Star Iron: Capture the Black Tower, or be conquered by her!

Chapter 25 Can’t survive? I'll give you the whole life

The monsters that split the world surged in, and for some reason they became more and more numerous.

However, the blond young man standing alone in front of everyone showed no fear. When the hordes of monsters attacked, he grabbed the huge shield in front of him.

Sweep across.

Carrying the sound of the storm, the powerful power was like an overwhelming force. The moment the rushing creations and shields impacted, there was a heavy collision sound, and the monsters at the front were actually thrown away!

"Silver-maned Iron Guards, form a formation to annihilate the enemy!"

A lion-like roar erupted from the young man's throat, and at this moment, several blue figures gathered around the four Lu Huai people, holding long spears and aiming at the poor imitators.

Tongues of fire suddenly burst out.

"Oh! Brother Jeppard, you came just in time!"

"I almost thought I wouldn't be able to eat the vegetable soup tonight."

Seeing that they were saved, Hook and the other three cheered over and over again, while touching their chests and letting out a long sigh of relief.

Lu Huai finally felt relieved.

From their words, Lu Huai heard that the blond young man's name was Jeppard.

Hmm... It is indeed different from the ordinary Silver Mane Iron Guard. At least he is a squad leader.

His eyes fell on the strange shield in Jeppard's hand, and Lu Huai could distinguish with his naked eyes the protective force field covering the shield.

This is not an ordinary toy. It is really a protective stance. It is something that only appears in science fiction movies. At least Lu Huai believes that it must not have existed in his previous world.

If you think about it, the technology in this world is quite advanced, but if you think about the medical level... why do you feel that there is a gap?

The several silver-maned shooters guarding the four men of Lu Huai and the Jeppard troops were divided into two groups. Under the suppression of powerful firepower, the single-action world-splitting creation was obviously at a disadvantage.

"Suppress forward! Push these monsters back to the cracked world!"

Jeppard still did not forget to give instructions during the battle, and the silver-maned archers responded loudly, leaving two to guard Lu Huai and the four, while the other six came forward together.

It seems like everything is fine here.

The urban area is too dangerous now, especially the large mining area. How can there be world-splitting creations here?

With so many monsters gathering here, wouldn’t the people working here...

Just when Lu Huai was thinking wildly, a violent roar sounded, and the ground under Lu Huai's feet trembled.

The silver-maned iron guards who had pressed forward were seen to be retreating continuously. The number of world-splitting creations seemed to have increased, and behind the groups of monsters, a strange existence appeared in everyone's field of vision.

That guy looks like a mechanical combination, covered with blue crystals. It is huge and thick, especially the abdomen of the machine is particularly prominent, like a fat human being, and on its abdomen, there are dots of stars. The light flickered, and the background was dark, as if the sea of ​​stars had been swallowed into its belly.

"It's the Deep Cold Prowler! Sir! We need support!"

During the retreat, a silver-maned shooter shouted loudly.

Seeing the situation over there, Jeppard's expression became slightly solemn.

Just as he was about to pull away, suddenly, a red fire flashed in front of his head, and a huge flaming blade reflected in Jeppard's pupils and rapidly enlarged.


Flames swept across the shield. Jeppard gritted his teeth and with an angry roar, he pushed back the huge mechanical monster with giant blades as arms in front of him.

"The Burning Prowler?"

Jeppard secretly thought to himself, damn, these large world-splitting creations are rarely encountered on weekdays, but today it was just a routine patrol, and he unexpectedly encountered such a difficult guy.

Although there were fissures in the large mining area before, they were very few in number and had been cleared. It has been an unknown amount of time since I saw a world-splitting creation here.

At this moment, the huge body of the Deep Cold Prowler paused forward, and then let out a violent roar.

The biting cold wind was mixed with crystals like broken ice, which were sharper than the blade at this moment. The two silver-maned shooters who were closer to the front were knocked away before they had time to defend themselves and fell to the ground.

What's even worse is that this cold wind has slowed down the movements of the Iron Guards. At this moment, a silver-maned shooter was struggling to raise the gun in his hand. Before he could fire, he was knocked down by a world-splitting creature. land.


The iron guard who fell to the ground tightly grasped the long handle of the ice blade in the monster's hand. However, he was a human after all, and his strength was no match for the Creation of the World Split. Moreover, when he directly touched the ice blade, the blue crystals It had begun to spread gradually along his fingers.


At this critical moment, a dull voice suddenly sounded, and the monster suppressing the iron guard fell to one side. The silver-maned shooter was stunned for a moment, and then turned his head to look.

