"Pink Kit, how did you know?" Applejack looked at Colorful in shock and asked Pinkie Pie,

Thinking again about the time when Colorful went to take a shower and said she wanted to go with him, her cheeks instantly turned red.

"Oh, it's just a feeling," Pinkie Pie answered Applejack naturally.

Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Rourou are still in shock.

"It's not a big deal, the important thing is to have a party," Pinkie Pie excitedly said to Applejack

"I've already arranged it. It's in the Golden Oak Library. Let's go to the party." Pinkie Pie pushed Rarity while Rainbow Dash and Rourou walked out.

"Okay Pinkie Pie, let's go Applejack," looking at the three ponies who were still shocked, he turned to Applejack and said,

Not only are you shocked, but I am also shocked.


Happy time is always short-lived. In the blink of an eye, the party is almost over. Colorful also had a happy party, eating cupcakes together, and playing pranks with Pinkie Pie.

Let’s compete in throwing horseshoes together and play with princess tails.

If you don't take into account the small episode at the beginning, it is still very good overall (the image problem, the ponies in Ponyville are very surprised).

Finally, when the party was about to end, the mayor came to me and told me that Pinkie Pie told him that you wanted to stay in Ponyville, but there was no place to live yet.

If you don't mind, you can stay in the library first. There happens to be no ponies living here.

You can also work as a librarian by the way, and you will be paid a salary of 20 gold coins a month.

After hearing this, Cai Cai looked at Bi Qi. Bi Qi saw Cai Cai showing her white teeth after looking at her.

I was still thinking about where to sleep for a while, but Bi Qi had already found a place for me.

That's great. ?(ノ゜?゜)ノ?

After Cai Cai agreed with the mayor, he rushed over and hugged Bi Qi and said, "Oh, thank you Bi Qi very much."

"We are friends, right? We should." Bi Qi also hugged Colorful Tie Tie~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

The party is over---

"It was a great party, but it's time to go back. Let's go back to Colorful. See you tomorrow." Applejack

"Goodbye my dear, I wish you a peaceful night's sleep"

"See you tomorrow" Rourou

"Goodbye" Rainbow Dash

"I'll come and play with you tomorrow, bye" Pinkie Pie

m5 walked to the door and waved to Colorful and said,

"Okay friends, see you tomorrow," Cai Cai also waved to his friends.

"Okay, the party is over, let me see where the books are that teach unicorns how to use magic." Colorful looked at the many books here, his eyes radiating.

At the party just now, I tried to use magic to pick up the cupcakes, but it failed.

"Where is it? This is not, nor is this, "How to Obtain the Love of the Opposite Sex"! Is there such a book?" Colorful looked at the book in front of him, his eyes darkened,

Okay, next one,

Searching, searching, looking for friends..., found them,

""Unicorn Magic Enlightenment Series", let me take a look, uh-huh, imagine moving the objects in front of you, and then focus on mobilizing the magic in your body to concentrate on the horns on your head, and then move the objects "Get to the position you want." Looking at the content taught in the book, it is not particularly difficult.

Then Colorful turned his head to look at the cupcake next to him, then closed his eyes and thought about making the cupcake float.

Then focus your attention and feel the magic, magic, magic in your body, where is it?

Found it, is this magic? Colorful feelings of magic spread throughout the body,

Then I thought about letting the magic power go to the horns on my head, and the magic power poured towards the horns very obediently.

Colorful opened his eyes when he felt the magic coming to his corner. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the cupcake floating in front of him.

"Aha, I can use magic, haha, brackets," Colorful felt happy, very happy, dancing, jumping and screaming,

Fortunately, the soundproofing of the library is very good, otherwise the pony living next door would think that there is a not-so-normal pony here, and maybe he is mentally ill.

Although he was struck by lightning and lost his life again, although he is not a cultivator, it is good to be able to use magic.

"Yeah, scatter flowers, scatter flowers, I'm so happy today, so happy," Cai Cai picked up the confetti blasted by Pinkie's firework cannon and sprinkled them on her head one by one.

