Genshin Impact: The Great Evil Dragon’s Death System

Chapter 22 Keqing, I want you to be my favorite concubine

A huge abyss of rock.

The rock dragon lizards deep in the earth attacked this place at the call of the Dragon King. The Qianyan Army guarding here could not resist so many dragon lizards, and soon they all became prisoners.

The underground mining area was stunned by the sudden arrival of dragon lizards, and the miners were captured one after another.

The above-ground mining areas Liulifeng fell, Tiangongxia fell, and Danshaya fell...

In the end, the entire Strata Abyss was controlled by the Rock Dragon Lizard.

Jing Fantian stood under the statue of Dansha Yayan God and looked at the blitz he planned with satisfaction. In just one day, the Layer Rock Abyss changed hands.

He waved his hand: "From now on, the layered rock abyss belongs to our dragon clan!"

The ancient rock dragon lizard was very cooperative. It grabbed the rock god's statue with its giant claws and easily pulled out the Liyue people's faith.

Above the mouth of the abyss, endless rock dragon lizards bent down and knelt before the great emperor.


Jing Fantian laughed wildly, then suddenly stopped laughing, and kept patting his chest and coughing.

When the ancient rock dragon lizard saw this, he slapped his back, but his huge claws knocked Jing Fantian off the cliff.

"Your Highness—Your Highness—"

Underground mining area, temporary main mine tunnel.

Jing Fantian set up camp in the mine tunnel below as his temporary palace.

He asked the dragon lizards to make a large stone bed for him, and then spread the molas stolen from the Northland Bank on it to form a molas bed, and spread the remaining molas into the mine tunnel.

Luxurious and glamorous, after all, who doesn’t love a shiny mora?

Jing Fantian robbed at least ten billion mola, which was now covering the entire cave, extremely luxurious.

He was lying on the stone bed, next to several divine eyes, Gongzi's, Keqing's, Xingqiu's, and Xiangling's.

Jing Fantian still had another thought, thinking that the freedom he gave them was too much, and he must restrict their power to prevent these people from causing trouble.

After hiding the Eyes of God from Keqing and the others, he picked up a mola and blew it, revealing the immortality of gold. The mola was a creation of God and was the common currency of the continent.

Jing Fantian opened the Yanshen Pupil, and Mora turned into golden elements and was absorbed by him.

[The Rock God template is being generated, 5%...5.1%...5.2%...]

In the end, all the molas were absorbed by Jing Brahma, and a total of 8% of the Rock God template was synthesized.

Jing Fantian planned his next action.

Keqing suddenly broke in and said to Jing Fantian: "Evil dragon, what do you want after arresting so many people?"

At least tens of thousands of the miners underground in the Layer Rock Abyss, plus the Qianyan Army on the ground, were captured by Jing Fantian.

A young rock dragon lizard appeared and quickly controlled Keqing, who had offended the dragon king.

Jing Fantian was no longer polite to Keqing: "I'm telling you, I'm not in the mood to listen to some bullshit romantic love story right now. I just want to make money right now."

"Tell Ning Guang to bring the money, ten million molas per person, otherwise I will kill you!"

[Resentment from Keqing, +200 talent points. 】

Ten million molas per person, converted into RMB, is about 100,000. Jing Fantian's request is not too excessive.

But I can’t stand the crowd!

Keqing thought about it complicatedly and nodded: "Let me go back, I will raise the money as soon as possible."

Jing Fantian glanced at Keqing, Yuhengxing was both a right and a responsibility.

Rights are not something to show off one's power or to be superior to others. Rights are a relationship. No matter how people describe its legal rationality, it is still just a bond that unites ideas.

Relationships can be broken and rebuilt at any time, as is the case with countless human dynasties.

A qualified rights holder will know the basis of his rights and will not give up on his lower-level relations.

Keqing didn't understand such profound things, but she knew that a human life could create infinite value, while Mora could be devalued at any time.

Jing Fantian shook his head under Ke Qing's expectant gaze: "You can report the message to Liyue Qixing, but instead of you, I will let my dragon lizard deliver the message to Liyue Port!"

