I use ninjutsu to create gods in another world

Chapter 153 The man behind the Beast King

Sako and all the ministers were overjoyed. Sako even walked down from the throne in three steps and two at a time. As he walked, he ordered: "Please come quickly, no, I will greet you personally."

A tall figure appeared at the main entrance of the hall, and then slowly walked into the hall with firm steps.

"Your Majesty, the old minister is back." Delong bowed to Sack, and Sack hurriedly supported him.

"Marshal, it's great that you can come back, great." Tears of excitement filled the corners of Sak's eyes.

"I heard that the orcs are only three hundred miles away from the imperial capital. For the sake of the safety of the empire, I request to go to war again. Please give me your permission."

"Marshal, please get up quickly. We are worrying about who will take command. The marshal's move is really a timely help."

Everyone in the hall, regardless of whether they had any previous conflicts with the Winston family, all showed excited expressions at this time.

The marshal was determined, and the next step was to deploy tactics, with Delong taking the lead. Everyone expressed their opinions, and the strategic direction was quickly determined.

"Your Majesty, the orcs are coming fiercely this time. We should not fight them head-on. We should focus on defense."

"Well, yes, Marshal, we have discussed it before, and everyone has the same opinion."

"In addition, the request for help from the three empires must not stop. This requires His Majesty's personal action."

"Don't worry, Marshal. I sent three letters of distress to the three empires a day, but so far, nothing has happened."

"Regardless of whether they respond or not, the letters for help must not stop. If three letters a day are not enough, then ten letters. Let them understand that this is not just a matter of our Sisi'or Empire, but a matter of the entire human race."

"Okay, Marshal, leave this to me."

"Due to the urgency of the situation, I request that I lead my soldiers to the front line immediately to defend the Orcs in front of the Imperial Capital. I have contacted the people from Poseidon Pavilion before I came. They expressed their full support and have sent their disciples to the Imperial Capital. .”


When everyone heard that Poseidon Pavilion was willing to take action, there was a look of excitement on their faces. After all, the name of Poseidon was synonymous with the strong in the Sisi'ol Empire.

"In addition, I also brought an old friend, but he didn't want to show up. I believe that with him here, we will be able to drive the orcs out of the Sisi'or Empire."

"Old friend? Who is it?" Sako asked in surprise, and the officials also looked puzzled.

"Has Your Majesty forgotten another family that was as famous as the Winston family?"

"Marshal means...the Freeman family?"

"It's the Freeman family."


There was a burst of exclamation in the hall. The shadow of the famous tree, the existence of the Freeman family that could be said to be comparable to Winston, was a peak-like existence in the hearts of everyone.

Sacco was overjoyed, took Delon's hand, and said excitedly: "Okay, okay, Winston and Freeman join forces again after many years, and they will definitely shine the glory of the Sis'or Empire again."

"Well, Your Majesty, Walton Freeman, also known as Mercenary King Nessazites, has issued a summons to mercenaries across the continent. It is believed that a large number of mercenaries will flood into the empire in the near future. .”

There was another wave of heat in the hall, and everyone's eyes showed a look of anticipation.

"Where is the Minister of Finance?" Sarkozy asked loudly.

"The minister is here."

"Quickly mobilize the wealth of the entire empire. No matter what the marshal's needs are, they will be met. If anyone dares to interfere with it, confiscate his family and exterminate his family, he will not tolerate it."

"Take your orders, Your Majesty, I don't think anyone dares to slack off at this time."

The entire Si'ol Empire began to move rapidly, and countless strong men and mercenaries began to gather towards the Si'or Empire.

In the orc king's tent, the beast king Jibil looked at more and more human soldiers in front of him, with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, why don't you launch an attack now? If humans are given sufficient time to prepare, it will not be easy for us to invade the Sis'or Empire." Chianai asked in confusion.

"Qiyanai, you are a qualified guard, but not a qualified general. Victory in war is not achieved by killing all the opponents. Subduing the enemy's troops without fighting is the highest state of victory. .”

"Your Majesty, I don't understand..."

