The everlasting link of light

Chapter 93 The Suffering Hero


Looking at the menacing Grugram in front of him, Nexus wanted to stand up and fight with him again.

However, this time, he didn't even have the strength to stand up...

"Huh~ But... damn it, my power... is exhausted..."

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The core timer on Nexus' chest flashed more rapidly, sounding like a life-threatening note!


"Judgment by Fire!"

Just when Grugram stretched out his long tongue again and wanted to give Nexus a heavy blow, the two little angels Yan and Leng slashed at the disgusting long tongue at the same time!


With a crisp sound, Grugram's long tongue broke off and fell to the ground.


"It's not over yet!"

After Yan and Leng, the four little angels A Zhui, Mo Yi, Zhi Xin, and Ling Xi also used Flame Judgment to strike at Grugram's head.


Facing several powerful flame judgments, the crystal on Grugram's back began to glow faintly.




Grugram began to become transparent, and several flame judgments seemed to hit the air, passing directly through Grugram's body without causing any harm.


Seeing this, Yan immediately opened his eyes of insight for inspection, and then quickly came to a conclusion.

"This alien beast seems to be good at space capabilities. Although it looks like it is here now, its body is actually in another dimension!"

When Zhi Xin heard this, she was immediately dumbfounded: "This is too perverted! Even advanced civilizations find it difficult to have the ability to master space!"

However, he was surprised. As an excellent scholar, Zhi Xin could still see at a glance that Grugram's current situation had indeed undergone changes in spatial level.


After being attacked, Grugram seemed to have no intention of continuing to fight. Instead, his body became more and more illusory, and finally disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Phew~ I'm finally leaving."

Although they did not understand that Grugram was about to escape suddenly, the little angels were still sincerely grateful for its departure.

After all, if they really fight, they are no match for them based on their strength.

the other side

Seeing Grugram leaving, Nexus, who was already at the end of his strength, finally couldn't hold on anymore. After a burst of faint red light emitted from his body, his body disappeared.

"Let's go over and take a look. Senior is probably seriously injured now! Huh? Where is the person?"

Seeing that Nexus disappeared, Yan quickly called the angel sisters over to take a look. However, when she turned around, she realized that except for her, the remaining six little angels had already flown over.

"You guys are unjust! You didn't wait for me!"

After angrily scolding these plastic sisters, Yan flew over with all his strength.

The little angels flew very fast, and the place where Nexus disappeared was not far away, so they arrived at the place quickly.

"Senior, are you okay?"

However, when they saw Ji Yaquan's current condition, the little angels almost cried!

I saw Ji Yazhun lying on the ground sweating profusely, obviously in a dying state!


The little angels hurriedly stepped forward to help Ji Yazhun up, but the moment they put their hands on Ji Yazhun's back, Lingxi and Zhixin shouted out.


"what happened?"

"There's...a lot of blood."

Lingxi stretched out her hand tremblingly, only to see that her originally clean white and tender hands were covered in thick blood.

"Could it be that!"

Ah Zhui seemed to understand something and quickly reached out and took off Ji Yazhun's jacket.


When they saw the condition of Ji Yaquan's back, all the little angels were moved!

I saw that Ji Yazhun's back was completely covered with blood, and the coat he was wearing was like a towel put in water. He didn't even have to twist it hard to squeeze out a large pool of blood!

This is naturally the work of Mephistopheles, and it was under this condition that Ji Yajun fought against Garubelos and Grugram, relying on his willpower far beyond ordinary people to survive until now.

Moi: "Senior seems to have a fever. His forehead is very hot. It has exceeded normal human body temperature!"

Leng: "Fever is the next best thing. Look at senior's chest, it's all injured! It must be the cause of those fireballs just now!"

Zhi Xin: "More than just a fever and injury, there is an unknown virus in Senior Ji Yazhun's left arm, and it's something I've never seen before!"

Bad news came one after another, and the little angel present was not only surprised but also full of admiration.

In this case, let alone an ordinary human body, it would be a torture for a super soldier or even a divine body, let alone a battle!

"Senior...Senior, are you okay? Don't...don't scare us..."

Yan's voice trembled and he reached out and patted Ji Yazhun's face.

However, Ji Yazhun has completely lost consciousness. If his chest were not still rising and falling slightly, anyone in his current state would think he was a dead person!

"What should I do? What should I do... I have it!"

Just when Yan didn't know what to do, she suddenly thought of a way.

"King Apocalypse! Come here quickly! Senior was seriously injured and is now unconscious!"

"What! Where are you? I need to go there right now!"

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