Jing Fantian then pointed his paw at Keqing and said, "As for you, Shen He Chongyun has run away, Xingqiu and Young Master can only take the dry road, and Hutao and Xiangling are in peace, so you can barely be my concubine!"

[Resentment from Keqing, +200 talent points]

Keqing looked at Jing Fantian angrily: "You are delusional!"

Jing Fantian smiled: "Just kidding, I want to build an extremely majestic dragon's nest. You help me design it. When it is completed, I will let you go."

Keqing was silent for a while. Compared with being a princess serving an evil dragon, Keqing was more accepting of designing a nest for the evil dragon.

After all, she is the Yuheng star in charge of land and buildings.

She nodded: "Okay, I can help you design the dragon's nest. You have to keep your word."

Jing Fantian nodded: "Don't worry! I, Jing Fantian, am known for keeping my word."

He completely forgot about the previous battle with Beidou, and now he still carries the title of coward.

Keqing didn't know enough about Layeryan Juyuan. The person in charge here had always been Huishan Hall of Seven Stars and Eight Gates, so she asked Mu Ning, the person from Huishan Hall, who was also the commissioner of the General Affairs Department. Another one is Jin Wu, the technical safety officer of Stratayan Abyss.

The two of them became prisoners of the dragon lizards right away. This time they were caught by the dragon lizards and were filled with questions in Jing Fantian's cave.

While they were eating hot pot and singing songs, a group of dragon, lizard and horse bandits suddenly kidnapped them.

The two of them were surprised when they saw Ke Qing: "Master Yu Hengxing, even you -"

Keqing did not explain, but said to Jinwu: "I need to know more about the topography of the Layer Rock Abyss. Do you have detailed drawings?"

Jin Wu glanced at the evil dragon lying on the stone bed in fear, and nodded to Ke Qing: "No problem!"

Jinwu found some drawings, Keqing studied the terrain of the rocky abyss, and asked Jing Fantian about his requirements.

"Where are you going to build the dragon's lair?"

Jing Fantian approached and looked at the blueprint of the layered rock abyss. The dragon's nest must not be built in an above-ground mining area. He is an earth dragon and likes to live in deep caves, bordering on rock elements.

Moreover, Liyue's immortals would overturn his nest within two or three attacks, so his work would be in vain.

So it could only be built in the underground mining area, but Jing Fantian soon discovered that there was a pit, because there were too many dangerous places in the layered rock abyss.

First of all, open flames cannot be used for lighting in some places underground, and only lumen stones can be used, otherwise flammable gases will detonate and explode.

Moreover, there are various kinds of cows, horses and snake gods in the Great Abyss of Stratite, including the Abyss Order, the Relic Serpent of Kyria, the Black Snake Knight, the Nail of Stratite, the Inverted Ancient Country, the Mysterious Underground Palace...

Once Jing Fantian and his group of rock dragon lizards join in, it will become even more lively!

With so many dangers, how can the miners in Liyue start work? Especially in recent days, the miners have dug out rock nails buried deep in the ground, resulting in the production of black mud. Now they are even more afraid to start work. .

It’s no wonder that Qixing will close the Strata Abyss a year later.

But there is no place where Jing Fantian can go except for the layered rock abyss. The more dangerous it is, the greater the value here, otherwise there will be nothing for others to fight for.

The louder the waves, the more expensive the fish.

Jing Fantian thought for a moment and concluded that there was the power of the Abyss Order and the Black Snake Knight under the Inverted Ancient Kingdom, so he should not conflict with them for the time being.

He took the rock dragon lizard to take root in the mining area above, and specially flushed the dung down below to smoke these guys away.

The upper mining area is divided into three sections. The upper level is the temporary main mining tunnel and the giant snake cave, and the lower level is the main mining area.

Neither the main mining tunnel nor the mining area is a suitable habitat. Mining is still needed here to maintain production.

Finally, Jing Fantian pointed his paw at the Giant Snake Cave: "This is it!"

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