The next day, Yiming, who was bored, couldn't stand Aisha and Lolita's entanglement and agreed to go shopping with them.

Although he acted a little reluctantly, Yiming was still very happy inside.

Early this morning, Emperor Bauhinia announced Yiming's intention to become a candidate for regent, and granted Yiming the status of a baron. After all, if the future regent is from a commoner, the royal family will not look good.

Since Yiming became a baron, invitations to invite him to banquets have been coming in like snowflakes, and Yiming never tires of it.

Aisha and Loli shuttled among the crowd, as happy as two butterflies.

Feng Ji beside him was as cold as ever, but the colder he became, coupled with his half-elf face, he stared at many women and even many men along the way.

Tucker and Kumar seemed to have something on their minds recently, always looking sad. Yiming, who noticed this, did not take the initiative to speak. Although he had some guesses in his mind, he was not sure.

Luo Yi stayed silently beside Yiming, insisting on his identity as a servant, which made Yiming happy but also very helpless.

Soon the group came to a tall tower, which stood in the middle of Ziyun City, towering into the clouds.

Yiming looked up, but could not see the top of the tower with his naked eyes, which showed how high the tower was.

"Young Master, this is the headquarters of the Magician Association in the Bauhinia Empire." Seeing that Yiming was a little confused, Luo Yi explained from the side.

"Oh? Speaking of which, I still have the identity of a magician. Let's go in and have a look."

The group prepared to enter, but were blocked by two guards at the door.

"Please show me the magician's badge," the guard said politely.

"Uh..." Yiming didn't expect that he would need a badge to enter, and his face became embarrassed.

At this time, Luo Yi handed out a badge from his arms. The guard took it and inspected it before handing it back respectfully.

"Dear Master Magician, please come in. Who are these?"

"This magician's badge has been lost, and the others are my friends." Luo Yi pointed at Yiming and said.

Although non-magicians are not allowed to enter the Magician Association, who doesn't have a few friends, let alone distinguished magicians?

The guard did not stop him anymore, turned sideways and welcomed several people in.

After entering, Yiming found that the space inside was much larger than expected, and there were many stalls. Looking at the badges he wore on his chest, it was clear that they were all magicians.

"Magicians also set up stalls?" Yiming asked in surprise.

Having become accustomed to Yiming Xiaobai's appearance, no one around him felt anything was wrong, so Luo Yi opened his mouth to explain.

"The resources needed to practice magic are scarcer than those of warriors. Some magicians receive magic resources that are not suitable for them, so they will look for replacements. Setting up a stall is the best way."

"Young master, don't underestimate the stalls here. Each stall costs 100 gold coins a day, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

"100 gold coins? That's so expensive." Yiming clicked his tongue.

"Well, even such a high fee still attracts many magicians."

"Luo Yi, let me ask you a question. We have met very few magicians along the way from the Sark Empire. Are magicians very scarce on this continent?"

"It is indeed very scarce. After all, the threshold for becoming a magician is too high. Ordinary people cannot practice without someone to guide them, let alone the massive resources required to advance."

"Generally speaking, most of the magicians in the Bauhinia Empire are fire magicians. Since the Sis'ol Empire is adjacent to the sea, there are more water magicians. And the outlet empire has the most magicians."

"I can understand Bauhinia and Sisi'ol, but what about the Outlets Empire?"

"Because the Outlets Empire is close to the World of Warcraft Forest, and magic crystals are an indispensable resource for making wands and practicing, the Outlets Empire has a natural advantage. This is why the Outlets Empire is called one of the four major empires. The reason for the most powerful empire.”

"Young Master, you can imagine the scene of hundreds of magicians releasing magic at the same time. I believe no army in the world can resist it."

"Indeed, the power of magic superposition is intimidating." This reminded Yiming of the ninja alliance in the previous Naruto world.

Soon everyone started shopping, and Aisha picked up a ring. According to the magician selling it, the ring will create a magic shield when activated, which can withstand three spells below C and sword master attacks.

Aisha was a little moved, but after hearing the price, she decisively dropped the ring and left.

"A broken ring costs 1000 gold coins. What's the difference between this and a robber?" Aisha was still a little angry after leaving.

"Haha, Aisha, the profession of magician is very mysterious to ordinary people. This also makes the status of magicians more and more noble, and the corresponding magic items become more expensive. What's more, this is a rare defensive magic rune. ring."

"Oh." After hearing Luo Yi's explanation, Aisha immediately put away her angry attitude and became as obedient as a lamb. This made Yiming and others look at Luo Yi teasingly, while Luo Yi showed a trace of wry smile.

"Young Master, don't you want to get your magician badge replaced?"

"Yes, but I don't know where I can get it replaced."

"Come with me."

Led by Luo Yi, everyone quickly arrived at the second floor of the magic tower. The magicians here were obviously one level higher and the items were more exquisite.

"Hello, we would like to get a replacement magician badge." Luo Yi said to the waiter when he came to a service desk.

