I am Fu Xuan, but I am the messenger of the Destiny Star God.

Chapter 4: The Destiny Star God is invincible, but badly behaved

However, any power obtained from the Star God comes at a price.

So, what's the cost?

Fu Xuan digested the new content in his mind, and soon his expression became increasingly weird - compared to other Star Gods who would directly give abilities and methods of use to their orders, the Fateful Star God would certainly also give abilities, But how to use the ability, it will not give it at all, nor will it give any power.

What it cares about is the act of destiny itself, not the content of destiny.

Fu Xuan, as the messenger of the destiny, is certainly part of the destiny, so according to the behavior of the destiny star god, it will naturally not care about what this only messenger will do in the real world, or what kind of things will happen to her - - This is also the reason why Fu Xuan became the envoy of the Destiny Star God but could not use his own Destiny ability at the beginning. He was not taught at all.

It just gives you the ability, but whether you know how to use it and how to use it, what does this have to do with my fate, Star God?

To be an envoy of the destiny is to carry out the destiny.

You are dead, you are alive, you are not given, you are given, you resist, you do not resist, you do not exist, you exist...

any any any all all all.

Even this sentence, the thoughts and refutations that come up when you see this sentence are also part of the destiny.

Thinking about it this way, if the most bad star god in the universe is the void star god, then the void star god can now give way to the most bad star god in the universe. The destiny star god is better on the road of being bad. Nothingness is still like nothingness.

You can even say:

Nothingness is originally a part of it, and naturally it also has the property of being ruined.

The Destiny Star God is invincible, but poorly executed.


For some reason, Fu Xuan could not help but have these words pop up in her mind. For a moment, she looked at the messy corridor in front of her, but her heart was filled with explosive speechlessness.

They only give you the ability but not how to use it, so you have to let them figure it out on their own...

The shopkeeper who hands off his hands wouldn’t do anything like this, right?

If it hadn't been for this time that Fu Xuan Ghost knew how he could contact the Destiny Star God and successfully become the Destiny Messenger, otherwise Guang Mingming was born earlier than any Star God, but no one knows about it until now. Even without an envoy, you can take a peek.

And judging from the foreseeable future, I'm afraid there won't be a second envoy of the Destiny Star God.

"I just feel like...forget it, I still want to see what I have on hand that I can use."

With a speechless face, Fu Xuan temporarily suppressed these questions about the fate of the Star God, and then focused on the matter in front of him again - the Black Tower Space Station was still being attacked by the Antimatter Legion. Now that he knew If you know how to use the power of the messenger, you naturally have to look at what abilities are available.

With the help of the authority of destiny, I subconsciously gave myself a guidance program similar to the system, which undoubtedly made it much easier to understand.

You don’t understand the mysterious and mysterious ability principles, but you can always understand the game panel and attribute numbers, right?

Between thoughts.

A strange-looking mechanical compass appeared in front of her out of thin air. Fu Xuan looked at it and raised his eyebrows slightly. Isn't this the thing that appears on Fu Xuan's standby screen in the game?

I heard that it can also predict whether it is a good day to work overtime and know whether Qingque is fishing.

However, the one in her hand seemed to be useless. The compass in front of her eyes simply unfolded a light curtain in front of Fu Xuan that only she could see and operate. The content presented was also very simple.


[Destiny Command. Destiny Control (single): Gives the ability to control the web of destiny. It can control the destiny of any target, but it is limited by its own personality. For other Star God Messengers and mortal strongmen who are stronger than themselves. Or the Star God himself has no effect. 】

[Reversal of cause and effect. A true hero will kill with his eyes (single): the virtual entropy is destroyed, the virtual marrow retreats, the panic is evil, and the end of the sun is the end of the sun - lock the target with the third eye and launch an infinite beam towards it in the real world An antimatter ray that is close to the speed of light. This attack has a life-destroying effect, physical damage, and a causal reversal effect besides the basic real-life damage it carries. It is a sure hit when launched. 】

[Seventy-seven and fifth heavens in heaven, heaven, earth, immortals and gods. Reversed yin and yang harmony formation (can be single/group): evil eyes, power of destruction, within the network of destiny, ordinary people, etc. - Activate the Qiongguan Formation II , unfold the yin and yang reversed formation, release the reversed reality, protect all friendly units within the affected area, banish all incoming real world attacks, reverse the cause and effect of the universe, and heal all injuries, but for the power and unreality of the Star God World Strike has no effect. 】

[Mortal world for eternity. You don’t have a cave in the sky (can be single/can be a group): The earth is prosperous, one day is a dream, the sky is equal to three rivers, and the earth contains three thousand - activate the Qionguan Formation II type, unfold the cave sky and the earth, cover the world of mortals, and avoid the stars Fallen, resisting hundreds of millions of immortal enemies, blocking conceptual attacks and influences, but cannot withstand real attacks in the real world. 】

[Destiny Heavenly Network. Starry Vault Destiny Spider Web Organization Chief Supervisor Drives Causes and Decisions to Control Laws, Create Rules, and Pursue Illusive Plans to Destroy Evil, Execution of the World, Destiny Carrying Star Lord, Breaking Silence, Destruction, Fate Thorn Reversed Air Blaster (Single Target): Help me, Lord Star God! ——Linking to the main network of the destiny network, directly summoning the projection of the destiny star god himself, with an insignificant glance, projecting the one shot that will cut off the network of destiny based on the character of the summoner of this skill, no matter how far apart they are, no matter how far apart the two are. What's blocking each other? There's no way to avoid this shot. There's no way to hide but to resist - Star God will fight for free, you're trustworthy! 】



What can I say, although I intuitively understood the details of the destiny authority in my hands, I looked at the names that were longer than the other.

