Naruto: Otsutsuki Konan!

Chapter 38 The dust has settled


The pure white ninja sword went straight to Bubei Liuhu's chest and penetrated from the back of his heart.

Drops of blood dripped from the tip of the knife.

"You——!! Why..." The smile on Beiliuhu's face was frozen, and his eyes were so angry that they almost jumped out of their sockets.

His expression was extremely shocked, and he couldn't believe what was happening at this moment.

But the severe pain in my chest and my increasingly weak body really told me...

——What is happening now is the naked fact!

His heart has indeed been pierced, and his life has irreversibly entered a countdown!

Beiliuhu could no longer maintain his posture, his body began to swing uncontrollably, and his steps moved backwards.

With a final pop, he threw his head back and fell to the ground.

But his eyes were still fixed on Xiaonan, the chest that had just been punched through by his fist.

My mind was filled with doubts and reluctance.

Why? ? !

She is obviously the original body, her heart was destroyed by herself, and there was a big hole in her chest. How could she still be alive? ?

How can you still fight back? ! ! !

This is not a clone! !

If it was a clone, the previous round of electric shock should have dissipated.

It was only after Bei Liuhu confirmed this that he came out to launch the final fatal blow.

"Unexpected? Very unwilling?" Xiaonan turned around and walked slowly towards Beiliuhu.

"Do you think you are just waiting for my true form to come out so that you can launch a fatal blow?"

"Don't you know, why am I not?"

"The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind."

She tried her best to suppress her heavy breathing and spoke in a calm tone.

Fighting till now.

Xiaonan was almost covered in blood and seriously injured.

Both physical strength and chakra have almost reached their limits.

When Bei Liuhu crashed into the ground from high altitude and lay down in the big pit, the first thing she saw was indeed the real body.

But then a cloud of black smoke blew in, briefly blocking Konan's sight, giving Beilihu time to replace himself with a shadow clone.

And his true body is hidden in the deep hole beneath the shadow clone.

At that time, the moment Konan inserted the ninja sword into Beiliuhu's chest, she realized something was wrong.

Because the metallic luster on his body is gone.

Obviously a second ago, I could see the cold metallic light reflected from under the skin of Bei Liuhu's tattered body.

Why wait until the black smoke passed and came to Beiliuhu's side, then it was gone.

Xiaonan was simply a shadow clone at the time, so he took advantage of the situation and cooperated with the other party to stage a round of clone fighting.

Depleting Beiruhu's chakra and physical condition again.

When the time is right, Xiao Nan's true body goes out and personally seduces Beiliu Hu's true body to launch the final blow.

Time returns to the present.

Xiaonan walked to Bei Liuhu and looked at Bei Liuhu with complicated eyes.

The opponent's chest was still stuck with the ninja sword he had just thrust into it.

The whole body was in tatters, the skin was torn, and a large pool of blood flowed out from under the body.

Has entered a state of near death.

But Bei Liuhu still stared at the big hole in Xiaonan's chest with great reluctance, and said bitterly:

"Are you your true body or your clone?!!"

If it were the original body and the heart was broken, the person would have died long ago.

If it was a clone, it should have dissipated in the previous round of electric shock.

"Ahem! Wow!" Beiliuhu was so excited that he coughed out a large mouthful of blood.

"Of course I am the original body!" Xiaonan nodded and replied.

Then with a thought, the big hole in his chest suddenly closed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Paper? Paper again?!?!" Bei Liuhu looked at the layers of paper appearing in the cave and suddenly realized:

"It's actually similar to the secret technique of water transformation of the Ghost Lantern clan, and it's immune to physical attacks??!"

Shiki Paper Dance can transform the entire body into paper, making it extremely immune to physical attacks.

When Xiaonan lures the enemy in person, he will naturally turn on the paper state.

Although he was electrocuted by the thunder clone at that time and his injuries worsened, the paper state was not destroyed.

As for the steel fist fired later, such a pure physical attack could not hurt Xiaonan at all.

At most it would cost some chakra.

