Star Railway: I, Su Yu! Railway Group Poultry

Chapter 23: Ability improvement, I want to fight!

(Please stop posting. I’m just on vacation for the college entrance examination, not the real college entrance examination. It’s really tiring for me to reply to you one by one!)

[By the way, here, I would also like to wish all the seniors and seniors in high school, congratulations on your academic success, your gold list, and don’t leave traces of disappointment in your memories! 】


"Huh - I really need to strengthen myself."

Su Yu thought about his experiences after traveling these past few days.

He is still too weak now. Even if the Blood Demon keeps strengthening him and has basically doubled his values ​​in all aspects, it is still not enough!

According to the system, practicing exercises is the fastest and most stable way for him to increase his strength.

"So, what do I do."

Su Yu asked towards the void in front of him.

[Let me guide you through it, and then you’ll be on your own]

The sound of the system came.

[Find a place to sit for a while, then close your eyes and feel the energy flow in your body...]


Time passed through the fingers, and eight hours passed in the blink of an eye.

[Hiss—Although this guy is usually lazy, his talent seems to be quite good. Although he has some assistance from the origin of chaos, he actually only took two hours to learn the first form, and only took eight hours to reach the destination. Intermediate...]

The system sighed, but soon, Su Yu also woke up from meditation.

"Uh...system, how long has it been?"

Su Yu's first question when he woke up was to ask about the time.

[Oh, you are really good at it. It has taken eight hours to reach this level. It is difficult to lead this host class]


Su Yu didn't speak any more. Sure enough, he shouldn't have asked this thing any questions.

However, Su Yu does feel that he has become much stronger now.

The nine forms of chaos are divided into [poor] [odd] [tao] [餮] [梼] [杌] [mixed] [chaos] [combination]

The first two postures refine the body, the middle two postures refine the spirit, the last two postures nourish the soul, the last two postures divide the myriad things, and the last posture unites everything.

Now Su Yu is in the first position [poor].

After these eight hours of training, he has felt that his physical fitness has increased linearly. If he meets the Doomsday Beast again now, he will be able to fight him for at least dozens of rounds.

Rather than being photographed into a meat pie when you come up.


The power of chaos in your body has awakened (2/27)]

"Hey, system, what does this mean?"

Su Yu was confused again.

[That’s the literal meaning, but the primary manifestation of the power of chaos is the power of the void. Try to understand it. If you can use it, you will have some power to protect yourself]

The system patiently explained and then became silent.

Su Yu also listened to his suggestion and realized his current state.


[The power of void:

Activate to forcibly eliminate the target (including double erasure of soul and body)

Current amount that can be cleared: less than or equal to own energy level]

"...Tsk, this thing is a bit cruel."

Su Yu sighed with emotion. Last time, his voice was too loud. The product produced by the system must be a high-quality product!


Not long after, Xing also opened his eyes.

"Well - I had a really comfortable sleep this time."

Xing stretched and then woke up from the bed.

"Hey, Xiaoyi, are you here?"

Xing touched Su Yu's head, which had become her daily check-in.

"Hmm...Why do you feel like you are stronger, Xiaoyi?"

Xing also felt the change in Su Yu's momentum, which made her feel quite confused. She looked at the time just now and saw that only eight hours had passed? Why has this little guy changed so much?


(Translation: Hey, Master, I’m awesome, why don’t you praise me)

Su Yu puffed up his chest proudly, as if he was asking for Xing's praise. No, it wasn't like that, but it was obviously him!

But what he didn't realize was that he now completely regarded himself as Xing's pet, without any resistance at all.

"Okay, okay, Xiaoyi is the best. I'm lucky to have you."

It was as if Xing Ru could really understand Su Yu's words and could roughly understand what he meant every time.


Time passed quickly, and suddenly, a set of announcements filled the train.

[Dear members, please pay attention, all members, please pay attention, the train is about to move for the next time, please quickly gather in the living room car]

Pam's voice came out, and after Xing heard it, he immediately left the room with Su Yu.


Soon, Xing and Su Yu arrived at the destination of their trip, and they were the last two people to arrive.

"Hello, Xing, did you have a good rest?"

Jizi greeted Hoshi with a smile on her face.

"Well, good, thank you."

Xing answered, then said some polite words to everyone, and then stood aside.


"It seems that everyone is here. Sit down quickly. The next migration will take place soon."

Pam walked over on her short legs, twisting and turning.

Jizi and Walter had just explained the matter of migration to Xing, so Xing was not too confused about this matter.

But from what Xing heard, it would still be some time before she could move across, so she could go chat with other people now.


"Conductor, can you give me a glass of juice?"

Xiao Sanyue asked Pam for a glass of juice, but she didn't get Pam's approval.

"Yes, yes, but I have to wait until the migration is completed before giving it to you."

Su Yu had seen the plot, so of course he knew what was going to happen.


——Doubts from March 7th.

"It's not because the passengers on March 7 wanted to challenge themselves every time and didn't sit properly during the transfer. In the end, they fell down every time."

Pam crossed her hips and showed a rather disdainful expression.

"Hehe, young people like us should have a bit of a challenging spirit."

March 7 smiled and said no more.


After that, Xing went to see Dan Heng again. Su Yu didn't have a good opinion about Dan Heng. He could only say that every time he asked him any questions, he could answer them in the fewest words.

Although I occasionally joke, who does it with a straight face?

【Only silence】


"Hello, Star, and...little Ilsius."

Walter Yang is one of the few people who remembers Su Yu's full name.

"Do you have any questions? I can answer them for you."

Now, it’s time for Uncle Yang’s popular science class~

"Oh, this... and about...

You ask this? It’s actually very simple...

The answer to this question is obvious..."

Uncle Yang knew everything, and Xing finally knew where this sentence came from.

"By the way, Mr. Yang, about your past..."

Xing suddenly became a little curious. A person like Walter Young who opened a black hole casually would not be ordinary no matter what he thought.

"This may disappoint you. In my hometown, I am just an ordinary cartoonist."

Walter showed a confused smile.


("Well, an ordinary cartoonist who randomly opens black holes.") - Star

("Well, an ordinary cartoonist who opens black holes casually.") - Su Yu

Su Yu and Xing's thoughts overlapped.

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