In He Song's opinion.

A low price is mentioned at the beginning, and then both parties haggle and bargain with each other before finally agreeing on a specific price.

This is the essence of bargaining.

Although he is a Jindan Zhenjun, it seems inappropriate to bargain here.

But the other party is most likely also a Jindan Zhenjun, and it would not be inappropriate for two Jindan Zhenjuns to bargain with each other.

If the status of both parties is equal, He Song would not mind spending fewer spirit stones.

This is also the reason why He Song offered the price of 150,000 medium-grade spirit stones.

One hundred and fifty thousand mid-grade spiritual stones.

The auction price of that cultivator's golden elixir was a full 10,000 mid-grade spirit stones lower than what He Song had said before.

However, if the commission from the auction and the risk of subsequent robbery and murder by others are taken into account.

The missing ten thousand mid-grade spirit stones is not a huge price difference.

After all, the commission from the auction alone was close to ten thousand mid-grade spirit stones.

In addition, Ghost Face will also be spared the risk of being robbed and killed by others.

And it can also save some time.

This time would be great even if it was only used to improve one's own strength.

In this case, He Song's offer of 150,000 medium-grade spirit stones was actually a well-considered decision.

This price will not make Ghost Face feel humiliated.

It is also possible to control the initial price within the range that He Song can control.

It would not be the case that the price would have far exceeded He Song’s bottom line when he first made the bid.

This way, it's a win-win situation.

He Song reserved his own opinion, and Guimian would not turn against He Song because of this matter.

With this thought in mind, He Song began to observe the reaction of Ghost Face after he finished speaking.


That is this observation.

However, a hint of doubt flashed through He Song's mind for a moment.

According to He Song's observation, the expression on Ghost Face's face after hearing He Song's words was not as cold as He Song had expected.

According to He Song's original expectation, Guimian would most likely become angry after hearing his offer of 150,000 medium-grade spirit stones.

They also think that He Song's attempt to lower the price does not seem to be very sincere.

In this way, according to He Song's original expectation, Ghost Face's expression would naturally become quite ugly after hearing what He Song said.

Even his face was as gloomy as water, which was within He Song's expectations.


Just after He Song finished speaking, he began to observe Ghost Face's reaction.

Guimian's expression at this moment was not as gloomy as Song had expected.

On the contrary, a hint of joy flashed across Ghost Face's face.

At the same time, his eyes lit up slightly, as if he was very satisfied with He Song's bid.

Moreover, from He Song's observation, Ghost Face seemed to be in a dazed state.

It was as if the 150,000 medium-grade spirit stones offered by He Song made him extremely happy, and this scene made him feel like he was in a dream.

At the same time, the joy that was faintly emerging from Guimian was even sensed by Xiaoqing beside He Song.

Sitting next to He Song.

After Xiaoqing followed He Song into the mansion, she didn't say anything more.

Because she knew that she had no right to interrupt now.

He Song came here for the golden elixir of the cultivator in the hands of the Ghost-faced True Lord.

After entering the mansion, it began the process of He Song's game of chess with the Ghost-faced Master in front of him, and finally a successful transaction.

If she spoke too much, she might become annoying.

Therefore, Xiaoqing never said anything when He Song and Guimian were testing each other.

But even so.

Xiao Qing did not get distracted, but instead watched the verbal exchange between the two Jindan Zhenjun in front of her with special concentration.

And as time goes by.

Just when Xiaoqing was not so relaxed, she noticed that the expression of the Ghost-faced Master in front of her was unusual.

At this moment, Xiaoqing felt a deep sense of surprise in her heart.

This Ghost-faced Master.

Why did he show an expression that was so inconsistent with his status after hearing He Song's words?



The price of a cultivator's golden elixir.

Xiaoqing actually knows it too.

Not to mention that He Song directly said that the last auction price of the cultivator's golden elixir was 160,000.

But at this moment, He Song only offered 150,000 medium-grade spirit stones.

Under such circumstances, how could the Ghost-faced Master show joy?

Shouldn't he think the price is too low and question He Song's sincerity?

There are doubts in my mind.

