My Little Pony: The Daily Life of a Cultivation Pony

Chapter 17 The Dozing Dragon (Part )

Sunny weather, thousands of miles... dark clouds?

I didn’t say it was going to rain in the next two days.

Rainbow Dash won't be lazy again. Rainbow Dash:?

Colorful looked at the "Dragon Transformation Technique" in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

I finally finished writing it, and now all that's left is to have a good chat with Twilight Spike.

Well, look for Twilight now,

"Twilight, Twilight, I want to tell you something" Colorful

"Colorful, just in time. I was just about to find you. Princess Universe just sent me a letter saying that there is a dragon taking a nap near Ponyville. You see, the black clouds in the sky are caused by that dragon taking a nap. "Zi Yue heard Colorful calling him and happened to read the letter sent to him by the Princess of the Universe.

"Ah? Black cloud? What black cloud?" Cai Cai didn't react when he heard Zi Yue say it?

dragon? Near Ponyville?

Sounds a bit familiar,

"Look at the sky, this is what the dragon outside Ponyville did. If we don't let that dragon find another place to sleep, Equestria will not be able to see the sun for a hundred years." Twilight pushed Colorful to the window and let Colorful look. Looking at the black clouds in the sky,

"Oh, oh, I thought it was Rainbow Dash, but it turns out there is a dragon." Colorful reacted,

"Hey, how could it be me?" As soon as Rainbow entered the door, she heard Cai Cai say that Hei Yun was a little angry because of her.

"Well, I thought you were making it rain. I definitely didn't say you were slacking off. Really," Colorful said with some embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, Yunbao and the others came over at this time.

"Haha" Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rourou, Rarity,

"But he really should see a doctor, that doesn't sound healthy at all" Pinkie said with worry on her face.

"Well, at least it hasn't breathed fire anymore. What do you think we should do?" Zhenqi looked at Twilight Yue and said doubtfully,

"I tell you what we have to do, kick him, like this, and this," Rainbow Dash said, kicking a wooden horse head.

Fortunately, Twilight used magic to hold her in time, and then raised her head to avoid another attack from Rainbow Dash.

Then he hit the bookcase, feeling dizzy.

"I think we should persuade him to sleep somewhere else," Twilight said as she walked over to Rainbow Dash and helped her up.

"How about we capture him and study him? I happen to have something here that needs to be verified by a dragon." Colorful suddenly appeared in the middle and said gloomily,

Adult dragon, well, I just want to check the body of the adult dragon to see what its structure and meridians are,

"No," Twilight Yue said seriously, leaning against Colorful.

"Okay, then I'll study Suilong," Colorful said helplessly.

"What?" Sui Long looked shocked at the side.

"Not even possible, Colorful, Suilong is our treasure. You will never be allowed to study or harm Suilong." The rare Spiralus stood behind him and said to Colorful,

"Colorful, did you hit your head? How can you think about studying spike dragons?" Zi Yue looked at Colorful and said in confusion,

"Hurt? What are you thinking about? I just want to observe and verify. I have a technique here that is beneficial to the dragon clan. I want to see if there are any problems. If there is no problem, let Suilong practice it." Colorful looked at the ponies around him with a look on his face. He looked at him warily and said,

"Kung Fu? What Kung Fu?" Zi Yue said with a confused look on her face.

"Ahem, let me tell you in detail. This is different from the dragon you know now," Colorful walked to the middle of the library and unfolded his magic. As he spoke, he used magic to depict the appearance of the Eastern Dragon.

"This kind of dragon has horns like a deer, a head like a horse, eyes like a rabbit, a neck like a snake, a belly like a mirage, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, and ears like an ox. It can soar into the clouds, ride on the mist, and call for wind and rain. Most of them They have no wings, but they can fly and can reach dozens of meters in length. They can change the size and shape of their bodies at will. They are also a symbol of auspiciousness and one of the representatives of elegance and beauty," Cai Cai said while using magic in the air. Describe the appearance of the dragon,

Twilight Sparkle and the others were fascinated by the colorful description of the dragon's appearance. It was indeed different from the current dragon.

"Wow~ She's so beautiful," Pinkie Pie jumped up and said excitedly,

"Yeah, and it's not scary at all," Rourou said, looking at the beautiful and gentle dragon.

"And they are so cool. Just like our Pegasus, they can soar into the clouds and ride on the mist." Rainbow Dash said excitedly as she flew.

"It's very elegant," Zhenqi said, holding up her hair.

"It's really beautiful," Applejack said, staring at the dragon pattern.

"Well, Colorful, where did you know about this kind of dragon?" Ziyue was also shocked as she looked at the dragon painted by Colorful. It was indeed different from the dragon she knew.

"This? I also got it from that ruins. I've been sorting out the knowledge in my mind recently. I haven't been eating, drinking or sleeping all the time. I'm not Rainbow Dash." Colorful replied to Twilight Yue with a proud face, and then faced Blink your eyes and don’t forget to make a joke about Rainbow Dash,

"Hey, I'm not lazy. I practice my flying skills every day," Rainbow Dash said angrily, staring at Colorful.

