The everlasting link of light

Chapter 13 Dream Scene

"Huh~ everyone is so enthusiastic."

Ji Yajun, who successfully escaped from the female angels, lay in his tent and sighed.

Since everyone has just arrived, there are no decent accommodation facilities built yet.

But fortunately, Kesha was prepared beforehand, so almost all the female angels had a big tent installed in the dark plane, otherwise everyone would have to sleep in the wilderness~

Considering Ji Yaquan's special situation as a member of the opposite sex, he has a tent alone, and does not have to crowd into a tent like other female angels in twos and threes.

After lying down and calming down, Ji Yajun returned to his original solemn expression, and then took out the Evolution Truster and brought it to him.

"Why is this happening? Shouldn't my mission have been completed? Why did you return to my hands again? Also, where is this place?"

In response to Ji Yajun's inquiry, the Evolution Truster did not respond at all.

Seeing this, Ji Yazhun let out a long sigh, and then put the Evolutionary Truster away.

"Forget it, let's make peace with what we have come and take it one step at a time."

Slowly closing his eyelids, Ji Yazhun couldn't help but recall the moment when his hand came into contact with the silver figure's hand, and at that time many pictures emerged in his mind.

"Sure enough, Gu Men also inherited this light in the end and became a capable person. And in the end, with that attitude, he was indeed much better than me~"

Thinking of this, Ji Yazhun couldn't help but smile at the corner of his mouth. He could be said to be a guide to the lonely family, and he had witnessed his growth. At this moment, he felt really happy in his heart.

But what surprised Ji Yajun even more was that those huge red and silver figures actually had the same kind as him!

"It turns out there is a planet in the universe where Ultraman lives. I really want to visit it if I have the chance~"

Thinking about it, Ji Ya almost fell into sleep unconsciously.

What Ji Yazhun didn't notice was that the evolution truster in his arms began to flicker.

I don’t know how long it has been~



Hearing the huge explosion sound in his ears, Ji Yajun opened his eyes immediately!

At this moment, he found that he was actually floating in the universe, surrounded by countless bright planets.

"Why am I here?"


Just when Ji Yaquan was confused, the explosion sounded again!

Looking around, I saw two figures, one light and one dark, colliding fiercely!

And with the shock wave generated by the collision between the two figures, several planets that were relatively close to them directly turned into dust in the universe!

Even though he was as calm and composed as Ji Yazhun, he was still shocked when he saw this scene!

What level of battle is this? The aftermath alone is enough to destroy multiple planets! What if it was a full blow?

The collision between light and darkness is still continuing, but right now!

Several bright lights suddenly appeared in the dark universe. Although they could not see clearly, judging from the aura they emitted, they must be warriors representing light!

Sure enough, these figures quickly came to the figure of light.

Then a light that illuminated the entire universe suddenly appeared!

"Do not!!!"


Following a shrill scream and an earth-shattering explosion, the world completely returned to peace~

Wherever Ji Ya looked, everything was white.

"What happened? Is the universe destroyed?"


Just when Ji Yaquan was confused, a space around him suddenly shattered like glass, and then a huge black claw stretched out towards him!

Seeing this, Ji Yaquan wanted to dodge, but his body was unable to move as if a immobilizing spell had been cast. He could only watch helplessly as the distance between the huge claw and himself kept getting closer!

Just when the claws were about to touch Ji Yazhun, a powerful light attack directly wiped him out! Ji Yazhun's body also regained its freedom at this time.

Looking towards the direction from which the attack came, what came into view was the familiar energy core and the holy silver figure with inverted wings!

", Noah, what is all this about?"

Faced with Ji Ya's accurate question, Noah did not open his mouth to answer the question, but opened his arms upward.

In an instant, the light from the sky gathered on Ji Yazhun like raindrops.


At that moment, Ji Yaquan felt as if an unusually huge energy was pouring into his body. The strong burning sensation in his body made him lie down on the ground and shout out.

Soon, all the light from the sky entered Ji Yaquan's body.

Seeing this, Noah nodded slightly, and then the figure slowly disappeared.

"Wait a minute! Don't leave! What the hell is going on! Come back!"

Ji Yaquan lay on the ground and roared loudly, but Noah never appeared.

"Lord Ji Yajun, Lord Ji Yajun."

"Wake up quickly."


At this moment, two female voices suddenly sounded in his ears. Almost in the blink of an eye, Ji Yazhun found that he was in the tent again, and there were two more female angels beside him.

"Master Ji Yajun, are you okay? You were yelling just now."

"I'm sorry to wake you up, but you looked really uncomfortable."

With that said, the two female angels bowed to Ji Yazhun.

"terribly sorry."

"No, you don't need to apologize for this kind of thing, I just... had a dream, just a dream..."

After taking several deep breaths to calm down his mood, Ji Yazhun suddenly realized a question!

"Well, what do you call me? Do you have anything to do with me?"

Ailan: "Reporting to Lord Ji Yazhun, my name is Ailan, her name is Ruoning, and the two of us are Miss Kesha's personal maids."

Ruoning: "You said yesterday that you would guide us in training. The sisters have all gathered now, so the two of us came over to wake you up."

After being reminded by the two angels, Ji Yazhun suddenly remembered the promise he made last night!

"I'm so sorry! Where is everyone now? I'm going to meet everyone right now."

"Master Ji Yajun, don't worry, we will take you there right now."

(In the next chapter, Showa Lao Ao’s training method makes its debut!)

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