Genshin Impact: The Herrscher’s Leisurely Life in Teyvat

Chapter 9 Breakfast and the ceremony of inviting immortals and training

After returning to his residence and sending Ai Li back to her room, Bai Feng went to find Bella who was playing games and comforted his daughter who was in a mood. The palms and backs of my hands are full of flesh, so I can only pamper them.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening after playing with Bella. After sending Bella back to the room, Bai Feng felt that his dragon horns were already peeling off a layer of skin, and he made up his mind that he would never let anyone do it easily in the future. So he went back to the room and slept with Ellie hugging each other.

On the morning of the ceremony,

Bai Feng woke up in a daze, and his hands were completely numb. On his left hand was Bella. I don't know when this little girl came to his room to sleep. On his right hand was Ai Li. , Ai Li did not wake up at this time, but even if she fell asleep, her smile was still so bright.

Bai Feng didn't think much about it. After making sure that the two of them were not awakened, he got up and went to prepare breakfast. As for what to make for breakfast, since you’ve got Sky Fire, you must try Sky Fire Toast (乐) But

Bai Feng came to the kitchen and started to prepare the ingredients. The toast bread, bacon, cheese, red peppers and green peppers, as well as onions, butter and tomato sauce that he took from the system were ready one by one.

Bai Feng first shreds the onions, then dices the green and red peppers, turns on the oven and jumps to the highest temperature to start preheating. Then Bai Feng constructs an iron plate and covers it with oil paper, and then spreads butter on one side of the toast. , smear the other side with tomato sauce and place butter side down on the baking sheet.


However, Bai Feng made a total of 6 toast pizzas, but he did not put all the toast pizzas in the oven, but kept one to make Sky Fire Toast, so Bai Feng took out the Sky Fire Sage and pointed it at the toast pizza , although Bai Feng is not from the Kaslana family, he chose to roast it to restore the animation.

But when he turned around, he found that Ellie was looking at him, and seemed to be suppressing a smile.

"A Feng, why do you use sky fire to cook? I have to say that if Qianjie sees it, he will say that A Feng is a waste of food."

"Isn't this a sudden thought? Moreover, this was taught to me by Siegfried, the previous user of Skyfire. But Ellie, have you had enough rest after waking up so early?"

"It's not that the food you made, Afeng, smells too good. The smell woke me up directly. By the way, Bella is also awake and should be changing clothes now."

"Today is Liyue's ceremony for inviting immortals. How about we go and have a look then?"

"No problem~ As long as it's Afeng's idea, I will support you." Ai Li looked at Bai Feng with love in her eyes.

Bai Feng also kissed Ai Li's forehead gently to indicate that he was here for breakfast, and then took out a few bottles of hot milk and said

"A Feng is really considerate. It's great to be with you," Ai Li said while looking into the sky.

"Then Ai Li, let's prepare to attend the ceremony of inviting immortals later."

"Well, I just asked Bella, but this time she didn't want to participate. She also said that she had already met the god of Liyue. What's going on, Afeng."

"Do you still remember the mature and steady man I saw at Wanmin Hall yesterday?"

"Hmm~ Of course I have an impression. Cute girls can do anything. So is that man Morax?"

"Yes, but this time he wants to fake death to test whether the city can solve the danger after losing the protection of the gods. And if there are factors beyond the development of the matter, I will need to step in to solve it."

After Bai Feng briefly explained his contract with Zhongli, Ai Li also understood Morax's behavior.

"It's getting late, Ellie. It's time for us to set off. After all, Morax will have to hold a funeral for himself later. It's interesting to think about it."

"Well, let's go"

"By the way, Bella, Aiya, there is food in the refrigerator that I have prepared in advance. When you want to eat, just put it in the microwave to heat it up."

"I know dad." X2

"Okay, the final problem has been solved, and things will be more interesting this time. Let's just be good bystanders."

"I listen to you ~ Afeng." Ai Li looked at Bai Feng dotingly.

Please visit the fairy ceremony site

"Is that yellow-haired girl Ying? She is the protagonist of this story. It's a pity that she has been kept in the dark."

Ellie, who is awkward, saw the cute girl at a glance.

Perhaps feeling that someone was paying attention to her, Ying turned around and saw Bai Feng and Ai Li walking towards her.

"Ying, long time no see"

"By the way, Bai Feng, do you think I can see the gods of Liyue?"

Bai Feng, who knew the subsequent plot, certainly knew it and answered truthfully:

"Yes, but you have to go through a lot of trivial matters, and even an extremely difficult battle, but don't worry, even if that battle is a test, it is a time for humans to prove their strength."

Although she didn't quite understand what Bai Feng said, Ying still had an extra thought.

At this time, Ningguang appeared. After confirming with his subordinates that he was ready, he looked at the sky and said

"The auspicious time has come!"

But unlike what was expected, what fell was indeed the emperor's "corpse"

When they saw the emperor's body, Ning Guangren was dumbfounded, but he still held back his sadness and said

"The emperor has been killed, the whole place is sealed off!" (Heat the pot and heat the oil)

However, Bai Feng didn't care so much, but looked in the direction of Ying. Sure enough, the girl ran away just like in the original plot. She was obviously waiting for her identity to be found out and then she would be fine. If she had to run away, whoever you wanted was not wanted.

When Qian Yanjun saw Bai Feng, he said respectfully

Lord Bai Feng, two suspicious persons escaped over there, how to deal with them.

"But worry, those two are my informants. I specially prepared this time to fish out the person behind the scenes."

"Just be wanted as usual, don't let anyone find anything unusual."

"It's Lord Bai Feng"

The Qianyan Army said respectfully.

At this time Ningguang also came from the side and said slowly

"It seems that you have played a big game. Your goal is those fools."

"Yes, I left a space beacon on Ying, and I also gave you a receiver. But don't interrupt my plan yet. I want to see what the Fools' purpose is."

"Moreover, I will finally fight the demon in the sea. I can feel that the seal in the sea has begun to become weaker."

"I suggest you prepare all the combat power you can muster in advance. This is both determination and a test."

Then Bai Feng left with Ai Li, and then gave Ai Li the fabricated Thousand Worlds to use, while he used a space beacon to monitor it.

"A Feng, but is it really okay for you to let them run around outside?" Ai Li asked doubtfully.

"It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't. If he can't overcome these difficulties, then he doesn't have to go to her brother anymore. This is a hardship that she must go through."

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