"Sorry Rainbow Dash, I was just kidding. Of course I know Rainbow Dash won't be lazy," Colorful said to Rainbow Dash with a smile.

"Can I turn into the dragon you mentioned?" Suilong walked to Colorful and raised his head and said,

Suilong looked at the colorfully painted dragon and felt it was very handsome. Zhenqi also liked it very much.

"It should be fine. It just needs to be observed. If there is no problem, you can practice," Cai Cai said to Sui Long.

"It's really no problem, Colorful. I don't want anything to happen to Sui Long," Twilight Yue looked at Colorful with some worry and said,

"It should be no problem. After all, it's the same formation in the ruins. Aren't we using it well now? There's also another one that ponies can practice. I'm practicing it now. After a while, I'll join you. I’ll teach you,” Caicai promised, raising his head and kicking his chest with his hoof.

"Furthermore, this kind of practice can make your skin more delicate and supple, stronger, make it easier to use magic, and get closer to nature, allowing small animals to get closer to you," Colorful said to Ziyue and the others.

"Wow~" all the ponies exclaimed

Colorful is all based on their preferences.

Of course, all these can be achieved, and Colorful feels that after they finish practicing, the appearance of their crystal nuclei will be their respective cutie marks.

And they are the elements that represent the source of harmony. They should be the kind of magic waves that can absorb part of the source of harmony.

If the colorful feeling is correct, maybe you can make your idea come true,

Even if they can't, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. After all, they are one of the representatives chosen by the element itself.

No matter how you calculate it, it’s worth it, and you don’t have to use the Source of Harmony.

This skill alone can reach that point, but using the source of harmony has a higher success rate.

"Alright girls, let's talk about this after we move the dragon to another place to sleep near Ponyville," Twilight Yue realized from Colorful's words that she still had tasks to deal with, and then said to Pinkie Pie and the others,

"You guys go back and prepare your items now, gather here later, and then go together to let the dragon sleep somewhere else," Twilight Yue said to Colorful as she shouldered her backpack.

"Good Twilight" m5

"Then I'll prepare something." Cai Cai also went to the room to pack a backpack of tools.

"Then I'll wait for you to come back in the library," Sui Long said to Twilight Yue and the others.

"Okay, girls, listen, we have to find the shortest route, and we have to hurry up to reach the top of the mountain before nightfall," Twilight Sparkle said to the already prepared Pinkie Pies,

"Mountain, top of the mountain" Rourou lowered her head and hid behind Zhenqi and said,

"It is said that the dragon lives in the cave on the top of the mountain," Twilight said, pointing to the mountain in the distance.

"It looks cold," Applejack said, looking at the mountain.

"Of course, the higher you climb, the cooler it gets," Rainbow Dash said, staring at Applejack.

"Fortunately, I brought my scarf." Zhenqi took out a pink and light pink scarf from his backpack.

"Hmm~ It's so beautiful," Pinkie Pie said when she saw Rare's scarf.

"Sorry Twilight, can you interrupt me for a second? Well, what I want to say is, maybe I should stay here in Ponyville," Rourou whispered to Twilight who was looking at the map.

"Wait Rou Rou, you have to come. Your method of dealing with wild animals will definitely be of great help." After hearing what Rou Rou said, Zi Yue turned to Rou Rou and said,

"I don't remember being able to," Rourou

"Don't worry about your children. Sui Long will take care of them for you while you're away," Twilight said to Rourou while looking at the map.

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Sui Long said to Rourou with a don't worry, I'm absolutely fine expression,

"I think..." Rourou wanted to say something more, but was interrupted.

"Girls, don't worry. Here, bring this. This is an upgraded version of the amulet I made. It can keep you at a comfortable temperature and protect you from harm. One for each of you, give it to Rourou, With this, you don’t have to worry." Cai Cai took out 7 gems from his backpack and said to Pinkie Twilight and the others,

"Oh, honey, it's so beautiful, thank you" Zhenqi said to Colorful after getting it,

"Are you sure you want Rourou to go with you? She is even afraid of her own shadow." Rainbow Dash flew to Twilight's ear and said softly,

"She's a little nervous. She'll be fine after we get on the road," Twilight said, looking at Rainbow Dash with a smile.

At this time, Rourou was very cooperative and was frightened by her own shadow.

"..." Caihua helplessly looked at Rourou jumping into the grass, and went over to pull her out.

Zi Yue also looked at Rourou helplessly,

"Okay girls, let's go,"

Twilight Yue took the girls and set off together. Rourou was caught in the middle and had no choice but to run away together.

When Colorful heard what Ziyue said, she felt helpless. Am I considered a girl by default?

We can't just call them all girls because most of them are girls!

This can add two or three more words, this...

Life is not easy, colorful sighs,

Sooner or later, I'll let Twilight know if I'm a "girl"!

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