Xiao Qing was about to think about it, but she saw that the Ghost-faced Master in front of her seemed to have reacted. She quickly suppressed the thought in her mind and continued to watch what was happening in front of her.

At this moment, Ghost-faced Master seemed to have realized that there was a problem with his expression management.

Therefore, under the watchful eyes of He Song and Xiao Qing, Ghost-faced Master quickly adjusted his state.

However, the joyful expression he had shown before and the deep satisfaction in his eyes caused a hint of doubt in He Song and Xiao Qing's hearts.

As a Jindan Zhenjun, Guimian Zhenjun should not have had that kind of reaction when faced with He Song's offer of 150,000 medium-grade spirit stones.

There must be something in this that Hesong and Xiaoqing have not noticed.

With this thought in mind, many guesses flashed through He Song's mind.


Just as speculations flashed through He Song's mind.

After adjusting his state, Ghost-faced True Lord quickly spoke.

"I just happened to think of a happy event, so I was a little out of control. I hope you won't mind."

"However, isn't the 150,000 middle-grade spirit stones you mentioned a little too low?"

"According to what Daoist friend said before, the price of the last cultivator's golden elixir was a full 160,000 middle-grade spirit stones."

"If I allow this cultivator's golden elixir to continue to participate in the auction, I am afraid that I will be able to gain more."

"Even after deducting the commission from the auction, my gains will probably exceed the 150,000 mid-grade spirit stones that Daoist friend mentioned."

"As for what Daoyou said, selling this cultivator's golden elixir to Daoyou will help me avoid being entangled by other golden elixir masters."

"Fellow Daoist, you don't need to worry about this matter. I still have some strength, which is enough to ensure that I can leave this place safely."

"Therefore, this matter cannot be considered a good thing."

"However, since you have come here in person today, your offer is not too low."

"Since you are so sincere in coming here to discuss this, I will do you a favor."

"150,000 middle-grade spirit stones are 150,000 middle-grade spirit stones."

"I don't want much."

"I just hope that when we meet again in the future, you can remember what happened today."

This statement came out.

The whole house was silent.

He Song looked at the Ghost-faced Master in front of him with surprise.

At this moment, Xiaoqing also looked at the Ghost-faced Master with astonishment on her face.

at this moment.

A question flashed through He Song and Xiao Qing's minds.

Is there something wrong with the mind of this Ghost-faced Master?

Otherwise, why would he say such a thing?

Fifteen thousand spirit stones just fifteen thousand spirit stones?

Are you really not even going to talk about the price?

Then if He Song asked for 100,000 spirit stones, wouldn’t that be agreed?

With this thought flashing through his mind, He Song opened his mouth, but quickly swallowed back the words that were about to come out of his mouth.

Originally, He Song had already prepared how to persuade the Ghost-faced True Lord and bargain with him on the price of this golden elixir.

But unexpectedly, He Song just offered a price that was not too fair.

The Ghost-faced True Lord in front of him agreed immediately.

Such a thing instantly made the words that He Song was about to say no longer necessary.

At the same time, it completely disrupted He Song's rhythm.

However, as someone who was able to cultivate all the way from the Qi training stage to the Golden Core stage, He Song was a man who had seen many ups and downs.

Therefore, even though his rhythm was disrupted for a moment, He Song only hesitated for a moment, then immediately gathered his mind and spoke quickly.

"In that case, thank you fellow Taoist."

"I will definitely keep your kindness in mind."

"If you need any help in the future, just let me know."

"As long as I have time and it does not affect my life and property, I will definitely not stand idly by."

"Here are 150,000 middle-grade spirit stones. Please count them."

"If possible, let's exchange the money for the goods."

After saying that, He Song took out a storage bag and placed it in front of himself, while at the same time looking at the ghost face in front of him.

At this moment, the most important thing for He Song was to get the cultivator's golden elixir from Guimian as quickly as possible.

As for whether the ghost face in front of him had a problem with his brain or had some other conspiracy, although He Song had some concerns about this matter, he did not have too deep concerns.

Although He Song had some concerns in his heart since he could get a bargain, he still wanted to complete the deal as soon as possible.

