My Little Pony: The Daily Life of a Cultivation Pony

Chapter 86 I also want to give her a return gift

The dark blue night sky is sparkling with countless stars,

There seems to be endless magic power that makes the pony fall into a peaceful dream involuntarily.

Recall your most precious memories and turn them into beautiful dreams to accompany you,

However, there are good and bad dreams, this is normal,

Just as there is day and night, this is the cycle and the rule,

However, the moon is in the center of the starry sky, emitting a soft but eternally bright light.

Guiding the pony in the fog in the right direction,

Even in the depths of the Eternal Free Forest, there will be fireflies shining golden light in the darkness,

To guide the pony who strays into it, the way home,


Ponyville, Oak Library,

As the formation in the room gradually turned into light and disappeared,

Ziyue and Colorful, who were in the middle of the formation, slowly fell down.

Then he opened his eyes at the same time, looked at the sky blue crystal that turned into a rhombus in front of him and smiled,

"Okay, this space crystal is also completed, Twilight, I feel that we are getting more and more skilled."

Colorful looked at the sky blue gem in the formation in front of her and said to Ziyue with a smile,

"Well, I also think that today's production went very smoothly, but it is indeed a bit late today. I will do the remaining decorations and inlays tomorrow."

Twilight also glanced at the sky-blue gem in front of her, then looked at the dark night outside the window next to her and the moon in the sky and said,

"Okay, good night Twilight, see you tomorrow."

After hearing what Zi Yue said, Cai Cai looked outside the window, waved her hoof to Zi Yue and said,

"Well, see you tomorrow"

Twilight Yue nodded to Colorful and said,

Then he turned around and walked towards his bedroom.

Colorful watched Twilight leave the room until she lost sight of her,

Use magic to take down the space crystal suspended in the formation around you, and put it into the box prepared aside.

However, he did not close the lid of the box, but just placed it on the bookshelf and cabinet nearby.

Then Cai Cai walked to the bed and started getting ready for bed.

After a while, the sound of colorful and steady breathing came,

The moonlight shines from outside the window on the bookshelf where the space crystal is placed.

Let these crystals emit a unique reflective light,

And on this row of bookshelves and cabinets, including the one we just made, there are already three identical boxes placed here.

Except for the sky-blue rhombus crystal that was just placed on the bookshelf,

The other two are still in a state of completion.

One of them is in the shape of a butterfly, its four wings are made of translucent pink magic gems, and its body is made of sky-blue oval space crystal.

The bottom hairpin is made of special metal, and the entire body of the butterfly has golden silk threads as links, but the overall sturdiness is very high.

You can tell from this, it's for Rourou.

The other one is from Applejack.

It is a coil made of red and orange silk threads.

The space crystal in the middle looks like a red apple, with a cyan magic gemstone on each side around it, and the shape is also carved into the shape of an apple.

But this is not a necklace.

Instead, it was placed in the middle of the cowboy hat on Applejack's head.

The above two crystals also have various formations for assistance, which are basically the same as Twilight Yue's.

Of course, there is a special little formation inside each necklace. I won’t talk about this for now, just make it a little surprise.

But don’t expect too much. After all, although the magic gemstone you wear is a top-quality gemstone, its magic power is limited due to its size.

As mentioned before, the array includes spirit gathering array, storage array and other related recovery arrays, but it is effective after all.

For example, Twilight Yue's composite advanced shield formation mentioned before is also included here.

If triggered, the two magic gems can no longer be used.

However, the formation-related and space crystals will not be damaged, but the link needs to be repaired again before they can continue to be used.

As for why, the formation is engraved on the decorations, not on the space crystal.

Of course, if it is damaged again, it will be another matter.

Also, if it is a unicorn or an alicorn, it can use magic itself.

You can use your own magic as the starting magic to avoid damage to magic gems.

After all, plus the two magic gems, they were set up so that ponies who couldn't use magic could also use the space crystal.

The first condition for their appearance is to drive space crystals, rather than existing as drive shields.

As for why there are these things on these accessories,

It's not because a certain pony insists on loading it,

However, Twilight is also partly responsible for this. If Twilight hadn't developed this composite advanced shield formation,

A certain pony cannot be loaded even if it wants to be loaded;

*Colorful: Just say my name. There is no need to say it as a certain pony. What's wrong?

