Genshin Impact: The Great Evil Dragon’s Death System

Chapter 3: Just spitting out your mouth is half a Liyue

Qiqi's voice suddenly brought Jing Fantian into reality, "Mr. Long, if you eat my candied haws, don't jump down. I don't want to be hated by everyone, and I don't want to be kicked out by Mr. Bai."

Qiqi's voice was very slow, as emotionless as ice, but it made Jing Fantian's heart tremble.

Seven or seven hundred years ago, he was involved in the war between immortals and demons. When he was on the verge of death, he relied on his obsession with living to gain recognition from Sky Island and awakened the Eye of God.

At the same time, he also gained the sympathy of the immortals. The immortals used their immortal power to resurrect Qiqi, creating an immortal zombie. Because Qiqi could not control the immortal power in her body, she went berserk, so the immortals sealed her in amber.

It was not until a few years ago that Qiqi was released from amber. She was taken in by Baizhu as a homeless person and continued her old business of collecting herbs.

Qiqi has forgotten many things, she cannot remember her former self, her former home, Liyue Port has already forgotten her.

She regained her life in Bubu House and found the taste of home, so she cherished this time very much. She was afraid that as Jing Fantian said, she would be hated by everyone and be kicked out of Bubu House by Mr. Bai.

Liyue Port is very large and can accommodate merchant ships from the seven countries, but for the little zombie, her world can only accommodate that medicine house.

Baizhu, Changsheng, Agui, and Hutao who always wanted to bury her.

【Ding! 】

[The first evil thing the Dragon King did when he came out of the mountain was to snatch candy from children. Is this a small step towards destroying Liyue? 】

[However, snatching candy from children is too shameful. How can other dragons still mess around on the road if they know about it? 】

[Task: Help the slow little zombie pick herbs to clear his mind, and seal up the scandalous things done by the Dragon King. 】

[Reward: Two Big Rock Dragon Lizards, 500 Talent Points]

Seeing the announcement of the mission, Jing Fantian complained in his heart, you were the one who asked me to grab the candied haws, and it was you who asked me to keep my mouth shut, making me, Jing Fantian, no longer a human being.

Complaints are complaints, Jing Fantian's tail was raised when he saw the generous reward.

Two large rock dragon lizards. These are large rock dragon lizards that have evolved from young rock dragon lizards. Ordinary humans are no match at all. They are elite monsters in terms of monster type, and are elemental master level monsters in the system's judgment.

Even though he is not a human being inside and outside, Jing Fantian still has to accept the task. But he is indeed not human anymore! It's time to throw away those moral virtues that belong to human beings.

To be an evil dragon, of course he will be as bad as he is!

Returning to reality, Jing Fantian glanced at Qiqi, pointed at her backpack and said, "Mortal, did you come to Huaguang Forest to pick up the pure heart?"

The most common herb in Huaguanglin is the herbal medicine Qingxin, which is the breakthrough material for several Liyue characters. Jing Fantian is familiar with it, so he judged it this way.

Qiqi nodded dullly: "Mr. Bai wants to use Qingxin to make medicinal materials, so let me come here to collect it!"

Jing Fantian couldn't help but complain: "Bu Bu Lu actually uses such young child labor. Liyue is indeed a country of commerce."

Qiqi slowly retorted: "I have lived for a long time and am not a child laborer."

Jing Fantian asked a question from a primary school student: "Oh! What is 7+7?"

"7+7?" Qiqi opened her little fingers and counted one by one. After counting her ten little fingers, she became confused and fell into panic again.

Jing Fantian smiled: "Stop teasing Qiqi, the great Dragon King will give a small help to mortals. Don't leave here, I will help you pick the pure heart."

He twisted his body and burrowed into the earth like a pangolin.

Earth dragon travel is very special. It can penetrate deep into the rocks without leaving any special traces on the earth. This is the special thing about the rock dragon lizard's escape from the earth.

If he simply dug a tunnel, Jing Fantian could do it with his own claws.

Qiqi stared blankly at Jing Fantian and left, biting her fingers not knowing how to respond.