Especially the last ability.

Suddenly, I felt like I had something in common with a certain general from Xianzhou?

You can call the Star God to fight on your behalf.

Fu Xuan looked at this ability and had wild thoughts in his mind. In the original plot, Jing Yuan was so exaggerated just by being the God Lord fighting for him. He could just call the Star God himself to fight for him, even if it was just an insignificant projection of the Star God himself, it would be even more insignificant. With a glance, he believed that it would be an unimaginable doomsday disaster for all things in the universe.

But when she saw the first sentence of this skill, she felt how many elements of the original game were subconsciously incorporated into this system when it was created?

Clara is out.

As for the second ability that seems to be the ability to destroy the destiny, it is obvious that after the virtual pawn committed suicide just now, he came into contact with the ability to destroy the destiny combined with his own destiny authority. The third eye on the forehead of Fu Xuan in the original work is a calculation terminal, and it becomes a calculation terminal here. Got the laser cannon.

After thinking about the way Fu Xuan shot at the enemy BIBIBI with the eyes on his forehead, it was really quite explosive.

The sure-hit attribute also eliminates the problem of shooting with difficulty.

Now that she has the ability to protect herself, and after figuring out how to use her ability, she does not continue to stay here - now she no longer needs to be cautious to find the people on the train crew.

She also met some members of the Anti-Material Legion on the road, but although they were still cruel to Fu Xuan, they were not as frightening to her as they were at the beginning.

As the saying goes: Holding a gun in your hand, courage comes from your heart.

Fu Xuan didn't have a gun in her hand, but now she had something more powerful than a gun.

"Let me try to see how strong my power is."

Facing the menacing virtual soldiers of the Anti-Material Legion in front of him, Fu Xuan did not show the slightest fear this time. Instead, he showed his expectations for the development of the next thing. Instead of using the ability to control destiny, he activated the third weapon on his forehead. Eye.

The special effects are not as earth-shattering as imagined:

Amidst the inaudible sound of shooting, a crimson ray shot towards the face of the front-facing void soldier at the speed of light. Under the light-speed attack, the opponent had no chance to dodge and was easily penetrated. Facade!

But just such an attack would not cause the virtual pawn to lose its combat effectiveness.

The Void Soldier is different from normal creatures. It has no weaknesses that normal creatures understand, but only weaknesses in attack attributes. Even if it is penetrated through the head, which seems to be a fatal injury to ordinary people, it will not die.

But what awaited it next was not just as simple as being penetrated through the head. Fu Xuan soon witnessed with his own eyes what the effect of the skill's causal hit was - the antimatter beam that had passed by suddenly turned back behind it, In the blink of an eye, the empty pawn charging on the road was turned into a hornet's nest!

Its attack is bound to hit.

A sure-hit attack, unless the launcher cancels the attack or stops the continuous power supply, it will continue to attack at the speed of light until the target completely loses life!

The remaining virtual soldiers of the anti-matter legion were also instantly blasted to pieces by the inescapable red beam!

"I feel like I have become stronger."

Fu Xuan raised her left hand and absorbed the invisible power that filled the air. She could clearly feel that her physical fitness gradually became stronger and tougher as she absorbed more power to destroy her life.

If her skin that could be broken by bullets at first was taken literally, now her skin would probably not leave any trace if you shot it at close range with a rifle.

It’s not just defense either.

Strength, speed, coordination ability, thinking and reaction ability, etc. are all getting stronger simultaneously.

She could also feel that after absorbing the power of these fate-destroying fates, her control over the power of fate had also increased slightly.

"Strengthen yourself by defeating other people of destiny?"

Fu Xuan was not disgusted with this method, which was similar to killing monsters and upgrading. On the contrary, this simple and rough method of improvement was very suitable for him. He looked down at the palm of his hand with movable fingers, and then looked at the black tower he was wearing. Space station staff wear regular uniforms...

"……not bad."

She said to herself in her heart, but in reality she gently waved her finger in the air.

——Destiny manipulation, rewriting reality.

In the blink of an eye, a luxurious ancient style dress appeared on her body, replacing the ordinary clerk's clothes. The white stockings were paired with the small and exquisite heels, and the long pink hair that was casually scattered behind her head was also covered. Her hair was tied into two long braids, and her head was topped with an equally luxurious bun and hair bundle.

Although the Star God he followed was in ruins, it did not prevent him from becoming the envoy of the Destiny Star God - Fu Xuan.

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