"Okay, okay, calm down Colorful, this is nothing, let's see what else is awesome down there,

Well, move the object to the left, concentrate, and let the object you control move to the left..." Colorful looked at the cupcakes doing various difficult movements up, down, left, and right in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

"Breathe... exhale, look down again, right, up, down, turn... aren't they all the same?" Colorful looked at the content in the book with a confused look on his face (ー△ー;)

"Okay, after all, it's just an enlightenment book, and it's normal to teach babies." Colorful put down the "Unicorn Magic Enlightenment Series" book,

"Speaking of which, I feel that magic is very familiar from just now. What is it?" Colorful moved the cupcake in front of his eyes and took a bite. He always felt that he had felt it before.

What on earth is it? I haven’t used magic before when I came to My Little Pony.

Wait, is it?

Cai Cai suddenly thought of the spiritual energy he felt for a moment in the world of cultivation when he lost consciousness.

Very similar to this magic,

No, Cai Cai closed his eyes and thought about it carefully. The feeling at that time was the feeling of coming into contact with spiritual energy for the first time.

and the feeling of the magic I am using now

Exactly the same⊙w⊙

How is this possible, this is My Little Pony, that is the world of cultivation,

Colorful opened her eyes, and her big eyes were filled with an incredible look.

These are all different,

Colorful feels a little confused now,

Take a deep breath, calm down, be calm and colorful, you are a person who has traveled through time twice.

After all, aura or magic is something. It's just that the name is different, it's not particularly strange that it's the same thing.

After all, spiritual energy has different names there, but they are very similar.

Besides, as a world that has traveled twice, everything has happened.

It’s not particularly strange that spiritual energy and magic power are the same.

Thinking about the colorful colors here makes it less unacceptable.

“But this is very similar to spiritual energy. Can we also use the formations and cultivation methods from that world?

It's probably not very good for practitioners to use this method. After all, I'm no longer a human being.

Is it a horse or a unicorn?

Well, let me think about it, I remember I saw the training methods of the beast tribe,

One of the races seems to be unicorns, which seems to be a very powerful spiritual beast race in that world.

Maybe you can give it a try. Fortunately, I read a lot of books at the time," Colorful stood up and put his hands on his hips and raised his head and said proudly.

"But before you try, try to see if you can set up a formation. After all, this is my special skill.

I remember that when Zhenqi came, he gave me some gems and asked me to find where they were placed." Colorful turned to look at the place where the gifts were piled in the library.

"It's not this, it's not this either, um," there was a bang, and a sky full of fireworks came out of the pink gift box, shining on the colorful face.

"This belongs to Pinkie Pie," Cai Cai looked at the colored paper in front of him and smiled.

Colorful put the gift box aside and then looked down.

"I found it. Let me open it and have a look. Yes. It is indeed a mineral containing some magic." After opening the rare gift box, Caidua placed the horn of his head against the gem to feel the magic inside it.

After finding the colorful position in the middle of the library, I started to place the spirit gathering array.

As for why it is a spirit gathering array, it is very simple. If you want to practice, you must have a sufficient magic environment.

Furthermore, the Spirit Gathering Formation is also the most basic and closest to the subconscious mind of the world. It can be said to be the evolution of the basic texture of the avenue, but I don’t know if it can be used here.

If it can produce an effect, Colorful thought of this and recalled some formation diagrams in his mind that can be said to be a complete collection of formations.

I couldn't help but be happy.

"Okay, the gems are placed. Finally, just activate the formation with magic." After saying that, he lowered his head and touched the gems with the horns on his head.

After the colorful horns touch the gem, the gem begins to glow,

Then the other gems followed suit and emitted light.

Then suddenly there was a burst of bright light. A gust of wind suddenly appeared in the library,

Colorful also subconsciously closed his eyes due to the sudden strong light. He also felt the gust of wind, but this was not a simple wind.

This is when the formation is first activated, it will instantly gather a large amount of magic around it.

At this time, Colorful knows the formation. Can be used in My Little Pony.

But what he didn't know was that the cutie mark on his butt also glowed.

When the light went out, Cai Cai looked at the formation again and found that the formation had been set on the floor of the library.

At this time, Colorful also felt that there was more magic in the Oak Library than at the beginning.

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