Pirate: They always think that Dover is my CP

Chapter 467: Why does she think there is a trap waiting for her?

Perospero was still mumbling his explanation, but Katakuri seemed to be unable to listen to anything.

His brain seemed to be rusty now, and he couldn't realize what Mo had just done for a long time.

Until the spot on the cheek that touches the soft touch seems to be getting hotter and hotter...

You don’t think I really don’t want anything...

Do you think there is such a way of cooperation that throws you a golden mountain before anything has even started?

Do you think there is any partner who doesn’t blame you after you fail many times and pretends that nothing happened?

If you want, I can give you the relevant information first.

The key is do you want it? If you want...

Inexplicably, the words that Brother Peros and Mo said before echoed alternately in his mind.



His thoughts were spinning again and again, making it impossible for him to look directly at the person in front of him.

The flamboyant color scheme of red and gold suits Mo very well, but it also makes Mo look a bit more similar to the navy madman.

It's strange, it's an indescribable feeling, very...unpleasant!

"Fang-toothed boy?" Mo An looked at him strangely.

Don't you want to explain?

She is still waiting for Dashachun's performance!

This guy has a lot of imagination. He changed her vest from cloth to iron, and the wires were welded. Now it is extremely hard.

"Okay, okay!" Perospero also stopped chattering, "Katakuri also quickly changes into his dress, it's soon time for you to go up and receive everyone's blessings!"

"Lady," Mo An raised his hand and smiled brightly, "can I take away Fangzizi after the ceremony is over? After the ceremony, he will be my property, right?"

"Are you kidding me?" Perospero had a headache because of Moan's whims, and had to explain to him, "Let's not talk about Katakuri, even if it is other children, your existence will definitely be a problem for my mother. I just wish you could stay, how could I let you take him away!"

The relationship between them is not an ordinary affiliation. Mo may have strength that is not weaker than his mother, let alone the power behind him.

They have been the one being accommodated for so long, which also led to Perospero's impression of Mo actually not being bad.

Although I wanted to scold him for his sometimes annoying childishness, there was no need to hide it at times like this.

"So that's it," Mo An clenched his fist and made a clear clicking sound, "So this time you tricked me into treating me as a fat sheep and slaughtered me again?"

Perospero: "!!!"

Unpleasant memories came to mind again!

"Katakuri!" He took half a step back eagerly, "You should be optimistic about him! What if you disturb mom?"

It was too late for him to speak. As the sweet taste filled his mouth, the feeling of suffocation made him reach out randomly to grab something.

Katakuri: "..."

He was obviously an esper and had considerable strength, but Brother Peros didn't have the sense of urgency to face the enemy in front of Mo.

Everyone seems to have regarded Mo as family...

Moan took off the lollipop from Perospero's hat, rolled it around his tongue and stuffed it back into his mouth.

"Don't be too pushy. Didn't you say before that I could just show up? Why do you want me to complete the ritual? After it is completed, you won't let me take away Sharptooth. Do you still want to keep me here too?"

"Stop bullying Brother Peros," Katakuri wanted to reach out to stop Mo An's move, but his hand froze halfway and he took it back unnaturally, "I will tell mom that you don't want to attend that kind of event." Occasionally, just let mom know you’re coming.”

"Really?" Mo An smiled and let go of Perospero, "Then you go and do your work, I will wait for you here."

In fact, what Mo An said before was not entirely a lie. She did sneak to Totland quietly, and Dover, Rosie, and Mihawk didn't know it.

If they were to discover... that would be really big trouble.

Mihawk's beating was extremely painful, Dover had a hostage on his hands, and Rosie had just coaxed him back.

emmm...Rosie, this kid, seems to have been bullied too much in the past, and now he is a little stressed...

By the way, why did Mihawk come to see her before?

Rocinante said that the first time he came was for Ace, but Ace had been taken away by the crazy Dover for a long time. If it was still because of Ace, Mihawk would have come long ago and would not have waited until that time.

She always felt that something was not quite right, but she couldn't place it...

Could it be that... Lijin's damn kid did something strange in front of her face the last time he met Mihawk?

Thinking back to his expression after being caught by Rosinandi last time, he was so cowardly, it was not impossible!

Also, Warring States suddenly became concerned about her body before. Why did he feel that there was a trap waiting for her?


Still have to keep smiling! Send Katakuri away quickly and go beat the kid!

"Fang-toothed boy," Mo An slowly wiped his palms with a silk scarf, sat back on the sofa, and looked at him with a smile, "You'd better deal with your family's affairs as soon as possible. I don't have much time to stay here. , but I still have something to ask you."

Katakuri suddenly came back to his senses, and caught off guard and met those silver-gray eyes again, which were still very clean, filled with inexplicable expectations and trust in him.

With his throat rolling, Katakuri quickly pulled back his scarf, trying to hide his expression.

Still as naive as before...

"Let's go, Brother Perros."

The top floor of the cake castle, the banquet scene.

Even though Moan was dragged away by Katakuri, Lijin could not breathe a sigh of relief.

Because Vergo seemed to be eyeing him too.

What nonsense is this!

Looking around without leaving a trace, Baccarat is a beautiful social butterfly. She can handle this kind of situation with ease. She can deal with regular customers and expand new business at the same time.

Vergo represented Doflamingo, and many people were talking to him.

While Li Jin was dealing with the people in his circle, he also paid attention to Mo An's movements.

The look in his eyes before made him panic, and he was ready to run away at any time!

Anyway, BOSS doesn't go home all year round. As long as he doesn't get caught on such occasions, the chance of him getting beaten is infinitely close to zero!

After looking around, I didn't realize that my boss had discovered that Bryn was alone and seemed to be in a bad mood.

As the only cute little girl who could make herself feel a sense of accomplishment, Li Jin was curious about why Brynn was lonely, so she immediately swung the wine glass with a doggy face and got closer.

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