Cultivation of immortality breaks the sky

Chapter 2 The good news brought by Uncle 2

Back home, my father and two brothers had returned from hunting, and the harvest was pretty good, including two rabbits and an antelope.

After seeing Gouwa, Dad remembered Gouwa going out early in the morning.

Ask directly: "What did you do this morning?"

Gouwa was still happy that his father and brother were back, but suddenly he became wilted again.

Dad immediately became angry: "I knew you and Xiao Hei secretly went into the mountains."

Gouwa looked at his father and wanted to teach him a long lesson. He rolled his eyes and directly changed the subject.

"When I just came back from Uncle Han's house, Uncle Han told me that he went to town and met my second uncle. The second uncle told me that he would come back to see us in two days."

After hearing this, Dad immediately asked happily: "Really."

"Well, that's what Uncle Han said."

Dad said happily: "Okay, okay, I haven't seen your second uncle for a long time, I miss you very much.

I'm going to get some delicious food and prepare to greet your second uncle. You kid, please remember that you are not allowed to enter the mountains in the future. If you let me know again, I will break your legs. "

Gouwa shrank his head and said, "I know, I won't go to the mountains anymore."

Er Bo Lu Er is the most famous person among us.

Because he is a member of the Qinglong Gang's foreign affairs, helps the Qinglong Gang with business, and is the owner of the largest inn in town, the "Bafang Inn".

The second uncle has two sons and one daughter. Both sons help in the inn, and the daughter is married.

Members of the Qinglong Gang are divided into foreign affairs members and internal affairs members.

Foreign affairs members are mainly responsible for business on the gang's territory.

Internal affairs members are the core of the Qinglong Gang. Internal affairs members are divided into:

Disciple in gray (preparatory disciple);

Tsing Yi disciple (formal disciple);

Disciples in black (elite disciples);

Purple disciple (core disciple);

Two days later, in the afternoon, a beautiful carriage came to the entrance of the village and was watched by the villagers.

Most people in the village have never seen such a beautiful carriage.

Village elder Han saw it. When he came over, he saw that it was Lu Er. After a while of greetings, he drove away the villagers who were watching the fun and took Lu Er to Lu San's house.

Old Han shouted at the top of his lungs: "Lu San, your second son is back, come out quickly."

After hearing this, the father quickly said: "I went to greet your second uncle. What a coincidence. I waited all day at the entrance of the village and didn't see him. He just came back."

Dad took our family with him. As soon as he left the room, he saw his second uncle getting off the carriage, chatting and laughing with Lao Han and heading home.

When dad saw his second uncle, he said, "I called you second brother."

When the second uncle heard it, he called out: "Third brother."

The two held hands and said nothing for a long time. The father took the second uncle and said, "Go into the house and talk."

When Lao Han saw that the person had been delivered, he said goodbye and prepared to leave.

The second uncle stopped Lao Han and asked, "Your little black boy, he must be twelve years old this year."

Old Han nodded and said, "He is twelve years old."

The second uncle said: "There is a good thing, please stay and listen."

Lao Han is very smart. When he heard something good happened, he quickly said yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Sometimes over the years, when we really couldn’t catch any prey and were hungry, it was the old Han family who helped us, and my second uncle was also the one who missed the old friendship.

After everyone entered the room and sat down, the father said: "Second brother, you haven't been back for two or three years."

The second uncle nodded and said, "It's been more than three years."

"Third brother, you have gone through a lot of vicissitudes over the years, and your hair has turned gray."

The father sighed and said: "Time is not forgiving, but the longer you live, the younger you become."

At this time, Gou Wa's six brothers and sisters were paying tribute to their second uncle one by one.

The second uncle brought back a lot of gadgets and snacks from the town. Everyone had a share, and he also gave some to Lao Han.

"My mother has prepared the food now," the father said with a smile, "I must be starving after walking all the way. If you have anything to say, I'll talk about it after eating." "

The second uncle laughed, nodded and said, "I'm really hungry now."

There is no good food in this village. You are lucky today. You have caught rabbits and antelopes in the past two days, so you have to eat them well.

After dinner, it was almost dark.

The second uncle looked at everyone and said: "There is good news, which is why I came back specially this time.