"You don't need to understand, Qiyanai, we are kings and ministers, and we are also brothers of life and death. You just need to follow my steps. I must let the orcs live in the Miracle Continent. You see, how rich this continent is. .”

"Well, yes, Gibil, I will stand by your side unswervingly. Anyone who wants to hurt you, I will tear him into pieces."

At this time, the sound of footsteps was heard, and soon, Zordon's fat figure appeared in front of the two of them.

"Your Majesty, Quill Bloodhoof has been comforted."

"Well, Zordon, my Prime Minister, thank you for your hard work."

"No, it's my honor to share your Majesty's worries."

"Hahahaha, Zordon, you are the fastest to learn the tricks of humans and the most similar to them."

"Your Majesty, thank you for your compliment." Zordon replied with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Zordon, you are very good. The Orc Empire needs you. I, Gibil, need you. I know you have a grudge against me in your heart, but it doesn't matter, because our goal is the same, which is to let the Orcs stand in the Miracle Continent. Go ahead, let all races no longer dare to underestimate us orcs."

Zordon put away his smile and became serious and calm.

"Your Majesty, as you said, our goals are the same, so I will assist you wholeheartedly and will never betray you."

"I trust you……"

"Your Majesty, all the troops are ready, and according to your instructions, there will be no excessive damage to the surrounding environment."

"Well, thank you for your hard work. You have to remember that this time we are not going back to that barren land after snatching it, but we are going to take root here and treat the land and environment here as our own land and resources. , we must protect these, because this will be our future home."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

"In addition, give the humans another five days to assemble and then launch an attack. All troops will rush forward. I will defeat the human army as soon as possible and break their morale."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After Gibil finished speaking, he stopped talking. At this time, Zordon looked like he was hesitant to speak.

"Zordon, what do you want to say?"

"Your Majesty, after we defeat the human army in front of us, do we want to continue going deeper?"

"Oh? Did you think of something?" Gibil looked at Zordon with interest.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I have observed the human troops in front of us. Judging from the equipment and the number of strong men, they are not the elite of the Si'ol Empire. I think their purpose is to delay us. pace to buy time for the troops behind you."

"You are right, Zordon. I realize more and more that handing over the position of Prime Minister to you is the most correct decision I have made since taking office."

"Then why does Your Majesty give them another five days? Isn't it good to defeat them now?"

"Zordon, you have to know that although the Sis'ol Empire is the weakest of the four empires, it is an empire after all. When it is operating at full strength, it is also a terrifying force. If we want to continue to deepen , will definitely encounter strong obstacles, which is not what I want to see.”

"Then your Majesty, what you mean is... that after we defeat this human force, we will no longer go deeper?"


Gibil's words stunned the two people present, and they didn't understand why they didn't defeat the Sisi'ol Empire in one go.

"After we defeat the human forces, we will no longer move forward. Instead, we will leave some tribesmen to stay here and then turn east."

"East? That's the direction of the Outlet Empire."

"Yes, this is the direction of the outlet empire."

"But the Sac Empire's army is at war with Outlets. Are we going to support them?"

"Support? No, no, no... Our allies are very powerful and do not need our help. Our purpose this time is to attack the Outlets from the rear and incorporate the other half of the Outlets' land. The territory of our orc empire, and then start building a base."

"Build a base?"

Gibil's thinking was so wild that Zordon and Chiana were unable to react.

"Yes, you two, the people I trust most at the moment, the human race is not that easy to conquer. We must be prepared for a protracted war. Moreover, our allies are not as friendly as we imagined."

Zordon and Qiyanai stopped responding and just looked at Gibil blankly. If they couldn't keep up with each other's thinking, then it would be good to be a good listener.

"The Miracle Continent is too big. If we rely solely on the beast race, we will never be able to quickly conquer the entire continent. We still have to rely on the human race."

"Defeat the human army, crush their resistance, trap the remaining humans, and let them build the entire Miracle Continent for us."

"Our ally, the Sark Empire, although we are currently allies, they are humans after all. To use a human saying, those who are not my race will have different hearts."

"Your Majesty, do you think the Sark Empire will be detrimental to us?" Zordon finally found the opportunity to intervene.