Her little brain tried hard to sort out the logic, "I gave the candied haws to Mr. Long, and Mr. Long agreed to pick the medicine for me... Yes, that's it, I'm making a deal."

After awakening the elemental vision of the dragon lizard, Jing Fantian seemed to have turned on the radar. In the earth dragon's vision, everything in the world turned into elements.

The ubiquitous rock elements in the earth are yellow, the light yellow ones are soil, and the golden ones are rocks. Jing Fantian hurriedly avoided those golden elements when he saw them.

The field of view of the dragon lizard is not a plane, but a sphere with a diameter of 30 meters. The ordinary rock dragon lizard can only have a visibility of about meters in the rock layer, while Jing Fantian's elemental field of vision can reach meters. This is probably the case for the Dragon King species. s reason.

Moreover, Jing Fantian also discovered that the dragon lizard's field of vision is particularly sensitive to rock elements and can see deeply hidden ores. Every rock dragon lizard is an excellent stone hunter.

The ground was either green grass element or dark blue water element. Jing Fantian also sensed Qiqi's ice element, especially at the Eye of God, where the ice blue was very strong.

He looked for the richest grass element in the mountains and forests.

Qingxin is not only a highly valuable medicinal material, but also the favorite food of the Immortal family. Shen He likes this lonely white flower growing on the peak.

Therefore, Jing Fantian judged that the place with the strongest grass element on the solitary rock was where Qingxin grew.

On the rocks not far away from him, a luminous green place came into the dragon lizard's field of vision.

over there!

Jing Fantian quickly swam towards the rock.

After a few digs, Jing Fantian got out of the rock, but was surprised that the grass element that was strong just now disappeared all of a sudden.

Jing Fantian lowered his head and saw the traces of turning the soil, and then he realized that someone had gotten there first.

"Hoo - who? Who is it? Who dares to touch my things? I will hack your whole family to death!"

【Ding! 】

【Everything the Dragon King sees belongs to him. 】

[Ignorant humans dare to offend the majesty of the Dragon King, seize the offender, snatch back the treasures belonging to the Dragon King, and hang the offender to let the other person know the consequences of offending the tyrant. 】

[Reward: Power of the Dragon King - Shake the Dragon! 500 talent points. 】

Jing Fantian's eyes lit up. This reward was strong. He knew it was the commanding talent of the Dragon King. When Jing Fantian couldn't beat him, he could shake people... no, shake the dragon.

He smiled evilly: "Ignorant offender, don't you know how terrible the enemy you have provoked is?"

A slim figure enveloped Jing Fantian's small dragon body, blocking the sunlight above his head.

The visitor took away his light, exuding an icy air that could repel people thousands of miles away.

"The strange dragon lizard can actually speak human words."

Jing Fantian's pupils shrank and he felt like he was about to freeze into ice. This man with white hair and a face covered in frost was none other than Shen He, a disciple of the Immortal.

[Name: Shen He]

[Race: Human]

[Strength: Half human and half immortal]

[Background: Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun’s apprentice, a woman with a lonely fate. 】

Shen He was dressed in white plain clothes with a red rope tied around his body. He was holding a green bamboo basket in his right hand, which contained the pure heart that Jing Fantian wanted.

She looked down at Jing Fantian, her indifferent eyes full of scrutiny, as she judged Jing Fantian's threat.

But judging from the opponent's trembling little dragon legs, it is not very threatening, but it will show fear, proving that it has intelligence that is not ordinary monsters.

Jing Fantian is not a special soldier of the God of War. His character is just that of an ordinary person who admires the strong and pities the weak, and is greedy for life and afraid of death. Even if he becomes the Dragon King, all he wants to do is stay in the abyss of rock.

The second human being encountered now is Shen He, half human and half immortal. Of course he knows what this means. He is between the immortal and the elemental master.

Shen He's power is also very intuitive in the plot. When he was six years old, he could contend with the demon Xie Sui for several days, he could freeze the sea with his ice power, and he and the traveler defeated Osel's horse Ziba.

That Bazhao has a combat power above that of an immortal at least.

