Ultra: Merchant of Time and Space

Chapter 8 Planting the Seed

"Let me remind you, 30,000 is everything including you. After all, I am also a conscientious businessman."

"How much can I use?"

"I told you I would tell you what you have in hand. Since you asked, I will tell you twenty-nine thousand. Your freedom is only worth one thousand. It's cheap."

"Okay! Just use these 29,000 points to strengthen Kuin. She will definitely be able to make the universe peaceful with me!"

"OK then."

As he finished speaking, Qin Yu waved his hand and flew out a burst of dark energy deep into the base. Suddenly, a scream came out, and it ended after a while.

"So weak, such a little energy is not enough." Qin Yu muttered to himself.

"Dr. Talent, I have completed your request, then I will take my reward."

"it is good!"

After Cai Qi finished speaking, a black thundercloud appeared over the heads of the monsters controlled by the puppet poison all over the universe. The thundercloud dropped lightning, and then all the monsters disappeared.

Qin Yu took his hand back, and there were various monsters that came back with him, but Balisib didn't take it. After all, that thing was worse than cannon fodder, and its force was not as strong as the bodyguard monster Black King.

"It's a pleasure to work with you. So Kai, is there anything else you want?"

Kai "I.........."

Kai looked down at the Orb Holy Sword in his hand.

Asuka "Can you let me go back to my universe?"

"Of course, but what can you give me as a pauper? Of course, it's not impossible if you can give me enough monsters or space people, but definitely not now, after all, you are poor... and dead..." "

Jagula ".........."

Qin Yu wanted to know what he was thinking, just that he was still thinking about the Orb Demonic Sword, but Jagula was very arrogant, and it was impossible to tell him without money.

"It seems that you don't have what you want, so I'm leaving. You can contact me through the equipment in your hand. If you have any needs, I will meet them... premise You have to have money, bye."

After Qin Yu finished speaking, he disappeared. Also disappearing with him were a large number of Dark Spark dolls.

Dr. Talent "The next part is the end for me and Kuin."

Because the conspiracy was already known, they no longer pretended to be smart. Although they did not tell the action steps, they already knew the result. Now all that's left is the queen, forcing her to become the God of War and injecting puppet poison.

Cai Qi thought and immediately launched the spaceship to escape from here, started a wormhole jump and went to Wangli's planet Ganon, the final battlefield.

Tachibana "By the way, we are here to find the captain."

Yu Yan said: "Yes!"

Jakura: "If this is really the case, please tell me earlier!"

Kai: "Then let's go look for it separately."

Asuka "Okay."

After a while, they found the trapped captain. Because all the monsters were taken away by Qin Yu, Caiqi did not have enough monsters to use, so they took away all the Balisibs. This time No one is controlled.

Kai: "Everyone has been found, so let's set off now."

Tachibana "Okay!"

Yu Yan said, "Get ready to open the wormhole."

The spacecraft shook for a while and failed to start.

Tachibana "What's going on with Goton?"

"The spacecraft's wormhole device has been destroyed."

"Then start traveling at super-light speed. Hurry up." The captain said and grabbed the protruding corner.

After a while, Wang Li was outside the planet Ganon. A talented spaceship appears.

"Kuin, let's get started, go Kuin!"

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