Two years later, Carl defeated all the beasts in the forest with his bare hands.

Deep in the forest, Carl was grilling meat, um~ a piece of meat from a dinosaur's tail, while the dinosaur was still watching tremblingly.

The dinosaur was beaten until its nose was bruised and its eyes were swollen, and a long section of its tail was cut off. How aggrieved it was to look like that, hahahahaha~

"Okay, I won't eat you tomorrow, and I'm going to move to a different place to exercise tomorrow. We've been together for two years, and I'm really reluctant to let you go. Why don't you come with me!"

Carl said looking at the dinosaur. The dinosaur kept shaking his head, his face full of reluctance.

"Hahahahahaha~ Forget it, I'm just kidding. Go back quickly. I don't know if your wife and son will recognize you even if your tail is missing. Hehe~~" Just after he finished speaking, the dinosaur head also Those who didn't return immediately ran away.

Well, let’s eat. This dinosaur tail meat tastes pretty good when grilled.

After eating and drinking enough, he dragged a sheep next to him home. This was the prey he was going to take home today.

When we got home, Berg and Emma also came back, "Mom, let's stew mutton today! I hunted a sheep today! It weighs more than two hundred kilograms."

"Okay~ Carl is really getting more and more capable. Mom will cook a whole sheep feast for you and dad today!"

"Great! Thank you for your hard work, Mom! I'll help too."

After that, we started to handle the sheep together. It was almost done. Carl picked up a leg of lamb and a lamb chop and walked to Darren's house.

"Uncle Darren, are you at home?", there was no response, he was probably still in the tavern, he opened the door and walked into the kitchen, put the mutton in the refrigerator to refrigerate, and then returned home.

Tonight's dinner was still very rich. Although Karl was full in the forest, due to his strong body and fast digestion, most of the half of the sheep went into Karl's stomach.

In the past two years, as my body has improved, my appetite has also increased. Fortunately, there are enough prey in the forest, otherwise my appetite will probably make the family poor!

After eating and drinking enough, I took a shower and went to bed. In the past two years, I had been fighting fierce beasts. As my body improved, I finally awakened my armed domineering energy and achieved partial coverage.

The effect of fighting beasts is getting worse and worse. Next, you need to train your resistance to sea water. After all, sea water is the nemesis of Devil Fruit. This will be a big weakness at sea in the future.

The next day Karl came to the beach and took off his shirt to reveal all his tendons.

Walking towards the sea, as soon as I entered the sea, I felt a sense of weakness in my body. This feeling is really annoying.

He continued walking into the sea, almost losing his strength when the water reached his thighs, and then practiced swinging the knife, slowly getting used to this feeling of powerlessness.

When I almost couldn't hold on anymore, I went ashore to rest for a while, and then continued to exercise in the sea water.

At the end of the day like this, I feel even more tired than when I first started exercising!

However, I am quite satisfied with my performance on the first day. At least I persevered. Well, I will continue tomorrow!

Another year passed, and Carl had adapted to exercising in the sea. The feeling of weakness is still there, but it no longer affects my movements.

Over the past year, I have been exercising in the sea, and my body has become super strong. I have also covered my whole body with armed domineering. The next step is to release it externally and destroy it internally.

I have already asked Uncle Darren about the training techniques, so just continue to train step by step.

It is worth mentioning that this year the Overlord Color Haki has also awakened, and it can be released freely, but it is not yet able to attack accurately, and it has to work hard.

It was almost done. Karl went ashore and walked into the forest. Not long after, he dragged out a wild boar, smashed it and let its blood flow into the sea.

After waiting for a while, a small sea king appeared. It swam in the direction of the wild boar.

When he was about to eat the wild boar, Karl saw the right moment and swung a flying slash, and the small sea king was killed.

Hehe~ This is the skill that Carl learned this year to catch Neptunes. This method is really useful in windless areas. After all, there are so many Neptunes in windless areas!

Carl cut off the most valuable parts and hauled the rest to town and sold them.

In this year, Carl has made more than 10 million berries using this method.

The consumption level in the town is not high. If it were outside, the price would be more than ten times higher, but Carl sold it at a low price.

"Karl, we caught marine species again today!"

"Brother Carl, my mother said today that she also wants to buy 1000 beli of Neptune meat!"

“Karl, it’s still the same, our tavern costs 500 pounds!”


"Okay, okay, come one by one, don't crowd." When everyone saw Karl coming back, they all gathered around.

It didn't take long for the sea king to be sold out, and he took Bailey and the meat left for the family and went home.

"Mom, Dad, I'm back!"

"It's good to be back. I just heard the noise. Did you catch another sea king today?"

"Yes, Dad, and they are all sold out. This is what I left in advance. Mom, let's make Neptune-type dishes today!"

"Okay~ Come and help me deal with it," Emma said softly.

The family happily prepared tonight's dinner. After all, Neptune meat is very delicious.