It's like this. In another half month, the Qinglong Gang will recruit a group of disciples, and the age requirement is no more than fifteen years old.

To prevent spies from getting involved, the quotas are set this time and are recommended by old disciples in the gang.

I have the authority to recommend two places. Lao Han, we grew up together and helped us a lot inside and out.

The first thing I thought of was our little dog, and the little black guy from the Han family, which was just enough.

For the future of these two boys, I came back specially to discuss it with you. "

Watching the third brother and Lao Han think about it.

The second uncle said: "There will definitely be dangers in joining a gang, but are you sure that there is no danger in doing other things? In the gang, you can learn literacy and martial arts, and you will get a monthly salary.

Moreover, in the gang, they are fed well and clothed warmly, and they are also taught how to read and practice martial arts. There are many benefits.

If my kid hadn't already exceeded his age, I would have let my kid go. "

Gouwa was moved when he heard it, and then shouted: "Dad, I am willing to go."

Dad said solemnly: "Do you know the dangers of joining a gang?"

Gou Wa quickly said: "I know, but I want to get ahead, be literate, practice martial arts, and want our family to live a decent life like my second uncle."

The second uncle nodded and said, "Our little dog is a good boy. A man should have an aggressive spirit in order to do something good."

Dad thought about it and it was right. It is a good thing to protect you all the time and not see it. Dad nodded and agreed.

Lao Han was worried about what was going to happen. He actually wanted Xiao Hei to go, but he was afraid that Xiao Hei would be in danger.

Old Han said worriedly: "I will go back and discuss it with my old lady and Xiao Hei. If he is willing to go, I will let him go."

The second uncle said: "Okay, then you have to hurry up, I have to go back to town tomorrow morning, a lot of things cannot be done without people.

Old Han, you go back and ask as soon as possible. If you are sure, I will take them to the town tomorrow. "

Our family sat together in the evening. My mother was crying with tears in her eyes. The eldest brother, the third brother, and the fourth brother all said some encouraging words to Gouwa. The fifth sister's eyes were red.

The father said with a look of reluctance: "We may not see each other again for several years after this farewell.

Do a good job in the Qinglong Gang. My son will do well wherever he goes. Remember to write more letters. "

The old woman told the dog: "Don't cause trouble when you go outside, and learn to take care of yourself."

Seeing everyone's endless chatter, Dad immediately said: "Okay, it's getting late. Let's all rest. Gouwa has to get up early tomorrow. Cuihua (my mother's name), prepare some food and clothing for Gouwa. .”

I cried and went to get ready. The fifth sister took out a pair, took the shoes and gave them to Gou Wa and said, "You are already a little adult. From now on, you have to learn to take care of yourself when you are alone outside."

Gou Wa grinned and said, "Don't worry, Fifth Sister. When I make a lot of money, I will take you to the town to buy whatever you want to eat and drink."

(Because he and the fifth sister are about the same age and often play together), so he and the fifth sister are still relatively close. The fifth sister nodded and said: "I'll wait."

Early the next day, Lao Han's family came.

When Lao Han mentioned this when he went back last night, Xiao Hei happily agreed.

The rhetoric is similar to that of Gouwa. The general idea is that he will make a lot of money in the future and make his father and mother happy and drink spicy food.

Lao Han was happy and relieved after hearing this, and thought to himself, this brat has grown up without knowing it.

In the morning, my mother prepared two large packages, which contained dry food, water, and a change of clothes and shoes.

Crying, he said, "It's your first time traveling far away, Gou. You must take good care of yourself when you are out there. Don't cause trouble. Be patient when you encounter trouble. Suffering a loss is a blessing."

Gouwa nodded and said with red eyes: "I understand, I know. Don't worry."

The second uncle saw that both families were coming, and immediately said: "Get in the car when you are ready, and try to reach the town before dark."

After the two families said their final goodbyes, Gou Wa and Xiao Hei got into the carriage.

Then the second uncle said: "Third brother, Lao Han, don't worry, I will ask someone to take care of the two boys when they arrive in the gang.

If they have a letter, they will send it to me. I will give it to you then and send a message back. "

Then the second uncle got on the carriage, and with a neighing sound, the carriage roared away.

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