My Little Pony: The Daily Life of a Cultivation Pony

Chapter 7 Summer Celebration (Part )

"Oh, dear subjects, it's been a long time since I met your cute little faces," Nightmare Moon appeared on the terrace where the Princess of the Universe should have appeared, looking around at the ponies below.

"What did you do to our princess?"

"Wait, don't rush"

Just when Rainbow Dash was about to rush up to challenge Nightmare Moon, Applejack bit Rainbow Dash's tail from behind, causing Rainbow Dash to stop in place.

What was Colorful doing at this time?

Colorful was talking to Zhenqi, and then ran out of the auditorium after Zhenqi nodded in agreement.

Then let us follow Colorful and see what he does. After all, you can watch the original plot again, I won’t count the words here |?w?`)

After leaving the celebration hall, Colorful ran towards the rare fashion store.

Fortunately, the rare boutique is not too far away.

"Zhenqi said that his gems were found next to the first clothes hanger on the left after entering the door. This box should be there." After entering Zhenqi's fashion store, Colorful saw a box with gems under a red dress.

But Colorful Yue felt that the red skirt looked familiar when she first saw it.

However, due to time constraints, I stopped paying attention to it.

"Well, the magic energy in the gems here is okay, barely usable, eh? There's also an unexpected bonus, there's a lot of magic in these gems," Colorful opened the box and picked through it, and found a few good ones. gem.

"These few can be used to make a few amulets for Twilight Sparkle and the others. After all, with a little butterfly like me, who knows what accidents may happen, just in case."

Colorful looked at the gems floating in front of her eyes and thought worriedly.

Time is limited, so let’s make a few more small arrays that can be used.

Finally, they returned to the library when Twilight Joy and the others decided to go to the Eternal Free Forest to find the source of harmony.

"Where are you going?" As soon as Cai Cai opened the door of the library, he saw Ziyue and the others going out.

"Colorful, where have you been? We are planning to find something that can defeat that moon." Rainbow Dash looked at Colorful who appeared at the door of the library.

"Nothing, I went to get some things. Come on, Rainbow Dash, here are the amulets for you," Colorful answered Rainbow Dash and then used magic to bring the amulets she just made to Rainbow Dash and the others.

"Dear, did you just ask me for a gem and then make this? It's so beautiful." Zhenqi caught Cai Cai and gave him the gem. This gem was engraved with some exquisite patterns on the outside and inside.

"Well, yes," Colorful replied.

"Amulet? What's the pattern on it?" Zi Yue looked at the amulet Colorful gave him and asked curiously,

"Well, I learned this during my travels. It can protect the pony wearing it from harm." Colorful replied while looking at the confused Twilight.

Colorful looked at Ziyue and wanted to ask, so she asked Ziyue first: "By the way, where are you going? I'll go too."

"Okay, let's go together," Pinkie said excitedly as usual.

"No, girls, thank you for your kindness, but I hope I can go alone this time," Twilight refused while looking at the ponies in front of her.

"Of course not, dear, we will never let our friends go to that scary place alone, we will stick to you like the candy on a candy apple." Applejack looked at Twilight Sparkle and then walked out the door. ,

Followed by Rourou, Qi Qi, Rainbow Dash,

"If there are candy apples, then it's even more important to go. What are you doing? Candy apples are delicious." Pinkie also walked out after saying this.

Colorful looked at Zi Yue who was sighing on the spot, walked to him and said to Zi Yue,

"Come on Twilight, that's what friends are like, let's get going," she said and turned around to follow.

Twilight Yue looked at the ponies in front of them, and then followed them.


"By the way, where are we going?" Cai Cai looked at the trees all around and asked Applejack, who was in front of her knowingly.

"Go to the innermost part of the Everfree Forest. It is said that the source of harmony is in the ancient castle of the Royal Ponies," Applejack replied

"And I heard that this place is different from Equestria," Applejack said seriously.