In Beiliuhu's miserable state at that time, it was only enough to steel one of his fists, and he was unable to release other ninjutsu.

I originally thought that one punch to Xiaonan's heart would be enough to decide the battle, but I didn't expect that it would be a one-step mistake.

This last blow was completely useless.

But even so, Beiliuhu could only do this.

Because of his severely injured body, he could not allow himself to delay any longer.

"Only your true body can use Steel Escape." Although Xiaonan's words were confused, her tone was extremely sure.

The clones of Bei Liuhu before were all collapsed at the touch, without any trace of Steel Escape.

And the last time.

When Konan saw the metal fist protruding from his chest, he knew that there must be Beilihu's true form behind him.

"Ahem——!" Bei Liuhu coughed up a large pool of blood again, and his expression suddenly changed.

Staring at Xiaonan with resentful eyes, he roared with a ferocious face:

"Why?! Why are you here?? Why don't you die!!!"

"I, Hiruhu, am a genius! The Onimera Jutsu is the most forbidden jutsu in the ninja world. All I need is Kakashi's Sharingan!"

"As long as I devour Kakashi and become immortal, it will be easy to kill you!!"

"At that time, I will be God, and I will be the true ninja god of this ninja world!!"

As if he was having a flashback, Bei Liuhu suddenly gained strength. He sat up suddenly, pointed his right hand at Xiaonan fiercely, and said crazily:

"You ant, how dare you challenge the God of Ninja, die, die...!"


"No one can kill me, no one can let me die!!"

"I am the God of Ninja, I am destiny, I have immortality, I am -"

There was a pop.

In an instant, Xiao Nan raised his knife and dropped it.

A ray of cold light flashed across, and Beiliuhu's madness came to an abrupt end.

The whole head flew into the air, then fell to the ground, rolled around in a circle, and finally stopped quietly in place.

His eyes were facing Xiaonan.

His face still had the crazy expression he had before his death.

Even though he is dead, you can still feel the resentment, resentment, and even extremely unwilling hatred in his eyes.

"It's finally over, cough cough cough..."

Seeing that this difficult opponent was finally dead, Xiaonan's tense expression finally relaxed.

His whole body seemed to have lost all strength and suddenly collapsed to the ground.

His face was frighteningly pale.

Drops of cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead.

"Huh-huh-!" A bellows-like breathing sound sounded at a very high frequency.

"This battle is really difficult..."

Xiaonan looked at the wounds all over her body, and felt waves of severe pain, like overwhelming waves, constantly passing through her brain.

During fierce battles, due to the secretion of adrenaline, one can be immune to pain to a great extent.

Now as soon as I relax, severe pain hits me.

Even with Xiaonan's patience developed over many years, it was still unbearable.

His body began to tremble uncontrollably, and his head gradually became dizzy.



The weather in summer changes at any time.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky, and deafening thunder followed.

The sky suddenly became gloomy, and the original hot sunshine completely disappeared.

Then, a heavy downpour fell.

"It's raining......"

Xiaonan murmured with some confusion, the rain reminded her of the Rain Ninja Village.

She raised her head slightly and let the pea-sized rainwater hit her face.

The lips that were originally dry and cracked quickly became moist.

Xiao Nan drank the rainwater in big gulps.

A steady stream of coolness traveled down the throat, straight through the esophagus, and finally fell into the stomach.

Greatly reduces heat in the body.

The physical fitness of ninjas is slightly better than that of ordinary people.

In such hot weather, under the scorching sun, we have to fight against powerful enemies.

After fighting for so long, Xiaonan felt that her throat was on fire and her body was so hot that she almost felt like she was going to suffer from heat stroke.

Fortunately, God was kind, and there was such a heavy rain that she completely woke up.

Otherwise, if I fainted like this, I don’t know if I would wake up again.


Xiaonan took a deep breath, struggled to get up, looked at the corpse on the ground, and said firmly:

"I survived this battle to the end, and I will live forever."

"I will carry forward your Oni Yaluo technique, so you can go with peace of mind..."

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