Genshin Impact: The Herrscher’s Leisurely Life in Teyvat

Chapter 82 I can’t think of the title again

Seeing that there was no follow-up performance, the crowd dispersed and went about their own business, but Bai Feng saw an anxious girl in the crowd.

Similarly, the girl over there also softened her expression a bit after seeing the dragon-marked knight who was often absent, but her movements were still very anxious.

"Sorry to bother you, I'm Barbara"

"Dragon Pattern Knight, please look at this"

Ai Li, who has quick eyes and quick hands, took the letter and looked at it. After understanding the content, she looked at Bai Feng

"A Feng, this threatening letter is too poorly written~"

So Bai Feng took the letter from Ai Li, and after reading it, there was only one emoticon that could represent Bai Feng’s thoughts.

Subway, old man, mobile phone.jpg

"I'm still worried about my sister."

However, adhering to the spirit of chivalry, Bai Feng still suggested:

"Let me go with you. Ellie, please take care of the children."

"Could it be that Afeng is going on a date with a beautiful young girl again~"

(? ? ?)

Bai Feng looked at Ai Li with a duck-like expression and refused to look away for a long time, but in the end, Ai Li couldn't bear the guilt in her heart and said

"Okay, I don't know what you are like, Afeng."

"Come back soon~"


So Bai Feng looked at Barbara and said

"Get ready to go"


"I hope my sister is okay"

Then the surrounding breeze instantly gathered towards Bai Feng until it formed an emerald green cocoon, but the cocoon soon shattered, and it was Bai Feng in the wind mode who walked out of it.

Barbara was dumbfounded. In her impression, only Fengshen could do such a thing. When she was about to ask a question, she was interrupted by Bai Feng.

"It's a pity that I am not Barbatos, the god of wind."

Then he changed into Wendy's tone and imitated

"Fly, faster than running"

The powerful wind field blew everyone's eyes open and at the same time protected Barbara's privacy, and then condensed the wind wings to look at Barbara

"Ready, let's go"



"Dragon Pattern Knight, fly slower!"

After hearing Barbara's wailing, Bai Feng was just glad that he flew high enough. If the idiot fans on the ground heard it, he would be in trouble today.

Although the process was a little scary, the result was good. Now Barbara and Bai Feng have arrived at the location described in the letter.

"elder sister!"

Looking at Barbara who ran over shouting, Bai Feng helplessly held his forehead and complained.

"If anyone really dares to attack Captain Qin, that person definitely doesn't want to hang out in Mondstadt."

"And Qin is also very strong."

After hearing Bai Feng's words, Barbara calmed down and said

"Sorry, I was too anxious"

"Now that I think about it, there are only a handful of people in Mondstadt who can stand up to my sister, let alone defeat her quietly."

"It's okay, but now let me see what is buried here."

As Bai Feng snapped his fingers, the surrounding soil instantly spread out to reveal the treasure box inside. Although he knew what was inside, Bai Feng still showed a cautious look and opened it.

As Bai Feng expected, what was stored in the treasure box was the Wind Flower Festival gift and another letter given to Barbara by some idiot fan.

Bai Feng casually handed the items to Barbara. After reading the letter, even Barbara was disgusted with this person.

"You would make such a joke just to give a gift. Do you know how worried I am about my sister!"

Bai Feng echoed from the side.

"That's right, it's so wicked."

"I don't even look at how much I weigh."

After taking a few deep breaths, Barbara regained her composure and looked at Bai Feng

"Thank you very much. If it hadn't been for your help, I would have searched for my sister all over the city."

"It's a small matter, go back now"

Barbara asked softly after hearing that

"Should we still fly back?"

"No, I'm flying back this time."

Then Bai Feng once again used the Shining Bracer to summon Mir and released EX.

(The one I dreamed about in Gaoshan actually belonged to Director Di)

"Take this plane, hurry up"

"it is good"

After the two got on the EX bus, Bai Feng also said to Pal.

"Pal, turn on optical camouflage, destination Aeolian Square"

[Received, planning route]


[Planning completed, now set sail]

So the EX flew into the sky under Barbara's curious gaze, and Barbara also looked curiously at everything on the ground.

"I never thought I could fly high in the sky and see such a view."

Bai Feng just smiled and said nothing when he heard this. After all, everyone would sigh when flying into the sky, even Bai Feng.

At this time, Barbara also looked at Bai Feng curiously and said

"Mr. Bai Feng, when was the first time you flew into the sky?"

"Let me think about it, it's almost 5 years ago."

"Take the young master!"

"Fifty thousand years!"

After looking at the surprised Barbara, Bai Feng just shook his head and said

"Believe it or not, at least I'm an old antique."

Barbara felt like she had experienced a lot in one moment. If she lived that long, the scene of her relatives and friends dying in front of her would definitely be unforgettable, and Bai Feng would probably have experienced it countless times.

But when Barbara still wanted to speak, she was interrupted by Bai Feng.

"My parents have passed away long ago, and the few friends, my spouse, and my children have never worried about life expectancy."

"Sorry, that's what happened"

"That's all, the ignorant are not guilty, please be careful next time"


Whenever Barbara recalled the first half of Bai Feng's words in the middle of the night, she wanted to slap herself and said

"I'm so damned good!"

She was relieved when she saw that Bai Feng didn't care. After all, what she wanted to say before was rude, but Bai Feng didn't care for a long time.

Before time travel, he was an orphan abandoned by his parents, and he was still a non-existence whose body and soul traveled together. His parents didn't know what family was, and he didn't understand it until he became Ying Jie.

But he didn't intend to say some of these words, he just needed to hide them in his heart. Then he looked out the window and said

"We'll be there soon, get ready for landing."

"Hey, so fast?"

"That's right, the EX number is high-tech."

Then the EX landed not far outside the city.

After the two got off the plane, Bai Feng took the EX back inside the Mir again and looked at Barbara.

"Go back, I think Ellie should be impatient."

When Barbara was about to say something, she suddenly felt dizzy. After the feeling disappeared, she found that she and Bai Feng were back at Fengshen Square, but the strange thing was that she felt her face was pressed against something soft.

“So soft”

She subconsciously raised her head and saw Ellie's face. At the same time, she also discovered her situation and became a steam girl.

But Bai Feng looked at Aili helplessly and complained.

"Sure enough, Sister Eden is right."

"You really can't change your true nature."

"A Feng, how can you say that?"

“It’s a wonderful thing to stick with a cute girl~”

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