After the monkey escaped, the trees around Mu Bai began to shake, and vines and branches suddenly pulled towards him.

When Mu Bai saw this, he dodged and chopped off the branches and vines with his long knife.

For a time, fallen leaves were flying all over the sky, and the ground was covered with branches and vines.

A black shadow rushed out from the leaves in the sky and attacked Mubai's back.

Fortunately, Mu Bai was on guard and dodged to the side, dodging narrowly.

The sky had darkened, and silver-white light flashed in Mu Bai's eyes, like the only stars in the night sky.

"Oh? Physical strengthening ability?" The man hiding deep in the woods asked in surprise.

"Is the ability to dominate this world so simple?"

At the same time, Mu Bai secretly thought in his heart that fighting like this would definitely not work.

It will only be delayed. The situation over Mai is still unstable. If that Wu appears again...

No, I have to deal with this quickly.

But it was obvious that the monkey was not going to let him go just like that.

It found another opening and attacked behind Mu Bai.

Although Mu Bai noticed it, he was entangled in the branches and had no time to dodge.

He was hit hard and hit a big tree.

The branches of the big tree also fell heavily on him.

He quickly turned over to avoid it, stood up and looked at the monkey squatting on the branches of a tree not far away.

When the monkey saw Mubai looking at him, he gave a mocking smile in an anthropomorphic way.


Mubai didn't care. The more complicated the situation, the more calm he should be.

The branches and vines of the trees attacked him again, but Mubai continued to dodge and resist.

The silver-white sword light kept shining in the dark woods.

The monkey touched Mu Bai's side again.

It rushed out suddenly, its claws attacking Mu Bai's side.

Mu Bai obviously also discovered its intention. He quickly turned around and used his long knife to resist the blow.

But it was obviously too late. Just when the monkey's paw was about to land on Mu Bai's belly, Mu Bai's speed suddenly increased.

He grabbed the monkey's paw, and blood slowly flowed down his palm.

Then he was whipped out by the branches of the tree, taking the monkey with him.

The monkey followed Mu Bai and hit the big tree in the distance, letting out a howl.

The strength on the claws has also increased a lot.

Mu Bai felt the pain in his palm and raised the long knife high with his other hand.

Silvery white light lit up on the blade, like a bright moon.

Seeing this, the monkey began to twist its body and hit Mubai's hand with its hands and feet.

The bright moon instantly crossed its throat, and its head rolled for two weeks along the direction of the bright moon.

Dark blood spurted out from its neck and splashed on Mu Bai's face.


Mubai said, slowly standing up.

He turned his head to look at the messy woods and shook his head.

What a wonderful forest, what a pity.

The people deep in the woods looked at this scene and actually laughed.

"What a trade-off for injury, okay, okay! Hahahaha!"

At the same time, Mubai's side.

Wisps of silver energy flew out of Mubai's body and entered the monkey's body.

Pulling wisps of dark green energy into Mu Bai's body, a familiar feeling of comfort filled his heart.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Lin Mumu.

Bai: Mumu, I’ve solved the problem here. Send me to Fujisawa first and come back later to cook for you.

Mumu is super cute: Okay, Onii-chan.

A golden portal opened in front of him, and Mu Bai put away his long knife and walked into it.

Coming out of the alley, Mubai stood on the road and tapped the screen of his phone a few times.

After waiting for a while, a black car came to a stop in front of him.

A Resta team member stepped out of the car carrying a bag and a towel.

He quickly came to Mu Bai and said, "Master, Captain Zhao has gone to deal with the follow-up work of 1989. This is what you want."

With that said, he handed the towel and bag in his hand to Mubai.

Mubai took the towel and wiped himself, then handed it to the team member again.

Then he took the bag he handed over, looked at the box inside, and smiled slightly.

"Thank you. Please help me do this kind of thing. It's a bit overkill."

"Hey, Master, it's our honor to work for you."

Mubai nodded, walked to him and said:

"And one more thing···"

After listening to Mubai's words, the Resta member said seriously.

"Leave it to us!"

"Then it's up to you."

"Master, you're too polite, so I'll take my leave first."

The Resta member smiled.

"See you."

Mubai waved to him.

"Goodbye, Master Mubai." With that said, the team member got into the driver's seat and drove away in the car.

Seeing him leaving, Mubai thought for a moment, went to the bakery and bought a butter bun, and then left.

After a while, he came to the downstairs of an apartment.

This is Mai Sakurajima's residence.

He walked in, took the elevator to the floor where Sakurajima Mai lived, and walked to the door of her room.

He reached out and knocked on the door. After waiting for a while, he found no response.

Isn't Mai at home?

Thinking about it, he knocked on the door again.

At this time, an aunt also walked out of the elevator.

She saw Mu Bai knocking on the door, and walked over with some confusion, asking, "My child, are you here to see someone?"

Mubai turned around and looked at her, smiled and said, "Yes, Auntie."

"But she doesn't seem to be at home."

After listening to Mu Bai's words, the aunt looked at the house number and said, "Then you may have remembered wrongly. No one lives here."

Mu Bai smiled and said after hearing this.

"I think my memory should be pretty good."

Seeing that the aunt seemed to be planning to say something else, he waved his hand and said, "Since she is not at home, I will go back first and see aunt again."

"Well, okay, bye." Auntie watched Mubai leave, feeling something strange.

After walking out of the apartment, Mubai touched his chin and thought for a while.

If Mai was not at home, where would she be?

He looked down at the bag of butter bread in his hand, and suddenly had some suspicions in his mind.


After a while, Mashiro came to the street where he and Sakurajima Mai first met.

He looked around and saw hurried pedestrians, colorful neon lights, and some food stalls.

But there was no sign of Mai Sakurajima.

Not here...

Thinking about it, he turned and walked towards the other side.


Enoshima, seaside.

Mai Sakurajima sat quietly on the steps next to the beach, looking at the sparkling sea in the distance.

The stars and bright moon in the night sky leave reflections in the sea water, dividing them into the second territory of the starry sky.

The sea breeze blew gently on her cheeks, and her long black hair slowly moved with the movement of the sea breeze.

Secretly embellish the night sky with a light blue rabbit-shaped star.

While she was deep in thought, a transparent white plastic bag suddenly appeared in her sight.

Mubai's voice came from behind her.

"Mai, I found you."

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