I live forever in the world of cultivation.

Chapter 31 Rockery and Flowing Water

There is no fourth.

There are so many benefits here, anyone who comes here knows how to choose.

Moreover, after five years of getting along, Wei Fan had a deep understanding of He Song, and He Song naturally had an equally deep understanding of Wei Fan.

This is also the reason why one of them can invite and the other can nod in agreement.

Wei Fan knew He Song's situation and wanted to help him.

He Song knew Wei Fan's character and it was not a bad idea to live together.

With such mutual trust, without these five years of getting along, this kind of thing would have never been thought of.

Based on He Song's caution, if another late-stage Qi-training monk invited him, He Song would probably immediately think that the other person was seeking wealth or death.

Not to mention agreeing.

That is, Wei Fan, after getting along with him for so long, He Song agreed after thinking carefully.

"In this case, Fellow Daoist He will go pack his things first, and I will wait here for now. When the time comes, we will go home together." Seeing He Song agreeing, Wei Fan looked happy and urged without thinking.

For monks like Wei Fan who have reached the late stage of Qi training and only need to slowly accumulate spiritual power to practice all the way to the perfection of Qi training, the dullness and boredom in daily life are the most difficult to endure.

Now, He Song promised to come and live with him.

Does that mean that my future life will no longer be as boring as it is now?

On weekdays, I drink tea and chat with my friends, and in my free time, I walk around with my friends.

Wei Fan feels that such a life is much more interesting than it is now just thinking about it.

This is also the reason why Wei Fan confessed that he likes to make friends when he first met He Song.

Before breaking through to the later stages of Qi training, his main focus was on breaking through the bottleneck.

But after he successfully broke through to the late stage of Qi training and felt the boredom of silent practice every day, he became interested in making friends.

There are not many friends in daily life, and the boring life can even destroy a person's spirit.


Just when Wei Fan urged him with a happy face.

He Song looked at him, but suddenly there was a hint of vigilance.

This Wei Fan seemed to have shown no interest in women during the five years they had known him.

But he became so excited just after he agreed to live with him.

Could it be that......

After a little hesitation, He Song finally put aside the terrible thoughts in his heart.

In the past five years, I didn't seem to show any interest in women. Maybe I was overthinking it.

With this thought, the vigilance in He Song's eyes quickly disappeared, and then he handed over and left.

Leave Lingjian Pavilion.

He Song first returned to his home and packed all his things.

He was about to say goodbye to Lin Cong next door, but after thinking about it, He Song gave up the idea.

He just went to Wei Fan's house to avoid trouble. Although his room would be rented out, with Wei Fan, the deacon of Lingjian Pavilion, here, he would always keep his room here.

The houses used for rent in Zhushan Xianfang are not full every month.

Leaving a house behind was actually a trivial matter for Wei Fan.

After a while, after the escape from disaster is over, He Song will come back and continue living here.

Instead of saying hello now, it would be better to wait for Wei Fan to stay for a while and then use sound transmission to tell Lin Cong the whole story.

In this way, Lin Cong can also be alert, so that he will not receive any news about the evil cultivator's attack.

After making a decision, He Song thought for a moment and quickly decided to give the rent saved during the escape to Wei Fan.

Wei Fan helped him avoid trouble, which was already a big favor.

He Song himself would feel bad if he didn't pay some rent.

Although the rent I paid was indeed not much, it was still out of my mind and I couldn't live in Wei Fan's house with peace of mind.

With this thought.

He Song quickly returned to Lingjian Pavilion with his belongings.

When Wei Fan saw that He Song had returned to Lingjian Pavilion with his luggage, he quickly led He Song to the place where he lived.

The place where monks in the late stage of Qi training live is much better than the place where monks like He Song live in the early stage of Qi training.

The place where Wei Fan lives is a small courtyard.

There are rockeries and flowing water in the courtyard, and there is also a two-story house.

In the house, there is a master bedroom, two bedrooms, and a servant bedroom, a total of four rooms that can be occupied.

In addition, there is a living room, two meditation rooms, a study room, a kitchen, and a practice room.

He Song was overwhelmed by the sight of so many rooms, and felt luxurious in his heart.

In addition, the concentration of spiritual energy here is much stronger than where He Song lives, and the cultivation speed is faster.

To know.

The room that He Song originally lived in had only one room with ten spiritual stones per month, plus a meditation room.

Nothing else.

That's it, and it still costs ten spiritual stones every month for rent.

But now?

Looking at the size and spiritual energy concentration of the houses in Wei Fan's courtyard, He Song couldn't even imagine how much the monthly rent for this courtyard would be.

"Brother Wei, how much is the monthly rent in your small courtyard?" He asked when he couldn't think of anything. He Songke never felt embarrassed when facing his friends.

"The market price is fifty spiritual stones per month, and five hundred spiritual stones per year, but I don't need spiritual stones to live here. After reaching the late stage of Qi training, as long as you are a monk within the immortal workshop, the immortal workshop will be free. Arrange a small courtyard."

Faced with He Song's doubts, Wei Fan revealed the news that He Song didn't know before without thinking.

This information is nothing more than common sense to Wei Fan, who is now in the advanced stage of Qi training.

But for He Song at this moment, it made him feel a little surprised.

To know.

Zhushan Xianfang is not a shantang.

This can be seen from his monthly rent of ten spirit stones.

The Xianfang monks in the early stage of Qi training, after deducting the rent of one hundred and twenty spiritual stones a year, only twenty or thirty spiritual stones are left at their disposal at the end of the year.

This is simply treating the monks in the early stage of Qi training as coolies.

However, once the cultivation reached the late stage of Qi training, a small courtyard was arranged for free. He Song immediately said that he couldn't understand this operation.

Do you really not regard the lowest level monks who are in the early stage of Qi training as human beings?

"Don't be surprised. The rules of the Immortal Workshop are like this. The monks in the late stage of Qi training live here all year round, which can make the Immortal Workshop safer, so they naturally need better treatment."

"But for monks in the early stages of Qi training... it's good to be able to enter the Immortal Workshop. At least it is much safer than the outside world. In the Immortal Workshop, at least they can safely spend the most vulnerable times of the monks."

"Rogue cultivators can't enter the Immortal Workshop. Every year, countless casual cultivators die in the outside world. Compared with them, being able to enter the Immortal Workshop is already a blessing."

"In addition, as long as your cultivation reaches the middle stage of Qi training, your treatment in the Immortal Workshop will also be improved. You will know when the time comes, so don't be surprised."

While taking He Song to familiarize himself with the environment, Wei Fan also talked to He Song about some things inside Xianfang.

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