This is three years before the plot begins. Although Shen He's strength has not reached its peak, the ordinary monsters in the mountains and forests are no match for her.

If you untie the red rope on your body, your strength may soar to the level of an immortal.

Facing such a big boss, Jing Fantian, who was still in his infancy, would of course feel weak in his legs. He frantically wanted to immediately get into the ground to hide, but Shen He's evil aura locked Jing Fantian tightly, preventing him from taking a single step. .

Shen He's pupils slowly shifted to the details of Jing Fantian's body, and it was easy to distinguish the difference between Jing Fantian and ordinary young rock dragon lizards.

"You are not an ordinary dragon lizard. Your body contains extremely strong rock element essence. It is a pure elemental crystal."

It takes millions of years for crystallized rocks in ordinary caves to condense, and crystallization of elements requires extremely harsh conditions. The things created by crystallization of elements are even more of a miracle on the earth.

Shen Hexian was born in the Xian family. He was not a stupid little zombie like Qiqi. He couldn't see the origin of Jing Fantian.

With her knowledge, she could tell at a glance that Jing Fantian was not an extraordinary creature. He was a creature created from the purest crystallization of the rock element. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the divine heart of the Rock God had been transformed.

"You are very special. Master said that there is a big dragon suppressing under the Dragon Tree in Hulao Mountain. It is the elemental life bred by Liyue Qianshan. You may have some connection with her."

Jing Fantian didn't have any concealment tools on his body. A disciple of the Xian family like Shen He could touch Jing Fantian with just a brief contact. He was not surprised by this.

Because something is going to happen!

Shen He approached slowly, as if he wanted to catch Jing Fantian and take him to Aozang Mountain to show her master.


Jing Fantian let out a dragon roar like a puppy, and then made an attack posture, showing a bit of Ruotuo Dragon King's mountain-shaking momentum.

"Mortals, I am Brahma Dragon King, please don't offend me!"

Shen He didn't stop, Jing Fantian's threats like a thin dog couldn't scare her at all.

Jing Fantian was anxious: "Mortals, don't come here! I can shake thousands of mountains with just one stretch of my dragon claw, and half a Liyue with a random shake."

"Stop, I'm scary. I've had tattoos, slashed people, and seen dead people."

"Immortal, have mercy on me, Immortal, have mercy on me! Xiaolong will never dare to do it again."

Without any surprise, Jing Fantian was caught just as he was about to activate the Earth Dragon Movement to escape. When the Earth Dragon Movement was activated, there would be elemental fluctuations. Shen He caught it at once and immediately grabbed his tail.

"Brahma Dragon King!" Shen He looked at the little dragon lizard in his hand and muttered softly. It wasn't like she didn't listen at all just now.

"What is your relationship with the evil dragon under the Dragon Tree?"

The mission was to punish the offender, but before Shen He could be hung up, Jing Fantian himself was hung up.

He shook his head. Shen He's heart was like ten thousand years of ice. All external forces would not affect her, let alone false threats.

Jing Fantian regained the arrogance that belonged to the Dragon King: "What evil dragon? That is my mother Ruotuo Dragon King, the big dragon that once shook the mountains."

"I remember when my mother carried two watermelon knives and cut all the way from the Rock Abyss to the Nantian Gate. She and Morax cut for three days and three nights without blinking."

"In that battle, hundreds of thousands of rock heavenly soldiers were drowned, and the sky was filled with Yaksha heavenly generals. It was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the blood flowed into rivers, almost grinding the avenue to pieces."

"Now you know how terrible my mother is, right? If you know, let me go as soon as possible. Otherwise, my mother will not be able to take advantage of you after she comes out of prison."

Shen He didn't listen to any of Jing Fantian's nonsense and said: "Master said that the evil dragon was very difficult to deal with. It took several immortals and the power of the Lord God to seal her."

"Since you are the descendant of the evil dragon, I will take you to see the master."

"and many more!!"

Jing Fantian quickly changed his words: "I am not the son of a dragon. I am a young rock dragon lizard who accidentally ate the fairy grass and unintentionally opened up his wisdom. I just like to brag. I hope the immortal sister will not hand me over to your master."

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