Next to him, he saw a black-haired young man holding the iron guard's gun in his hand. Although there was a look of fear on his face, he did not flinch at all.

However, he did not shoot the World Splitting Creation, but held the barrel of the gun in his hand and swung the guy out with the butt of the gun.

"Thank you, thank you!" The silver-maned shooter thanked him, and then said anxiously, "You should leave here quickly and go to the Iron Guard camp to ask for support!"

Lu Huai panted slightly. He looked at the silver-maned shooter on the ground. His fingers to the wrist were covered with blue crystals. Let alone shooting, he probably couldn't move now.

Go to the Iron Guard camp to ask for help? Don’t tell me you don’t know how far away it is, is it still too late to get here...

Thinking like this, Lu Huai gritted his teeth and turned the gun in his hand, pointing the black muzzle directly at the huge Deep Cold Prowler behind the group of world-splitting creations.

"That guy needs a gunner to deal with it!" A silver-maned shooter saw this and said hurriedly, "A gun can't do anything to it!"

However, Lu Huai seemed not to hear it, which made the injured guards around him extremely anxious.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Huai put his finger on the trigger. After a long silence, he murmured to himself: "Please, do something useful, okay."

As the words fell, the power of destiny surged at this moment.

Feeling the strange changes, Lu Huai narrowed his eyes.

Pull the trigger.


The sound of gunfire, however, was not caused by bullets flying from the muzzle.

The gun in Lu Huai's hand actually disintegrated in full view of everyone!


The surrounding iron guards were stunned, and Lu Huai did not react for a while.

And at this moment, the disintegrated firearm parts were not flying in all directions in a disorderly manner, but were gathering in groups, like a swarm of poisonous bees, sweeping towards the Deep Cold Prowler!

The parts of the firearm hit the Deep Cold Prowler's body, making a crackling sound, and some of them got into the Deep Cold Prowler's body from nowhere.

After a messy collision, the parts flew back and automatically reassembled into a gun in Lu Huai's hands.

Lu Huai: "..."

Silver-maned Iron Guard: "?"

Hook three: "(.Д.)"

Seeing that no one can survive, are you giving everyone the whole life?

Regarding this issue, Lu Huai also had to think hard.

Although I don’t know if it solves the problem,’s really strange! Isn't this a wonder?

At this moment, the huge Deep Cold Prowler stood there for a moment, and suddenly started shaking like a cramp, and the sound of explosion could be vaguely heard coming from inside its body, and the next moment.


A violent explosion sounded, and the entire upper body of the Deep Cold Prowler was blown into pieces, turning into blue crystals and melting away, leaving only the huge belly standing there with a hint of cold air.

All of this happened so suddenly. The Iron Guards, who were originally prepared to die, looked at the sudden death of the Deep Cold Prowler and remained silent.

If it weren't for the presence of helmets, their eyes would have been widened.

"Oooh, ooh ooh!"

Suddenly, the three men from Hook surrounded Lu Huai, making strange noises like howling wolves.

"As expected of a boxing champion! You are indeed very powerful!"

"Good sir, you are still a magician!"

"Good sir! Alina must marry you!"

Lu Huai: "The Silver Mane Iron Guard is here now! Can you let me live!"

Take a look at the collar to see if the breathing light is on.


The shield was smashed down and stood on the ground like an unbreakable iceberg.

The anger in Jeppard's eyes remained, staring at the blazing prowler that he smashed, and after a moment he slowly turned his head.

Jeppard saw everything that just happened.

The Iron Guards might not know what was going on, but he had some ideas.

When the dead monsters were dissected before, it was found that there were proto-nuclei of different sizes in their bodies. Even if the monster was dead, the proto-nucleus still had power and was pacing slowly like a heart.

The technical department once asserted that the body of the world-splitting creation is solid and difficult to break, but the proto-nucleus is extremely fragile due to its instability. If the proto-core can be broken directly from the inside, no matter how powerful the world-splitting creation is, it will collapse instantly.

However, although the theory has been put forward, so far no one has been able to crush the original core of a living world-splitting creation on a frontal battlefield.

The gun parts that just flew out of the young man's hand contained unfired bullets. Perhaps some method was used to make those bullets enter the monster's body before being fired, so that the behemoth could be defeated so easily.

Thinking of this, Jeppard was suddenly shocked.

Although I don’t know what method this young man used, but...

Perhaps, he has the ability to reverse the current stalemate between Beloberg and the world-splitting creation!

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