After all, Ghost Face saved himself tens of thousands of medium-grade spirit stones.

It would take He Song some time to accumulate so many mid-grade spirit stones.

Although this time is not long, it is not short either.

In this case, it was naturally impossible for He Song to delve further into the matter.


Whether Guimian had a problem with his brain or had other plans had no effect on He Song.

After all, if there really was something wrong with Guimian's brain, He Song would not be the one to suffer.

One hundred and fifty thousand medium-grade spirit stones in exchange for a cultivator's golden elixir.

Not cheap though.

But it’s actually not too expensive.

Therefore, even if Guimian had a problem with his brain, He Song would not suffer any loss.

Even if Guimian had some ulterior motive for agreeing so readily, He Song actually had a plan to deal with it.

According to He Song's idea.

The transaction between Guimian and himself this time was, at most, just tampering with the golden elixir given to He Song.

After the transaction is completed, you can check the golden elixir yourself and remove any tampering that may have occurred in it.

Even if he suspected that it was not completely removed, He Song could directly set up a formation and use the power of the formation to continuously bombard the golden elixir for several days.

In this way, under the baptism of powerful attacks day and night, He Song didn't believe that the hands and feet left by a Jindan cultivator would not be removed cleanly.

Moreover, He Song's apparent cultivation level is only at the initial stage of Golden Core.

But in fact, He Song's cultivation has reached the late stage of Jindan.

At the same time, he also has his own magic weapon, the Earth Vein Spirit Pearl, in his hand, as well as three golden elixir puppets at his side, and six talismans as his trump cards.

With so many treasures on hand, plus He Song's cultivation level reaching the late Jindan stage.

Even though the cultivation level of this ghost-faced man in front of him had reached the Golden Elixir Great Perfection realm, and he had some conspiracy in this matter, he still did not pose much of a threat to He Song.

Even if you can't fight, you can still run.

As long as he can run, He Song will not encounter any danger.

Moreover, as a guest official of Jubao Pavilion, He Song has a backer when he goes out.

Even if he was being targeted by someone, as long as they knew He Song's identity, they would be wary.

With this thought flashing through his mind, He Song looked at the Ghost-faced Master in front of him, and a hint of anticipation flashed through his heart.

This cultivator's golden elixir is in hand.

He Song was then able to refine his fourth golden elixir puppet.

From now on, the fresh breeze, bright moon, idle clouds and wild cranes will once again appear beside He Song and help him go further on the path of cultivation.

Back when He Song's cultivation was still at the foundation-building stage.

He Song once had four spirit puppets: Qingfeng Mingyue, Xianyunyehe.

At that time, Qingfeng Mingyue and Xianyunyehe were actually of great help to He Song.

However, later, as He Song's strength grew, Qingfeng Mingyue and Xianyunyehe were destroyed, and after being repaired, they gradually could not keep up with He Song's growing strength.

Therefore, the four spirit puppets, Qingfeng Mingyue, Xianyunyehe, were also put aside by He Song.

until now.

The opportunity to recreate the style of the four puppets Qingfeng Mingyue and Xianyunyehe is right in front of him, so He Song is naturally very happy.

He Song was still moved by these four puppets and the meanings they represented.

After all, the gentle breeze, bright moon, and idle clouds and wild cranes were all memories from many years ago.

Now that it can be reproduced, He Song is naturally quite moved.

Just as these thoughts flashed through He Song's mind, he was looking forward to making a deal with the Ghost-faced Master in front of him.

After listening to He Songzhi's words, Ghost-faced True Lord did not refuse.

Instead, he quickly took out a cultivator's golden elixir from his storage bag.

With the appearance of the cultivator's golden elixir, the living room where the three of them were was soon covered by a golden light.

At this moment, He Song and Xiao Qing's eyes subconsciously looked towards the source of the golden light.

At this moment, in the hands of Ghost-faced True Lord, a small golden elixir was floating quietly, and golden rays of light shot out in all directions from where it was.

And He Song also instantly confirmed one thing at this moment.

The golden elixir in the hands of Ghost-faced True Lord is indeed a genuine golden elixir of a cultivator.

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