In this year, because we can often eat Neptune meat, the physical condition of the family has also become better ~

The happy day passed with laughter. Early the next morning, Carl went to find Jason.

Jason is the navigator of the fleet. Navigation after leaving the windless zone cannot rely on the dog-headed sea king.

Because if exposed, it will cause trouble for the fleet, so navigators are indispensable for the fleet.

Recently, Carl is learning navigation skills from Jason in preparation for going to sea in a year. Otherwise, it will be very dangerous if he doesn't know the direction and weather when he goes out.

The most dangerous thing on the Grand Line is not pirates, but various extreme natural disasters!

Various large storms can easily destroy a large fleet. The Golden Lion's pirate fleet had the upper hand in the battle with the Roger Pirates, and it was a guaranteed win.

However, due to a sudden storm, most of the fleet was driven into the bottom of the sea, and only one of the elites was left. Otherwise, it would be hard to say whether there would be the Pirate King Roger behind.

"Karl, you are here. Today we will continue to learn how to identify the weather at sea..."

"Okay, Uncle Jason, you've had a hard day today too!"

Carl learned sailing skills from Jason in the morning and went to the beach to exercise in the afternoon, thus preparing for going to sea a year later.

Life on the island is peaceful, but the world outside is anything but peaceful.

If I remember correctly, Gol D. Roger and his Roger Pirates completed their voyage this year and became the Pirate King.

You have to hurry up. To be honest, if possible, Carl doesn't want his sister Lujiu to be with Roger at all, even though he is the Pirate King.

"Oh~ It's hard to do. How should I convince my mother? My brain hurts~" Karl was lying on the grass by the sea.

Li was thinking about how to convince Emma to let him go to sea. Although everyone knows that Karl is very powerful now, one must never underestimate a mother's love for her child.

"Maybe I can just leave secretly. Anyway, I'll go out and find my sister and come back right away. It shouldn't take long. And with my current strength, I can handle it myself as long as I don't encounter a general-level monster. Well, that's the decision!"

Karl has been avoiding this thing all this time. After all, many people here have extraordinary powers!

Therefore, Karl could only practice until he had the strength to at least deal with the generals before he dared to go to sea to find Lujiu.

Because Karl is also afraid of death! He came to this world to enjoy life.

Don’t think about it anymore, go into the mountains! Go hunting! The recent Neptune anthropology has become so smart that it is difficult to catch it, so it can only be wronged by the animals in the forest.

After returning home and finishing dinner, Carl sorted out the money he earned from the Neptune class.

"There are more than 15 million berries. Leave 10 million for the family. It should be enough to take away only 5 million. There are also treasures in the hall on the holy mountain. When the time comes, take some out and exchange them for berries. It should be enough to buy a pair. "The boat is gone"

Karl was counting the days to go to sea and fell asleep like this.

Another year passed, and Carl was 17 years old. Standing on the beach, Karl closed his eyes tightly and kept his body in the posture of drawing a knife.

"Now! Cut the waves!!" Karl shouted, and then swung his sword with a huge flying slash, and the sea was suddenly cut into a bottomless abyss hundreds of meters long! !

"Huh~" Karl breathed out.

"I have finally reached the realm of great swordsman, and I can control the overlord's domineering energy to release it accurately."

Karl is quite satisfied with this year's training, and it's time to go to sea.

After dragging the prey home and starting to prepare dinner, he was thinking about going to sea and didn't even know that his family was back.

"Karl, what's wrong with you? I called you several times but I didn't hear you. If you have anything on your mind, tell your mother!"

"I'm fine, Mom, I'm just a little tired from today's practice. I'll be fine in a while." Karl came back to his senses and said to Emma.

"Go and have a rest when you're tired. Mom will make dinner. I'll wake you up when it's ready."

"Mom, I'm fine. Let's do it together. It'll be faster. Dad should be back soon." Karl said softly

"Well, Carl is so sensible." Mom wanted to reach out and touch Carl's head but found that she was not tall enough.

"Carl has grown up and is much taller than mom. From now on, mom and dad will rely on Carl for protection!"

Carl is now over 2.6 meters tall. Although he is not tall in the world of One Piece, he is still average.

"Well, from now on, I will protect my parents!"

Tomorrow is the day for the fleet to go to sea, and we have to prepare tonight.

Karl quietly went out while the family was asleep and headed towards the Holy Mountain to get some of the treasure back.

More than an hour later, Carl returned home and continued to pack things and luggage for going to sea.

Everything was packed and Carl sat at the table writing a letter for his parents.

After finishing writing, Carl lay in bed unable to sleep. After all, this was his first time going to sea. After so many years in the world of One Piece, he could finally go out and see the outside world!

I am excited but also worried. My parents will definitely be worried when they find out that I have gone to sea tomorrow.

But in order to change the ending of his sister Lujiu, he must go to sea! I thought a lot and then fell asleep.

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