"What do you mean different?" Rarity asked after hearing what Applejack said.

"No one knows, do you know why?" Rainbow Dash came out from the darkness, looked at Rarity and Rourou with a serious expression, and said sinisterly.

"Rainbow, that's enough." When Applejack heard what Rainbow said, she knew that Rainbow wanted to scare the pony, so she wanted Rainbow to stop.

But it was clear that Rainbow Dash wasn't going to stop.

"Because, any pony that goes into the forest never comes back..." Rainbow Dash lowered her body and walked towards Rarity step by step with a sinister tone, and finally suddenly flew up and shouted loudly.

Successfully scared Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

Then the ground beneath his feet suddenly collapsed, and except for Rainbow Dash and Rourou who were flying, everyone else fell down.

Then Rainbow Dash and Rourou reacted and rushed down to catch Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

Applejack also stopped with a branch in her mouth.

But after he saw Twilight slipping away from him, he also let go of the branch and caught Twilight just as she was about to fall.

"Applejack, what should I do?" Twilight asked in a panic, holding Applejack tightly.

"Let go"

"Are you crazy"

"No, I'm not crazy. I promise you will be fine."

“It’s strange that nothing happens”

"You have to believe me, I won't make fun of your life Ziyue, let go, you will be fine."

Applejack held Twilight's hand and looked up to see Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy after sending Rarity and Pinkie Pie to a safe place, they came back and said to Twilight Sparkle.

After hearing what Applejack said, Twilight let go of her hand in belief.

Then he screamed and fell down, and was caught by Rainbow Dash and Rourou.

Then he watched Jia'er jump down step by step along the raised rocks on the edge of the cliff,

"By the way, where's Colorful? Is he safe?" At this moment, Twilight remembered Colorful and quickly asked Rainbow Dash and Rourou.

"Originally, I wanted to save Colorful and let Rourou catch you, but look, Colorful is going down over there, isn't it cool?" Rainbow Dash suddenly got excited when she heard Twilight ask Colorful, and then asked Twilight Turning to the other side, Twilight Yue saw Colorful.

"This is unscientific, how did he do it?" Ziyue looked at Colorful in shock,

As for why Twilight is so shocked, it's because every time Colorful takes a step, a luminous pattern will appear under his feet, as if lying on the ground, and he will jump down step by step.

Twilight looked at the glowing pattern, which looked familiar.

Then he lowered his head and looked at the amulet Cai Cai gave him before.

It's very similar to the pattern inside the amulet.

But there are some differences if you look closely.

When Twilight fell, Colorful fell to the ground.

"Are you okay, everyone? Twilight, are you okay?" Colorful asked, looking at everyone.

"I'm fine, but what was that under your feet just now? Is it magic? How did you do it? Can you teach me?" Zi Yue ran up to Colorful and asked a series of questions.

"This is the same as the amulet. I got it somewhere before. I will tell you in detail after I rescue the princess." Colorful said while looking at Ziyue who was full of curiosity in front of her.

"Then can our amulet be like that?" Rainbow Dash excitedly asked Cai Cai after hearing this.

"No, this is another thing, due to time constraints. I only made one," Colorful replied looking at Rainbow Dash.

"The function is different, but the amulet will automatically appear as a shield when you are in danger."

"Thank you dear, for giving us such a precious thing" Zhenqi heard that the amulet around her neck could protect them and hugged Colorful.

"Oh, give me a hug." After Bi Qi said this, she also hugged Colorful

Then Rourou, Rainbow Dash. Applejack and Twilight Sparkle came over and hugged each other.

Well, this is normal, I often see them hugging each other when watching anime.

It's just that Colorful feels a little crowded in the middle, and Pinkie's hug is a little tight.

Suddenly a roar came from far away, interrupting this warm moment.

After hearing this, the ponies also looked towards the place where the sound came from.

I saw a lion with the wings of a bat but the tail of a scorpion.

"Manticore," Twilight said as she looked across the valley in surprise.