"Oh, which adult needs a replacement badge?" The waiter, a magic apprentice, replied respectfully.

After hearing what the other party said, Yiming walked up and said that he needed to replace it.

"Please tell me your name, magic system and level, and I will check it for you."

"Um..." Yiming started to feel embarrassed, because he had never registered with the Magicians Association, and even if he checked now, he would definitely not be able to find out.

Seeing Yiming's troubled expression, Luo Yi already understood the reason.

"This time it's not just a replacement, but a re-examination." Luo Yi said in time.

"That's it. Then please fill out this application form, and then go to the third floor to see Master Hu Ke for a grade assessment." The waiter replied respectfully.

Yiming, who was holding a watch, was about to go up to the third floor, but then a problem arose. Except for Yiming and Luo Yi, the rest of the mercenary group were not magicians, so they were not qualified to go up to the third floor.

In desperation, the two of them had to go to the third floor, while the rest of the people waited on the second floor.

When we arrived on the third floor, the place seemed very quiet and empty. There were no stalls, only many people in magic robes shuttled back and forth, and everyone seemed to be in a hurry.

After walking around for half a circle, the two finally found Master Hook. After handing in the application form, Hook opened his wrinkled eyes and looked at the two of them.

"Name, age, what level do you want to test?" Master Hook asked lazily.

"Well, my name is Tony Stark. I am 23 years old this year (the age determined by Yiming's sharingan eye to observe the bone age). I don't even know what level I will be tested for."

"Huh? I don't know? Is this your first time here?"

"Yes, Master Hook."

"Put your hand over here."

Yiming stretched out his right hand, and Hook took it. Instantly, he felt a magic element enter from his right hand, and then spread throughout his body.

As the investigation continued, Master Hu Ke's expression changed from surprise to surprise, and finally revealed a hint of anger, which made Yiming a little uneasy.

"Wasteful, confusing, and simply unreasonable. Who is your teacher? Didn't he tell you that magic and martial arts are incompatible?"

"My teacher left after teaching me magic and didn't tell me this."

"It's simply irresponsible and misleading. The magic element in your body has a very high affinity. It is very rare at this age, and it is also a very rare natural magic element. It's a pity, it's a pity. Forget it, you can say yours again. name?"

"Master Hook, my name is Tony Stark."

At this time, Hook had not replied, but there was an exclamation from beside him: "Are you Tony Stark?"

Yiming followed the sound and saw a fat man wearing a magic robe walking over, his eyes full of surprise.

"Yes, I am Tony. I wonder who you are?"

The little fat man ran over, first saluted Hu Ke respectfully, and then pulled Yiming's clothes and looked up and down.

"Sawya, do you know each other?" Master Hook asked doubtfully.

Yiming and Luo looked at each other and shook their heads. Only Suoya said excitedly: "We know each other, we know each other so well. Master Hook, don't you know? This is Tony who rescued Princess Feia from the Sark Empire. Baron, now the candidate for Regency.”

"Oh, how could I know this if I stay in this magic tower all day? Well, come with me. I'll check the magic level for you first."

Under the leadership of Master Hook, the four people came to a room. There was only a magic crystal in the center. Yi Ming instantly understood the purpose of this object. Haven't you read the novel if you haven't eaten pork?

Sawyer has been following the three of them excitedly since he learned Yiming's name, making Yiming very confused as to whether this person had seen him somewhere but forgotten it.

Putting aside the doubts in his mind, Yiming walked to the magic crystal and stretched out his right hand to input all the natural magic elements in his body into the crystal.

With Yiming's input, the originally dim crystal began to glow green, from the initial flash to the final radiance, and even a lot of green grass began to grow out of thin air on the crystal.

Yiming looked at the grass in front of him, a flash of dissatisfaction flashed in his heart, and then he increased his output.

At this time, the crystal began to tremble, the grass began to grow crazily, and then the grass began to become woody.

Then the wood was no longer content to grow around the crystal, and countless trees began to grow from the ground throughout the room, almost filling the room.

Seeing this, Yiming took back his right hand, looked at the green that filled the room, and nodded with satisfaction.

Yiming turned around, only to find that Master Hook and Sawyer behind him had their mouths wide open, looking at everything in the room with disbelief on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Yiming asked confused.

Luo Yi was the first to wake up, because he had seen Yiming perform the tree world birth before, and he was mentally prepared.

However, Luo Yi believed that Yiming at that time only had that huge natural energy after swallowing the sacred artifact. Now that he saw everything in the room, he was still shocked.

You must know that the test crystal is a rune device specially used to test how many magical elements a person can summon. Before this, I had never heard of anyone who could fill the crystal and manifest the elements. It was simply unheard of.

Master Hu Ke, who came back to his senses, rushed forward and grabbed Yi Ming, his eyes full of surprise.

"No, I didn't sense the existence of the magic realm from you, but the natural elements you just invoked have exceeded those of ordinary magicians. Weird things, weird things."

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