continue to trust her!"


Yanqing opened his eyes and spoke subconsciously.

Yukong subconsciously raised his hand and wanted to speak, but he held it back and fell into his own thoughts.

Real Fu Xuan?

When she listened to General Jing Yuan's words, she was still silent.

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