"I can't leave it there, he needs my help"

Rourou walked to Filamena's table and said to Twilight,

"No, no, no, this is terrible."

After hearing what Rourou said, Ziyue said anxiously while stamping her feet on the spot.

Colorful was eating cupcakes that he took out from nowhere and looked at Ziyue's anxious look.

I have to say, this expression is still very cute.

"But how could I make it so sick?"

Rourou looked at the anxious Ziyue and said,

"Yes, but it's not yours."

Ziyue looked at Rourou and said helplessly,

"Then I have to do something" Rourou

"But you just brought it out without saying a word. Also, Colorful, you didn't say a word to me when you saw Rourou bringing it out."

Twilight looked at Rourou who was caring about Filamena and said helplessly, but in the middle of the sentence she suddenly changed her target and looked at Colorful and said,

Why are you suddenly getting involved with me?

Colorful swallowed the last bite of cupcake and looked at Twilight Yue and said;

"What about that? I saw that you were quite busy, so I didn't have time to tell you."


"cough cough"

Twilight wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Filamena coughing.

Zi Yue looked seriously at Filamena who was lying on the table coughing, sighed, looked at Rourou and said:

"Rourou, I know you have good intentions, but you have to return Filamena as soon as possible."


Rourou wanted to say something else, but when she saw Firamena crawling down the table again with her mouth open, as if she wanted to cough,

He stopped, wanting to wait for Filamena to cough before speaking.

But after a while, Rourou looked at Filamena who was still motionless and continued:

"Oh, you're right, okay, let's send him..."

At this moment, a cough that had been building up for a long time came out,

Rouge and Ziyue looked helplessly at the innocent expression on Philamina's face who was losing hair after coughing.

"Well, Twilight Yue, two guards are coming."

Colorful looked outside the window at the two royal guards who were walking towards this side and turned to look at Ziyue who was loading up Filamena with Rourou and said,

"What? Has the Universe Princess already discovered it?"

When Zi Yue heard what Colorful said, she immediately ran to the window and looked outside, her tail straightened up in shock.

"What to do, what to do, ah" Twilight Yue

Colorful looked at Ziyue who was nervously spinning in circles, stopped Ziyue and said:

"Calm down Twilight, I don't think so. Let's hide Filamena first and see what happens when the guards come."

"Ah hoo, ah hoo, you are right, hide Philamena first."

Twilight took a few deep breaths, calmed down and said,

Twilight Yue and Rourou put Filamena into a knitting frame. As soon as they closed the lid, there was a knock on the door of the room.

Colorful looked at Ziyue and Rourou and saw them nodding towards her. When they were ready, they used magic to open the door.

"Hello gentlemen, what's the matter?"

Twilight looked at the Royal Guard House at the door and asked with a helpless smile,

"We are looking for you, Miss Twilight. The princess's pet Filamena is missing."

The two royal guards looked at Twilight with expressionless faces and said,

"Really, no, haha"

Ziyue awkwardly moved closer to Rourou, completely blocking the woven basket containing Filamena behind her and said with a smile,

But just as he finished speaking, a cough came from the woven basket behind him.

Zi Yue was startled when she heard this. She quickly pretended that she was feeling uncomfortable and started coughing. She saw Rou Rou next to her looking at her with a puzzled look on her face.

So he kicked Rourou with his hind legs and motioned with his eyes to let Rourou pretend to be sick.

So Rourou started to cough along with Twilight Yue,

The royal guards looked at each other with confusion.

"Haha, the weather is a bit dry today, and their throats are a bit uncomfortable,"

Colorful looked at Twilight and Rourou who were pretending to be sick, and finally came to the conclusion that, well, their acting skills are not as natural as Philamina's, and then said to the royal guards,

"Haha, yes, I said you'd better go find it quickly and find the princess's missing pet, Philamena, right? Thank you very much for coming here to tell me, goodbye."

Twilight Yue pushed the royal guards towards the door and said to them with a smile,

After saying that, he used magic to control the door, shook his head handsomely, and closed the door with a bang.

"Okay, they're gone"

Colorful stood by the window and looked at the royal guards walking away and said,

"Huh, luckily it wasn't exposed."

Zi Yue sat at the door and took a long breath after hearing what Cai Cai said, and said,

"Wait, where are you going?"

Twilight looked at Rourou walking up to her carrying Filamena in a woven basket and said,

"Give Philamena back"

Rourou looked at Ziyue in embarrassment and said

“Not now”

Zi Yue stood up and stopped Rou Rou and said anxiously,


Rourou looked at Ziyue doubtfully and said,

"Guess what will happen if the princess finds out that you are the one who took her pet?"

Ziyue looked at Rourou and said fearfully

"You know" Rourou asked doubtfully

"No, it's definitely not a good thing. She might exile you from Equestria, or put you in a dungeon, or exile you first, and then put you in a dungeon in the place where you were exiled."