*Isn’t this the word count of Shuishui? Otherwise,


*Peach suddenly appeared: Hey, I haven’t appeared for a long time, have you forgotten me?

* ...

*Peach; Hi, everyone, I’m Pinkie Pie. I haven’t appeared for a long time. Do you miss me? I miss you. This time it deliberately ignored me and didn’t call me. It’s really too much. So I came uninvited, oh, by the way, it seems to have some kind of plan recently, what is it called diversity, what kind of world is it? Well, anyway, I seem to want to invite you all to come to Ponyville to play. I originally agreed very much. After all, I can make a lot of new friends at once, but when I heard that the beginning of the plan was...

*The one with obvious horse hoof prints on his face rushed over and covered Pinkie's mouth and said: Well, Pinkie, the number of words is almost enough, that's it, and you said what you shouldn't say,

*Peach: Really? Hey hey hey, I didn't mean it. Who asked you not to let me appear? Isn't this just a smooth talk when you are excited? I will do it next time.

*Okay, my fault, I will definitely appear more often in the future, okay?

*Biki: Yeah~ It’s settled then,

*Colorful stood aside and looked at them, sighing helplessly, I am the protagonist, and it seems to be my second appearance... Forget it, let's go, go back,


Just when Colorful was sleeping soundly,

At this time, from outside the window, a thin layer of dark blue mist appeared and entered the colorful bedroom.

As time went by, these thin dark blue mist filled the entire colorful bedroom,

Colorful didn't feel anything, but seemed to sleep more soundly.

As for what these thin dark blue hazes are, why doesn't the color show any reaction?

In fact, as a cultivator, even if you are asleep, you will react to the approach of something with malicious intent.

As for why there is no reaction like now,

Let's move the time forward a little bit,


Canterlot, royal castle,

On a certain balcony, the princess of the universe used magic to control the sun to slowly fall.

She turned around and looked at her sister, the Moon Princess, standing behind her and said with a smile:

"Good evening, sister"

"Good evening, sister"

Princess Moon also smiled at her sister and responded,

The Universe Princess walked up to her sister and said softly:

"Then I'll leave it to you."

"Well, just feel free to go back to your room and have a good rest, sister."

Princess Moon looked at her tired sister and said with a smile,

The princess of the universe looked at her sister and didn't say anything else. Instead, she looked at her sister and smiled, and then walked back to her bedroom.

Princess Moon watched her sister go back, then turned around and walked to the balcony,

Using magic to control the moon to rise slowly from the sky,

The Moon Princess looked at the rising moon and fell into deep thought.

Thinking of his sister happily walking to the room here after the galloping celebration,

She took out a pair of very beautiful crystal ponies that looked exactly like hers, and then handed me the crystal ponies that looked like hers, and she looked so happy,

Princess Moon recalled the scene at that time and what her sister said to her, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously.

At this moment, there was a sound of a pony knocking on the door from behind.

Princess Moon stopped remembering, returned to her normal expression and said:

"Come in"

As a reply sounded, a royal guard pony walked in and saluted the Moon Princess and said:

"Your Highness, we have found the pony who made the crystal pony you described."

"Really, where is he and what is his name?"

After Princess Moon heard what the royal guard said, she felt very happy, but she acted normal and asked,

"Go back to Your Highness Princess. He lives in the library in Ponyville now, and his name is Colorful."

The royal guard continued,

"Colorful? This name sounds familiar."

Princess Moon heard what the royal guard said and said,

"Go back to Princess Moon. He is now living with Miss Twilight, a student of the Princess of the Universe."

The royal guard continued,

"It's him. I remember, it's the pony. Okay, I understand. You can go down first."

After Princess Moon heard this, she also remembered who Colorful was, and then said to the royal guard,


After the royal guards saluted the Moon Princess, they turned around and went out.

The Moon Princess turned around and looked at the moon in the sky, smiled and said:

"Sister, I will also give you a surprise this time."

Then he closed his eyes and started to activate his magic,

As the Moon Princess's magic took effect, a thin layer of dark blue mist appeared around the Moon Princess.

After staying beside the Moon Princess for a moment, she then flew towards Ponyville.


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