Ignoring the den mushi who was complaining but couldn't help but smile, Mo An unilaterally cut off the call.

She didn't want to listen to this stupid dog anymore.

Are you addicted to extorting money? You want to extort a little more from her all the time!

Cursing and putting a bunch of 'junk copper and iron' into the warehouse, Mo An met the eyes of the person on the sofa and was furious. In the past, he only punched twice.

"What are you looking at! Have you never seen me swear?"

She was very angry right now! Before she even woke up, she received the news that the criminal Sabo had already arrived in Marinford and asked her to get to her position quickly!

What is this for? Take the time to put someone in her hand?

And get people away from Impel Down City in advance?

Does the world government even have this little confidence in itself?

She had no intention of taking any action there!

The World Government had previously used island-destroying weapons, which caused the water level of the sea to rise and flood Impel Down. That ghost place was transformed again.

It’s not that there’s no way to deal with Impel Down, but Mo An is too lazy to deal with that poisonous man Magellan.

She won't do anything that is thankless.

Having said that, when Mo An thought about Ace and Sabo, he couldn't help but feel the negative emotions surging inside him.

She really has the urge to go crazy and let everyone die together!

Damn, damn, damn!

Still got to this point!

"You are anxious," Rosinandi circled the person and buried his face in Mo An's belly, "An, you can't lose control at this time."

Mo An Bangbang gave him two more punches, "Loss of control, who wants to lose control! Isn't it okay for me to lose my temper when something makes me angry? Didn't you hear just now? The Tianlong people's elimination plan has changed! Change it! It’s not today! It’s not a head-on fight!”

Those idiots on top of the World Government!

If you have the guts, come to Marinford in person today!

Do not!

Those old guys rarely took action, and she didn't even know what abilities they had. They were difficult to kill, and it would only cause more trouble if they came, not to mention the disobedient Whitebeard Pirates.


Even more angry!

Should she kill or kill the white group that came to her?

Not to mention whether there will be any enmity today, no one knows what will happen to her after today!

Shanks and Kaido have already met, and that fool Yamato has also followed Law to the vicinity. Maybe the things happening in Wano Country will soon reach the Whitebeard Pirates.

It’s really lively!

It's better for them all to die!

Otherwise Ace won’t be able to settle down!

"No!" As soon as the idea came up, he was interrupted by Rosannandi. He raised his head and looked at Mo An seriously, and said word by word: "You said that we still have many tomorrows, and you can't be in any danger. idea."

After so many years of getting along, as long as Mo An no longer deliberately hides it, Rossinanti can quickly discover Mo An's thoughts.

At least it's very easy to tell that Mo An doesn't care about his own life or death.

"I told you I was complaining!" Mo An gritted his teeth, picked him up and took away the sofa, "Are you satisfied? I don't know what to take away with this garbage!"

Rosinante rubbed his head.

Mo An seemed to have returned to his previous state where everything went his way, but he had been deceived too many times. No matter whether Mo An really cared about him or not, he couldn't believe it.

At least he didn't dare until today's events were over.

After walking out of the house, which was almost stripped of its walls, the man in front of him who couldn't stop cursing suddenly stopped.

Mo An turned around, looked Rossinanti up and down, and clicked his tongue impatiently again.

"Put away all your kindness today. Don't be like last time. I don't have time to rescue you. Do you hear me?"

"Do you care about me?"

"Then go to hell." Mo An raised his foot and kicked him expressionlessly, "It's better to die in my hands than to die in someone else's hands."

Rosinandi didn't hide. There was a footprint on his white navy coat. His eyes were still locked on Mo An, "I know."

The navy who came to urge Mo An to hurry up: "..."

Even though I'm used to it, I still feel a little stuffy in my stomach...

In the past, Vice Admiral An's kick could have sent Vice Admiral Garp flying. Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel and the others would have to wait a while before they could recover. This kind of light force...

"Lieutenant General An..." The naval officer carefully chose his words and then looked to Rossinante for help.

It was true that he wanted Mo An to move faster. After all, the Warring States Marshal was in a hurry, so he could urge Mo An...

Rossinanti just put the coat of justice on Mo An, and before he could say anything, there was a burst of noise coming from the distance.

Mo An's teeth were grinding, she knew without even looking which bastard was about to appear!

After enduring it, I couldn't hold back my anger when the white wave appeared!

Isn’t it over? One thing makes her angry!

A punch filled with domineering power shattered the surging white waves.


The air waves rolled, and the impact caused the entire space to tremble.

Mo An's figure had already flashed in front of the pink fur ball, and his fist-pumping movements showed no mercy.

Nearby navy: “…”

Good luck!

Why did the sea rogue appear here! Their iron-headed kid really dared to do it!

The navy has long been immune to fighting between the Mo'ankai and the Shichibukai. If it weren't for the wrong timing, they would be happy to see the Shichibukai being tortured.

But at a time when the Whitebeard Pirates could attack at any time, they really didn't dare to let that happen!

"Lieutenant General An! Wait! Please don't make a scene at this time!"

"Who let Doflamingo in here? Don't you know that he and Vice Admiral An have always been at odds? He has caused trouble for Vice Admiral An several times!"

"We didn't want to either! He suddenly rushed here as soon as he arrived at Marinefando!"

"What to do! Do you want to notify Marshal Warring States to come over?"

"It's too late! Brigadier General Rossinandi! Stop them! At least make Lieutenant General An stop first!"

As the two men fought, the scene suddenly became chaotic.

The navy wanted to stop it, but they couldn't get involved in a battle of that magnitude!

Seeing Rosinandi purse his lips without saying a word, the navy nearby was so anxious that he almost grabbed him with his hands!

At this time, he is the only one who can stop Lieutenant General An!

Even if Vice Admiral Garp and his men appeared immediately, Vice Admiral An might not stop!

And what about Rocinante?

In fact, the sound barrier had already been deployed when Doflamingo appeared, and all the conversations that others could not hear fell into his ears verbatim.

Dover didn't mean to hide it at all, and his wife and Mo An's non-denial attitude made people jealous.

That kind of self-righteous questioning... is obviously the attitude that Mo An hates the most...

"Brigadier General Rocinante!"

As Doflamingo was knocked to the ground by Mo An, his vision was blocked by the dust and the urging voice became more urgent.

"She won't let Dover die."


no! Of course they know that Lieutenant General An is absolutely measured. The focus now is not to die! The key point now is not to compromise the powerful combat effectiveness!

Just when they were still about to say something, Rocinante approached the ruins.

Under the gaze of so many pairs of eyes that said, "Sure enough," he held Mo An's fist that was about to fall and spoke slowly.

"It's time to go find Ace."

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