Twilight Yue said to Rourou with words and gestures,

"Do you think the princess would really do that?"

Rourou looked at what Ziyue said and asked doubtfully,

"I don't think Space Princess can"

Colorful took the woven basket off Rourou and said,

Twilight Yue glared at Colorful who was trying to undermine her and said:

"Okay, although this may not happen, are you willing to take the risk?"

"The only thing I care about is whether poor little Firamena will get better."

Rourou took Filamena out of the woven basket and said,

Filamena also coughed in cooperation,

"You are so kind-hearted. I will write to you when you are exiled. Unless I am also exiled to a place without a post office, then you can write to me, okay?"

Zi Yue looked at Rourou holding Filamena and said a little angrily,

"Don't worry Twilight, I will go over to accompany you,"

Colorful looked at the pessimistic Ziyue and laughed loudly and said,

Then Twilight glared at her and she suppressed her laughter.

"Please Twilight, as long as you help me heal Filamena, and then we return it to the princess, then everything will be fine,"

Rourou picked up Filamena and said to Twilight,

"Did you give Filamena some medicine?" Twilight Yue,

"I tried, but she refused to eat" Rourou,

"Ah, then you force it to eat. You can't always be so weak and soft. You need to let the patient know who has the final say and make him obediently obey."

Zi Yue looked at Rou Rou and said with a bit of hatred for iron, then turned around and walked towards the place where the medicine was placed,

"Um, but..." Rourou

"Not negotiable"

Twilight took a pill and looked at Filamena lying on the ground and said seriously,

Then he stepped on Philamena's paw with his hoof, and Philamena's mouth opened.

Then Twilight Yue stuffed the pill into it,

After doing this, Ziyue turned to look at Rourou and said:

"Done, okay, there's more left"

"Well, also, he keeps pulling feathers off, not counting the ones that fall off when he coughs,"

Rourou looked at Ziyue and said,

After Twilight heard what Rourou said, she directly brought a trumpet hood to Filamena.

“That’s it”

Rourou looked at Filamena on the ground who was trying hard to get rid of the horn hood around her neck and said unbearably:

"It doesn't seem to like it very much"

"This is for its own good, and you want it to be well, right?"

Zi Yue looked at Rourou seriously and said,

"Of course, but..." Rourou


Ziyue directly interrupted Rourou who wanted to speak and said loudly,

"Well, it needs to rest now" Rourou

Twilight stopped Firamena, who was still running around on the ground trying to get some horn hood, and said with a smile:

"Watch where you run"

Colorful looked at Twilight Yue who forcefully put Filamena into the cage,

By the way, is there something wrong with Twilight today, a bit too strong?

Well, maybe it was the first time Princess Celestial came to Ponyville officially, which made Twilight a little nervous.

Just get some sleep and you'll be fine, but don't think about it for now.

Firamena will probably run away after a while.

Colorfully felt the information coming from the formation,

I generally have the information about Filamena, but I don’t have what Colorful wants.

I guess I won't be able to observe it until Filamena is reborn.

But the formation currently on Filamena's body will probably be ineffective by then.

Turn into ashes and then be reborn,

Well, how about using a range of effect when the time comes?

Not quite suitable,

Colorful looked at Twilight who was feeding Filamena soup and thought about how she would get the information then.

After all, the Phoenix Rebirth scene is not easy to encounter.

What should I do then? Ah, I have a headache. It seems like I’m going to grow a brain.

"Colorful, don't be in a daze, Filamena ran out, catch him quickly"

Zi Yue looked at the dazed Colorful and shook it twice and said anxiously,

Then he chased outside,

"Huh? Already ran away? Oh, okay"

Cai Cai reacted after pulling her thoughts back. Before she could agree, she saw Zi Yue and Rou Rou running out.

"Hey, let's think about it while chasing."

After colorful words helplessly, she also rushed towards Ziyue and the others,


(The process is similar to the one in the play, so I won’t go into details here)


Next to Ponyville Fountain,

Twilight Yue lifted Zhenqi up and looked down and said:


"Put me down," Zhenqi said helplessly.

"What are you doing?"

Applejack looked at Twilight and Rourou who were nervous and said,

As for why I didn’t talk about Colorful, Colorful stood aside calmly and didn’t take any action.

"Sorry, we have to find..." Rourou

"Princess of the Universe's Pet Bird"

Before Rourou finished speaking, she was interrupted by the voice from the royal guard behind her.

Everyone followed the gaze of the royal guards and looked at the head of the statue in the middle of the fountain.

Firamena, who was now completely naked, coughed several times in response to the situation.

"Firamena, come down quickly, you will get hurt"

Rourou looked worriedly at Filamena standing on the head of the statue and shouted,

Filamena didn't respond and kept staring at the last feather on her body.