Then Zhenqi rushed over and kicked the manticore. The manticore roared and his hair instantly turned into an afro.

Applejack then jumped on the manticore's head, trying to tame him, but failed and was thrown off,

Then Rainbow Dash made a brilliant appearance and quickly circled around the manticore, trying to stun him, but was hit back by the manticore's tail.

Then Twilight Sparkle, along with the re-prepared Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, charged towards the manticore.

But at this time Rourou called out to Colorful and stopped Ziyue and the others.

Then, with Twilight's and others' shocked expressions, they walked up to the manticore, said a few words, and then pulled out the thorn in the middle of the manticore's palm.

Then they were given a new hairstyle by the manticore, and then the ponies walked out of the valley.

"Rourou, how did you know he was injured?" Zi Yue asked Rourou in confusion.

"I don't know, but sometimes a little kindness can solve the problem," Rourou said matter-of-factly as she walked past Twilight.

Twilight Yue had a puzzled expression at first, but then she felt a little more understanding.

Then we walked into a dense forest with the ponies.

Only a little bit of moonlight shines through the gaps between the leaves.

This ray of moonlight did not dispel the darkness,

This little bit of moonlight reflects the twisted trees here, adding a touch of terror to the place.

Fluttershy and the other ponies were so frightened that they screamed,

Just when Colorful was about to take out another formation disk that he had prepared in advance, he heard Bi Qi's voice.

"Don't tell me he wants it." Twilight looked at Pinkie Pie

Darkness and shadows always make me frown

"It Begins" Rare

I'll hide under the pillow

I'm so frightened by my random thoughts.


So if I’m afraid, you’ll just giggle

If I'm afraid of you, I'll laugh




Colorful also laughed along with Biqi on the way.

After all, laughter is contagious

Then Colorful gave up on using this formation disk.

Following Bi Qi, she walked out of here happily.

Then I met a dragon crying in the river.

The dragon cried loudly in the middle of the river

What world, what world?

It’s true, the listener sheds tears and the questioner is sad, (′??)?(._.`)

Then asked what happened to the dragon to make him so sad,

It turns out that I don't know who broke one of his beards.

Zhenqi felt very angry after hearing this. Such a well-kept hairstyle and beard were actually ruined.

"Zhenqi, what are you..." In the shocked expressions of Twilight Yue and other friends,

Then he cut off his beautiful tail with dragon scales and made him a new beard.

"Oh, Rarity, your beautiful tail," Twilight said, looking at Rarity's tail.

"It's okay, my dear, short tails are popular this season, and besides, they will grow longer," Zhenqi said, looking at her own tail with some distress.

"The beard will grow too," Rainbow Dash said as she stood between Colorful and Twilight Sparkle.

In this way, on the bridge built by the dragon with his own body, the ponies jumped across the river.

Then he walked out of the forest and saw a castle not far away.

After seeing this, Twilight Yue ran towards the castle excitedly.

But there was a short bridge in the middle, and Twilight almost fell off again, but luckily Rainbow Dash caught her.

"Why do you always jump off the cliff today?" Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight and said with a smile.

Then Cai Cai and Rainbow Dash went to the other side of the bridge to rebuild the bridge.

But after Colorful stepped on the formation diagram and walked to the opposite side, a burst of fog suddenly separated him from Rainbow Dash.

I can't see any hooves here.

I could only vaguely hear who Rainbow Dash was talking to next to me.

After a while, the fog cleared, and Colorful saw Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle coming from the bridge.

"See, I never let my friends down," Rainbow proudly said to Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

"Hey, Colorful, where were you just now? Suddenly I can't see you." Rainbow Dash asked when he saw Colorful.

"When I came here, the fog suddenly became thicker for some reason, and then I couldn't see anything. After I came here, the fog dissipated again, and I saw you guys coming." Colorful looked at Rainbow Dash and the others after they came over. replied.

"Alright girls, we think we're here" Twilight said looking at the castle in front of her.

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