"This is inevitable. I even suspect that the Sark Empire deliberately let us in, and then let us deal with the Si'ol Empire and the Bauhinia Empire, so that the Sark Empire can take advantage of it."

"It's impossible. We have the Beast God, and the only God of War in the Sark Empire is the God of War. How dare they do this."

"Zordon, you think too simply. The God of War is only on the surface. I'm sure there is definitely the shadow of the God of Light behind him."

After Gibil finished speaking, Zordon and Qianai turned pale, obviously frightened by the name of the God of Light.

"Okay, we won't face them yet, so don't worry for now. You guys can go down. I want to take a rest. You must remember that the fourth person must not know about our conversation today. Do you understand?"

The two men nodded hurriedly in agreement, and then quickly left the king's tent.

After the two left, a voice sounded from the king's tent.

"Can't the fourth person know? I don't know if I am the fourth person."

Hearing this voice, a smile appeared on Gibil's face, and then he turned around and knelt down.

"Master Beast God, how can you be considered the fourth person? You are a god and the belief of our entire beast race."

"Well, get up. I've heard all of your conversation just now. I'm very satisfied with your overall view and appreciate your sobriety, but I still have a doubt."

"Sir Beast God, please speak."

"Although you are a junior that I admire very much, and I single-handedly helped you ascend to the throne of Beast King, I don't believe that you can grow to such an extent in such a short period of time."

"Master Beast God, what do you mean?"

"Tell me, who taught you these, or who is behind you."

Gibil looked at Istaner, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, I still can't hide it from Lord Beast God... I admit that these are indeed taught by someone and me, and he has long expected that Lord Beast God will notice it."

"who is it?"

"It's my teacher, the former high priest Lan Feng."

"Lan Feng? He's not dead yet?" This time it was the Beast God's turn to be surprised.

"Teacher is currently in the Konoha Village established by Tony. Although his movements are restricted, his thinking has not stopped."

"It turns out to be Lan Feng, so it's not surprising, but it's a pity..."

"No, Lord Beast God, the teacher does not feel pity. On the contrary, he believes that this is his best way out. In other words, these are all moves in his real plan."

"I understand. Lan Feng is indeed the wisest orc among the many high priests. It can also be said that he is the wisest among the entire orc clan."

"Yes, Lord Beast God, my subordinates think so too."

"Okay, just continue to follow what Lan Feng taught you. As for the person behind the Sark Empire you just mentioned, I can tell you clearly that it is the God of Light. This person is sinister and ruthless. This time he will definitely The plan is very big, but you don’t have to worry too much, I have found the opponent’s method, you can rest assured to use your strategy.”

"As you command, Lord Beast God."

After the beast god left, Gibil stood alone at the door of the king's tent, looking at the stars in the sky, and murmured: "Tony Stark, this is a big game involving several races. I wonder if you can catch up. , and your Stark Forest is facing the threat of the goddess of nature. If you cannot appear in time, I am afraid..."

In the Sis'ol Empire, Deron has led 300,000 troops to the front line, but he has not gone to the front line, which puzzles most of the generals in the army.

"Marshal, why are we staying here? We are still a hundred miles away from the orc army."

"No, that is not our battlefield. Our battlefield is here, or rather on the road from here to the imperial capital."

"I don't quite understand what you mean, Marshal..."

"Sigh... Although we have an army of 300,000, the gap between us and the orcs is still huge. If we rashly throw all our strength into the battlefield and fail, the Sis'or Empire will cease to exist."

"But the soldiers in front..."

"Pray for them. We must seize every minute and second to turn this road into a hell leading to death. Through layers of obstacles, the orcs will be consumed on this road. You must know that the orcs are not For any supplies, they are currently relying on fighting to support fighting, and we must seize this weakness and defeat them completely."

"Marshal, I very much agree with your decision, but as a result, you will suffer a lot of criticism and abuse."

"It doesn't matter. As long as the empire can get through this difficulty, it doesn't matter if it takes my life. In addition, there is another important factor in my decision, and that is the Bauhinia Empire. We have to set a good example for our reinforcements. Confidence, a reason for them to send troops.”

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