As the last feather fell, its final performance began,

He coughed twice, turned around twice, and finally lay back, sticking out his tongue, and became motionless.

Just when Rourou was preparing to express sadness,

Filamena suddenly started doing it again, and came to the side again, but this time she fell down.

"I'll catch you"

Rourou looked at Philamena falling down and quickly ran over to catch it.

After being prepared for a long time, Colorful also ran over, faster than Rourou.

The moment Filamena caught fire, Colorful stretched out a hoof,

A formation pattern appeared on the hoof, and he steadily caught Filamena.

Then she fell towards the ground. As soon as she hit the ground, Rourou ran over,

Colorful lowered his head and raised the array diagram in front of Rourou.

When Rourou and Ziyue saw the pile of ashes on the glowing array,


Rourou looked at the pile of ashes, tears began to accumulate in her eyes.

"What's going on here?"

The Universe Princess came over and asked,

Twilight Yue and the others also bowed their heads and saluted the Universe Princess.

"Twilight Sparkle" the space princess,

"Well, Your Highness, a terrible accident happened."

Twilight bowed her head and admitted her mistake and said to Princess Universe,

"This is all my fault..." Rourou

Cai Cai looked at Zi Yue and Rou Rou from behind as they struggled to admit their mistakes and was thinking about whether to interrupt or beat them both.

After thinking about it, he took the array diagram to Princess Universe and said:

"Princess of the Universe, um, I didn't stop Rourou in time from taking Philamena back, but Rourou just wanted to help you cure Philamena, but she didn't expect that Philamena would end up like this."

After saying that, Cai Cai handed the ashes on the array map to the princess of the universe.

Princess Universe looked at the three ponies in front of her expressionlessly.

"I'm sorry, Princess Universe. It was mine that took away this little guy and it turned into this. I just wanted to help it and then give it back to you. Really,"

Rourou came over and looked at Princess Universe and said seriously,

"If you want to exile me and put me in the dungeon where you exiled me, then I deserve it."

The princess of the universe looked at Rourou, and then at the ashes held by Cai Cai,

He lowered his head and looked at Philamena's ashes with a sad expression.

But he didn’t last for 3 seconds before he smiled at Filamena’s ashes and said:

"Stop laughing so hard, Filamena, you're scaring everyone."

Then Philamena's ashes began to fly up and began to gather together in mid-air,

Bi Qi and the others next to them also made a sound of surprise when they saw this scene.

With a bright bird song, Philamena turned into a phoenix covered in fiery red and orange.

"Uh, I don't understand, what is this, what's wrong with Filamena?"

Rourou asked as she watched Filamena fall on the Universe Princess' lap and walked over.

"This is Philamena. Like I said, she is quite interesting. This is normal for Phoenix, right, Philamena?"

The Universe Princess smiled and said to Rourou, and finally looked at Filamena and asked,

Filamena also chirped in approval,

"She is the Phoenix"

Rourou said in surprise,

"Phoenixes are beautiful and magical birds. Most of the time they are healthy and happy, but sometimes they are reborn, stripping off all their feathers and turning into flames."

Princess Universe looked at the phoenix flying in the sky and said to Rourou with a smile,

Having said this, Princess Universe lowered her head and whispered to Rourou:

"To be honest, I think it's quite exaggerated."

Then he raised his head again and looked at Rourou and continued:

"Then she will rise from the ashes and become full of energy. This is the normal life cycle of a phoenix.

Our naughty Firamena took this opportunity to make a little joke with you, Rourou, and said I'm sorry, little one."

Filamena also looked at Rourou in embarrassment and shouted twice,

"It's okay, as long as you don't blame me"

Rourou looked at Filamena and said with a smile,

Philamena flew up and dropped a feather on Rourou's head,

Rourou and the others also raised their heads and looked at Filamena.

Princess Universe walked to Colorful, looked at Colorful who was returning those formations, and said with a smile:

"Colorful, do you know that Filamena is a phoenix? Why didn't you tell Rourou?"

"Your Highness, Filamena is a phoenix. I only found out when she turned into flames." Colorful saluted to the princess of the universe and replied with a smile,

"Haha, Filamena is really naughty." The universe princess didn't say anything else, she looked at Colorful and smiled and said,

"By the way, Your Highness Princess, where can I foresee this phoenix? I also want to raise one." Colorful

"I'm not sure about this. They have always had no fixed abodes and their numbers are rare. However, I will keep an eye on it and let Twilight tell you if I have any news."

The space princess looked at Colorful and smiled and replied,

"Then thank you, Your Highness Princess," Cai Cai said with a salute to Her Highness,

Then they looked at Twilight Yue and the others who were playing with Filamena and thought,

Forget it, don’t rush this, take your time.

And the information fed back by the array seems to have what I want.

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