The everlasting link of light

Chapter 778: Get stronger, monsters!

Zhixin is over 500 years old this year, and Yan is over 7,000 years old. The age difference between the two is almost twelve times, but this does not prevent the two little angels from forging a deep friendship with each other. What's more, Zhixin and Yan are both sacred left and right wing guards, so the friendship between them is naturally even deeper.

So! The two little angels are very familiar with each other's every move~

Looking at Yan who was already emitting black energy, Zhi Xin trembled with fear, but still mustered up the courage to respond: "Sister Yan, don't be angry. I have really tried my best to do what I promised you. Just give me some time..."


In response to Zhixin's pale explanation, Yan sneered sarcastically, then stretched out his finger and lifted Zhixin's attractive chin.

"You have time to play double acts with Lingxi to make the senior happy, but don't you have time to help me find a suitable opportunity? It's been a long time since you last asked me to find an opportunity."

"About...more than a week ago..." Zhi Xin answered in a low voice.

After getting the answer, Yan's beautiful eyes were suddenly filled with dissatisfaction. Then she embraced Zhixin in her arms and used the Electric Poison Dragon Drill!

"I waited for you for a week in vain! A week after another week! You might as well make me wait another seven thousand years!"

"It hurts! This... Actually, it's not impossible. Anyway, Sister Yan, you will be at most over 14,000 years old by then, and you are still very young~"

As soon as these words came out, Yan's pretty face instantly turned completely dark, and the next moment, the Lightning Poison Dragon Drill used 200% more power!

"Sister Yan, I was wrong! I was just kidding! Please let me go! It hurts... 嘤嘤嘤!"

Seeing that Zhi was so distressed that his eyes were blurred with tears, Yan felt a little reluctant, but for his own lifelong happiness which was also his childhood dream, Zhixin, you should sacrifice yourself!

"Just give me a quick word, Zhixin, when is it going to be possible?"

"It's hard for me to say... How about a month?" After thinking for a while, Zhi Xin gave his answer. According to the little angel's idea, Yan, who has lived for more than 7,000 years, should have some patience.

"Three days."

Yan gave his own deadline without even thinking about it.


When Zhixin heard the deadline, her mouth suddenly opened wide. Although she knew Yan was a little anxious, she never expected him to be so anxious! He couldn't even wait for a few days!

Seeing that Zhixin's brain seemed to be out of order, Yan couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and joked: "Why? You think it's too long, right? If not, we can do it tonight."

"No, no, no! Three days is three days. I will try my best to find a solution in these three days."

"Yeah, so good~"

Seeing that Zhixin was so considerate, Yan nodded with satisfaction, then reached out and gently stroked Zhixin's golden hair.

"Come on, Zhixin, I'm waiting for your good news, but if you don't make it in three days, I have a lot of photos of your embarrassing childhood here, I think Jun-senpai Himeya will be very interested in these~"

After accepting the result of failure, Yan smiled and walked into the house, leaving the little angel Zhixin standing there alone with a sad face.

"Three days... Aren't you deliberately making things difficult for me? If the senior knew about this, opening the door three times would be the least of my worries..."

Zhi Xin first placed the energy ball on the ground, and then used two fingers to gently draw circles on top of his head. The little angel who once had absolute faith in science could only hope that this method would help him find inspiration.

"Forget it, let's get down to business first!"

Since the problem can't be solved, just try to escape. Zhi Xin picked up a stainless steel basin from the grass not far away and started hitting it hard!

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"


The next moment, all the monsters except Dun Dun and Xiao Xiao rushed over. Each monster stared at Zhi Xin with a silly look on their faces, with their tongues hanging out. At first glance, they looked like oversized pet dogs.

"Sit down." Zhixin waved his hand to signal all the monsters to sit down.

The next moment, the monsters sat down on the ground in unison.

"shake hands."

Seeing Zhixin stretching out his hand, Gomora, Tyrant, King Red and his daughter, and Behmonstan placed their big paws gently on Zhixin's palms in an orderly manner. Their well-behaved and sensible appearance made it impossible to imagine that they were powerful monsters.

"Very good, you are all good kids, so I will give you a reward!"

Holding the energy ball in front of him, a dangerous smile suddenly appeared on Zhixin's lips.

"Let's get stronger! Tear up Himeya Jun-senpai's enemy, Anpera, into pieces and eat them! Otherwise, I won't feed you anymore!"




For a moment, the wild roars of beasts echoed in the sky.

Meanwhile the universe

"Hiss! Why do I feel a little cold all of a sudden? I'm right next to the sun... Waist! My waist hurts so much... How dare you, damn Ultraman, hurt my noble body like this! I must pick off both of your kidneys and grill them!"

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